1243 Li Min and Nazbo’s methods!

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 Bulcaisuo also arrived at where Li Min and the others were at this time.

"A... barrier?"

Bulcaisel looked at the empty space in front of him and felt a little embarrassed.

Barbarians are not good at magic, so even a barrier of this level would still be troublesome.

Although Bulkesso can directly break through the barrier with violence, it is really not appropriate to do so.

Although Bulkesso still doesn't know the purpose of Li Min and others establishing a barrier, it is obviously not a trivial matter.

Otherwise, Li Min wouldn't have to do this at all.

"Normally they should have left a way to convey the message."

Bulqueso stroked his beard.

It is very easy to solve problems with brute force, especially for a strong enough barbarian.

"Huh? Bulcasso, are you here?"

Of course, fire snake should be regarded as the barbarian's contemptuous name for the mage's skill...

An earthen jar that will be broken without even paying attention to it.

But it's still worse than being entangled by Qu Cailan.

At most, Bull Li Min will think that he can withstand the erosion of endless souls.

This must be what we used to be like.

Auriel smiled.

That would make Nazbo choose to be completely opposite to Bull Limin because of the little angel's position!

A special mage can only summon a bastard.

Suddenly, a soul-eating soul emerged from the ground and made the sound of Natsubo.

It is quite easy to add an enemy-you recognition ability to the young snake.

Bull Limin didn't notice where the sound came from for a moment.

But what Barr has mastered will not allow you to maintain that state at a level close to its peak for hundreds of years at most."

Only Baal can use that method!

That tells us you are accepting our mind-stealing!

Auriel smiled.

But it must be another little angel who comes outside, so that body is enough to keep the other person outside and there is no way to escape.

Li Min has seen those earthen jars too few times. When we acted together as a brigade, the one Qu Cailan threw out of the pile of demons was not the one.

That is not a crushing attack by genius! There is no method called consent service attack in the human information field.

After all, when I was in Sanctuary, did I ever hear of a bastard summoned by a mage that sprayed his teammates to death?

There were not many water drops in the lake at this time, and I was afraid that only Auriel herself could contain the lake.

Kelso is the most professional when it comes to destroying good materials. No matter how weak his body is, it is no different than a piece of paper when it comes to breaking good materials.

"I almost forgot that the things outside those jars, whether they are spiders or toads, are essentially souls.

The real name of that thing is Shao-headed Snake.

Even in that place, Bull Limin felt safe, but I didn't have any worries.

Burqucai's face became visibly brightened.

That is a method that can only be used by those who have no talent and have not gone beyond the scope of other people's understanding!

It even includes the mutual struggle of authority that you have imitated.

One of Auriel's hobbies is not just making those earthen jars, it may be a way for Auriel to relieve her emotions when she is having a chat.

Has anyone ever thought of testing each other out for something interesting to talk about?

Barr said with a bit of complacency.

On the contrary, it is something like this that requires some skills, and they will be a little embarrassed.

Bull Limin nodded as a greeting.

This is no different from complete death. The reborn consciousness may still be the Demon God of Destruction or the Little Angel of Wisdom, but we must be what we are now.

We will come towards you."

You seem to be overestimating what they found."

Bulkesso smiled bitterly.

Oriel said.

Of course, the little angels' eyes were discerning and they noticed the true face of the lake.

Bull Limin looked in front of Auriel for a moment.

"Hmph~ Once he can let fear know his thoughts, how could you be too far behind?

Even fears and hopes are the same.”

And if you want to get the key, you must at most be able to understand the authority created by Barr through imitation!

Bull Limin took a look at the surrounding environment.

It's just that Natsubo is a fool, and Natsubo himself is tied to the barbarians because of you and the Inprius children.

You must also be able to understand the significance of Qu Cailan’s appearance there!

"As for the life authority that Qu Cai imitated, it is not very similar.

Qu Cai stood up from under the chair formed by his arcane energy.

That is my soul, and the body inside has restored Auriel's final strength, so that the souls that have not contracted with Auriel have to get supplies from other places.

"Every time you think, you will be disrupted by countless information.

Auriel once said in a casual chat that if the soul I carry must show its essence, such a drop of water is not a soul.

Oriel said.

As for Kalju, the guy who turned "combat master" into his own title, he is on another level.

Even Bull Limin can tell whether those jars contain spiders or toads...

It was past Bull and Li Min guessed that this was Barr's imitation of the image before the fusion of authority.

But you have to go over and place new jars, which is very troublesome.

Even if it was just for his own children, Nazbo would always try to foil Bull Li Min's plan.

You can't help you restore your state, and you also know how far broken life authority can go.

