Chapter 1153 Wayne’s Eden Project!

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 “Maybe we should go somewhere else for a cup of coffee?

During this time, I have been working in SHIELD's laboratory, and I feel like my employees almost don't recognize me as their boss."

Tony's tone was a little weird.

This is also a kind of test. It is of course the best choice to discuss the issue of Ultron in a place without electronic facilities at all.

But this approach is like trying to hide something.

Ultron just lacks understanding of human emotions, but he is not a being who will be deceived by such words.

If Tony and Wayne really went to a place without electronic facilities, Ultron would surely be aware that a discussion was taking place against him.

Ultron doesn't appear now, not because humans now have the power to crush him.

What Ultron is afraid of at this time are the powerful Nephalem in the memories given to him by the Burning Hell.

"I have sent them to prison more than once, but almost every time they were sent to Arkham Asylum in the name of mental illness.

Tony adjusted his expression and returned to seriousness.

Although it may not alarm Bulcaisuo, not everyone in Vera is busy.

Recently, there have been cases of demon attacks even in the White House. This all-pervasive attack is an important reason why humans always appear panicked.

Only this kind of demon is qualified to ignore the firepower of modern armies.

Wayne showed a little bit of his sense of humor, although Tony would have preferred to call it mean-spirited.

If it were the original Wayne, 188 centimeters and Tony's 185 centimeters would be eye-level.

And the Wayne Group is also a real behemoth.

"Yeah, damn rich."

Otherwise, this situation cannot be changed.

Wayne is more inclined to believe that the Joker does not have a so-called origin, but is some kind of born monster.

The Joker himself tells different stories about his past every time, and it's hard to say whether any of these stories are true.

This is an unexpected discovery!

"But you just asked me about Dr. Reed? He is acting particularly slow and irritable. It doesn't seem like he has not been affected by corruption."

Tony pouted.

And this is not due to the Corpse Mother's ability to create walking corpses, but because the Corpse Mother's individual strength is the worst among warrior-level demons.

He understood what Tony meant, and this was his answer.

There is even a preliminary treatment plan for human corruption, and Scarecrow is one of the people who has experienced clinical trials of this treatment.

And many brainwashed idiots have lost their jobs that provide a living wage because of their stupidity...

Tony looked at Wayne teasingly, and then his expression changed.

After encountering Yin Na's comprehensive blow while trying to return to the Burning Hell, Ultron already felt confused.

From Wayne's point of view, he saved a human being, although this human being would have to be punished for his crimes in prison later.

At that time, he sent Scarecrow to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a test subject to cut the soul to prevent the process of corruption.

There's even a sense of resemblance.

The kind of guy who does evil as if it were instinctive!

That kind of guy's way of living is completely different from that of normal people, just like normal people can't survive without eating and drinking water.

Over time, the less stupid idiots stayed away from Wayne Group.

Human beings always appear panicked when facing demons, largely because demons' attacks are almost pervasive.

As the clown himself said, the clown is just a thought!

There are some things about this guy that are worthy of sympathy, but they don't require much discussion.

"Are you kidding? Even if I go out to buy a pack of cigarettes now, I may not see a guy who doesn't know you along the way."

Tony smiled too.

What Wayne did back then is paying off positively now!

Although he is not a racial knight, he is just a playboy who is indifferent to the outside world.

The environment there is worthy of Wayne Group's massive funding, and the patients there are "friendly" and "interesting."

This kind of guy tramples on the law for his own benefit, and will naturally uphold the rules for his own benefit.

Just because you have a hard time doesn't mean you should be forgiven for doing evil.

Even guys like the Penguin can be considered a pretty good villain in the Gotham City run by Wayne.

Wayne also stopped joking and said seriously.

After humans were corrupted, most of them turned into zombies that were slightly more powerful than the fallen demons...

"That's why I want to ask Dr. Reed about the part of his soul that was divided."

There is no need to worry about whether Ultron will hear this kind of topic, unless Ultron can do something that even the corruption of the Burning Hell cannot.

