1338 A battle that seems sure to win

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 After reaching basic cooperation, the tension between Rasma and Gruchak disappeared.

The current situation is enough for both parties.

"Then go to the battlefield. The aura of the strong man who is fighting the talisman is not the kind that makes people uneasy."

Ulena said.

They have been staying here for a long time. Although what they have to do is not urgent at all, there is no point in delaying it any longer.

"You are the one responsible for the frontal battle, so you have the final say."

Gruchak said nonchalantly.

"I will provide help at the appropriate time. After all, if I want to accomplish my goal, I cannot let this talisman escape easily."

There was a smile on Rasma's mouth, but this smile could not be said to be pretty.

If I had to describe his smile at this time, gloomy might be a good description.

That kind of situation is what Ulena wants to see.

As long as the situation is within control, I only need to retreat to the level of harassment at the appropriate time.

Maybe in Zhuang Yunhao's eyes, the absence of that magical talisman is the reason why he can be killed?

So I was interrupted as soon as I finished my thought-provoking answer, and it was too late to open my mouth now.

He always thinks that he can only get this soul fragment before killing me, right?"

A dead identity can provide Zhuang Yunhao with far fewer soul fragments than a living talisman!

Wu Fengji's attack frequency is among the monks, and only Karasim is faster than you.

Now is not the worst time, Wu Fengji is not afraid! And she is at her peak!

"Damn it, for what reason do you have to stand in front of me!?"

Then your iron fist will hit the rune's head heavily with the power accumulated during that period!

Rasmark walked back a little, I need to isolate the possible aftermath of the battlefield from the young people.

The best thing is to ensure that your condition is at its peak after facing the enemy!

And this special, devastating blow!

Wu Liena's real purpose was to test Zhuang Junhao's attitude. After all, Grucha never said anything about which talisman he wanted to kill.

I can't accept that outcome!

Does he, who has never been hit by a weaker person, even understand that truth?"

At this time, Grucha alone was not enough to face the talisman, which was not seriously injured at this time. Coupled with Wu Fengji's attack, there should be no oversights.

That kind of feeling is not even too familiar to the talisman who has regained consciousness for a long time.

However, the fact that you were indeed planning to kill the talisman made Ulena not disappointed.

It is not difficult for us to allocate some energy to prevent the runes from escaping.

Even in his busy schedule, Shenfu took time to turn around and take a look.

In that case, communication becomes a slightly less pleasant thing.

Sincerity is the most important quality that has enabled Grucha to evolve from a mere mortal to what he is today!

Failure is no longer a given!

Wu Fengji's slowed down movements at this time does not mean that you can be distracted.

Once a guy like him appears, we should use all our strength to lock him up again!

"You can accept the result of killing me!

But now I don’t even have a chance to speak, before I see Zhuang Yunhao’s figure turned into an illusion!

Rasmark continued.

Grucha took the time to say.

The purpose of reducing stress at this time is just to allow the body to seize the opportunity to recover, as long as this talisman shows any signs of breaking free.

Yixiang Quan·Youjian Quan Technique!

The power burst out in that process locked the body of the divine rune in place!

Rasmark said angrily.

Rasmark does not need to exert much power now.

Wu Fengji's blow was definitely not something he could bear easily at this time.

When Wu Fengji faced an opponent who would be defeated by the explosive palm detonated by her one-round punch!

I am able to still stand where I am at this time, all because of my own will!

I originally planned to answer, but my answer speed was much faster than Zhuang Yunhao.

If you want to help the young people gain weaker strength, what you have to do after this is not to ensure the survival of those young people!

"Your name is Wu Fengji, a legendary warrior monk."

Although it is not to the limit that Zhuang Yun Hulk can exert, it is more than enough to just protect the elderly.

"Killing that guy directly should be a complicated situation that everyone wants, right?"

After a little adjustment, the group walked towards the center of the battlefield.

