Chapter 1245 Attacked

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Only the current time period is the best opportunity, because the further time goes by, the more monks participating in the Battle of the Divine Sea will become more concentrated, and it is easy to form some small groups, and then the vampire's numerical advantage will not be able to be shown.

The current stage is different. Initially, many people would stay on the periphery of Taichu Realm, but due to the passage of time and the rules, they had to move closer to the center, giving the vampires a chance to intercept and kill. 2

They don't need to kill too many people. If each person kills an average of four or five, and then they act as a group, the quota will be basically guaranteed.

Therefore, this time period is the time period when the vampire clan exerts its strength.

Strong men from different realms of the blood clan also gathered together at this moment. Looking at the changes in the names on the pillar on the right side of the portal, their faces looked pleased.

From now on to the next few days, the ranking of the top 100 list changes most frequently. Many names temporarily listed in the top 100 will disappear, and many names will appear. Even if they do not disappear, they will remain on the list.

The rankings on the list will also rise and fall frequently. It is a situation where you sing and I appear. 1

In the Taichu Realm, Lu Ye was fighting fiercely with others.

After he parted ways with Du Lang, he rushed forward. Even if it was his first time to participate in such a grand event and he didn't know the details, he knew that it would probably not be peaceful along the way because everyone was rushing inside.

And as the range of activities in Taichu Realm shrinks, it is easy to encounter them together.

Once there is an encounter, let alone race differences, even if they are from the same human race, they will not get along with each other. His cultivation at the eighth level of the Divine Sea is a huge temptation in the eyes of any monk.


As expected, he was intercepted halfway.

There is a physical cultivator with a strong body and a Fa Xiu with exquisite magic skills. The two of them work closely together. The physical cultivator entangles Lu Ye like a maggot on a bone.

Even though Lu Ye was prepared, he was caught off guard and was surrounded by danger.

These two people probably didn't come from the same realm, but each had extremely powerful backgrounds. Lu Ye didn't know how they got entangled together, but this combination of far and one close was really a headache.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Lu Ye repeated his old tricks. He seemed to be furious and hit Fa Xiu with a royal weapon, while he himself was in a hurry to deal with the physical cultivator's attack.

When the Fa Cultivator avoided the attack of the imperial weapon, Lu Ye's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he had already come to the side of the Fa Cultivator.

This miraculous method surprised both of them. The physical cultivator was furious and was about to step forward to rescue him. However, a blur suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared exactly like Lu Ye. The physical cultivator was completely different.

Not knowing what was happening, I could only instinctively attack.

What greeted him was a long river of sword energy that was as fast as a sword.

On the other side, Fa Xiu instantly realized what life was worse than death.

In a normal fight, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent to someone so close. He has many means to prevent the enemy from approaching.

But the way Lu Ye moved with the help of void spiritual patterns was so unexpected that Fa Xiu couldn't react at all, unless he had the foresight to prevent the imperial weapon from getting close to him.

But in a fight of this level, how could he put a mere imperial weapon in his eyes? He finally paid the price for his carelessness...

Lu Ye himself swung his sword and slashed wildly. The reason why he let his main body deal with Fa Xiu and entangled the physical cultivator with his clone was because Fa Xiu posed a greater threat to him.

In the spiritual world, there is a common consensus when it comes to group fights. The person with the longer hand should be dealt with first. Although the situation Lu Ye encountered was not a group fight, the principles are the same.

What good would happen to Fa Xiu if he was approached by a military cultivator like Lu Ye? Even if he tried his best to use his protective spirit treasure, he could not stop the slashes that were as heavy as mountains.

In less than ten breaths, two defensive spiritual treasures were shattered one after another. The Dharma Cultivator no longer had any available protection and could only rely on his own profound cultivation.

Lu Ye stabbed him a few more times, causing his spiritual power to surge, his internal organs to shift, and blood to spurt out of his mouth. After a few more slashes, his spiritual power protection was also cut through, and he died instantly on the spot.

The physical cultivator over there was still entangled with the clone. Seeing the legal cultivator defeated and dead, he was so frightened that he dared to continue fighting. He hurriedly activated his protective power, turned around and ran away. The clone was flying around with sharp swords, but for a moment,

No choice.

But in the end, he was blocked by Lu Ye himself. Under attack from both sides, he also experienced the treatment of being besieged. He was a man who knew the current affairs, and when he saw that he was invincible, he begged for mercy and promised Lu Ye that he would just let him go.

Then he offered all the belongings he had brought.

How could Lu Ye be moved by him?

For him, as long as it starts, it can only end with death. If he really lets this person go, there will be no loss for him, but he will gain more property. 1

But if he really lets him go, he will no longer be able to deal with the matter of killing another person. He is not afraid of being settled by someone else, but he will eventually have to walk in the starry sky in the future, and he still needs to be prepared for what he should be prepared for.