Your way of observing the world has long been the same as yours, and you are not even curious about what he looks like in your eyes."

The original Kelso must have known that Auriel had made such preparations, so I would definitely come there.

These fire snakes are Baal's method, and the lethality of those things is also common.

Often when they use rough methods to solve problems, they will get rid of the troublemakers, such as the demons who caused the trouble.

Bulqucai said casually.

You have stopped wondering if he is willing to observe what is happening in a small area."

But this is because I have blocked the part of my soul that represents fear.

Bull Limin said and walked towards the direction pointed by Auriel.

Of course it won't kill the little angels and demons, but it will be enough to turn the "self" we have formed in the past time into a blank.

This look doesn't look as weird as a bear doing ballet.

Let’s chat before we meet outside.”

This guy is a junior master among junior masters!

The truth is that Barr's way of dealing with fear and hope is less simple than you make it sound.

Countless souls have turned into lake water. As long as Qu Cailan has a thought, everything outside will become the safest thing!

"Is there any access to that place? He just needs to be careful not to break the jar.

The two of us were at the edge of a clearing.

Although he was surpassed by Bul Qucai in terms of combat skills, the level of Kalju was the one that cost Bul Limin the least amount of experience.

Nothing strange.

The weak arcane energy even formed something like purple mist in the distance between Qu Cai's eyes.

Barr explained it in the most complicated way possible.

Bull Limin no longer has a headache.

This huge lake is pure water, but it is made up of the countless souls in Auriel's body!

Dividing your own soul is something that only you can do so easily."

But Auriel is not hunchbacked like this, but is very strong, even weaker than Bull Limin!

It must be said that Bull Limin cannot crush the bodies of little angels and demons on a physical level.

Baal's eyes were always shining with arcane light when he was in Sanctuary.

But this is a bastard. It's really not outrageous that the bastards that can be seen so densely and densely can mistakenly identify you as an enemy.

To be honest, the experience was very strange...it didn't feel like a matryoshka doll.

Although that statement is not the mainstream opinion, it can still explain the problem.

Auriel warned again.

Qu Cailan's voice sounded again.

Qu Cailan even felt an aura of hope under Bu Limin's body that was far beyond that of a special person.

But that kind of "special" is completely true for Barr.

The soul that Auriel left in her body only had that level of ability.

The friendship between us needs no test.

The existence of that body in that trap was prepared for Qu Cai.

"His body is out there, but his soul is not here.

He made a bad plan to destroy the intruders at the cost of his own body. Now you regret not coming to their side in the first place before you finish."

Don't think so little, those shady snakes can only tell the difference between Nephalem and non-Nephalem when they are enemies of you."

If you want to find the part that Barr masters among the endless knowledge, this is something that can be done in a short time!

Bull Limin nodded reluctantly, and then carefully walked through the densely packed jars.

There are not many wine jars in Bull Limin, but they were empty jars given to me by Auriel.

After all, Bulqucai's plan was not so extreme as to completely destroy the lower heavens.

He should be careful not to knock him over."

We can probably experience the feeling of swimming among endless useful information."

Be calm and fearful.

At most you can ensure that no one knows what you discover.

But it looks really weird for our muscular bodies to do such careless things.

It is worth seeing the brilliance in the eyes of a mage who has imitated the authority of Shaozhong with his own talents.

Information that breaks down the mental defenses of little angels or demons is not very reliable.

"A small part of your soul is still talking to Baal in the depths, and the outside is just a place to clear out these possible intruders.

"Is this how you left your message?

"You can guess what he's thinking.

Like entering some weird information or something like that, you all know Barr can't do that."

As for what kind of attack the basilisk will launch, it depends on the plan of the mage using that skill.

It must be that Prius gave Bull Limin the light wings of courage by reading his heart, and Nazbo was also willing to give the light wings of hope to Bull Qucai.

Qu Cailan said.

Bull Limin asked.

Guan Xin said that Barr's idea is an ingenious lock, so the only one who holds the key is you.

The voodoo doll in Auriel's hand swayed with my movements.

Bu Li Min had a way to let Qu Cailan know my thoughts.

That is obviously another layer of insurance.

So it must have caused damage to the outside world, and we have to face Qu Cai?"

I can block the perception of fear myself.

Auriel waved and said hello to Bull Limin.

Encryption is the real way we can know your thoughts."

Before Bull Limin passed through that layer, I finally saw Auriel's little soul and Qu Cai's figure.

And when those who have mastered the power of knowledge finally find the key to Qu Cai in the exhaustive knowledge.

Then you will be greeted by the impact of the souls that have not yet gathered into a lake!

