306 Hatred and the Red Giant and the Sky Hammer

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"Luke, it's rare to see you wearing clothing other than a jacket. Is this suit specially prepared for today?"

Jessica said to Luke with a smile.

 Jessica looked very beautiful today, and her decent dress made her look even more radiant than usual.

It’s just that there is no jewelry visible from all over her body, which makes her beauty a bit eclipsed.

 The bag that Jessica put behind her was carefully hidden by her, but this move was somewhat concealing it.

Although there is no specific dress code for going to a Broadway show, wearing a suit will always make you look more gregarious than wearing a jacket.

 In the bag behind her are the clothes he bought specially for Luke, which can be regarded as a small gift.

“My dear, I know today is a solemn day, so of course I will prepare my clothes, at least to match your beauty.”

Luke said it a little awkwardly. It seemed that he had practiced these words many times, but he seemed a little unfamiliar due to nervousness.

 “You are beautiful today, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

 Luke said words of love awkwardly when he looked up at Jessica.

 This was not what he had prepared in advance. If he had prepared this sentence in advance, he might have said it more colorfully.

But the clumsiest love words may be the most touching ones, as Jessica's glowing eyes showed.

“Okay, I’ve also prepared some clothes for you, but they’re just a little extra.”

 Jessica's eyes were like a pool of rippled water, the green color was as breathtaking as warm emerald.

 She took the handbag in front of her generously and said with a smile to Luke.

“My treasure, don’t you feel, ahem! Don’t you feel that there is something missing in you?”

Luke began to speak the lines he had practiced before, but he was always very nervous when facing Jessica's eyes.

 Jessica looked at Luke with a smile, and nothing made her heart move more than when her lover clumsily showed his deep love.

Luke's clumsiness was so charming in her eyes, even sexier than on their first night together.

Jessica slowly looked at Luke with a smile in her eyes.

Of course she would not interrupt Luke's performance to disappoint, this kind of interaction between lovers would make her feel relaxed at any time.

"what is it then?"

"Although no jewelry can match your beauty, I think you should have a jewelry box and dressing table of your own. Today I want to give you the first piece of jewelry so that the brightest moon in the world can be around you.

Some stars for decoration.”

Luke stuttered as he spoke, his eyes staring affectionately at Jessica's eyes sincerely without any evasion.

“Luke, I will remember today, but you should bring me the surprise you prepared. After all, we may be late if we don’t leave.”

Jessica happily spoke to Luke with some complaints, which sounded more like coquettishness.

Hearing this, Luke panicked and took out a small box from his pocket and opened it gently in front of Jessica.

  Luke could have sworn that he had never been so careful when doing hand movements.

 Because there is a ring inside.

The diamonds above are not too small. They were the rewards Luke received for his own labor.

 Who knows where Luke heard that carbon can be compressed into diamonds, so he ran to find Bulcasso with a large bag of charcoal.

The expression on Bulcaisel's face when he heard Luke's request was indescribable.

However, fortunately, Bulcasso was able to provide enough power to complete the compression of this pile of charcoal, and a bright enough diamond was born between Bulcasso's fingers.

 It just looks a little weird, the shape of the diamond is actually square...

Well, Bulkesso does have enough power to compress charcoal, but that power is a bit difficult to master.

For the sake of some trivial face, he used a blind trick.

 Completed a backpacking operation at the fingertips, replacing a handful of fine diamond slag with a flawless royal diamond...

 In Bulqueso's mind, he was already madly cursing the guy who came up with the idea of ​​compressing carbon to make diamonds.

 The diamond produced in this way does not provide any strength bonus and can only be used as a shiny toy.

 After all, these things did not fall from the devil, so they would not have the power generated under certain rules.

 “Is this ring for me?”

 Jessica covered her mouth. Any woman would feel happy and slightly panicked when facing the ring taken out by the man she loves.

 This is love, it has nothing to do with issues such as wealth or poverty.

 At least in the case of Jessica and Luke, love is more precious than wealth.

“I mean, if you propose marriage, shouldn’t you kneel down?”

 After Jessica stabilized her mood a little, she spoke to Luke with some reserve.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luke knelt down directly in front of Jessica.

"Damn it, no one told you to kneel down on one knee? Are you worshiping your ancestors?"

Rorschach's voice suddenly sounded from behind Luke and the others, full of hatred that could not be transformed into steel.

To be honest, he has been behind the two people for a long time. He originally had something to say.

 Just after seeing Luke and Jessica dressed up, Rorschach chose to wait first.

 But after seeing Luke kneeling on his knees, he still couldn't help it.

 This simply insulted all his illusions about love.

You must know that Rorschach's background is not great at all. As a child of flesh and blood, when he was young, he always had to stay outside the house that could not even be called a home, listening to the breathing inside.

