157 The Winter Soldier Can't Live Until Spring (Five Thousand Characters Chapter)

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"I'll contact Peggy right away and ask her to tell Tony to come."

Steve took out an old-fashioned mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number he remembered very well.

After he woke up, he didn't have time to see Peggy Carter, but he got Peggy's personal phone number from Sharon Carter.

"How should I face Tony?"

Bucky looked like he had backache.

"Tony seems to be a playboy like his father, and I believe he is an upright man like his father."

Steve said firmly while making the call.

Indeed, Tony Stark is an upright man, but he always thought that his father died accidentally.

Now that he knows there is a murderer, can he still maintain his integrity?

Steve couldn't tell that.


The phone was finally connected, and the old voice that came through made Steve feel like he was struck by lightning.


Steve just read out two words, and the phone fell into silence.

It took a while before the sound continued.

"Steve, I thought you would contact me earlier..."

Peggy Carter's voice was a little tired.

It wasn't long before she learned that Steve was back, but it didn't just happen in the past two days.

Regarding matters in SHIELD, Peggy Carter did not have much involvement, but left everything to Dugan and Nick Fury.

She has always been paying attention to things about Captain America.

Even Sharon Carter stayed with Steve as he waited for his awakening, as she wished.

Suddenly hearing Steve's voice, although her memory was blurry, she could still recognize the man she had been waiting for for fifty years.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to face you."

Steve clenched his fists.

Bucky Barnes was quiet on the sidelines and didn't say anything.

After all, it would not be a good thing to interrupt the reunion of the old couple, even though he is also an old man.

"Peggy, I found Bucky..."

Steve didn't immerse himself in his emotions for long, and soon he got down to business.

"What's up with him?"

Peggy Carter felt that Steve was not in a good mood and asked.

"Howard's death at that time was related to him and to Hydra."

Steve spoke with a trembling voice. Then there was another period of silence on the phone.

"I think you want Tony to see Bucky. I will contact him, but I can't guarantee what he will do. You know, after Howard and his wife passed away, Tony stopped contacting me very much."

Peggy Carter lay on the bed and let out a long breath.

Sharon Carter is taking care of her personally.

Now S.H.I.E.L.D. has little energy left.

Both the Security Council and the military are thinking about how to divide the big pie of SHIELD.

The huge power and large amounts of funds and materials make SHIELD a favorite in the eyes of these people.

"How are you?"

Steve finished speaking formally and finally had time to say something from his heart.

"Steve, you should come and see me for yourself, you still owe me a dance."

Peggy Carter hung up the phone after saying this.

Sharon Carter held her aunt's hand, as if she wanted to give her strength in this way.

"Little Sharon, you don't have to worry about me. I've reached this age and there's nothing else I can't bear to see."

Peggy Carter put down her phone, her tone still calm.

But the tears in the corners of my eyes couldn't stop after all.

"Tell me, is he as handsome as in the photo?"

Peggy Carter turned her head, lying calmly on the hospital bed and listening to Sharon tell how Steve bravely faced Hydra agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then he sent a text message to Tony Stark, thinking that Steve would be able to meet Howard's son soon.

Steve calmed down his emotions and looked at Bucky.

"Tony will be here soon."

Steve's tone was a little complicated, he still didn't know how to face Tony.

"I know, just wait a little longer."

Bucky wiped his face with his good hand and put his hair back.

Even when facing his own mistakes, he hopes to face them with his own will and appearance.

Now he is no longer the Winter Soldier, he is just Bucky Barnes, a veteran.

"What, are you going to pay your salary over there?"

Burquesso wanted to put on a seat belt according to the traffic regulations, but then realized that he didn't wear a seat belt.

Driving is not a threat to a barbarian's physical strength, but the two people in the back seat are not barbarians.

"No, that bastard with a face as black as his heart is talking about shit."

Rumlow shook his head. He didn't know why Nick Fury was talking about a dog, but he didn't want to know either.

"I also had a dog back then. Although the dog was not very cute, it was very smart."

Bulcasio rummaged through his backpack, pulled out a belt, and threw it to Frank.

"You guys watch and secure yourself, I forgot to make a seat belt."

Bulqueso felt a little uncomfortable.

He was not the kind of person who didn't care about his life, so he began to think about whether he had done something hasty.

"How about I add a seat belt to the car after Matthew washes it tomorrow?"

Bulcaisel looked at Gil behind him and asked what Gil meant.

Jill smiled and nodded.

"Can I spend the night with dad today?"

Frank's body trembled a little with Jill's words.

He was looking forward to this day extremely, looking forward to being able to stay with his family.

"I think, probably..."

"Don't forget to bring your ring."

Gill was the first to speak out what Bulqueso said.

Then a luxury car in front hit the front of the pickup truck.

