1412 The enlightened Constantine

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"So now we're just going to watch and do nothing?"

Constantine asked.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to directly come forward and make yourself the first target of Malthael and Baal's attack?

Don’t forget that the Nephalem are now a common thorn in the side of both of them. Even if the interests of High Heaven and the Nephalem are similar sometimes, this situation cannot be changed.”

Rasma's attitude was particularly perfunctory when she answered.

He is very aware of his situation. Even if he is not directly attacked after showing up, he will definitely be targeted by both parties.

Just like Rathma never underestimates Malthael and Baal, those two guys will never underestimate Rathma!

Speaking of which, they are more likely to underestimate Bulkesso than they are to underestimate Rasma!

Bulcaisel has never shown his macro or micro strategies in front of them!

The reason why they had to treat Bulcaisso with caution was because of his powerful power, which forced them to bow their heads.

If they all treated Bulcaisel the same way they treated Rasma, they would never use this "rough" method to implement their plans now.

The High Heavens and Burning Hells are not as lacking in combat effectiveness as the Nephalem. They have more ways to achieve their goals if they are willing!

On the one hand, they would appear here in person to test Bulcasso's attitude and handling methods. More importantly, they are a bit underestimating Bulcasso!

It is not that difficult for them to do something without any trace. They are very professional in playing with people's hearts!

"Be careful, Malthael may not know the specific location where we are hiding, but this place is so big.

He only needs to use a slightly wider range of attacks to force us to show up.

But he probably wouldn’t do this if Bulcasso didn’t show up, and it would be fun if he forced Bulcaisso out.”

There was a bit of teasing on Rasma's face, as if she was looking forward to this scene.

Rathma didn't dare to say that he knew much about Bul-Katho, but he was familiar with the Uldyssian he once was!

If Uldyssian was faced with such a situation, it would not be unusual for him to make a scene regardless.

Uldyssian always hides his true intentions under rough actions. Although Bulcaisel has not recovered everything in the past, he should be very different when he wants to deal with things!

"If you don't think Malthael would do this, what's the point of being cautious?

Now I am beginning to wonder what I am doing all these things for.

I'm really afraid that if Wayne tells me to go back to Gotham City, Batman won't catch me."

Constantine's expression was particularly weird, a bit distorted as if he had eaten a sour lemon.

"This is called frustration. You shouldn't be so far away from this feeling. Maybe your mentality has changed after becoming a Nephalem."

Rasma said.

He is happy to teach young people when he is not busy, as long as the young people are not the kind of idiots he sees most.

Rasma could see that in addition to his strength as a demon hunter, Constantine was also a very good spell caster.

Although he still follows the path of a mage in this world, his attainments are definitely not shallow.

As for why Constantine didn't use these gadgets, he didn't care. How a person planned to use his power was beyond anyone's control.

In addition to the faith and strength shown by Constantine, Rasma's accomplishments as a spellcaster are also a very key factor in his appreciation of Constantine.

"Maybe you're right."

Constantine didn't intend to refute anything. A refutation without factual support would be like a joke.

He didn't show obedience just because he was weaker than Rasma. In fact, Constantine has always been a guy who is willing to listen to other people's suggestions.

But the premise is that the other party’s suggestion is indeed correct!

"Okay, it's time for Malthael to take action now.

It's easier to see the true plans of these guys in the fierce battlefield, and this is also your chance to learn more about the devil and the archangel."

After Rasma said that, she reinforced the barrier.

He said that Malthael would most likely not use a large-scale attack to force them to show up, but he still made some preparations.

To confront Malthael, the archangel who represents wisdom itself, it is pointless to consider whether the other party has thought of everything.

Sometimes less clever guys can thwart Malthael's plans.

Or maybe the human mind, which Malthael has never been able to fully understand, can change everything.

Rathma has long given up on defeating Malthael in terms of layout and other aspects, and his demands in this storm will most likely not harm anyone's interests!

Make concessions or give up conflicts of interest.

This allows archangels and demons to ignore him to a certain extent when unnecessary!

What Rasma is most worried about is Burkaiso's attitude. He doesn't know if Burkaiso will support what he wants to do!

Rathma was not too worried about the attitude of the High Heaven and the Burning Hell from the beginning!

He clearly knew that as long as something was beneficial to Inaris, the other archangels would at most express their resistance verbally!

As for the Burning Hell, no one wants this to happen, so all worries are worthless!

The only thing Rathma has to worry about is the attitude of the other powerful nephalem!

If it was before he was forced by Baal to destroy the two legendary suits, he wouldn't have to worry about the attitudes of all the Nephalem except Bul-Katho and Li Min!

But now even Gruchak is enough to delay him.

This situation is already very bad for Rasma, but he still has some confidence that he can get the situation he wants in the process!

"You're afraid of Bulcasso, aren't you?"

Gruchak suddenly spoke.

There was some suspicion in his eyes, and he even clenched his fists!

It seemed that if Rasma couldn't give him a convincing explanation, he would directly press him!

"Who is not afraid of Bulcasso?

If I remember correctly, the barbarians were full of doubts about Warusk for a while."

The corners of Rasma's mouth turned up slightly, and he did not hide his mockery of Gruchak!

When the difference in strength is not big, he is not mocking Gruchak's power, but he is mocking Gruchak's rhetoric that is not consistent with the facts!

Do barbarians really have unconditional trust in the Immortal King? This is obviously impossible!