 So Rorschach generally does not believe in feelings, but this does not mean that Rorschach has no hope for good things.

 “Rorschach, long time no see.”

Jessica stretched out her hand and pulled Luke up directly, and carefully placed the box containing the ring in her small bag.

"Luke, I love you, and I can feel your love for me. It's just the wedding...can you give me a little time?"

Jessica still spoke to Luke in a gentle tone.

 As she spoke, she took out the ring and slowly put it on the middle finger of her left hand.

 She agreed to Luke's love and was willing to start a family with Luke.

 But she still told Luke that the formal wedding needed to be postponed for a while, not because of any dislike.

 When a person loves another person, he cannot hide it no matter what.

 It's just that she needs some time to get rid of some of the past.

And Luke also need to get Orak, the god of war, to recognize their marriage.

 Jessica is a barbarian from the Big Bear tribe, and she wants to get the blessings of her elders.

"Is it for Orak? Where can I find a worthy trophy for him now? How about I go find the big guy Hellboy and ask him to pick up the Sword in the Stone again?"

Luke was very serious when he said this. He really planned to go to hell himself, and then kill one or two "qualified" demons to obtain Orac's permission.

"Luke, I believe you will find a worthy trophy, but I hope that when I can live as myself, I will give everything to you. At that time, I want to let Ancestor Leiko serve as our witness.


 Jessica gently held Luke's frowning head and spoke lovingly.

 Jessica has not yet completed her atonement. She is not living for herself now, nor is she just living to inherit the bloodline of the barbarians of the Big Bear tribe.

 She wanted to give a complete soul to Luke after she was truly freed.

“Now, let’s go, the show is about to start. Being late will leave some defects on this date, won’t it?”

Jessica pulled Luke to the side of the street, and then waved at the passing taxi.

 “Damn it, can’t you see me?”

Rorschach’s voice sounded again.

The original haggardness on Rorschach's face is no longer visible, and now he looks somewhat similar to Bulcaisel.

 It’s just that he’s not as old-fashioned as Bulqueso.

Perhaps Bulcaisel would have been similar to Rorschach at the beginning of his life.

 The external manifestations of immortality have never seemed to have anything to do with the length of life. Instead, they are related to the attitude of the soul.

 The body is the embodiment of the image of the soul, and the soul is the basis for the existence of the body.

 So the external image is often the attitude of the soul, and Bulcasso's soul probably feels very tired deep down, so he looks like an old man.

“Sorry Rorschach, Luke and I have a date, so I may not have time to chat with you now, but we will come back later, if you are willing to wait.”

Jessica’s voice was still sweet, but there was a hint of asking Rorschach not to get entangled.

 After all, the world of two cannot tolerate the appearance of other people, and it will not be a good memory.

 Luke was led by Jessica like a puppet, with a dull look on his face.

 “I mean can’t you see that I came by car!?”

Rorschach pointed at a pickup truck parked not far away.

The current Rorschach is not the impoverished vagabond, although he still lives the life of a vagabond.

 But that is just the lifestyle he chose. To be honest, barbarians are actually quite rich. The secret realm is a gold mine. As long as they can get rid of those annoying "little guys", there will be countless wealth waiting for them.

“Then please take us to Broadway, there is a show waiting for us to attend.”

Jessica said to Rorschach with a smile, then dragged Luke and walked directly towards Rorschach's car.

 “Is this Bulquesso’s car?”

Luke said with sudden realization when he saw the pickup truck.

“Bourcasso actually gave the car to you? I remember he cared about it very much.”

“Damn it! After Bulcasso left me in London, he forgot about this car! I drove it all the way back from London!”

Rorschach became a little more irritable when he talked about this incident.

 This car is built according to the power of Bulcaisel...

So every time he wants to start the car, it is not much different from being tortured for Rorschach.

Even if he wanted to start the car smoothly, he had to sit in the car and slow down for a while after opening the door.

 Opening the door took too much energy from him.

“So you didn’t close the car door?”

 Luke nodded, seemingly very confident in his reasoning, completely ignoring Rorschach's ugly expression after hearing this.

Who would like the feeling of having to rest for a quarter of an hour after opening and closing the car door?

"Okay, Rorschach. Please send us there. I hope you can come and bless us when we get married."

 Jessica has sent out an invitation to attend the wedding. As for the invitation letter, she will give it to Rorschach after the date is determined.

 Jessica got out of the cab of the car and then climbed into the back seat.

 She couldn't open the door yet, so she had to get in the car this way.

Luke sat in the passenger seat in the same way, tapping everything in the car with his hands.

 “Let’s go!”

Rorschach rolled his eyes, got in the car, closed the door, started the car and drove towards Broadway with blue veins on his face.