A man with a handsome beard stepped out of the car, threw out a stack of checks and hit Rumlow in the face.

Without even saying sorry, he walked directly into the blacksmith shop.

He behaves arrogantly and acts in a hurry. He doesn't seem to regard what he is doing as something serious.

Losing money may be his solution to his troubles.

"I XXX!"

Rumlow opened the door twice, and then jumped directly out of the glassless window. He was not strong enough to open the door.

It's windy when you walk.

"It seems that today is indeed not a suitable day for driving."

Bulcasio opened the car door and asked Jill to follow Frank and leave first.

There have been no problems with Jill these days, and Bulcasso has also let go of some of his worries.

Frank took Jill and said goodbye to Bulcasso.

Bulcasio held Casillas's neck and waved his hand, and then heard a sound of bones rubbing together.

"Fortunately, no injuries."

Bulcasio threw Casillas back into the forge and put away the blanket.

As for the car that was hit...

Bulcaisel has confidence in his craftsmanship, which is not something that can be easily destroyed.

It would be weird if a car with legendary powers could be hit and damaged by a sports car.

"What's the use of this blanket?" Bulcaisel asked, suddenly feeling that the souvenirs he collected didn't seem to have any use.

In fact, the best way to improve the quality of life is to throw things away regularly...

But it's obvious that Bulqueso never cared about quality of life.

As soon as Bulcasso entered the door, he saw Rumlow pressing the mustache to the ground and beating him violently.

Of course, he was holding back his strength. It didn't take long for Rumlow to become stronger, but his ability to control power was quite good.

Each blow can't hurt the opponent, but every blow can cause the opponent a lot of pain.

Rumlow beat and cursed at the same time.

"You think you can do whatever you want if you have money!"

Then he slapped Mustache on the back of his head, and Mustache's forehead hit the ground with a thud.

Then he hammered hard, very quickly, and it hurt to look at it anyway.


Steve, who was shocked by what happened before, quickly stepped forward to stop Rumlow's beating.

Although he could tell that Rumlow didn't use much strength, the sound of the punch to the flesh made him tremble a little.

"Captain, do you know what this kid just did?"

Rumlow paused for a moment and looked up at Steve, then slapped the mustache that had just raised his head with another slap.

Steve didn't know what Tony had just done, but knowing Howard, he could probably guess it.

But he couldn't watch Tony being beaten until he couldn't even lift his head.

"Stop it!"

Steve came up and used the strength of his hands to hold down Rumlow's slap that was about to strike again.

"Ha! Are you planning to call me here and kill me like you killed my father?"

Tony Stark, the most famous playboy, always looks down on everyone except him.

Even when Rumlow was directly pushed to the ground and beaten, he did not bow his head.

He resisted the previous two attacks, but the resistance was ineffective.

Although the severe pain all over his body came like a tide, he still spoke proudly.

"Tony, you misunderstood!"

Steve reluctantly pushed Rumlow away from Tony, not forgetting to say something.

"I **** this kid. If it weren't for the captain's sake, I would have to teach him a profound lesson!"

Apparently Rumlow hasn't calmed down yet.

Even when he was still working at SHIELD, no one dared to do this to him.

By the way, how should Rumlow print business cards when he works at SHIELD?

Savage in S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra Captain Crossbones Brock Rumlow?

"I wouldn't have said such shameless things when I was in elementary school."

Tony Stark climbed up from the ground with contempt.

Although his whole body ached, he refused to accept it.

Then he slowly bent down bit by bit.

When Rumlow put him down just now, he kicked him on the lower back. He didn't feel anything happened when he was beaten just now, but now when he stood up, he was so sore and weak that he had to bend down to relieve it.


Rumlow's words are like the common words used by students when they are weak in a fight. Perhaps this kind of words can always be learned by oneself when one is angry.

It is as common as pinching the soft flesh on the waist to cause great pain.

Although Tony felt pain in the back and forehead, he was not afraid.

Then Tony's neck was pinched by a rough hand and he was straightened.

Burcasso shook his hand casually, and Tony's waist immediately felt much better.

"I left him lying down for two days, and his muscles were severely injured."

Bulcaisel handed Tony directly to the nervous Steve, and then stopped Rumlow, who was still angry.

Although Bulcaisel felt that Rumlow did a good job, a barbarian who couldn't even control his anger could easily cause trouble.

The ancestor of the berserker Balnar cut down the demon group from one end to the other because of his uncontrollable rage.

Then, in anger, he rushed directly to Azmodan's face, and cut off one of Azmodan's legs at the cost of his life.

Azmodan recovered overnight...and Balnar died.

Being completely angry and losing your mind is not a good sign.

As for that reckless boy, let’s wait until Steve’s matter is finished before we discuss how to deal with it.

Bulkesso can still wait at this time.

