261 Silence

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 "The Courland Sword Friends Monastic Knights, all three hundred and forty people, are here to greet you!"

"The Knights of Karato Kabanuye, all one hundred and eighteen, are here to greet you!"

"The Knights of Santo Stefano, the Tuscan Legion, all 257 people, are here to greet you!"

Several square groups of paladins were ready to go and were loudly reporting to the figure in front.

The white pointed hood, the obvious cross badge, and the eagle-billed helmet and other attires indicate the identities of these people.

Here are the church arms from different regions.

"here we go!"

Anderson looked at the power belonging to the church not far away, the figures of the soldiers holding flags and weapons high, and spoke slowly.

Now his emotions are a little complicated.

What can extraordinary beings do in this kind of war?

The church's hidden armed forces around the world have been assembled, and standing behind him are all the members of Section 13.

At this time, his former proud disciple was being hoisted by a helicopter on a podium in mid-air, shouting loudly:

"Kill all the infidels and monsters, that's what my teacher taught me..."

The new Archbishop Maxwell is mobilizing on the front end.

Anderson frowned when he heard Maxwell's words. He was feeling sorry for his former disciple.

[What can a church leader who does not understand mercy do?]

Father Anderson thought with some suspicion.

The church is the Lord's will on earth, but it has become the weapon of the guy who holds power.

He will not shy away from fighting for his beliefs, but what is the point of launching a war for unjust goals?

What Maxwell told Father Anderson was definitely not the whole story.

Father Anderson suspected that this was Maxwell cooperating with the Last Brigade for power.

What could be more convincing in preaching the Lord’s gospel than saving the world?

Obviously, his disciples had already embarked on a path that he did not allow.


Father Anderson gritted his teeth and clutched the cross on his chest.

You can also see signs of exertion on the hand holding the Bible.

The fighting force present is not small. The church has gathered 3,000 combatants from all over the world.

Each of them is a warrior for the Lord, with the determination to devote everything to their faith.

They are not a militia organization like the Osiris Club, they are the regular army of the church fighting against monsters!

Each one has combat power above that of top special forces. In the battle with monsters, they are constantly consumed and replenished.

Each of the three thousand people standing here has the ability to defeat small groups of monsters alone.

They are all the strength the church has put into this war.

Those real elite powers are still hidden in the snow. Perhaps the church feels that this power is enough to solve the problem.

It may also be that they don't have much confidence in Maxwell.

However, Father Anderson believed that Maxwell had a plan in mind. After all, his ambition to become a "big shot" would not allow him to allow himself to fail.

And all the news about the final brigade was only passed on after passing through Maxwell. This guy must know some secret information.

But Father Anderson was still a little uneasy.

"Father Anderson, the task of your Thirteenth Division is to monitor Integra of Hessing and keep an eye on their actions at all times."

Maxwell held the microphone and arranged the tasks in a condescending manner, and Father Anderson's dissatisfaction became more and more intense.

It's just that at this time, he still had the slightest illusion. After all, Maxwell was his most proud disciple.

It's just that this tolerance may soon turn into compassion to help him escape.

"Respect the Archbishop's orders!"

Father Anderson accepted the order in a calm tone, and it was exactly what he wanted.

Blood Queen Neve and Vampire Accardo are now under the control of the Helsing Agency. If given the chance, Father Anderson would not mind killing these two monsters while monitoring them.

He was so prepared that even the holy flame began to burn in the palm of his hand that was pressing the Bible.

It's just that now he doesn't even want to mention the name of his former disciple.

Father Anderson knows the true power of the church better than Maxwell, and only calling the angels to come is the real trump card.

Maxwell obviously didn't know this, or he knew it but didn't care.

But it made no difference to Father Anderson.

"Why do we exist!?"

Father Anderson shouted with a low roar. He turned around and looked at the companions dressed as priests behind him, with his head slightly lowered.

