1389 Busy humans keep adding more money

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Although Nick Fury was very concerned about the Scarlet Witch, he did not go to see this powerful existence immediately.

On the one hand, this is because the Scarlet Witch at this time most likely only has the potential to become a top powerhouse and has not yet had time to develop it.

On the other hand, Captain Marvel, who is already a strong man, is more worthy of Nick Fury's attention.

The message sent by Captain Marvel is a p3, which only contains a recording file.

Nick Fury is still a little puzzled that Captain Marvel uses this method to transmit information, but he is too lazy to think about why Captain Marvel doesn't use other more technological methods.

"I am about to return to Earth. The battle in the universe is getting more intense, and I have to admit that the devil has the upper hand now."

Nick Fury heard these words when he pressed the play button.

Nick Fury had long been mentally prepared for the fact that the situation in the universe was not optimistic, but he still did not expect to hear such words as "not optimistic" from Captain Marvel.

Although he also knows that there is a huge gap in the power of Captain Marvel compared to the grown-up Scarlet Witch.

But Captain Marvel's own combat effectiveness cannot be ignored.

Mage Supreme, we built a new line of defense on the day where Ultron fought.

Qiu Songzhenrui was speechless and hesitated.

But now Wu Feng Jiding has been completely exploited, and these so-called gods have become the center of the game between the burning hell and the low-level heaven.

Although you don't have much confidence in what you said.

The infusion of that power even affected the state of the Crimson Universe!

Although the name of Newton Group is still retained, it can only be regarded as hanging on for a while at this time.

Qiu Songzhen Yasi said.

"Is that the result of the Nephalem letting it go in order to train Wu Feng Jiding?"

Casieri asked.

Casieri took out his cell phone and dialed King White Bat's number.

I have not given up the power of the caster. Although I have also obtained a share of the power of the Crimson Universe, I am not suitable to express my opinion.

Sir Hill asked very seriously.

Loki continued.

Master Gu Yi shook his head, you are the current supreme mage. Even if Emperor Weishan wants to contact us, he should contact Master Gu Yi first.

At this time, although SHIELD's work content included more problems caused by the past struggles between countries, it lacked several demonic attacks.

Dugan also ended his return to his old career and temporarily gave up his identity as a special agent and returned to the training ground.

Immortal Frigga's share comes from all the protoss. Frigga, as one of the most powerful mages among the protoss, must have obtained the power of the Crimson Universe.

There are many civilizations in the universe, and the technology of Earth's civilizations is definitely among the best.

Even if they can exchange their lives for the day, the number of humans will be completely crushed in the face of the endless demons!

Ancestor Gruchak and Rasma are here now, and perhaps Burkasso arrived that day.

In that case, our power was helpful to mankind, but it also changed the situation.

"You're being vague, but it's not weird at all."

There's no time to rest in S.H.I.E.L.D.

A small amount of survival materials have not yet been prepared, and even the construction of a large ecosystem has been completed.

"There is really no definite information about Nick Foul in SHIELD's database.

The Nephalem knew that thought, but had no intention of stopping it.

It's just that nuclear weapons have a significant threatening effect on demons, and Bulcaisel can do it.

The Nephalem seemed to have said later that the legendary Iron Fist Qiu Songzhen was looking for Captain Carroll."

That can probably be considered bad news."

Although the lower levels of mankind are not wary of the Nephalem, at least now there is no doubt that the Nephalem protect mankind.

"Based on the information given by Wu Fengjiding, you have not yet found any suspected Eternals.

Even if the standards for these newcomers have been lowered several times, SHIELD's replacement manpower is still being depleted at a faster rate.

It's just that although we feel the power of the Burning Hell, we can't mistakenly target the target of that power!

Constantias suddenly received a message from the Holy Mountain, and then spoke.

And the main reason is that the Newton Group's industry was fortunately the one that suffered the most damage during the demon's attack."

Although it doesn't sound like a refuge, it is not an accurate decision to preserve fire for mankind.

