Chapter 120 Qingyu Mountains response

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The corner of the soldier's eyes twitched violently, and he cursed in his heart, forgetting that this guy knew how to use magic, but he still did not dodge, and used all his spiritual power to protect himself, and hit the magic with a hammer.


The body flew out, Bingxiu's chest was a mess of blood and flesh, and there was a burning smell. Lu Ye had already jumped over him on Amber. Not only that, he also leaned down and slashed out with a long sword.

Above, at the moment when the sharp spiritual pattern is blessing, the spiritual light flashes.

The sound of a sharp weapon cutting into flesh was heard, and blood spurted out. Lu Ye didn't even have time to check the results of his battle, and was led away by Amber.

"Hurry up and chase!" Someone from behind shouted, and arrows were shot from the air and shot into the night.

Feeling the eager reactions of this group of people, Lu Ye suddenly understood that his choice was right.

If you really wanted to rush towards the weak point of defense just now, you would be able to relieve the temporary danger, but you would still be pursued and surrounded. If you think about it this way, the weak point of defense seems to be a flaw left intentionally by the opponent.

The small bell spirit weapon was taken back by him, and the moment the trapped fifth-level magician was freed, he cast a spell in the direction of Lu Ye's escape, but Lu Ye had long since disappeared.

The monks riding monster beasts continued to chase after them. After running a certain distance, they all stopped in place as if they had received some order, looking hatefully at the direction Lu Ye was leaving.

His eyes were full of unwillingness.

If you look at it from the shadow moon disk at this moment, in front of Lu Ye's white dot, there are more than twenty blue light dots rushing towards him, and on the nearby mountain top, there is another group of blue light dots that are fighting with the black light dots.

The killings were indiscriminate.

The movement that Lu Ye noticed before was coming from that side.

In the main hall, Han Zheyue looked at Tang Wu with blazing eyes. If eyes could kill, Tang Wu would have died hundreds of times at this moment.

The twenty-odd blue light spots approaching the white spot were obviously mobilized by Tang Wu. If not, how could the Tailuo Sect give up the pursuit and continue the pursuit, and they would break into Qingyu Mountain's territory.

The nearby battle was also ordered by Tang Wu. Qingyu Mountain did not want to capture that hilltop, it just wanted to create some noise and convey it to the outsider.

Now it seems that this outsider is a very smart guy. Although there is no communication between him and Yuwu, under Yuwu's secret arrangements, the outsider took the initiative to move closer to Qingyu Mountain.

However, the weak points of defense she designed failed to lure the enemy.

In this round of confrontation in the air, Han Zheyue was completely defeated. More than a dozen monks were killed and several mountains were lost. The outsider was even rescued by Qingyu Mountain.

"So fierce?" Qin Wanli, a thin man on the side, exclaimed in surprise.

He watched the show here all afternoon and all night, and saw with his own eyes how the white light spots moved left and right in Baifeng Mountain. To be honest, he was really impressed. Putting himself in his shoes, he was cultivating at the fourth level.

He would never have been able to do this when he was there. If he had no skills, that guy would have died when he was surrounded for the first time.

If that's all, that's it. The key is that the black spot on the shadow moon disk that symbolized the fifth-level monk suddenly disappeared.

In other words, a fifth-level person died at the hands of that outsider!

This is a bit scary. He only escaped the pursuit of the fifth level. It can also be said that he relied on the power of the mount to cross the level and kill people. The meaning is different.

This guy...isn't he from some big power? Qin Wanli muttered in his heart.

"Want to watch the show?" Han Zheyue suddenly turned her head and looked at him, her eyes blazing.

Qin Wanli coughed lightly and quickly corrected his attitude: "We will fight wherever Senior Sister Han says we will fight!"

Although the Qin family has entered the rank and has its own station on the battlefield, after all, its rise is still short, and there are still many places to rely on the Tailuo Sect, so it does not dare to offend the other party, especially this woman is now suppressing the fire, Qin

Wanli has to be even more careful.

Seeing his attitude, Han Zheyue calmed down a little, did not shy away from Tang Wu, and began to discuss the attack plan in front of him.

Naturally, Tang Wu was also arranging a response. Occasionally he glanced at the shadow moon disk and found that the white light spot had been connected with the man he had arranged. He felt reassured!

At this time, Lu Ye looked at the twenty or so monks in front of him, held a jade slip in his hand, and remained silent.

These people were not hostile, and seemed to have known that he was here for a long time. They revealed their identities before they got close, and even revealed their affiliation with the Haotian Alliance. The other party took the initiative to do this, so Lu Ye naturally showed the blue battlefield mark on the back of his hand.

to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings.

The jade slip in his hand was given to him by the leader of the fifth-level monk named Xie Jin. He could understand the whole story and his situation by just investigating.

Although the other party is at the fifth level, his words are quite polite.

The pursuers behind him did not come after him for the time being. Lu Ye patted the tiger's back gently to make Hu Huo more alert, then he picked up the jade slip and put it on his forehead to investigate.

After a while, he put down the jade slip with a strange expression.