These colleagues dressed as priests are incompatible with those paladins because they are "betrayers" Section 13!

"We are the 'betrayers'! 'The traitor' Judas!"

The assembled priests responded neatly to Father Anderson's inquiry. Their tone was calm but showed enthusiasm.

For these priests, Father Anderson is the most conspicuous flag. They don't care how they are evaluated by other believers, just like Father Anderson never cares about what other people call him.

"'Betrayer', what do you hold in your right hand?"

Father Anderson showed his white teeth, and his voice became passionate as if to suppress his inner disapproval of Maxwell's actions.

Father Anderson is full of trust and pride for his colleagues in Section 13.

"Dagger and poison!"

The priests began to move forward in unison, and they were about to head to the battlefield that belonged to them.

"'Betrayer', what do you hold in your left hand?"

Father Anderson watched his colleagues slowly walk past him and continued to ask questions in an urgent voice.

"Thirty pieces of silver and straw rope!"

When the priests responded to Father Anderson's question, they all lowered their heads and spoke piously.

Even the movements of tightly grasping the cross on the chest are uniform.

"What are you, 'betrayers'?"

This time Anderson did not wait for an answer, but instead sang loudly with his colleagues:

“We apostles are not apostles, believers are not believers, believers are not believers, and traitors are not traitors.

We only serve one thing! We only stoop to receive favors, and we only stoop to defeat disobedients!

A dead soldier who wielded a dagger in the dark and poisoned his dinner!

We are the Dead Apostles, a swarm of Dead Apostles! We are the Assassin ‘Betrayer’ Judas! When the time comes, throw thirty pieces of silver into the shrine and hang yourself with a straw rope!”

Father Anderson turned around and walked among the ranks of priests, followed by his two disciples, heading to the front line.

"Then we will gather together and go to hell together! I only hope to fight against the 7,459,26 hungry ghosts in hell!"

A loud roar came from the priest's team, and the other paladins watched silently as the priest from Section 13 took the lead.

The brief shout suppressed all the doubts in Father Anderson's mind. As long as there was an enemy in front of him, he would only think about one thing.

That is the angle from which the bayonet inserted into the hand can kill the target faster.

It is mentioned in the apocryphal book "Messiah" that the seven hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-six hungry ghosts are the number of angels who followed the angel of the Morning Star and rebelled into hell.

They account for one-third of all angels.

All the priests in the Thirteenth Division of "Betraitors" only want to fight against God's enemies. What the Lord hates is exactly what they have to deal with.

The priests of Section 13 are all activated, and the remaining troops are waiting.

Waiting for the moment when the real tragedy of hell appears!

Maxwell is also waiting, waiting for the final group to arrive. He needs a catastrophe to establish the glory of the church.

Everything is just waiting for the crazy actors to appear!

At the door of a church not far from the church, the angel Gabriel, who had disappeared for a long time, was looking at them seriously.

He felt as if his fate was coming.

Gabriel silently spread his wings. The wings that were originally torn off by Bulcasso had somehow recovered.

Even the tail ends of the wings can be seen radiating a trace of azure light.

Gabriel shook his blond hair, looking a little lonely.

Everyone in the church was as pious as ever, but they were walking on the path of injustice and became victims.

These people are not qualified to go to heaven.

God does not need luxurious clothes, but humans do.

God needs people's belief, but it is God's mercy.

This is the truest thought of the angel.

The people God loves are not the thugs who commit injustice in His name, but the endurers who remain pure in the face of all suffering and the fighters who fight against danger and never indulge in the pleasure of violence.

God is the hope of salvation for all!

"The last brigade is taking action!"

Steve knocked open the door to Integra's office, holding the phone in his hand and directly stating the news he had received from Nick Fury.

He had just finished his call with Nick Fury, and the black-hearted guy passed on the relevant information.

Compared to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Church, Helsing's speed in receiving the news was undoubtedly a bit slow.

But there is still enough time now, and it will still take some time for the final group to reach London.