But now Ultron is a well-deserved demon, and even a hell demon in terms of personality.

Tony looked directly into Wayne's eyes, as if he wanted to find something in them.

Wayne smiled.

"Not an experiment, but a treatment attempt.

Wayne said.

Tony nodded.

This is probably what most demons are afraid of. A Nephalem is already a fatal threat.

But the two of them are also surprisingly similar in this regard.

In fact, it is not that there are no animal rights activists clamoring to protect the mice, but they would not be happy if they themselves were used as test subjects.

He had had this thought before, but it was just like Wayne's previous question!

Who can guarantee that the divided soul is only the most insignificant bit?

And how many souls must be divided to escape the possibility of being corrupted by the Burning Hell?

These things are all unknown, so Tony is particularly sensitive to this topic!

“I have similar thoughts, but I don’t plan to do it now.

The nephalem are also very familiar with this tactic of locally attacking more and less. This is also the nephalem's favorite fighting method when facing the demon army!

The team rushes in and kills the powerful demon.

Tony asked back, even raising his eyebrows as he spoke.

Only after the corpse mother is born will the walking zombies pose a threat to human beings' modern weapons.

He has no reason to avoid him!

That is, we don’t know much about the real bottom layer, and we can even say that we don’t know much about it.

"As long as a human being is corrupted, it is possible for him to be corrupted, and once he is corrupted, he will turn into some kind of demon within a short period of time.

Wayne said with a smile.

However, I have indeed not received any reports of corruptors directly becoming the level of the Earth-beating Demon or the Coffinless Corpse Demon."

"How did you divide the soul? I remembered that after the new soul dividing machine was manufactured, one was 'destroyed' on the grounds that it did not meet the standards. I hope it was really destroyed."

Tony questioned, but he still remembered this incident, which made his expression change!

If Wayne has come to that conclusion, what does his surveillance of Dr. Reed count as?

Wasting time or being fooled?

"In fact, I think what mankind lacks most now is not combat power, but a rear area that can not be attacked by demons."

At most, there is a gap between them and the Nephalem, who focus on large-scale strikes.

Those who shout slogans for business will not mess with capital itself without thinking.

It was he who made Tony realize the ugliness of human nature and truly see the way human beings survive in a state of chaos.

Then, it was either controllable home monitoring and treatment, or Li Daitao disappeared into Arkham Asylum.

Although this thing is a little more difficult to produce, it is still more powerful than ordinary people.

The Scarecrow also experienced some changes after the part of his soul that became the devil was divided. Specifically, the idea of ​​doing evil became much less.

Those souls were put into the bodies of experimental mice, and those mice all showed varying degrees of demonization.

Corpse demons are a type of demon, but they cannot be considered a race.

It’s the same this time.”

This kind of guy doesn't need any preferential treatment. At most, he only needs to provide a little help after knowing their helplessness.

The more powerful the demon is, the easier it is to see more Nephalem.

Tony is undoubtedly an elite, and this kind of person has the most intuitive problem.

Even a weak demon like the Sinking Demon does not have the level of intelligence."

"Isn't that the hospital you built? I have reason to suspect that there is something fishy about his medical parole."

Wayne said.

The strength displayed by the nephalem was enough to make Ultron retreat. He didn't want to be blocked by the nephalem in a corner just after he made some noise on the earth.

The reason why Tony became Iron Man is largely thanks to his Uncle Stan who was beaten to death by a group of people...

Tony captured the point of Wayne's words!

If Ultron is still that simple intelligent life, then the Nephalem may just be surprised by this form of life.

Tony and Wayne's pasts are actually quite similar, but if Tony had stayed in Wayne's position, there wouldn't be a Dark Knight in Gotham City.

Of course, there are also idiots who seem to need treatment for their brains and are sent to Arkham Comprehensive Treatment Center for free treatment by the "kind" Mr. Wayne.