Whether they are the first generation ancestors or Volusk, they have all experienced this situation of being doubted by their tribesmen!

Just because Bulkesso has not experienced all this does not mean that it will not happen! It can only be said that such a situation has not occurred yet!

Human hearts are fickle! This is not a rule that only applies to high-level heavens and burning hells!

Maybe after Bulcasso did something that other barbarians could not understand, such a situation would also happen to Bulcaisuo!

It’s not that Rasma is pessimistic, but that he thinks this is bound to happen!

It doesn't even need to have a guy with a certain degree of prestige among other barbarians. As long as Bulcaisel doesn't directly kill the two "enemies" Tyrell and Malthael, the faith of the barbarians can be shaken.


The ancestral spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogas will not easily have doubts, but that is the prestige brought by the rebuilding of the barbarian holy mountain by Bulkeso!

And can this prestige be consumed endlessly?

Burquesso's expression of being pressed for time may be a sign that he is also aware of this problem!

In Rasma's view, Bulkesso could obviously do better, but he was constrained by his identity as the Immortal King of the Barbarians!

Responsibility, Rasma admits, is a very positive and beautiful existence.

But Rasma does not believe that all positive things will necessarily bring positive results!

It’s just that Rasma also knew that he couldn’t change Bulkesso’s mind, so he never discussed this matter with Bulkesso!

"I probably understand what you mean. I also admit that Bulqueso, who grew up among barbarians, was indeed influenced by barbarian civilization. But I hope you know one thing, that is, don't doubt that barbarians maintain immortality.

The king’s determination!”

Gruchak stood up straight, his burly body now more like a mountain.

Although Gruchak does not want to expose his existence in the battle at this time, if Rasma continues to make remarks that insult the Immortal King, then Gruchak will no longer have any scruples!

Glory is never just a matter of talk!

It is a monument built by countless barbarians with their own lives!

All barbarians, even the most deviant ones, will not watch others insult the barbarian civilization!

"I won't take back what I said, but I won't continue this topic with you."

Rasma said.

But his expression was full of mockery.

It's not that he feels guilty, it's just that he doesn't want to conflict with Gruchak at this time!

At this time, Constantine, who was caught between Gruchak and Rasma, acted a little indifferent.

He neither felt nervous because of this conflict that seemed to be about to break out at any time, nor did he feel reflective because of Rasma and Gruchak's respective speeches!

Konstantin was suspicious, suspecting that everything presented to him was just a show between Rasma and Gruchak.

Although this "performance" may also contain some sincerity!

Rasma kept reminding Constantine not to underestimate the archangels and demons, but didn't these words mean that Constantine could trust them?

Constantine began to suspect that Rasma was being used by Rasma like a clown in the process of being treated like a clown!

He didn't forget that he also got help from Rasma when he started taking action!

Even Rasma is the most positive one among them!

It is true that the silent use of moisturizing materials is very scary, but can active guidance like Rasma clear the suspicion?

Constantine is thinking about his identity in this storm!

A guy who trusts others at all costs must not be very smart, although if such a guy is lucky, he will have many friends he can rely on!

But a bastard like Constantine also has bastard friends who are just like him!

He was not sure which type Rasma belonged to, but Rasma was definitely not like the ancestral spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogas, who had moral concepts that were almost the same as those of human society!

So is Gruchak the kind of guy who is not very smart?

Constantine was mainly thinking about this!

Are all rugged savages stupid?

I know this is impossible!

So do the ancestral spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogas also have any appeals to humans?

Constantine reviewed his position again!

Constantine couldn't find anything wrong with the Nephalem and humans fighting against the Burning Hell and the High Heaven!

But will the Nephalem not harm humans? At least Constantine doesn’t think so!

Humans can also harm humans themselves, so why does he dare to think that the Nephalem will unconditionally show goodwill to humans?

He was too lazy to think about this before, because in his opinion, even if a conflict broke out between the Nephalem and humans, it should only happen after the threats from the High Heaven and the Burning Hell were resolved!

But now he has to think about it!

He must at least determine his position first, after all, he is special enough now!

Relying on his own ability to become a miraculous Nephalem, he does not directly owe the Nephalem any unpayable favor!

Although he owed some favors when he first met the Nephalem, those favors can be specific to people!

These are not enough for him to completely identify himself as a Nephalem!

Although Nephalem and humans can barely be considered the same category, Constantine obviously still identifies more with his identity as a human!

It's as if Thor has become Volusk's chosen heir, but he still recognizes his identity as the God King of Asgard!

Barbarians don't care about this kind of thing, but is Rasma the type who cares about this kind of thing?

Constantine didn't dare to bet because he was not strong enough!

Only after he has truly gained the power that Rasma can't kill him with just a little trick will he be qualified to engage in similar games!

Constantine began to have thoughts about those so-called gods!

Since the high-level heaven also hopes to get the "loyalty" of those guys, Barr hopes to get the fragments of authority from them!

【So can I try to get those fragments of authority?】

Such an idea came to Constantine's mind!

If he gets a fragment of authority, he will definitely become a thorn in Barr's side!

But this will also make him someone "worthy of vigorous cultivation" in the eyes of the Nephalem!

Although he is undoubtedly the weakest one in this storm besides those gods, this weakness may actually have some effect!

For example, the Archangel and Baal thought that his actions were inspired by a Nephalem!

Thinking of this, Constantine glanced at Rasma secretly!

Rasma is definitely a guy suitable to bear this pressure, no doubt! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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