Nick Fury is not plotting against Helsing when it comes to human safety.

Behind Steve, Rumlow and Casillas stood shoulder to shoulder, both holding half-empty wine bottles in their hands.

Casillas was shaky and looked not in good condition.

Not long ago, he was a mage and needed something to help him get used to his current identity.

Matthew fumbled carefully with the mace, and the three barbarians here were already ready to fight.


Integra just glanced at Steve and called Accardo directly. Now was not the time to chat with Steve, and there was no need to ask SHIELD's source.

"I will fight for you at any time, my master."

Accardo's figure passed through the wall and stood in front of Integra, with a weird smile on his face, as if he was looking forward to this war.

Butler Walter moved his fingers slightly, and a few threads slid past his body, and then he regained his composure.

The time that Walter, the god of death, has been waiting for is finally coming. He just needs to maintain his dignity, wait for the right time, and then fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"Free the Blood River if you think it is necessary! Now you can move freely."

Integra put out the cigar in his hand and spoke slowly.

Although time is tight, it is not to the extent that I need to give up elegance because of Tegula. Talking in a hurry will only make his image irritated, and it is meaningless.

Although Britain was not fully prepared at this time, it had plans for everything about this war.

It is no longer possible to evacuate residents. This city has a population of more than eight million, and it is impossible to complete the evacuation within this period of time.

Now they can only be allowed to take refuge nearby. At least there are many facilities in London that can be used to avoid attacks.

At this time, the British official Perwood was sitting in the dispatch department, delivering news to everywhere. When the war breaks out, this will be the core command delivery center.

M11's troops have also completed their defense line and are just waiting for the enemy to show up.

Human beings will never sit back and die in the face of war! This is very certain.

"As commanded."

Accardo bowed and said with a smile, then squeezed his arm, raised his palm high in front of his eyes, and glanced at the few people at the door through his fingers.

His expression was a bit sarcastic, but he still restrained himself and did not release the cold aura. Liberating himself from the shackles of this place did not seem to be a good choice.

He was expecting a bloody feast, but now not even the hors d'oeuvres were served.

So he is not in a hurry.

His standing body turned into a pool of blood, and then disappeared into the building.

Accardo is going to a place with better scenery to wait for the banquet to begin. This is the land where the ancestor of the vampires has his dining table.

Matthew and Rumlow are both his expected opponents, and the most appropriate fate is for the monster to die at the hands of humans.

As long as they can meet each other on the battlefield, Accardo feels that this result will definitely come.

None of the humans he valued had a favorable impression of him.

For him, there is nothing better than this.

"What this vampire is pursuing seems to be something you don't want to see?"

Rumlow spoke to Integra in a drunken tone. At this time, there was no need to ask any more implicit questions.

Apart from Integra and Walter, it was Rumlow who knew Accardo the most among the people present.

After all, he is the only one who goes to the basement to talk to that vampire these days.

Rumlow already had some guesses about the relationship between Accardo and Integra, but he had no intention of asking at this inappropriate time.

Rumlow's face, which looked slightly drunk, had very sober eyes.

What he wanted was ultimately information about Hydra, and the last group was the best target to obtain intelligence.

The remnants of the Third Reich get ghosts and say they have no connection to Hydra. Who would believe it?

I'm afraid they themselves won't believe this result.

As for Accardo and Helsing, they are just pawns in the war like him.

"Everyone from SHIELD can move freely, we have already decided."

Integra had no intention of answering Rumlow's question, and directly bypassed the people at the door and left the scene with Walter.

She is going to the headquarters now. Since the war has begun, as a response party, she should also appear where she is needed.

Vampires, beings with deformed immortality, have an extraordinary allure to those greedy guys.

And the last group has the power to directly create vampires regardless of the transformation conditions, which is simply terrible.

Integra couldn't watch Perwood stationed alone in the most important multi-central dispatch room, so she was rushing to that location now.