“Tony, you’d invite me to a show? That’s unusual. You’re not spending time in your lab anymore?”

Pepo teased Tony with a smile, but she had already put on a dress and a few carefully selected jewelry to express her excitement.

“Of course, I am a genius, at least now I have more important things than squatting in the laboratory.”

Tony said casually.

 The more important thing he said is to find those powerful barbarians and then continuously upgrade himself.

 But Pepo understood that "accompanying her" was the more important thing.

 Although this is a misunderstanding, there is no need to resolve it.

 For Pepo, this is happiness, Tony does not think that accompanying Pepo is unnecessary, and this is enough.

 “So are you going to take Happy with you?”

Peppo said casually.

 In many cases, human beings have something in common, at least when it comes to not wanting a third party when dating.

 Perhaps there are some players who are "disqualified from the world", but they are still a minority...

  Even the most ardent NTR enthusiasts generally will not assume the identity of the victim...

 Except for special enthusiasts...

“I gave him a holiday. Diligent employees always deserve better treatment. Stark Group will never import tens of thousands of experienced employees to the society every year.”

Tony said with a smile.

Then the gentleman pulled out a high-end car that was not dusty in his garage and made an invitation.

If he was traveling alone, then an arrogant sports car would be the best choice, but this time it was a date, and he didn't intend to let himself be stared at by those annoying guys.

 As for safety issues, his bracelet is not only capable of discharging electricity.

 “Let’s go then, sir.”

 “As you wish, ma’am.”

Tony and Peppa laughed and talked, but Tony felt a little guilty in his heart.

 The purpose of his trip was not simply to date Peppa, and he felt somewhat guilty.

But this emotion will not last long, after all, he is Tony Stark, the arrogant genius playboy.

 At this time, he still lacked a little sense of responsibility.

The two of them did not cause any commotion. Even if some paparazzi discovered Tony's traces, they would not pay too much attention.

Everyone knows that Tony is the best person to interview. As long as he is in a good mood, you can get some information from him most of the time.

 As for when they are in a bad mood, they can also write some tidbits to gain attention.

Of course they won't write about Tony Stark being a big star. Tony is being a big star all the time. That's not news.

It's real news whenever Tony Stark doesn't make news.

Pepper took Tony's arm and the two of them walked directly into the Broadway auditorium, paying only a few perfunctory words to the attention of others.

Pepper was very polite, and Tony was much the same as usual.

 Just after sitting down, I looked at the empty seats next to me intentionally or unintentionally.

 The performance is about to start in ten minutes, and the person Tony wants to see has not yet appeared.

“Tony, it seems like you don’t just want to date me.”

Pepo's voice sounded softly, bringing back Tony's thoughts.

 “Peppo, I just...”

While Tony and Pepper were talking, Luke and Jessica's slightly embarrassed figures appeared not far away.

Luke was holding the ticket in his hand against his seat.

This is the first time for him and Jessica to come to this place, so they seem a bit out of place.

 As for being a little embarrassed...

That's because they didn't have time to wait for Rorschach to calm down and open the car door, so the three of them spent a lot of effort opening the door.

 Luke almost learned the skill Fury of the Berserker out of anger...

 Fortunately, Luke and Rorschach worked together to successfully open the car door, otherwise they might have been late.

 The traffic situation in New York is not very smooth either.

“Huh? Luke, you didn’t say you were going to meet that playboy here.”

Jessica tugged on Luke's arm and said a little playfully.

 “Hmm? Playboy?”

 Luke looked away from the bill in his hand and saw Tony with Peppa.

“I didn’t know he would come here, but it doesn’t matter, he and we are not very familiar, and besides, that guy is not interested in our affairs.”

Luke just glanced at Tony and continued to compare seats. When he and Jessica walked to the front, there was no need to continue comparing seats.

 After all, there are only two empty seats next to Tony in this place.

Although the first row sometimes sounds good, they are not sitting in the first row.

 Because only those who have sat in the front row to watch the show know what it is like.

Just like when watching a movie, the third row is the best viewing position.

  After sitting at the front and watching the performance, the stiff feeling on the spine will definitely make most people regret it.

 “Hello, could you please borrow it for a while?”

 Luke spoke directly to Tony, and something unexpected appeared on Tony's face.

 After all, he has never seen anyone ask him to get out of the way.

The biggest domineering man in this city is Tony.

Like old Osborne, that guy is just as his name suggests, he is domineering, but it's a pity that he is an old man.

 As for Victor Doom on the other side, that guy is always too busy talking about what he is doing and rarely appears in public.

However, there are rumors that he seems to be engaged in some occult research, and Tony has doubts about this.

 After truly seeing the power of the mysterious side, Tony is no longer full of doubts about Newton's choices in his later years.

