Chapter 71: Song

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"The results of this year's re-examination are out."

Late at night, Chang'an Imperial City, Honglu Temple.

The tall instructor held a thick stack of papers and walked quickly into the hall with a smile.

"Are the results calculated?"

In the main hall, the teachers who had been yawning and drinking wine after grading exam papers all afternoon suddenly became energetic and stood up one after another and asked: "How many people are qualified?"

"One thousand seven hundred people."

The tall instructor put the paper with the scores of the candidates on the table and said casually: "Another eight hundred people successfully destroyed the test papers to the extent we specified in advance."

One instructor clicked his tongue, "Eight hundred people? It's a little less than expected."

"After all, it is paper made of fourth-grade demon leather."

The tall instructor waved his hand casually, and suddenly said to his colleagues with a mysterious look on his face: "By the way, guess what is the highest score in this year's retest?"

"Highest score..."

A group of teachers pondered, "It can't be two hundred and eighty, right?"

The full score for the Xuegong re-examination paper is 300 points, and the scores for different questions are different.

The scores for questions such as the famous sayings of Zhuzi are relatively low, while the scores for questions that test the laws of Yu and moral concepts are relatively high.


The tall instructor pretended to be mysterious and shook his head. He waited until his colleagues looked at him with disdain, then smiled and announced the answer, "Full marks."

"Full score?"

Other teachers were shocked and said: "You didn't get a single question wrong?"

"Not a single question was wrong."

The tall instructor smacked his lips and said, "And the student from Zhenzhou named Li Ang handed in his paper in advance..."

"Li Ang... I have the impression that he is the second in the preliminary examination, right? Dr. Chao Wenyuan almost praised him to the sky some time ago. If he were not afraid of the negative impact, he would probably block his door now and admit him in advance.

Be a disciple."

"Haha, I remember it too. When he took the imperial examination for the first time, he was dragged by a horse through the finish line and got an A grade."

"Speaking of which, the student who ranked first in the first exam seems to be named... He Fanshuang? Why do I feel like I have heard this name somewhere..."

The teachers chatted casually, waiting for the personnel from the Ministry of Etiquette to come over and post the compiled lists throughout Chang'an City.

"what's the topic?"

Step, step, step, the sound of footsteps comes from far to near.

Xi Yangyu Shiran, wearing a robe, walked into the hall, with six bamboo three-layer food boxes floating around him, exuding a rich aroma.

"The cook at home has just cooked the dishes. Beef head stew, lamb, cut carp, gumbo... Let's eat it while it's hot."

Xi Yangyu flicked his right hand, and the lid of the food box suspended in the air opened automatically and landed gently on the table.

The dishes, dishes, chopsticks and spoons inside all flew out under the influence of telekinesis, filling the entire table in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you Xi Siye."

When all the teachers were hungry, they were not polite and picked up their bowls and chopsticks one after another.

Xi Yangyu's house in Chang'an Shengyefang was magnificent, and his food and clothing were as extravagant as a school teacher or a cook at home. He even spent a lot of money to hire someone from a Suhang restaurant, with an annual salary of up to a thousand guan.

The other three directors of the academy and some highly respected doctors sneered at this.

However, among other doctors and professors, Xi Yangyu's popularity was quite good - after all, he invited his colleagues to drinks and meals every two days, and also gave gifts on holidays.

"By the way, speaking of re-examination..."

Xi Yangyu paused for a moment, picked up the paper recording the results with his right hand, and raised his eyebrows, "First place, Li Ang from Zhenzhou?"

"Yeah. That student is indeed very good. I heard he comes from a medical family."


Xi Yangyu murmured to himself, pinching the paper with his right hand slightly, his eyes narrowed subconsciously, and a familiar, elegant man's face flashed in his mind.

There was an inexplicable breeze blowing in his exaggeratedly long left sleeve,

Through the candlelight in the main hall, it seems that I can see something twisting and twisting through the cuffs inside.

"Xi Siye?"

The doubtful voices of his colleagues rang in his ears, Xi Yangyu came back to his senses, and the shadow under his left sleeve suddenly disappeared.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Xi Yangyu shook his head, put down the paper, and sighed softly.

The tall Siye asked in confusion: "What's a pity?"

"What a pity, this student."

Xi Yangyu sighed, took out two ancient books from his arms, put them on the table, and said lightly: "His hexagram is the sword in the skull..."

The teachers subconsciously looked at the books and saw the title of the book on the cover, "Taixu Miaolin Sutra" and "Lingbao Wisdom Body Contemplation Sutra".


"Singing while drunk, what's life like!"

"If you are happy in life, you must have all the fun, and don't let the golden cup stand empty against the moon!"

Yanshoufang Restaurant, students from several state capitals such as Zhenzhou, Xuanzhou, Xiangzhou, etc., who are familiar with each other, are sitting in the box on the top floor of the restaurant, holding wine glasses and drinking.

Yang Yu recited poetry loudly, Zhai Yiming knocked on the table with his hands, Ji Linglang hit the bowl with chopsticks to accompany him, and Song Shaoyuan seemed to be drunk, with his eyes closed and his face flushed, leaning against the window sill.

‘It smells like ktv.’

Li Ang shook his head helplessly, hid in the corner, and continued to drink juice with Chai Cuiqiao.

It can only be said that no matter how times change, the essence of entertainment remains unchanged.

In fact, Li Ang can also understand the reason why others are acting wildly at this moment - if the retest takes 5,000 and 2,500, the probability is still half.

If you can pass, then you are only one step away from the academy.

If you fail...a whole year of hard work will be in vain.

For example, some students whose age is close to the upper limit of admission to the academy have lost opportunities in their lifetime.

The mental pressure is not much better than that of the imperial examination candidates the night before the results are released, or even worse - the newly promoted Jinshi can only start from the secretary of the provincial school secretary who is in the ninth rank.

After graduation, if the disciples of the academy want to become an official, they can choose their starting point among the three provinces and six ministries at will.

For example, Cheng Juxiu mentioned before that the senior brother went directly to the Prince's East Palace to serve as Zuo Chunfang Zhongyun, the fifth-rank assistant to the crown prince. The entire family could be under his shadow.

No matter which angle you come from, the nervousness, fear, expectation, and uneasiness of the students here are all understandable.

Clang clang clang!

The bell of Haotian rings,

A man wearing the uniform of the Jinshi Tuan (a private commercial organization that specializes in providing services to new Jinshi) hurriedly opened the door of the box room and shouted to Yang Yu: "Yang Qilang! The results of the Academy re-examination have been released!"

The noise in the box suddenly stopped.

Yang Yu put down his wine glass nervously, his lips turned white,

Zhai Yiming suddenly stood up from his seat, and Song Shaoyuan also opened his eyes suddenly.

"Everyone, let's go."

Yang Yu took a deep breath, silently smoothed his turned-up collar, and walked out of the restaurant.

A group of candidates filed out behind them, and almost at the same time, a large number of students from other cities and towns also walked out. Everyone looked at each other, remained silent, and gathered towards Zhuque Gate and other places.


"It's fine."

Li Ang gently patted Chai Cuiqiao's subconsciously clenched palms and said calmly: "Xue Gong, I passed the exam."

This chapter has been completed!
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