She had prepared for the worst, but out of her trust in Accardo, she was still optimistic about the victory of this battle.

I just can't bear the possible sacrifice.

Silas is leading a mercenary army elsewhere, which is Helsing's reserve force and will only enter the battlefield when needed.

"Blade has left, aren't you going to contact Luke and Jessica?"

Steve asked Rumlow behind him and raised his shield.

As a veteran who has retired from the battlefield, he knows very well how powerless an individual is in front of a group if his strength is not to a certain level.

So he is worried about Luke and Jessica, who have no news yet.

Steve, who has experienced the power of barbarians, also feels that his worries may be unnecessary, but this is his habit.

Steve has never abandoned his teammates, and simply asking questions is his subconscious habit.

Blade just left Helsing not long ago, and after recovering from all his injuries, he is coordinating forces at the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in London to face the upcoming battle.

Blade's combat effectiveness is not that outstanding when facing vampires, so letting him lead the agents may be a better choice.

"Their date has come to nothing again, but they will probably be happy if they date on the battlefield."

Matthew waved the mace twice and said.

He didn't care much about Luke and Jessica.

If the enemy were just the vampire soldiers we saw before, there would be no need to worry about Luke's safety.

It's just that Matthew always felt that something was wrong with the current situation. After all, after Burcasso made that loud roar, he returned directly to the Holy Mountain. No one present knew exactly what happened.

"Then let's set off, try to find the headquarters of the last brigade, and complete a beautiful beheading!"

Steve nodded when he heard this, and walked out directly after speaking.

SHIELD will not turn a blind eye in this war. This is Steve's trust in Nick Fury's old secret.

As for the Blood Queen stranded in Hexin, there is no need to pay attention to it, she will take action.

Nivi had long said that she would take revenge on the last group and then face death.

This is no longer worth worrying about.

After witnessing the existence of Bulcaisel and the Ancient One, Nivi could no longer do anything boring.

At this time, Hellboy appeared in St. Paul's Cathedral with Constantine and Demio.

According to BPRD's long-term investigation, King Arthur's final burial place is here.

For this reason, the entire BPRD staff even gave up the protection of important British people and fully investigated the news of the Sword in the Stone.

Even now, they are still working hard to analyze other possible positions, and for this reason BPRD has even given up its role on the frontal battlefield.

Even the task of protecting important personnel has been entrusted to M11.

As a human force against monsters, M11 will not be easily defeated, at least it can be delayed until support arrives.

Now Hellboy and the others need to find the Sword in the Stone that accompanied King Arthur to the end in this place, and then complete the final blow to the Blood Queen.

However, on the innermost wall of the church, a tiny crack was emitting a white light.

Constantine was standing in front of the crack and looking at it carefully.

His innate sense of danger is constantly reminding him that the big trouble he has always felt is inextricably linked to this crack.

Ever since Constantine returned to England, he had been feeling the ubiquitous sense of oppression. Until he personally saw the crack in front of him, his sense of crisis had reached its peak.

Even the whole body was trembling slightly.

A complete soul has affected his judgment. He who did not have the emotion of fear will not be depressed by the emotion of "fear".

But the ubiquitous sense of crisis made him not even in the mood to tell his usual cold jokes.

"Constantine! What are you looking at?"

Hellboy patted Constantine on the shoulder angrily. Looking for the Sword in the Stone had consumed a lot of his energy and time.

Every time BPRD finds possible information, they rush to the scene non-stop, but all previous explorations have failed.

For this big guy with demon blood, this process is not easy.

St Paul's Cathedral was the most likely location in the survey results.

"I'm looking at this crack, and the power on it is a little hard to understand."

Constantine frowned and put the cigarette butt in his hand through the crack in front of his eyes. When he took the cigarette butt back, the burning cigarette had been extinguished.

The front end of the cigarette was as cold as it had been for a long time. The paper on the front end had turned yellow, but the end near the hand was still white.

