1080 Vision is born!

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 On Dr. Doom's side, Vision's awakening is now.

Tony was a little nervous. He was not sure whether what he had done could be hidden from Dr. Doom in front of him.

Even if Tony knew something about Dr. Doom, it happened when they were in college.

Even Tony wasn't sure if he could protect himself if he faced Dr. Doom's wrath.

But when he thought of the plan and future that Wayne had described to him, Tony calmed down.

"Stark, I think you are a little too nervous right now."

Dr. Doom noticed Tony's nervousness. Although Tony was no longer the simple playboy, he often had problems controlling his emotions.

"This is the moment when we create a new life. It's natural for me to be nervous."

Tony tried his best to speak in his usual tone.

"Well, you have to know that this is La Tovilia, and your wealth and power are of no use here."

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Dr. Doom threatens Tony a little.

Dr. Doom has no psychological burden on this. In this environment, all the two people can rely on is their own strength.

And Dr. Doom occupies a leading position in this comparison!

"Ha, I won't compromise because of your threats."

Tony smiled.

He was indeed a guy who didn't respect others very much, but it was more because those people couldn't touch Tony's world at all.

But Dr. Doom is not among them!

Although they were not close friends during college, they still recognized each other's talents.

"Of course, you are the arrogant Stark. This is a label that you still cannot get rid of even as a hero."

Dr. Doom shifted his gaze.

"Now let Vision wake up!"

Dr. Doom said.

Tony nodded! But he was a little anxious in his heart.

Because according to the original plan, Cyborg has already used his consciousness to control this body!

Then Tony will receive Cyborg's signal as soon as possible!

But now Vision is about to wake up, and Cyborg's signal has yet to arrive!

Dr. Doom was by his side, and he couldn't even call Cyborg's name to confirm the other person's condition.


Tony shouted.

Dr. Doom's full name has the word Victor in it, and so does Cyborg.

Tony is using the least revealing way to determine the current situation.

"let's start."

Dr. Doom didn't pay attention to the title and just urged him.

Tony had no choice but to turn on the final activation switch!

Under the guidance of the instrument, the energy completely penetrated into Vision's body!

Vision's body was now like a sponge lacking water, constantly absorbing the energy they provided, and the body that had been strengthened many times was twitching constantly.

"Although I made a lot of mechanical modifications to this body, I did not remove his nervous system."

Tony said.

"Biochemical robots are a brand new field. But none of us can guarantee his position. I just hope that he will not contact the Internet immediately after his birth, and then become another Ultron."

Dr. Doom directly opened an energy shield when he spoke. This was his way of shielding the Internet.

Dr. Doom is not an antique mage. He has made extraordinary achievements in many fields.

Naturally, he also knows how much impact information on the Internet will have on a new life like Vision!

"But I don't want him to be just like a blank piece of paper after his birth."

Tony frowned.

"Buzz buzz~"

Other movements came from Vision's body!

"The energy has made the mechanical part of his body start to operate."

Tony's spirit became highly tense!

If Cyborg still fails at this time, there will be no chance again!

According to Dr. Doom's plan, this stage is when he implants a consciousness seed into Vision's body!

This is Wayne's last chance to turn a corner on Vision's plan!

"Wake up, my child."

Dr. Doom's tone was strangely gentle, and everyone present could tell that there was no loving emotion in it.

But under normal circumstances, this tone will be considered loving!

Dr. Doom is not a cold machine, but his love has long been exhausted by everything he experienced as a teenager.

Perhaps the invisible woman Susan was the one who rekindled his emotions, but now everything is in the past!

What Dr. Doom did at this time made Tony feel a little shuddering!


Vision's body curled up little by little, and then slowly stretched out.

This movement made his body make strange noises.

The instinct of life seems to be appearing in Vision!

At this time, Tony realized that Cyborg's plan to intervene in this body had failed!

Tony couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his eyes.

"It can be seen that you are not satisfied with the result."

Dr. Doom said.

"I don't know if this is the right thing to do. Even in this dangerous situation, I am gradually losing my ability to judge things.

If it were you, would you be satisfied with an outcome where you don’t know the future?”

Tony asked rhetorically.

"I am always different from you. In this case I will be satisfied and then start thinking about the next step."

Dr. Doom seemed to be in a good mood, otherwise he would not have said these things to Tony.

"If you were born in a world where being able to see the sun the next day is a blessing, maybe you wouldn't have the worries that I think are ridiculous."

Dr. Doom opened the cover of the instrument as he spoke.


Vision's body took its first breath!

"The instinct of life has been born, but it is a pity that we will not allow Vision to become a free will.

I need him as a tool, and you just want a solution that can resist Ultron in the information field.

So are you going to fight me for the free will of this new life?"

Dr. Doom asked, squinting.

Tony shook his head, he wasn't denying it.

It's just that he simply doesn't know what he should do at this time.

"We haven't been attacked by demons for a while, I think that might be good news."

Tony changed the subject. He couldn't bear to look at Vision anymore.

It is not a good thing after all that a life can only exist as a tool after birth.

The education he received and his inner thoughts prevented him from facing this result calmly.

"Perhaps this means that Steve, who is guarding us outside, has fought countless demons."

Dr. Doom said coldly, and then Tony remembered Steve as their guardian!

"Demon, I feel a little tired, but I can continue to fight with you until I can no longer stand up."

Steve said to the demon in front of him.

He could no longer remember how many demons he had faced. During this period of time, he was constantly attacked by demons and then defeated them.

