Chapter 1142 Deadlock!

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"No matter what the world becomes, our existence will not be shaken. When did you start worrying about changes in the world?"

Barr asked mockingly.

His rhetoric was of course no problem in the past. For the eternally existing Archangel, the changes in the world are just part of the long existence.

And they have already experienced this part countless times.

But for the archangels at this time, this was not the case at all. They experienced more difficulties.

Especially when they can be killed in concept, they need to face all changes carefully.

The foundation of existence has been shaken, and the Archangels must make changes!

But at this time, faced with Barr's question, they couldn't even give a suitable explanation.

Regardless of the fact that it would be terrible for them to ignore it, they should say that they are anxious about the changes in the outside world.

Then he would expose his own weaknesses at this time in front of Barr.

Making a choice in a dilemma is always extremely difficult!

"Barr, we need to leave.

This may also be the result you want to see!

After all, if we leave before Bulcaisso takes the initiative to open the outer barrier, there is no doubt that Bulcaisuo will be offended."

Tyrell said calmly.

Such difficulties will not cause them to show obvious changes!

Even if things don't need to be explained clearly, Baal will use his experience to find a suitable solution for the actions of the archangels!

"You want to take action against the Nephalem?

This doesn't surprise me, but with the power you have now, it's completely impossible to defeat Bulcaisel.

That guy's strength almost gets stronger with his breathing!

Demons and angels worked together to create monsters like the Nephalem, but you always seem to underestimate their potential."

Not surprisingly, Barr gave a reason.

When Barr came up with this reason himself, then even if he would doubt the correctness of this reason, it would never be now!

"It is precisely because we know that the Nephalem have endless potential that we are worried at this time.

The barbarian who can bear the authority of justice has returned justice to the higher heaven.

Why do you think he made this choice?"

Because the Prius shows sarcasm just right!

"Even if it's not to get a complete share of the damage from me, they should have other powers to hand over to this guy.

There is not much difference between the Nephalem, who have gained complete authority, and you and me."

Imprius continued.

"Courage, this is not what you should say at this time.

Although you once hated the Nephalem as much as Malthael, you have existed as a human! Now you!

Your trust in the Nephalem is at its highest level in countless years!

If you say that you are worried about some conspiracy among the Nephalem at this time, I won't believe it at all!"

Baal's claws stared at Cytorak, as if he would cut into pieces the master of the crimson universe in the next moment.

But his pale face was looking at Imprius, as if he wanted to see something from Imprius's expression!

"It's just the fact that you don't care if you continue to exist.

Because you think that destruction itself does not require thinking, which is a free and easy state.

But we are not!

Precisely because I have existed as a human being, I cannot accept that my will is on the verge of being broken!"

The Prius gave an answer that didn't seem to be a problem.

"Another game? Aren't you tired of this game in the long endless time?

To live as a human being? I remember that even Tyrell, this idiot, never lasted until his natural death as a human being!

I can wait for hundreds of years, but the Burning Hell doesn't have that kind of patience!

Don't think you can hide me forever!

Your bodies have begun to smell of the burning hell!"

Barr's tone became weird, and the evil flavor contained in it began to spread toward the surroundings.

Rasma became nervous when he heard this. He thought that what he had concealed by helping the archangels had been exposed!

I have even begun to think about how to get out at the lowest price possible!

He is also prepared that he may die completely!

"Leave you here, your will will resonate with the Burning Hell!

Maybe when you become an archangel in the future, you will also show the colors of being a demon!

It will be beneficial to me to keep you in the burning hell!

And the power of this unlucky guy under my feet will speed up this process!

Why do you think I let you go!?"

Barr continued.

Rasma knew that what Baal had discovered was not what he feared!

But he still couldn't let go of this situation!

If everything really develops as Baal said, the hostility towards the devil in the archangel's heart will begin to weaken.

Then Rathma, as the only powerful Nephalem here, will easily become the common goal of both parties!

Of course, the power of a Cytorak cannot be underestimated. Even if this Cytorak was deceived by Constantine and came here, he is not even in peak condition!

But a half-full guy won’t let go of another piece of food!

Moreover, hunting Rasma is not so difficult that you need to consider giving up immediately!

Just one Baal can force Rasma, who is at his peak, to give up two sets of legendary powers to temporarily escape.

If it changes from one-on-one to one-on-four, or even two-on-three, he can't guarantee his own safety!

Rasma already regretted helping the archangel cover up the situation!

He could have done nothing!

"The mortal hearts of Nephalem are always changeable. Maybe the situation outside will become beneficial to both you and me?"

Tyrell said.

Tyrell's words were not only to convince Barr, but also to reassure Rathma!

Of course Tyrell could realize that Rathma was uneasy at this time, so he spoke to comfort her!

Rasma is worried that she will become the next prey of both sides, but similar worries also exist in the hearts of the archangels!

They were worried that Baal would kill one of them completely at all costs!

The hatred between them and Baal has long reached a point where there is no chance of improvement!

Everything has reached the most dangerous edge!

The Archangel is worried that Rathma will cooperate with Baal to keep one of them!

Rathma feared that she would become the Archangel and Baal's next food.

Only Baal is fearless when he knows the least!

Because he is still immortal!

"It's really your style to negotiate with an unknown possibility!

It sounds like I don’t need to get entangled with you, as long as you break the barrier left by Bulcasso, I will watch you face a furious Bulcasso!"

Barr said quietly.