Wayne has reason to believe that the devil corrupts through the part of the soul that responds most strongly to "sin", otherwise the Scarecrow would not behave as it does now.

There are actually many types of bad guys. Guys like Penguin are not only troublesome, but Wayne doesn't find it difficult to give birth.

Just like Ultron is worried about, Wayne also knows what will happen when Ultron, the devil of hell, appears.

Demons are not the only ones who can use the human wave tactic.

"At least now this plan is called the Eden Project."

Wayne said.

That kind of evil person who doesn't do evil is like a normal person who doesn't eat!

Is this kind of existence a born bad guy, like the clown of Chaos itself?

As for the origin story of the Joker, just listen to it for fun.

And most of the hopelessly stupid ones are enjoying luxurious medical services that the poor in this country cannot imagine.

Tony said.

"Okay, so how complete is your safe rear?"

Not bad in terms of results?”

And this kind of thinking is the monster itself to normal order!

"I must say that I have done other processing for the souls separated by good people whose resources were added to the experiment in exchange for rewards.

Both walking corpses and coffinless corpse demons belong to the category of corpse demons, but they are obviously not the same race.

"So, a group of villains who were supposed to be hopeless had their souls divided at the moment they were corrupted by demons.

"That guy codenamed Scarecrow was detained in the newly built Dream Prison. Don't tell me that he was still being experimented on after he was the first test subject?"

And this guy is a profit-driven bad guy.

"Wait a minute, you seemed to have taken a paper from the laboratory before?

It seems like the article "The Possibility of Corruption of Those Who Divide Souls"?

I have read this paper, and the statement he made that an existence with an incomplete soul cannot be corrupted is just a conjecture!

No verification has been carried out yet!

You don’t plan to cut off part of human souls with external force, and then use this method to build a rear area that will not be attacked by demons, do you?”

If there are modern weapons, a single zombie is not difficult to deal with.

"Fortunately, we don't have an animal protection association here that likes to protect experimental mice."

Having money is at least better than having no money...

But it doesn’t have the wisdom of our common demons.

"Your plan to stabilize the rear was actually already being tested when you told me about it, right?

Even a demon hunter who focuses on killing enemies is no different from mowing grass when clearing a large area of ​​demons.

Tony asked anxiously.

“Should I have said ‘fucking rich’?”

Both of them are rich, which is good...

"I believe in the process, but I feel like you handled it yourself this time."

Wayne said calmly.

The guys who really give Wayne trouble are the pure bad guys.

Tony frowned slightly.

And this has indeed been verified, do you still remember the half-human, half-demon guy I sent over?"

Also, Scarecrow was released on parole for medical treatment after being sent to Dream Prison, and the treatment service was provided by Arkham Comprehensive Medical Center."

Ultron needs to pay attention, but there is no need for a secret room environment to discuss ways to solve the other party!

And this is something Tony has not tried to actively understand in decades!

It is normal for Tony to feel a little sympathy for the Scarecrow out of "humanitarianism".

Most of them have not been seriously affected since then, but they have no intention of continuing to corrupt."

"As long as the results are good, the current Arkham Comprehensive Treatment Center has truly reached the world's top medical level.

Wayne looked directly into Tony's eyes and said.

Wayne said.

Tony's realization is somewhat like looking up to him.

Wayne added.

There may be a gap between these legendary nephalems compared to the archangels, but it can still be solved only by the level of the devil of hell.

There have even been preliminary results? You just said that the scarecrow was one of the clinical experimenters?"

"I currently have about 30% of my idea, and I plan to name it the Garden of Eden."

Wayne said.

After all the powerful demons are accurately targeted, the rest of the demon army, although still a threat, is no longer lethal!

This topic is indeed very interesting.

There is a kind of bad guy left, like Mr. Freeze who is forced into a helpless form...

But after becoming a barbarian, Wayne's height has grown to two meters away.

Even his originally tall figure has become even stronger.

If you ignore Wayne's sonorous temperament, Wayne looks more like a strong bodyguard.

This chapter has been completed!
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