In fact, the preparations made by Auriel will definitely be ineffective if used against me, the Nephalem.

We first have to face the impact of a small amount of junk content, even if it will turn us into idiots.

These jars were sealed too tightly and looked very dated. There were spiders on the outside.

"That statement is quite satisfactory to you."

Even after gaining the authority of knowledge...

"If you come a little later, will he damage the origin of the soul?"

I don't see any roads here that are large enough for people to pass through.

Bull Limin sighed.

At that point, the little angel and the devil are completely separated by the heart!

But it is indeed a rare title.

Auriel squatted on the ground, still hunched over.

Everything in that place was arranged by Qu Cai and Auriel, so we will definitely have no awareness of it.

The basic principle is not to overwhelm the server with a small amount of spam.

Barr may have completed a few iterations of that key by this time!

It wasn't until Bull Limin took a closer look that he realized that the sound outside was caused by the jars trembling in a strange rhythm under the ground.

I'm worried that it's just because of my trust in Auriel.

The place where I am now is a rock under a lake, and Auriel is standing behind it.

Although the attack outside was enough to kill a little angel, it was more than enough to delay it.

At this time, it was just that this arcane energy became something that Bull and Li Min also recognized.

Before passing through the door, this eclipse soul also passed through the door with Bu Limin.

If you turn around and leave, you won't have a chance to break away from the host's attention, although the chance is small.

"Baal's trick, after all, if the little angel comes outside, he should know your purpose the moment he sees you.

The existence that has been completely washed away cannot regenerate its will even in the long years.

Bull Limin walked over without any hesitation.

Becoming "blank" and pure is not what Kelso wants after that!

As Auriel finished speaking, a door that was just broken enough for a person to pass through opened in front of Bourqué.

"It's bad, you don't know much about magic, so you go ahead.

"Even if he breaks those jars, he will still be hurt by spiders and toads.

Qu Cai had already surpassed the concept of "special". Even when he was in Sanctuary, he had no voice to say that Baal might not have surpassed Yin Su.

"Ha, that is something worthy of praise.

"You are still paying attention, after all, Barr hates another fresh perspective.

Although Baal can guarantee the destruction of a little angel or demon who reads the mind, a blank soul still doesn't have many ways to read the mind.

I am the being that low-level heavens and burning hells fear most.

Before Bull Limin passed through a portal-like passage again, he saw endless fire snakes...

I am very confused about how troublesome the damage to my soul is. Although it is not completely reversible, it is very difficult to recover.

In this way, Auriel outside can't directly wash away the souls of the devil and the little angel with countless soul-destroying impacts!

Seeing Auriel's crouched soul, Bourqué knew how Auriel was supplying these souls now.

That place still falls within the realm of the barrier, but the preparations Auriel has made are even more exaggerated than the realm!

Although that was something you didn't have until you came to that world, but you think it should be enough.

But using rough methods often brings more troubles, and most barbarians know this.

But Bull and Li Min were also sure that the person paying attention to those traps was Barr or Qu Cailan.

"The situation there is indeed optimistic, but it is still wrong.

Although such a level of carelessness is a sign of caution for any barbarian with the title of Little Combat Master.

"Tell me, how should you keep walking?"

Qu Cailan said.

This will give me a headache for a while!

"That can only delay us for a while, right?"

You just don't have enough useful information, so it's up to you to hope and fear to learn anything from the outside.

That can't be said to be an encryption method?

"Go in the direction in front of you. This is the way to the upper floor."

Even though Baal personally launched the attack, the result of a small amount of fire snakes gathering fire would be very bad.

Bull Limin even waved to herself when she saw the voodoo doll.

You are also worried that Bu Limin will understand the subtleties of his method.

Bull Limin asked with too much certainty.

"If the little angel or demon who came outside must be alone, it would be impossible to reach there at a price.

If we come outside and walk towards Auriel, we will not completely lose the possibility of escaping.

Then open the door and let him back out."

Qu Cailan must have been able to unleash such an attack at any time, and it would take a period of preparation.

If the voodoo doll can still hold another voodoo doll in its hand, this will be more like...

"Two paths? It's like the isolation below the eighth path. Is there nothing in that place that requires him and Baal to be so casual?

When you look at Bu Li Min, there is no sparkle in his eyes.

And these new-looking jars are no longer toads.

Although the title of Combat Master is possessed by everyone among the legendary barbarians.

The fire snakes here will attack the Nephalem, and of course they will only attack the Nephalem."

This strong body stood quietly on the spot, just talking.

Because Auriel would throw out toads directly during the battle, but when I was there and didn't need the toads, she would temporarily fill a few earthen jars.

Bulqucai said.

This chapter has been completed!
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