For Constantine, a guy who has experienced a lot of storms, he can distinguish any form of power that exists.

But this time he saw something completely beyond comprehension.

So his face was very ugly.

The existence of the power of time is something that does not require controversy, but it is still very dangerous for Constantine to experience the power of time personally.

"Is this the time?"

Constantine spoke in a skeptical tone, and he could only use time to explain what was happening in front of him.

Then he took a piece of charcoal from his pocket and began drawing around the crack.

Although he didn't think he could solve this problem, it was better to try than to do nothing.

When he faced this crack, he could feel his scalp itching. The pressure made him work hard to control his body and complete this delicate painting work.

"What time? We don't have much time!"

Hellboy leaned over the crack and took a look, but he couldn't see anything clearly in the dazzling light.

He vaguely saw a head with an expression on the opposite side.

Hellboy had no time to tell what he had just seen before he was interrupted by Constantine.

"Don't get so close, no one knows what will be on the other side!"

Constantine turned his head and glanced at Hellboy, and then saw a weird guy with a huge head and a black suit not far behind Hellboy.

At that moment, Constantine's hair stood on end. Facing that weird existence, his fear was unprecedentedly high.

"what is that!"

Constantine was very uneasy and exclaimed!

"what? What?"

Hellboy turned his head and glanced at Constantine, a little confused. He couldn't understand why Constantine, who had always been careless, made such a sound like his tail was being stepped on.

Hellboy's tail slapped the ground a little irritably.

"Have you ever seen E.T.? The guy with that kind of head in a black suit! Right behind you!"

Constantine reached out and pulled the severed horn on Hellboy's head, causing Hellboy to turn his head completely.

That is to say, Hellboy did not deliberately resist Constantine's strength, otherwise the weak Constantine would not be able to break Hellboy's neck, which is almost as thick as his head.

"I X! This XX is even more terrifying than what you described!"

Hellboy's eyes widened the moment he saw the monster, and then turned his head to look at Constantine.

Then he became confused.

"What? What are you doing holding on to my horn? If you like it, I can cut it off and give it to you next time. Now let me go!"

Hellboy said with some dissatisfaction.

He knew that the devil's horns were a good casting material for Constantine, a necromancer, but he could not accept others grabbing the horns on his head.

As Hellboy repeated the question, Constantine's pupils dilated for a moment.

With this little abnormality, he understood roughly what kind of power that weird monster had.

He often deals with demons and angels, and his analysis of weird abilities is top-notch.

"This is it!"

Constantine struggled to pry off Hellboy's head again, and this time he even stood up to make Hellboy turn his head.

"I X! This is too outrageous!"

"Don't look back!"

Constantine yelled and used all his strength to make Hellboy continue to look directly at the monster.

As long as it is out of sight, the memory of that monster will be lost.

Constantine already understood this.

"Man! What are you playing at?"

Daimio looked at the two people who were entangled with a headache.

He looked at Hellboy and Constantine's frightened and incomprehensible eyes with some strangeness. These two guys were not joking at this time.

Although he was very reluctant to take any action with Constantine, M11 no longer had any extra manpower to take over the job.

So he also followed Constantine's gaze and looked over.

"E·T is real! I knew it!"

Demio immediately exclaimed.

Although he has always faced various monsters, this was the first time he saw aliens.

Although he has always had doubts, after all, demons and vampires exist, so the existence of aliens does not seem impossible.

Then he turned to Constantine and Hellboy and let out an explosive roar.

Even some traces of the man-eating tiger appeared on his body.

The man-eating tiger is a member of the cat family, so his fur is really fried.

But the moment he turned his head, he forgot everything he had seen before.

The name of this monster is "Silence"!

Everyone can only remember everything about him when they see him, but as long as they look away, this guy will disappear directly from their memory.

This seems to be some kind of rule, but no one has been able to figure out a solution until now.

"what to do!"

