Chapter 1242 Someone called in?

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Lu Ye felt that his sword was unsatisfactory, but he didn't know that the physical cultivator was extremely shocked, because the violent power transmitted from the opponent's long sword actually made him feel ashamed.

What kind of military cultivator is this? It’s okay to say he is an individual cultivator.

What shocked him even more was that when the soldier cultivator suddenly appeared and slashed him with his sword, a bloody light shot out from behind him, like a river flowing backwards, sweeping over him!

For a while, I couldn't figure out what this guy was doing.

Judging from the attire, there is no doubt that he is a soldier. Judging from the strength, he has a background in physical cultivation. And judging from the bloody light, this is clearly a blood technique with the shadow of legal cultivation.

The Third Cultivation of Military and Physical Techniques? What kind of freak is this?

When the body cultivator was sneak attacked, the demon clan was aware of it, but ignored it. They were already competitors, so how could they care about the life and death of others? He was not the one who was attacked, so he only stared at the escaping figure in front of him.


·However, the sword cultivator actually stopped running away. Not only did he not run away, but he turned around, holding a long sword in his hand at some point, and flew towards him.

A sword cultivator who doesn't use flying swords actually wants to fight me personally? What kind of sword cultivator is this?

A roaring sound came from the demon clan's mouth, and as his energy and blood surged, his body seemed to have swelled. He was about to teach the sword cultivator how to behave, but the blood behind him suddenly spread out.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see Lu Ye's original body and his clones occupying the left and right sides, surrounding the body cultivator and the demon clan, using their magic skills to stimulate the sea of ​​blood, and the huge blood color quickly wraps up towards the middle.

In the blink of an eye, a huge blood ball appeared in the sky, and the four figures disappeared.

The monsters wrapped in it were not afraid, and they lowered their heads and charged forward. The horns on the left and right sides of their heads shone with an inexplicable light. They had the momentum to crush even a big mountain in front of them.

This is a fighting technique unique to him. It is not just as simple as collision. During the collision, his own energy, blood and spiritual power vibrate in a very regular way, causing a huge fan-shaped area in front of him to vibrate.

Once the enemy is in this area, it will be like being stuck in a quagmire. Even if it only takes half a breath, it will be enough to knock the opponent through.

However, there is a drawback to using this move, which is that you have to keep a certain distance. He didn't have this opportunity in the previous fight with the physical cultivator, and now it was time to use this sword cultivator who was not very discerning.

This collision was indeed earth-shattering. Even the power of the thick sea of ​​blood could not stop him at all. However, the result shocked him because he missed the collision and his spiritual mind clearly locked onto the sword cultivator who was rushing towards him.

The other party suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

There were sounds of fierce fighting behind them, mixed with the angry shouts of the body cultivators.

The demon clan's face darkened, and he immediately realized where the sword cultivator had gone. He had obviously joined forces with the sneak attacker to deal with the physical cultivator.

Even though he was a demon clan, he knew that the Blood Sea was not a place to stay for a long time, so after a slight hesitation, he continued to rush forward.

That body cultivator is probably going to be in danger, but he can run away while the other party is entangled.

The sword cultivator and the sneak attacker appeared out of nowhere, and they cooperated very closely. Moreover, the cultivation level of the eighth level of Shenhai was too deceptive. Looking at it now, how could they reach the Taichu level without any skills?

Come on? The strength of any being encountered in a place like this cannot be judged simply by realm...

He never thought about turning around and rescuing Ti Xiu. He had neither the intention nor the need to do so. He was already a competitor, and even if he saved him, the other party would not be grateful.

He thought that physical training could buy him a lot of time. After all, he knew exactly how much the opponent weighed after the fight.

However, he had only taken a few steps away when the body cultivator's angry shouts turned into screams, and then the screams became louder and louder, as if he had experienced inhumane torture.

The demon tribe was shocked!

He didn't know what was going on in the fight at the rear, but between his physical strength and his own, the situation was clearly not good. How long had it been? It only took two or three breaths from the opponent's sea of ​​blood to spread out. In other words

, if I were the one who was targeted just now, wouldn’t it be the same thing?

Sure enough, we still need to get out of here quickly!

The viscosity and restraint of the blood sea had little impact on him, but even after rushing for a long time, he still could not break out of the blood sea.

When this happens, either the area covered by the opponent's sea of ​​blood is much larger than he imagined, or the opponent's methods affect his perception and cause errors in his sense of direction, so he feels that he is always moving forward.

Rushing, it may actually be spinning around in the entire sea of ​​blood!

But a person at the eighth level of the Divine Sea can cast blood spells. No matter how large the scope is, how wide can it be?

But it is impossible to say that the opponent's method affected his perception. I have never heard that blood magic has such a weird ability!

