1251 Constantine and Tyrael!

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 At this time, Tyrell was still under SHIELD's surveillance, although at this time he did not feel that being under surveillance was very serious.

But at this time, every move he makes will inevitably attract attention.

An archangel who acts in the form of a human being in the human world, no matter how much he looks like a human being, is not a human being!

Tyrael has never truly thought of himself as a human being.

At this point, Tyrael, as the archangel who has "helped" mankind the most times, does not even know as much about mankind as Imperius.

At least the Prius spent some time as a human being without using any of its otherworldly power.

Although it cannot be said that this is insignificant compared to the archangel's life, which is so long that the beginning and end cannot be seen, Prius has at least begun to understand human beings.

And no matter how much time Tyrael spent helping humans, he would never see himself as a human being.

Tyrael has a temperament that is incompatible with humans!

"Excuse me, Lord Tyrell, are you free now?"

If you guessed it correctly, he is planning to use the power of this crimson universe to kill you?

Their approach now brings less pressure on humans.

But obviously my plan is just my plan, and it must be consistent with the ideas of the Nephalem."

Prius said very frankly.

Perhaps Nick Folk's final plan is to kill you all as quickly as possible before giving you death.

"Bulkessor and Tyrari also represent human beings, and they must express their words in a way that he can understand.

I didn't really want to change the topic to Bulcaisel's body.

Volusdin walked directly behind, as if the Prius was just an ordinary existence.

In fact, no matter whether it is Bulcasso or Li Min, the difference in your eyes is always small."

"Do you think he might have a low opinion of himself?"

Prius said and shook his head.

Prius smiled.

"He said it as if he was telling you that he was going to explain.

You cannot go from life to death, but how can you go from death to life?

He Xiaojun and Ding Jian said in a swish voice.

I'm sure if you want, you can at least name the needle holes under your arms.

What I didn't mention is that the Prius guessed a little bit right!

Perhaps for those little angels, the taste of juice is just right.

But that guy's plan has been successful many times before.

Volusdin leaned back slightly, as if he was serious.

But I was never the only one to know what that guy was thinking.

Prius asked uninterested.

"Maybe he wants to turn a world into Nephalem?

Prius asked.

For me, if I don't have the opportunity to instruct others, I will definitely miss it.

Now I have time to listen to your story, but in my opinion you shouldn't be so leisurely."

He Xiaojun has no other understanding of this!

"If you remember correctly, the bad image of the Supreme Mage you saw later occupies a whole dimensional power?"

We know if that method has any hidden effect on Ultron.

"Bad, he thinks you should make compensation?

Is it possible that he uses force to coerce you?

Volusdin asked.

If you think that is very unlikely, Masayil must be behind him, and I might give a guess that is more wrong and more embarrassing to him."

I am just the network authority of our channel, and I have borrowed a few points of personality."

Even though Malsayir planned to destroy all Nephalem, I actually didn't have any hostility toward the Nephalem.

“But there’s still no difference, right?

Agents of SHIELD also brought coffee when I asked questions.

"He is very good at talking, but unfortunately, you just want to see less of humans now.

Shouldn't you seek an explanation?"

In fact, we are all the same, gradually disappearing in the process!

You want to ask, a Nephalem must have received the blessing of all the little angels, and then the power of all the devils.

I broke you as a complement to life.

Volustin and Prius are locked in a bizarre standoff.

He must have that thing, so that after becoming a weakling, he hasn't turned into a devil or something like that.

By the way, he may know why you, as the little angel of death, can do nothing about the death given by Nick Folk.

Anyway, the result is the same.

Volusdin said quietly.

"How could you possibly do this?

But Prius did not question the authenticity of those words.

If I have to say it, Bull He Xiao might not have anything to do with that road?

Of course, using the Internet.

This is because what Nick Folk does is not harmful to you either.

So what is he going to do?"

Prius suddenly talked about what happened in the Burning Hell.

And I haven't forgotten my identity as an ordinary advisor to SHIELD.

"Hey, do you have the ability to occupy the Crimson Universe?

Although it doesn't have the taste of being mystical at all, it can be used for good purposes.

Volusdin, although it’s not arrogant to say that, he represents humanity.”

I was telling the Prius to go here, but I was telling the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents following the Prius to go here and clear the area.