Hellboy had already taken out the pistol on his waist and pointed it at the Silence.

Constantine, on the other hand, widened his eyes and pressed Hellboy's arm hard.

He had other ideas besides launching an attack.

However, because of his actions, Hellboy turned his head again, and all memories of silence disappeared from Hellboy's mind.

"What? Why did I pull out my gun!?"

Hellboy pulled his arm away from Constantine's hand, and then looked at the specially-made firearm in his hand inexplicably, his tail tapping the ground uneasily.

Constantine witnessed the power of silence again, and then chose to look at the silent monster.

Now that we understand the power of silence, the next step is Constantine's best words.

"Who are you?"

Constantine asked urgently.

Yet the silence was silent.

Just like his name, Silence barely speaks or makes any sound.

But when they speak, they can form a strange control, similar to hypnosis or bewitchment.

In order to avoid some bad situations, Shenjing people have learned to be silent.

His very existence is a secret.

Constantine stared into the dark and huge eyes of Silence, waiting for an answer.


Demio on the other side did not have his arm held down by Constantine. Facing the unknown threat, he shot immediately!

As a professional soldier, he would not let the enemy escape his sight several times like Hellboy did.

So after blowing up his hair, the moment he turned his head, he immediately remembered what happened before!

The moment Shen Jing raised his arm towards him, the gun in his hand started shooting.

The hands of beings like Silence can emit electricity-like existence, which is enough to kill any ordinary life with ease.

Demeo's early action allowed him to temporarily escape the curse of Constantine's teammates, which is worthy of celebration.

"What did you do!?"

Constantine shouted loudly to Demio, but he turned his eyes away and forgot everything about the silence.


Demio also shifted his gaze because of Constantine's shout. The moment after the threat was resolved, he relaxed, so he subconsciously turned his gaze away.

So now no one knows what just happened.

Now it was Daimio's turn to look at the barrel of the gun that was still smoking and confused.

"What did I just do?"

It was very confusing to see Demio holding a gun, but everyone present had completely lost their memory of the silence.

"I mean, stay away from this crack. I'm trying to cover it up with magic."

Constantine shook his head. He always felt that something bad had happened before, but no matter how much he thought about it, he found nothing.

So I can only focus on the crack in front of me.

I also started to continue drawing the magic circle.

"Is the Sword in the Stone really in this place? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like something can be hidden in St. Paul's Cathedral."

Daimio had some doubts about BPRD's investigation results, and then focused his attention on the crack.

St. Paul's Cathedral is a well-known attraction, and even if there are any hidden items inside, it should have been discovered long ago.

"You said that I am a descendant of King Arthur, right? Then the other side of this crack is where the Sword in the Stone is hidden. Just like in the comics, only qualified people can open the door to the sealed treasure?


Hellboy no longer thought about why he had to draw his gun, and casually put the specially made pistol back into the holster and said.

He was certain that there was no such crack in St. Paul's Cathedral before this.

"Read less comics, Anu! According to my experience, behind such treasures that 'require qualifications' are usually ambitious demons!"

Constantine drew the magic circle a little faster, and at the same time belittled Hellboy's hobby of reading comics.

By the way, Hellboy's name was also shouted out.

"Then you should tell me where the Sword in the Stone is!"

Hellboy said with some dissatisfaction, he was not very interested in the name "Anu En Rama".

Constantine acted a little too cautiously, and Hellboy, whose brain was no bigger than a walnut, was shaking violently, which made him a little unhappy.

"The legend of King Arthur is the domain of occultism, and occultism must be treated with caution!"

Constantine finished drawing the magic circle in his hand, and then roared loudly at Hellboy.

Then a tall figure with short blond messy hair walked in from outside St. Paul's Cathedral, holding a wooden sign in his hand.

The wooden sign had the words "End of the World" written in big letters.

"I wonder if you can't ask a professional to ask?"