After all, there are not many good-tempered barbarians, and this beating was just Rumlow's share.

"Okay, you better hurry up, I have to go back."

Bulqueso kicked Casillas on the ground. This guy had been in the blacksmith shop for a long time and was basically in a coma.

He promised Gu Yi to help her deal with her disobedient disciples, and he happened to be the companion of Jessica Jones on the mountain.

"Tony, I am Steve Rogers, you should know me, your father and I are..."

"Stop talking nonsense, are you here to tell me that you are the murderer of my father?"

Tony Stark's tone was cold.

"No, I was the one who killed your father."

Bucky Barnes walked up and looked at Tony.

There was guilt in his eyes.

Tony looked at the apologetic face in front of him, his face a little twisted.

Then a pistol fell from his waist to the ground and went off...

He took this gun from his bodyguard.

After receiving a text message from Peggy Carter, he came here filled with anger and ready for revenge.

Casillas woke up on the side.

It hit him right on the buttocks and took off a piece of meat...



Casillas continues to sleep.

"I plan to kill you. You know, MIT never teaches two courses, one is how to use firearms, and the other is how to face failure."

Tony glanced at the pistol on the ground and took it out of his pocket.

He wanted to take out his check book, but he had just smashed Rumlow with it, so nothing came out.

After this farce, Tony finally calmed down a little.

"I can accept this ending. I met you just to bear this mistake."

Bucky said with sincerity.

For him, that killing was an indelible shadow.

It was heavier than when he killed other people according to Hydra's instructions.

He killed his old friend with his own hands, and even though he was under control, he still felt extremely painful.

"Tony, I hope he can stand trial."

"And then use your reputation to protect his life? I'm much more familiar with this than you are."

Tony was not polite to Steve at all.

"It's better to kill me. I should die on the battlefield."

Bucky knelt down, picked up the pistol, and handed the handle to Tony.

The way he slowly squatted down with one hand and then stood up was awkward.

The broken body of the mechanical hand made him look a little pitiful.

"I've never held a gun with my own hands..."

When Steve heard Tony say this, he relaxed a little.

"But this time, I want to try!"

Tony took the pistol from Bucky's hand and quickly fired.

Steve was not nervous. As a battlefield veteran, he could see Tony's shooting target at a glance.

The bullet struck a spark on the remains of the robot hand, and then the stray bullet flew towards Bulcaisso.

"It seems that this is your fate. I don't have the talent to shoot. I can miss you at such a close range."

Tony put on a cold face and spoke cool lines.

In the end, he was not ready to take a life with his own hands.

Steve's face showed joy, he knew that Tony, like Howard, was an upright and sensible person.

Bulqueso swatted the bullet away and landed in Casillas' leg.

But this time, before he could wake up, he was knocked unconscious by an angry Rumlow.

Rumlow took the potion and poured it into Casillas' mouth.

The unlucky mage appeared at Tony's feet in a flash.

Perhaps no mage was more unlucky than Casillas.

He discovered that his teacher was using the power of the dark dimension, but he was stopped by Ancient One on his way to pursue the sense of power.

He felt that Ancient One was a hypocritical guy. He used the powerful power of the dark dimension, but blocked other mages from obtaining power.

So he explored secretly, and finally the hard work paid off, and he connected to the dark dimension!

Just when he was filled with joy and wanted to ask for power from the legendary Dormammu, he was knocked unconscious by his teacher.

He didn't know that Dormammu was already in the past, and now the Lord of the Dark Dimension was his teacher...

It's like an office worker happily planning to switch jobs to the opposite company, only to find out during the interview that the two companies are run by the same boss.

Tony was startled by the sudden appearance of a figure at his feet, and nervously fired the gun in his hand one after another.

Bucky Barnes was shot several times and fell down covered in blood!

Tony finally did not hold back his expression. He took away a fresh life. Next, he had to watch the person in front of him slowly die.

Steve didn't react at all. After all, Casillas suddenly appeared at Tony's feet in a magical way. What happened in an instant, there was no time to react.

Only Bucky Barnes, the veteran who wanted to atone for his sins, smiled.

Compared to facing trial himself, it would be better to die in the hands of his old friend's son.

Although this happened somewhat suddenly.

"Tony, this is my fate, please don't blame yourself."

Bucky whispered.

His body has been modified by Hydra, and he will not die directly.

After being shot continuously at close range, most people don't even have time to say their last words.

"I have let you go! You will be judged!"

Tony dropped the pistol and hit Casillas on the head.

Rumlow, who had caused all this, was stunned.

"This potion! This potion!"

Rumlow knew that the power brought by the Endless Chaos Potion was very dangerous, but he did not expect that it could lead to such a bizarre coincidence.

Perhaps this is the fate of the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier will not survive the spring.

This chapter has been completed!
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