Although the demon's strength fluctuates, the powerful one takes a lot of effort from him.

The weak ones can't even bear the iron pears scattered on the ground.

Unable to move freely, the only thing he can do at this time is to intercept the demon here and then not retreat even one step!

"You...are the strong one."

Complete sentences came out of the demon's mouth.

Steve watched this metal demon making progress little by little!

The first one obviously had a complete will, but the demon that came to him later seemed to have nothing but an instinct for destruction and a mission to destroy this place.

But as time goes by, these demons who were originally mentally retarded gradually became normal.

It's just that Steve doesn't have time to pay attention to what's behind this change.

"I will not show mercy to demons, so keep fighting. I hope that the next demon that comes is not very powerful, but at least it will not be melted by my power when it sets foot on this land."

After Steve finished speaking, he raised the tower shield in his hand high and smashed the demon directly from the waist.

A demon that can't break through his defense is probably the situation Steve wants to face the most right now.

Because the appearance of that kind of guy means Steve can have some rest time during the battle!

These demons never appear in large numbers, only one each time.

But as long as the first one dies, the next one will appear immediately.

A life-and-death fight gradually turned into a battle of endurance. Even a strong-willed Steve was getting tired of this situation.

"We will not come again soon."

The newly appeared demon spoke a little more smoothly.

The demon knocked on the tower shield in Steve's hand as if instinctively, saying it was an attack but more like saying hello.

"When you have your own will, you will obviously have your own thoughts and demands."

As Steve spoke, he kicked the newly appeared demon to the ground.

Just because he is willing to communicate with the devil doesn't mean he will stop.

Barbarians and demons will also interact when fighting, although it is not very polite whether it is punching, kicking or swearing.

But they are not cold executioners, of course they can interact with each other.

"Our king is back."

The devil said with a little fanaticism.

Behind the fanaticism, the devil's voice was filled with more fear!

Apparently Ultron isn't very tolerant when it comes to his creations.

"That's great. I don't think your king will be free."

Steve threw a few Blessing Hammers casually, and then used the tower shield to press the demon directly to the ground!

The ground was full of spikes formed by the power of the Crusaders, and these spikes penetrated directly through the demon's body!

The demon let out a somewhat painful groan.

They are living beings, and although their bodies are constructed in various ways, their souls can still feel pain.

"I should be your last opponent this time. I hope you can be a little gentler when you do it."

The devil said with some difficulty.

It was as if these words had exhausted all the vocabulary he had accumulated.

"That's good news for me, but what I've learned is that the devil doesn't need any mercy."

Steve stood up and stamped hard on the tower shield!

Steve is a kind and good man, but he is also a mature warrior!

When facing the enemy, he has no inexplicable idea of ​​showing mercy, nor does he have such an idea.

After all, not every opponent standing in front of him is called Bucky.

"So, Crusader, you rejected my offer."

The devil said intermittently, and then the body made of metal suddenly exploded under the intense energy!

Steve's tower shield was not completely destroyed, but it did have a few more scars on it!

Steve, who was standing on the tower shield, was thrown away by the huge thrust. He adjusted his posture in mid-air before landing firmly on the ground.

The tower shield returned to Steve's hands as if it was equipped with a navigation system.

"This kind of demon cannot be killed with violent means, otherwise it will explode?"

Steve silently remembered this experience in his heart.

"Steve, are you okay?"

Tony also arrived behind the barrier at this time.

As the battle on Steve's side continues to escalate, Dr. Doom has long since changed the barrier on the battlefield.

Dr. Doom even took this opportunity to conduct some research on the power of the Crusaders, and even achieved some results.

For example, let Steve be the user of this barrier, and let Steve's explosive power range be shrouded in the barrier!

No one will doubt Dr. Doom's talent, but no one will believe that Dr. Doom has no purpose of his own.

"My request is not bad. If this devil doesn't lie, there may not be any more devils coming here in the future."

Steve randomly picked a topic and said.

He didn't believe what the devil said, but these words were more than enough as a source of conversation.

"Maybe the devil didn't lie, and the vision has been born."

Tony's face didn't look good.

After leaving Dr. Doom's side, he finally received Cyborg's communication.

The situation is very bad. Before Vision's body was completed, Vision had already given birth to his will!

This news was told to him by Cyborg, which caused Tony to have a lot of worries.

An existence with the life characteristics of artificial intelligence will not forget anything easily.

From the perspective of normal people, the methods used by Tony and others to transform Vision's body are absolutely inhumane.

This is what Tony is worried about. If he wants to avoid the impact of these things, the best way is to format Vision's will.

But this is no longer a job that Tony can complete!

"That means the devil has failed to prevent Vision from being born. Can we leave this place now?"

Steve asked.

"The situation may be much worse than we expected, but what we have here is just one of mankind's plans to strengthen itself."

Tony shook his head.

Project Vision is not just Tony and Wayne's idea!

The creation of visual hallucinations has been recognized by almost all scientific researchers!

They all know what will happen to mankind after losing the information field.

But this is definitely not the only life-saving straw!

"I'm wondering how things are going on Dr. Reed's side. If everything goes well, his side will be the highlight."

Tony said.

Dr. Reed's research focus is still on how to reverse corruption, and the previous soul division is considered a preliminary result.

At this time, Reed's research focus is on how to restore corrupted people!

Not only for humanity, but also for Reed himself and Susan!

This chapter has been completed!
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