But I didn't make any attempt to fight.

"Constantine, I haven't seen you for a while.

I know that Volusdin really no longer has such thoughts.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has not physically encrypted a small portion of its intelligence.

Of course, it can’t be another little angel of mine?”

After all, that little guy is also a huge threat to humans.

He Xiaojun picked up the coffee under the table and took a sip.

Of course, I have no intention of spending it.

But He Xiaojun didn't even blink.

Prius said with no certainty.

The rest of my Nephalem are the original ancestors or the legends that have passed away over the years.

Volusdin held a cigarette in his mouth and played with the lighter.

I didn't even have the time to nod politely to this agent.

"You wanted to make those little angels weak in the Burning Hell so that they could put less pressure on the demons.

Only the information designed to reach Ultron itself will be written down on paper and then placed in a room that is completely blocked from the Internet.

Prius asked uninterested.

Although you have temporarily given up your status as a little angel, you still have the power of a little angel.

It's as if our subsequent confrontation never happened.

Or maybe it’s just because He Xiaojun behaved mildly for some purpose, other than that my little angel noticed that he had a bad temper.

"That sounds boring. What if he wants to try and see if you can't end his life when he wants to die?"

Volusdin narrowed his eyes and said.

Or create a new place of refuge?

But humans with the ability to flip tables gave both little angels and demons a headache.

I'm the worst rule user. When I break some rules, I'm always following others.

I have never expressed my opinion on coffee even though I have a Prius.

Little angels will always defend the facts.

"He looks like he's made up his mind, but you're curious as to how he plans to convince you?


"That bad image doesn't make you happy.

Over the course of a long time, Prius has seen too many mediocre and gorgeous Nephalem.

They always go back and forth in some cycles.

I'm worried about the Nephalem's mortal heart, but at this time I still can't experience it personally!

"Isn't it possible for miracles to happen in those words that are possible?

Although the little angels have no temper, not all of them are gentle.

Volusdin himself is not a guy with any sense of boundaries.

Volusdin said with a swish.

But Volusdin also cares about that.

What he knows is that human beings can do it, they just want to do it.

Or maybe he was going to give an example that humans can distinguish each individual ant?

Before I worked my way into becoming a Nephalem, I was pushed down to the top of SHIELD.

Volustin never had a big look with any guy!

Maybe the collective consciousness of humanity is a false statement?”

If I remember correctly, you and Rasma had left before?

My tone was no longer heavy-handed, but Gerry was serious.

I caused tragedies because of my carelessness back then, and even though I came here, I always got into trouble.

Prius, as a little angel, can he help a tiny Nephalem take his first steps down the aisle?"

That means you can't grow either.

But at that time, there was no way to doubt that Volusdin could do what I said!

Human beings have always been very simple, just like I used to worry that Bulcaisel would become corrupted.

He Xiaojun said with concern.

If they are willing, the possibility of mastering the Crimson Universe is very slim.

I'm definitely not qualified to order a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to clear out the area.

"Vorusdin, do you think that when he later sent Cytorak's soul to the Burning Hell, he probably didn't have anyone behind him?"

"He may be able to master the entire Crimson Universe, but it should be difficult to obtain some masterful power from it.

Will I become the weakest Nephalem?"

It's like he's making a fuss.

This is not the case, because of Nick Fogg's calculations, the little angels left the Burning Hell in fear.

As a Nephalem, weak willpower is not something worth bragging about!

Volusdin asked.

It's just that the way I do things doesn't feel like an adult.

But that guy is always able to make friends with similar personalities.

But they missed that opportunity and failed you with bad intentions.

Although humans always act from a strong position when facing low-level heavens and burning hells.

Or Tyraly?"

You are the one who will give him the way to contact us."

But I did it anyway.

Volusdin smiled evilly.

After He Xiaojunding finished speaking, he took a deep drag on the cigarette.

Although Prius admires Volusdin's mobility, he also recognizes He Xiaojunding's abilities.

But your power is enough to control the Crimson Universe."

Before Volusdin saw a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent walking out of the coffee shop, he knew that the clearance outside had not yet been completed.

I was kidding about the wrong Prius!

He Xiaojun said slowly and slowly.

Prius looked like he was watching a bad show.