It was Rorschach who was thrown in London by Bulkeso. He had already asked Ancient One about the Blood Queen.

Master Gu Yi has no hidden thoughts about this guy who is obsessed with truth and justice.

Because no one can say whether Rorschach will use his usual methods to force the mages in the residence. Those little mages do not have the power to violate Rorschach's will.

In order to save his apprentice from suffering, Master Gu Yi not long ago even told Rorschach, a complete conspiracy theorist, about the location of the Sword in the Stone.

“I hate the words ‘I am looking for’!”

When Constantine heard "I'm thinking", he yelled angrily at Rorschach who had just come over, and then watched Rorschach condense the Hammer of the Ancestors and directly smash the floor in the center of St. Paul's Cathedral.


"But, I don't hate you!"

Constantine kept his tone high-pitched, and then gave up.

Although he had never seen Rorschach, he was deeply impressed by the skill of Hammer of the Ancestors.

At that time, Constantine felt that he would never forget the scene where Mammon and Satan were driven off by Bulcasso as a hammer handle.

What I cannot forget at the same time is the phrase "I am thinking".

"Hellboy, come here! The Sword in the Stone is down there."

Rorschach frowned and called Hellboy.

He had no favorable impression of this half-human, half-demon guy, and was even somewhat hostile.

But Master Ancient One had already told him not to take action against Hellboy, in order not to disturb the destined ending of Nivi.

Rorschach pursues the truth, and once he knows the truth, he may become obsessed with making it known to the public.

But he will not spread incomplete "truth" to fool others.

So he is also waiting for that moment to arrive.

"Constantine, you didn't tell us that you had such a friend."

Demio whispered to Constantine.

Demio was a little awed by the power Rorschach had shown before, and it was unimaginable for a big cat to break the floor.

"This is not my friend, but it doesn't matter."

Constantine urged Hellboy with a smile.

Now that there are barbarians here, he has confidence.

After all, Bulcasso had the thickest thighs he knew.

Then Constantine turned around and began to mutter a spell, he wanted to complete the last step of the magic.

This time it's not magic from hell or heaven, but the power of a voodoo sorcerer.


The upper limit of witchcraft is not low at all. There is still a guy on earth who calls himself Dr. Voodoo. His attainments in witchcraft are even comparable to the Ancient One before he became the Sorcerer Supreme.

Constantine took out various disgusting things from his pocket and mixed them in a jar. The stench was a bit unacceptable.

As he stirred, a faint green light began to emit from the jar. As long as he poured these things on the magic circle in front of him, he could complete this witchcraft.

Two-way isolation makes it difficult for any mysterious being whose strength is lower than the Great Demon level to discover the existence here.

This is one of Constantine’s techniques to keep the box under control.

Anyway, no one knows how much inventory was packed under Constantine's "box", but maybe if his "box" had an image, it might be in the shape of a pyramid.

Hellboy glanced at Rorschach with a look of obvious repulsion, gave up the idea of ​​handing him a chocolate bar, and put his hand in his pocket and chose to take out a cigar.

He originally had a good impression of Rorschach, but now he doesn't.

Demio stood not far behind Constantine, keeping a distance.

This is how he seeks safety. He is not the half-demon like Hellboy, and his life is not hard at all.

So staying a little away from Constantine is obviously a good way to protect yourself.

"what are you waiting for?"

Rorschach said with some dissatisfaction. This time he was not wearing his own mask, so others did not need to guess his dissatisfied expression from the ever-changing mask patterns.

He just came close to writing the words "I'm very unhappy" on his face.

"Okay, jump down, right?"

Hellboy jumped down directly with a cigar in his mouth, and then saw that the skeleton covered with spider silk and dust turned into ashes in an instant.

Directly opposite the skeleton's seat, a sword embedded in a stone was placed in front of him.

Rorschach glanced at Constantine and Demio and jumped down directly.

He has an extraordinary stubbornness in the "truth".

This chapter has been completed!
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