Longquan Club?

A battle jointly organized by three forces to enter Longquan?

Lu Ye was a little speechless. He had been walking in uninhabited areas these days, trying to avoid the territory occupied by sect forces. Even if he had needs, he would go to the markets where casual cultivators gathered to buy things for life.


The last time I went to Sanxiufang City was ten days ago.

Without contact with people, he had no idea that this was the place where the Longquan Club was held. The reason why he chose to pass through Baifeng Mountain was because it was the junction of three nearby forces and did not belong to any of them. He thought he would pass through here.

It will be safer and more convenient.

Who knew it would create such excitement.

The last time I chose Split Sky Gorge, it was the junction between Xuanmen and Jiuxing Sect. As a result, the two forces fought a war, and in the end, the Jiuxing Sect's base was captured.

He found that he seemed to have made a mistake. He should not choose the junction of those forces, because such places were usually very chaotic. If he really wanted to avoid trouble, he had to choose the sphere of influence of the Haotian Alliance camp.

I secretly remembered this lesson.

According to the information revealed in the jade slips, the location where he broke into Baifeng Mountain was the rear area of ​​Tailuo Sect, so he was constantly being chased and intercepted by Tailuo Sect monks.

This was consistent with his previous encounters. The monks he encountered at first were rarely at the fifth level, but as he continued to move forward, the number of fifth-level monks became more and more.

Because the rear is safer than the front, the manpower placed at the rear does not require high levels of cultivation or quantity. On the contrary, the peaks bordering Qingyu Mountain require monks with higher levels of cultivation and more people.

The reason why the other party came to help him was because of the shadow moon disk. Each of the three sects had ninth-level monks stationed there to monitor the movements of all the monks in Baifeng Mountain, so Lu Ye escaped and hid no matter what.

, it couldn’t be hidden from the investigation of those nine-level monks.

He just said that he felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at him all the time. No matter how he tried to escape, he would be surrounded. It turned out to be the reason for the shadow moon disk.

The situation was consistent with his experience, and Lu Ye could basically tell that the other party was not lying.

And no matter what, the more than twenty people from the other party came to rescue him and saved him from the fate of being hunted, which can be regarded as accepting the other party's kindness.

"Junior brother, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Please move on."

Xie Jin extended his hand to signal.

Lu Ye nodded: "Okay."

A group of people gathered in Lu Ye and walked forward at an extremely fast speed.

Halfway through, Xie Jin chatted with Lu Ye. When asked about his name, Lu Ye naturally gave him the name Yiye. Fortunately, this guy was also very sensible and did not inquire about Lu Ye's origins.

When walking on the Lingxi battlefield, many people would hide their master's sect, especially some monks who came from powerful forces and went to the outer circle to gain experience.

Don't think that monks who come from a powerful force will receive any treatment. In fact, they are more targeted by the hostile camp.

Tang Wu sent a message to Xie Jin, telling him that Lu Ye was most likely a disciple of a large sect, and Xie Jin would not be ignorant.

On the way forward, the twenty or so people dispersed one after another, and in the end only Xie Jin and Lu Ye were left. Those people were all mobilized from the nearby mountains. Now that the task was completed, they naturally had to go back to guard.

Moreover, Han Zheyue went crazy and joined forces with Qin Wanli to attack the peak of Qingyu Mountain. As a result, the pressure on Qingyu Mountain increased sharply. The mountain he ate during the day was vomited out again. It was very helpless. Fortunately, there were not many people.


After climbing over two mountains, we arrived at a valley. The place was brightly lit and tents stood there. In the tents, monks came and went from time to time.

Lu Ye rode on the back of the tiger and looked around, and found that many of the monks here were injured. There were screams from many tents, and the smell of blood was everywhere.

He immediately understood that this place was probably a place similar to a field hospital, where monks injured in battles with the enemy would return here for treatment.

When Lu Ye arrived, many monks looked at him, and some shouted: "This Taoist brother has done a great job!"

Someone cheered and whistled at him...

There was even a female nun with a hot personality who winked at him...

The enthusiasm of a large group of disabled people made Lu Ye a little confused.

Xie Jin smiled and said: "Junior brother's previous feats have been spread, and everyone admires you."

Only then did Lu Ye understand what was going on.

Following Xie Jin all the way forward, until he arrived at a tent, Xie Jin said: "Junior Brother Yiye, stay here for the time being. Someone will come to treat your injuries later."

"Thank you."

It was not easy for him to refuse the kindness of others. His injuries were not too serious. He had almost survived twice before. Lu Ye was now extremely tolerant of pain.

However, Amber was seriously injured, mainly because the monks from Tailuo Sect threw too many talismans at Amber before, and later they used arrows to shoot at Amber. Although Lu Ye helped block it a lot, there were always some omissions.

"Then I won't disturb junior brother's rest." Xie Jin said and was about to walk out. Suddenly something sounded like something sounded again. He turned around and said, "By the way, I almost forgot."

While talking, he took out a storage bag.

This chapter has been completed!
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