But Barr will not act as he says. At first glance, this approach seems to be sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

But for Barr, he has nothing to gain at this time!

He needs more benefits! Otherwise, it is impossible to act according to the ideas of the archangels!

If the enemy wants to do something, you should do your best to destroy it!

The thing is that simple, there are not so many troublesome things in Barr's heart!

"The result of our continued entanglement is that you will continue to be tortured. We are happy to continue to repair you."

Israel's eyes were very determined.

Although he is the weakest one at this time, what he said as an archangel cannot be ignored!

"Then let's continue, but before that we should carve up this unlucky guy."

Barr immediately changed the subject.

Of course he couldn't turn a blind eye to Israel's opinion!

But at this time, his suggestion can be regarded as a coincidence that hit the fate of the archangels!

The process of absorbing a being of basically the same level will reveal a lot of things!

And this approach will inevitably reveal the changes in the archangels in front of Barr.

Things will only get worse!

"As long as the power of this existence is infected by the origin of the Burning Hell, it will be enough to take the position of a demon god.

Don’t you have any ideas about this?”

Tyrell used questions to arouse Baal's thoughts in this regard!

Some things are indeed unexpected if they are not mentioned.

But Tyrell's position determines that he absolutely cannot consider issues from the devil's perspective.

It can even be said that his suggestions at this time are already very dangerous.

"Despite this, he can only exist as a demon god forever.

Even if our victory or defeat changes this time, I can't take him to the higher heaven.

This approach is meaningless. A guy who can only be the devil of hell forever is only beneficial to me at this time.

And the next time you are upset, he will be your helper.

It’s better to use it directly to fill our needs!”

Barr said with a little doubt.

He had vaguely noticed the changes in the Archangel, although there was no conclusive evidence yet.

But Baal at least realized that something was wrong with the archangels.

"If you plan to continue fighting, can I leave directly?

After all, I'm just a spectator, and I don't even intend to share the spoils."

Rasma said suddenly.

He still wanted to try his best to preserve the integrity of the three archangels.

Even if he opens his mouth at this time, he will only get a negative answer!

Barr doesn't want Rasma to leave, because from his standpoint, Rasma's existence still makes it possible for him to have an accident when facing the three archangels!

The Archangels don’t want Rasma to leave either!

Because the existence of Rasma can be used by them!

Even if Rasma was thrown into the burning hell, the three of them chose to flee directly!

Nalasma was able to delay them for a while in order to survive!

"Of course not, you have to think about it!

While you use your own power to interfere with the archangels' recovery from injuries, you will have to temporarily cooperate with me."

Barr bared his teeth and said.

That mouth of densely packed sharp teeth made Barr look particularly scary.

Rasma wanted to say that he actually did nothing, but he knew that once he told the truth, the archangels would drop everything and run away!

At this time, he will definitely become a victim!

The archangels were able to convey this meaning without even threatening Rathma.

"The longest I can stay is just to make you feel a little better when you are attacked by the Archangel.

It will not change the final outcome of your battle!

You can't win anyway, even if the battlefield is in the burning hell!

The Fang of Shadows is still in Bul-Katho's hands, and even with your great abilities and skills in stimulating potential, you will not be able to mobilize more of the origins of the Burning Hell."

Rasma said.

The feeling of regret became even stronger in Rasma's heart!

"Even as I continue to stay here, the Prius fills me with reckless courage.

You should know that I hate the existence of demons more than larger angels."

Rasma said casually.

But his words already showed a bit of weakness.

If the Archangel does nothing, Rathma may choose to actually attack the Archangel!

Although we cannot let the Archangel fail!

But it can still be done by leaving one of them behind for Baal to kill!

Fighting to the death is a very common choice for the Nephalem!

"Well, can I speak?"

Constantine suddenly said, even though he was very weak at this time, he still spoke.

In the previous battle, although Cytorak fell into a trap from the beginning!

But the aftermath of the battle made him feel uncomfortable too!

Especially after Rasma completely gave up protecting him for the sake of acting.

Constantine's soul is already full of wounds!

But this can be considered a good thing, after all, Constantine's complete soul at this time was shaped with the help of Auriel Zengjin's approval.

The radiance of hope protected his soul from being broken in the aftermath of the battle!

But if the battle continues, this glimmer of hope may be exhausted at some point!

"Constantine, if you have a way to leave, I suggest you get out now."

Rasma said.

This is Rasma’s kindness!

Once things change, no one will care what happens to his Nephalem soul.

Rasma couldn't protect herself, so naturally she couldn't have much spare power to protect Constantine.

"Why can't we wait quietly for a result?

When Bulkatho left you in the Burning Hell, he only forbade you to leave.

But he didn’t say that you have to fight each other to satisfy him.”

Constantine said slowly.

The battle itself has no claim to Bulkesso!

It's just that the natural opposition between the archangel and the demon makes the battle start without any reason!

It's just that it's not that easy to stop the battle after it starts.

"What else can we do but fight when we meet?"

Inprius said with a sneer.

The confrontation between archangels and demons is inevitable, they cannot accept each other's existence!

They actually can't tolerate beings like the Nephalem who have both angelic and demonic powers.

Demons will drag the nephalem into the burning hell, and although angels can turn noble souls into angels, the easier way is to kill them all.

They cannot accept that the opposite half of them continues to exist!

"Nephalem, you are not a pure Nephalem, so not knowing our existence is always a thorn in their side."

Rasma said with a sneer.

It's just that both Archangel and Baal fell into silence at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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