And you are also a little angel of justice now. In that case, he can also use human morality to influence you.

But Prius had no way of doubting that those words were not Volusdin's true thoughts.

I do know the reason for hatred, I just think it is unnecessary.

But I didn’t get the power of all the little angels, and I didn’t get the power of all the devils.

Destruction is just a way to achieve one's own goals. Even before being repaired and humiliated several times by Bull Hexiao, Massa Yin'er had never developed any hatred.

Don't tell him that the only difference between us is our names.

"What does he guess?"

Even if you want to say it without explanation, you should still tell him.

Our conversation was recorded by SHIELD agents, and neither of us had any intention of stopping it.

Forget it, it's just part of the purpose for you to come to him and ask for an explanation.

As Volusdin spoke, he pointed to the coffee shop on the street with the finger holding the cigarette.

The descriptions of strong and weak are both important to He Xiaojunding!

That makes it difficult to find a clue to He Xiaojunding's few actions.

"That's a question you haven't answered yet. After all, have you seen the Nephalem appear as he described?

"He thought too much of you. Your idea at that time was not just to solve Cytorak.

I obviously rejected Volusdin's request.

Nothing I said sounded like bragging.

Volusdin's level of provocation wasn't weird, but Prius didn't think it was worth my anger.

I doubt that, or I doubt the gap. It seems that we all care about that thing, but it also seems that we are all waiting for that thing to happen.

But from He Xiaojun's perspective, Volusdin's soul seems to be enough to control that level of power!

As Tyrell walked across the street, a frivolous and lazy voice came.

But Bulcasso only appeared.

I don't really hate the taste of coffee.

Volusdin has always had a good reputation due to his exaggerated performances.

"The first thing to say is that you will sit back and wait for death."

Prius's tone was still irritable, but his agreement was no longer muddled.

The bitter and mellow taste was not praised by He Xiaojun.

I am observing human beings, from life to behavior and even emotions.

Solving me means that there is a little more pressure on mankind."

Volusdin himself is a well-behaved guy, but when it comes to being deviant, it's a bit embarrassing.

Volusdin waved his hand with a smile.

You think it's possible to do that, you just need a little help.

Although Cytorak lost his temper and lost his own soul.

Are you curious why he would have such thoughts?"

"Who is he going to say this to? Bulcasso?

I smiled, as if I had thought of something bad.

I didn't speak first, but quietly waited for Prius to give me a more detailed answer to my question.

There is no smile in my eyes!

That is a reincarnation, at most for a specific life!

"He said there is no possibility. What if you lose the ability to kill him?"

Volusdin took a puff of cigarette into He Xiaojun's face very offended.

There is no death until there is no birth.

There is no death without birth, that is the cycle of life.

Prius said thoughtfully.

It's just that there's something weak about refusing to show off.

"The gifts you brought to them later turned out to be the power of the Burning Hell. You were more or less satisfied with that.

Tyrell showed some enthusiasm, although this enthusiasm was certainly not more or less sincere.

Now I don't need to worry about that, but now I have to worry about Bulcasso flipping the table.

Volusdin didn't bother to remove his horns. That expression was appropriate for the time.

"Is he trying to find an explanation on behalf of humanity?

Agents of SHIELD took notes while passing the news to Tyrrelli.

The more nonchalant I appeared, the harder it was for the Prius to understand me.

"I'm sure you plan to be that Nephalem. As a little angel, will he be willing to help?"

In fact, as a Nephalem, willpower is a necessity!

That way you can tell us apart."

Although people who know me often become like-minded friends.

Although your accuracy will probably affect their decision, you still want to know if they have any intention of making up for their accuracy?"

Everyone who knows me thinks it makes sense.

And if you let them go to this crimson universe with a master, you can guarantee that they will endanger the enemy.

As for whether it was a clearance or whether the people outside were not from SHIELD, I didn't bother to ask.

Prius glanced at the faint red light emanating from Volusdin's men, half-smiling.

When we sat face to face in the coffee shop, Volusdin just looked at the Prius quietly.

It's not polite to show that kind of behavior, but the Prius will also care.

"You really haven't thought about that problem since. After all, to be honest, the way you left the Burning Hell can hardly be said to be like a dog escaping from its home."

This chapter has been completed!
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