He thought well. The blood sea technique performed by Lu Ye did not affect his ability to perceive, but the formation could.

The area covered by the blood sea technique is an extension of the fusion of his own blood and spiritual power. The blood sea is just the external manifestation of these powers.

Therefore, he can construct void spiritual patterns at will anywhere in the blood sea to realize short-distance teleportation between his original self and his clone.

Since Void Spirit Patterns can be constructed, other Spirit Patterns can naturally be constructed, and formations can be laid out based on the Sea of ​​Blood!

This idea was born not long ago, and this was also the first time Lu Ye tried to implement it, and the effect was pretty good.

The demon cow rushed forward foolishly, thinking that it could rush out of the sea of ​​​​blood in one breath, but in fact it fell into a psychedelic array, and it was dizzy without knowing it.

This method can only deal with a demon clan. If it is a human race cultivator or other races that are proficient in magic, it is easy to see some flaws and target them. After all, the only shortcoming of setting up an array in the sea of ​​​​blood is that it is not strong enough.

Because no formation has a solid foundation for its existence.

The advantage is that you can make adjustments at any time.

So everything has pros and cons, it all depends on your perspective.

Although the demon cow looks a bit silly, but with his background here, it won't take long to notice the clues, and it will not be easy to trap him by then.

But you don’t have to lie to him for too long

The demon cow did quickly see some clues. As he closed and opened his eyes, there was a faint light in his eyes. He quickly saw that the sea of ​​​​blood around him was more intense than the blood around him.

Some red lines are connected to each other, and it is a complex array!

There are rumors in the world that cows' eyes can see things that ordinary people cannot see. If a mortal's eyes are smeared with cow's tears, they will also have this ability for a short time...

Many of the rumors among mortals are nonsense, but some of them are well-founded. The race of demonic cows obviously possess some unusual eye powers.

Once he saw it clearly, the solution would be easy. The demon cow was furious and filled with demonic power, and he wanted to destroy the formation that trapped him. However, as soon as he thought about it, his heart felt cold.

Because he clearly noticed that the aura of physical cultivation in the sea of ​​blood disappeared!

The next moment, two sharp breaths hit him from the left and right.

He was shocked, how long had it been? Did he still have ten breaths of time after finishing the fight? A physical practitioner with the same strength as himself was killed? Even if he was in a sea of ​​​​blood and had inconvenient geographical conditions, he should not have been defeated so quickly.

How strong was the sneak attacker later?

I persisted in physical cultivation for less than ten breaths. How long could I persist?

No longer daring to hesitate, he immediately broke out of the formation and fled forward. Learning from the past, he did not want to follow in the footsteps of the body cultivators. Now if he wanted to survive, he had to escape from the sea of ​​​​blood!

Before coming here, his elders told him not to look down on others because he is the best in his own realm. There are many people in other realms who are stronger than him, and because of different races, basically every race

All have their own unique abilities.

He kept it in mind, but after entering the Taichu Realm and encountering several opponents, this caution gradually disappeared, because he found that most of the opponents he encountered were not as good as him, and only the one just now

His physical training is comparable to his strength.

Therefore, the elders in other realms must have told their descendants the same thing. Maybe I am one of the stronger ones?

He was quite proud before.

However, this pride has now evaporated, leaving only fear.

There was a squirming movement at the edge of the huge blood ball in the sky, and then a head with horns poked out. The surprise on his face turned into panic before he had time to relax, and then he retracted uncontrollably.

His head fell off, as if someone was pulling him back from behind.

The blood cells shrank rapidly and became more solid and restrained. There were some sounds of fighting inside. But it soon subsided.

When the snowball dispersed, only the clone Li Taibai's figure was left. The original figure had long since disappeared, and even the two monks who died inside were destroyed.

The clone quickly flew away into the distance, found a place to rest for a while, and prepared to continue wandering. Lu Ye returned to the spiritual jade vein through the previously reserved teleportation circle.

There will definitely be some fluctuations in his spiritual power this time, which may make the Taoist brother next door suspicious, but having said that, he has been using his spiritual power to collect spiritual jade during this period, so as long as he doesn't pay too much attention

If so, you may not be able to detect the situation on his side.

After all, he wasn't gone for too long.

As soon as he returned, Lu Ye noticed a very ferocious spiritual energy fluctuation coming from the mine tunnel next door. Was this... someone breaking in? 2

But soon Lu Ye realized something was wrong, because in his spiritual perception, there was no other person's breath, and there was still only the Taoist brother there. 2

He didn't know what the other party was up to, and he was so enthusiastic. He was curious, so Lu Ye set off to go there, ready to find out.

This chapter has been completed!
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