Even if the White Bat King's power can intervene in the battle between the little angel and the devil, it can still solve the little minority's troubles.

"So there's no bad news now?"

A few supreme mages have not yet set up defensive barriers, and have not completed the deployment of a small number of modern weapons.

Agent Rand who stayed behind also left before recording those matters.

If Agent Rand had become a Green Lantern that day, you might have died suddenly that day.

Earth may be the civilization closest to burning hell in that world, but our situation is actually the worst.

It is also a somewhat difficult problem to find out.

Before becoming a barbarian, Constantias had a lower regard for barbarians than the older Nephalem.

This is an existence that can use its own power to quell the war in the universe.

But it's not pure nonsense to say what SHIELD could do in that case.

That is actually the same as Bulqueso's "table-turning threat".

This situation should still be under the Nephalem's control.

But as time goes by, and the situation continues to worsen.

Although Qiu Songzhenrui also knows that Danny Newton's current combat effectiveness is really weak, but without Qiu Songzhen's weakling behind him, Casieri is still willing to look forward to the future of Danny Newton!

It’s just that the probability of sacrifice is relatively low, and now there are even many people who have signed up for recruitment.”

Agent Qiu Song said.

It is a prototype, but a fortress that is taking shape over time.

But now we all agree and feel safe for a while!

In that case, no matter how carelessly SHIELD changed, the consequences would be disastrous!

Because at this time Barr has finally finished accelerating his actions!

There are also traces of corruption among today's human beings.

Do you need to take the initiative to contact the legendary Iron Fist?"

It seems I haven’t come back from Harrogath yet.”

When humans face demons, they simply have the opportunity to make mistakes!

It may be a more appropriate way to contact Nick Foul through Danny Newton, the current Iron Fist.

Strange asked.

And what Captain Marvel said is not optimistic is a very bad situation for the combat effectiveness of the earth.

Agent Rand said.

Strange is still staring at Sir Qiusong, while Loki and the Ancient One Master are helping humans continue to strengthen the fortress.

Such a situation has not yet made the stone-hearted Casiliri feel safe, such a situation has not been exciting enough!

Even Constantia didn't fully consider himself a barbarian.

The construction of that fortress cannot be said to be a step back from the full support of mankind.

Casieri rubbed his head. That incident was not a headache at all.

Sir Hill said with some disdain.

Qiu Songzhenrui said.

Although the final result has not yet been presented, what happened is irreversible!

"How far have the newcomers on Dugan's side been trained?"

Yes, Kaciliari has done everything. The most I can do now is to contact the White Bat King.

The human condition has long since reached a very wonderful level.

Feeling grateful, I am now standing outside, which can be regarded as joining the construction of the fortress.

"Stop giving the White Bat King tasks for the time being. You have nothing to discuss with me."

"So what should you do in the current situation?"

If you want to know more about the situation, you have to wait until Captain Marvel returns to Earth.

But even if the demon attack is not treated so casually, the probability of death by the combat forces dispatched by SHIELD is very small!

"You have to ask, it's these gods.

SHIELD has not expanded its staff for the seventh time, but it still has enough manpower.

It seems to me that since the Nephalem have such vague information, they have known about all of this happening a long time ago.

As for Constantias, I got a share of the power of the Crimson Universe from the hands of the Intentional Mage.

What is happening now is full of weirdness, and Bulcasso may not even have arrived here yet.

"Is there any news from Emperor Weishan?"

But the final conclusion was that the Newton Group was unlucky.

After Cassiliari finished speaking, he left directly.

Agent Rand asked.

The Crimson Universe is divided by all directions. Since there is no problem on the side of the mages, it must be on the other sides!

And the Nephalem delayed knowing about the situation and it has developed to the present level. The only reason I can think of is "the Nephalem want to train Qiu Songzhending".

The news I received was from Hairab, and it was mentioned above that the news needed to be kept confidential.

In the center of the whirlpool built by Wu Fengji Ding, these guys from the gods group.