To take a step back, if he was in such a situation and asked for mercy, would the two of them let him go?

Obviously it's impossible.

It's still the same principle. In such a battle of opportunities, there must be no conflict. Just like his relationship with Du Lang, once there is a conflict, there is no possibility of reconciliation.

Since you come here with murderous intentions, you must be mentally prepared to be killed!

After a while, Ti Xiu also followed Fa Xiu's footsteps, and a fierce battle ended.

The manic spiritual energy gradually calmed down.

The original master was about to put away his sword when his expression suddenly changed. He raised his head and looked behind the clone. At the same time, the clone also hurriedly swept forward and at the same time activated the protective magic circle attached to the red dragon suit.

However, it was still a step too late. Before the magic circle was activated, a flash of cold light hit the clone's back heart. The power was not too strong, but it was extremely penetrating. The clone's heart immediately

Break a hole.

The scene was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. At the end of the previous battle, it suddenly sprang out and bit the clone.

What shocked Lu Ye was that he didn't see who was taking action from the beginning to the end, he only knew that the clone was attacked!

Even at this moment, there was no trace of the shooter. Lu Ye could only faintly feel that a vague aura was quickly disappearing!

Without any hesitation, the spiritual power and blood energy around his body surged, and a huge sea of ​​blood suddenly spread forward. Not only that, Lu Ye also flew forward, and even instantly blessed himself with flying wings and wind spirit patterns, just to increase his blood pressure.

sea ​​spread


A moment later, a huge sea of ​​blood spread across the sky, and Lu Ye hid in it in a vacuum, remaining motionless...

He could feel that something was trapped in the sea of ​​​​blood, but he could not grasp its specific location for a while. This was incredible, because the sea of ​​​​blood was an extension of his own power, and the place covered by the sea of ​​​​blood belonged to him.

Tentacles, so logically speaking, as long as there is any abnormality in the sea of ​​blood, he can clearly feel it.

But at this moment, his feelings were vague and unclear, as if he was seeing flowers in the fog. The situation became a little weird, and Lu Ye probably guessed which race it was that attacked the clone.

When Yang Qing took him to wander on that platform before, he not only filled him in with a lot of information about the battle between the divine seas, but also talked about the characteristics of many races.

There was one race among them, Yang Qing asked him to pay special attention to it, because that race was very weird, just like the situation at this moment.

If you really want to talk about it, there are many races in the starry sky, and basically every race is versatile, but the human race is mediocre.

However, the mediocre human race with no special abilities has become the largest group in the starry sky. If it were not for serious internal fighting, other races would have become vassals of the human race. 1

The sea of ​​​​blood is floating and sinking, Lu Ye does not move, and neither does the enemy trapped in it. It has a feeling that it can be consumed even if it lasts forever.

Lu Ye hummed, raised his hand slightly, and stroked it slowly.

This stroke was like an invisible string, with ripples visible to the naked eye spreading out in all directions as he moved.

The enemy is trapped in a sea of ​​blood, and it would be ridiculous if he couldn't find it.

There are more and more ripples, the old ones have not disappeared, new ones have arisen, spreading outward layer by layer, and the entire blood sea begins to shake.

With such vibrations, the blood sea formed a unique frequency.

Under such vibration, every ripple can bring new feedback to Lu Ye. After a moment, he turned his head and looked in one direction, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the spot.

At that position, the Panshan Sword slashed down hard as Lu Ye appeared, a cold light flashed away, and then there was a clanging sound, which was obviously the counterattack of the enemy hiding here.

After the attack, he wanted to escape again, but since Lu Ye found his traces, how could he be allowed to escape so easily?

With a thought, the sea of ​​blood within this area suddenly turned into a cage. The sluggishness and viscosity of the sea of ​​blood

A vague figure appeared, forming an outline under the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Ye thought to himself that it was indeed the race that Yang Qing had specifically warned him about before. He didn't know it before he encountered it, but only after he encountered it did he realize how powerful they were. 1

They were merciless, and in the sea of ​​​​blood, this race could not fully display its abilities at this moment. In such a head-on confrontation, they were no match for Lu Ye.

He didn't know what he was yelling about. Anyway, he looked very angry. Apparently he didn't expect that he would

Of course someone will get caught.

In the starry sky, the language of the human race is universal, and monks of almost every race can speak it, but all kinds of

Fang Tianmingyi

Except for those erudite people in the human race, the languages ​​of various races are basically incomprehensible to everyone else. 1

But Lu Ye guessed that the other party was not begging for mercy, but seemed to be scolding.

The battle broke out suddenly and ended quickly. When he realized that he could not escape from this sea of ​​​​blood, the monk also showed a fierce look. He was completely fighting for his life, but in the end it was all in vain. 2

This chapter has been completed!
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