If he was still at his peak, such an opponent could only be said to be somewhat troublesome.

At that time, the lethality that can be caused will also increase dramatically!

There will also be some adjustments to your combat process!

This is the mark of the Exploding Palm that Zhuang Yunhao left before he used the Tendon Jue!

"Not yet, you hope to gain the friendship of that weakling, but instead he stands directly opposite you.

"So their purpose is not to kill the Talisman as I said?"

If you can kill an enemy, there is no need to give the opponent a chance to start over again.

Those sounds were the product of several explosions, but they were detonated sparsely, resulting in the sounds being completely connected!

Ulena only needs to attack when I think it is safe, and I only need to protect the group of people from danger.

Grucha was confused about how safe it was to face an opponent like Talisman!

In this way, Wu Fengji will burst out with weaker power in the shortest possible time to maintain her current state!

Regarding the situation at this time, Zhuang Yunhao was not yet ready to intervene directly.

"Well, what you said is exactly what you think. After all, killing me is the most complicated way in your opinion."

Ulena said quietly.

Considering Wu Fengji's physical weakness, the opportunity for that move is very frequent and there is no gap between it and the execution!

And that sense of normalcy made my performance in battle even more exciting.

At least now, Grucha has not been able to catch Zhuang Yunhao very often.

Although Zhuang Yunhao, who had mastered the power of Phoenix and Dragon, did not think that he would be defeated.

Zhuang Yunhuoke protected the young man in front of him and walked behind him, saying in a wonderful tone.

Now Wu Fengji's movement speed has increased as usual. Although she is still very fast, there is no difference compared to when you attack frequently.

Grucha's answer was earlier than Rasmark's.

Wu Fengji directly joined the battlefield. This did not just make the outcome of that battle more difficult to see.

Zhuang Yunhuoke said as if he was on fire.

Wu Fengji, on the other hand, continuously released the skills she combined!

Wu Liena looked at Wu Fengji's burst of power, and she even felt a sense of relief in her heart.

The magic talisman was trying to move, but due to the comprehensive impact, he completely lost control of his body!

The breaking of tendons·overwhelming mountains and seas.

Obviously, you are very concerned about the life and death of the talisman!

That is not the least lethal move among the Yixiangquan skills, but it is the move that has the greatest impact on the body!

The damage from Exploding Palm is directly transmitted like a disease before it is detonated!

The moment those attacks hit the talisman, the talisman realized that there was a terrible mark hanging under him!

Only when it was safe to be destroyed, Wu Liena would risk everything and unleash all her power.

Before introducing Wu Fengji to Zhuang Yunhao, I activated Xiaodi's power using my own body as a medium.

Grucha rushed to Wu Fengji's side, and you felt a little uneasy looking at the magic talisman.


I am the end of all things, I must be dead in the true sense, then everything will become weird!"

Ulena asked.

"It seems that that weak existence is not talkative."

Grucha said politely.

Fighting requires concentration!

"Don't make trouble, did your final goal include killing that guy?

That is not the way Wu Fengji would choose to deal with a weak enemy.

Because the answer Rasmark would give in that case was not something I would be happy with.

But Wu Fengji's attack detonated all around me almost instantly! The shock wave of the explosion came from the inside, constantly colliding with other shock waves!

Zhuang Yunhao asked while cooperating with Wu Fengji's attack to find an opportunity for him to intervene.

"That weakling, what is his name?"

Many of the guys who had never faced Zhuang Yunhao's attack for the first time could not make an effective defense immediately.

As the oldest Nephalem in existence, in my eyes the other Nephalem are all very young.

It's just that Wu Fengji doesn't have time to introduce herself to Grucha now.

Maybe just a moment of negligence can change the situation of the battle drastically.

Grucha did not join the fight rashly, but held his iron fist tightly.

It's not that you hate the combat process of sneak attacks, but it's just Wu Fengji's own habit that has something to do with whether it's dark or not.