When facing that kind of difficulty, SHIELD can only send everyone out in order of strength.

Nick Fury still doesn't understand the Earth's place in the universe.

"The Qiu Song family's business has not been completely wiped out by other companies during that period.

However, humans have just given up on using nuclear weapons to clean out demons under the earth.

"Follow Captain Carroll's news. I should come directly to see you before I come back.

It is not so difficult to understand that a special person's mentality changes.

Of course, the mages who have obtained the power and authority of the Crimson Universe may know about this!

Although the demon's invasion has begun, these guys with a mentality close to the demon have not yet completed their corruption.

Although it is a matter of luck, the key lies in whether Danny Newton can accept that result.

The following is the information sent by the ancestors of Hellab through the connection with the Holy Mountain."

For humans, that fortress is of ordinary significance!

"The God Group?"

In order to prevent it from being a well-intentioned business war, SHIELD also specially sent personnel to verify the situation.

I'm sure Captain Marvel's return is due to the influence of Nick Foul, but that's still a bad thing.

Although Qiu Song and Zhen Yasi thought that they were not very stupid, at least they could still use their brains abnormally.

The other party will send a text message back before receiving the message.

During that time, White Bat was not idle at all. Before the news that there were no traces of demons was sent to SHIELD, as long as the error of the information was confirmed, the first person Cassirer thought of was not White Bat.


I will talk a little bit about things that I know about.

It is true that the weak among the Eternals are common, but they only barely reach the level of the legendary Nephalem.

At the end of the day, humans did not consider sending humankind’s fire into outer space.

Even SHIELD can't determine the demon's strength from intelligence!

Or rather a fortress.

"The power of the Burning Hell has not passed through the area under your control."

The power of the Burning Hell eventually surged towards the bodies of these so-called gods.

Agent Rand said with a frown.

The method that Casieri had to proactively contact Carol was only able to deliver complex messages.

Although there is still room for more upgrades and modifications, it has not yet reached the point where it cannot be used directly.

Constanyas on the other side hesitated to speak.

Agent Qiu Song asked.

Agent Rand was very busy and exhausted during that time. Although the work pressure of SHIELD was definitely quite high, it was still not busy enough to guarantee enough sleep time!

But before learning about the suffering experienced by civilizations without the Nephalem in the universe, Project Fire became Project Sanctuary.

Loki said.

Minimize the security assessment of every demonic attack!

"The gap between you and this Nick Ford is too small, but isn't there an Iron Fist on earth yet?

Now I need to deal with these troubles one by one. Even if I can solve them completely, I have to slow down the speed at which the situation worsens.

But so far, news of the collapse of very few civilizations has come out, and among them are some civilizations whose technological level is weaker than that of Earth.

Although we have not received any news about the effect of nuclear weapons on demons, we think the effect is not ideal.

The portal was opened directly next to Sir Hill. Loki and Master Gu Yi walked through the portal before.

I understand that the news needs to be kept secret, which means that things are not yet cautious and anyone can change it.

Constantias told the mages behind him the information he received.

Although the Nefeitian has intervened in the construction there, humans have not yet completed the construction quite well.

Although there are still some people staying there, the building is not yet complete in terms of usage effects.

Whether human hands are feet or not is not the most obvious question facing mankind.

Although the Nephalem hadn't warned me about that kind of thing, it still made SHIELD feel like it was in a hurry when it actually happened.

These are legitimate business practices, so SHIELD has the law to intervene.

"You contact your mother."

If the time comes when humanity is about to be destroyed, we will launch all our nuclear weapons into the burning hell!

The White Bat King during that period was indeed a disgrace to my mission. Every incident I dealt with achieved positive results in a very short period of time.

"According to the latest standards, these personnel have not yet retired to work for SHIELD.

The long-term feeling is hope, and what I hear is always the news of some day.

Nowadays, humans have basically given up on using nuclear weapons to bomb demons.

This chapter has been completed!
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