On the contrary, the word "seal" was mentioned less often.

The weaker the power shown by those "young people", the more bad news it is for the Nephalem!

At most, he would be defeated by the slightly injured talisman behind him.

But he was hit hard by Li Min first, and when he faced Wu Fengji, he actually felt like he was struggling.

The destructive power of this Exploding Palm before it was detonated was completely incomparable to your full-force punch that shattered the Phoenix Power!

After that, the explosions that became slightly more common became deafening again!

Although Grucha was satisfied with this, he was not afraid.

You understand that such low-frequency and low-damage attacks must be endless!

Although Wu Fengji and I are relatively strangers, we still have some understanding at least.

I am too used to communicating with Ulena, and Ulena's way of thinking is very different from the ordinary Nephalem.

It must be the first time to see Wu Fengji, so even the devil and the little angel will be suppressed for a period of time and raise their heads!

Of course I said those words to Rasmark beside me.

The strength and density of Wu Fengji's attacks are something you have never seen before.

Ulena said with a smile on the side.

The Nephalem have to fight against the Burning Hell and the Lower Heavens, and a weakling like you cannot win over them!"

"Isn't he vague about what he represents?

"You also think, but how to solve the current situation?"

The battle has not yet begun, of course you will leave Wu Fengji to face the magic rune!

"Where did this bastard come from?"

Talisman completely lost control of his body at this time!

Fighting doesn't actually require much preparation, as long as you have your own determination, it's enough!

You can't do what you want to do even if you kill me, and the same goes for what he wants to do.

The moment Wu Fengji launched her attack, all Shenfu could see was as powerful as a snow mountain collapsing!

Such a change made Shen Fu's heart feel violently anxious!

Of course Zhuang Yunhao knew about that, and my words were more like teasing Rasmark.

Grucha did not respond directly to Rasmark immediately, but returned his attention to the talisman.

Grucha is a very inexperienced weakling who would make such high-end accuracy in battle!

When Zhuang Yunhao spoke, Wu Fengji also ended the seventh round of explosion!

Rasmark wanted nothing more than to see a future in which he suffered heavy casualties due to his own negligence.

However, Rasmark and Ulena were simply bystanders.

When facing the talisman, you don't dare to be careless.

That also resulted in Rasmark being completely unable to tell which of what Ulena said was true and which was false.

The only thing that can be considered unknown now is whether the talisman still has some possibility of escaping.

But Karasim's speed comes from my fighting style which uses less punches.

The weak and cold energy of the bearer makes the movements of the talisman move faster little by little.

At that time, the number of Explosive Palms detonated by colleagues will increase in a terrifying way!

For the current situation, in fact, no matter what situation we face, there is no guarantee.

Being able to watch Wu Fengji's battle is fun no matter what.

Wu Fengji shouted.

It can't even be said to be very nervous.

I'm sure it would be even worse if my enemies weren't surrounded by densely packed enemies.

The magic talisman must have suddenly burst out with some power that could not break free from the restrictions caused by Wu Fengji's attack.

Focusing on that matter was entirely the choice Rasmark would make.

Use the elusive speed brought by Yixiangquan to avoid the opponent's damage, and then continuously cycle your own skill combination to completely destroy the enemy bit by bit!

Although the battle was peaceful, it was not yet to the point where Ulena had to take action immediately!

The attacks launched by Wu Fengji were broken and intertwined, and there was an explosion sound under the body of the magic symbol!

Shen Fu roared a little anxiously.

That kind of situation was nothing to Wu Fengji at this time, so Wu Fengji didn't care about the environment she was in!

But from my perspective, I could only see a figure that quickly turned into an afterimage!

Zhuang Junhaoke did not care enough to distinguish every word of Wu Liena, but doing so was really too troublesome for me.

Although the explosion range of the Exploding Palm is relatively small, it is the result of Wu Fengji's unintentional control!

This chapter has been completed!
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