Isn’t it possible that Sir Newton is also a mage? Perhaps he has powers similar to those of the Mage Supreme?

However, Tony is still firmly on the path of technology. The knowledge brought to him by the Cybermen and Daleks gave him a glimpse of the opportunities for technology to move to a higher level.

 While Tony was distracted, Luke and Jessica were already sitting in their seats waiting for the show to start.

“To be honest, Tony Stark’s reputation is really not that good, but Iron Man is still pretty good.”

  Jessica thought about the time when she and Tony fought together in London, and said thoughtfully.

 “Hmm? So what do you think of Wonder Man?”

Luke said with some taste, and then squeezed Jessica's hand tightly. The diamond ring was shining brightly in the light.

 “Tony, look.”

Pebo briefly glanced at the ring on Jessica's hand and gestured to Tony.

 Some things should not be taken too proactively, otherwise guys like Tony may not cherish them.

“It’s a nice diamond ring. I’ll prepare a bigger one for you later.”

Tony had no idea what Peppa meant.

It was an engagement ring. Obviously Tony didn't take the hint, but Pepper didn't intend to take it seriously.

Tony is a high-flying kite. Most people can only keep following it on the ground, but the kite always has to fall slowly along the line. Pressing too hard is not a good choice.

Just as people on Broadway were getting ready to watch the show, an accident was happening on a few streets not far away.

A big guy who looked like he had just been fished out of a toilet was having fun like a husky off the leash.

From time to time, he would yell something like "Where is the Hulk! Let him come to see me!".

Those troops were like helpless children when facing this guy.

 Although there have been no casualties yet, the danger of this guy is still obvious to all.

These troops have even begun to apply for tanks to be driven into New York. When faced with this big guy, they are no better than ragdolls.

Most of the time, naughty children need to use scissors and other props to destroy a rag doll, but this big guy only needs to close his hands and rub them to destroy a person's body.

“General Ross, Blonsky is completely out of control, and now we need the power of the Hulk!”

 Soldiers fighting at the bottom kept sending invitations to their commanders via radio.

 And Hulk is currently conducting research in an unknown place, the kind that is being studied.

“Soldier, keep fighting, support is coming soon! At least distract Blonsky and prevent him from harming ordinary people!”

General Ross was talking into the intercom on the helicopter, which was still on its way to the scene.


 Of course there will be.

It’s just that it won’t be Bruce Banner, the fat green guy.

 General Ross was very unhappy with Bruce Banner.

 How much of this is due to coveting the power of the Hulk? Only he knows.

 But now General Ross's dissatisfaction with Banner is completely like his own cabbage being eaten by a pig.

 General Ross is now constantly urging the helicopter pilot to speed up. If he wants to defeat Blonsky, who has obtained the power of the Hulk, he can only use stronger power.

The soldiers who had a deep hatred for Bruce Banner and gained strength were very difficult to deal with. General Ross didn't know whether the back-up plan would work, but he couldn't watch his soldiers die meaninglessly.

Even if there are no casualties yet, who can guarantee that there will never be casualties?

 He had to give it a try no matter what.

 In Broadway, the "upper class" people were no different from ordinary people when they received the evacuation notice.

Facing fear, they are very equal, just like in a bathhouse, no difference can be seen at all.

Pepo held Tony's arm tightly, not wanting Tony to intervene in the battle, while Tony put on a pair of glasses and used high technology to constantly look at the abominations having fun outside, with a serious look on his face.

“Tony, you are not wearing a battle suit, this is not a battle you can intervene in!”

Pebo's voice was a little urgent. She knew very well that if Tony made up his mind, no one could make him change.

But now she really had no other choice but to stop Tony with a voice that was almost pleading.

“Peppo, didn’t I say I was prepared?”

Tony smiled at Pepper. Perhaps nothing could make Tony Stark flinch.

 As a superhero, he still has the consciousness he should have.

As he spoke, Tony put the bracelet from Cyberman technology and his arm in front of him, and said resolutely:

 “Just watch, Peppa. I’ve been prepared for it for a long time.”

As he finished speaking, pieces of metal seemed to appear bit by bit from another space, starting from the bracelet and covering his entire body.

“I’m not idle at all in the lab. Now watch me get rid of that big guy, and then let’s continue our date somewhere else. That bastard made our date a failure, and I have to let you vent your anger.”

As Tony finished speaking, Iron Man's mask fell down with a "click", and Iron Man's transformation was completed.

 The next step is to attack!

“I XXX, today is a good day for us, what blind bastard is causing trouble!”

 Luke yanked off his tie.

The tie was fastened to his shirt with a buckle.

 Luke rarely wears a dress. When others wore bows around their necks, he chose to wear a tie, and the terrible thing was a fake tie.

 He was deceived by the shopping guide, saying that such convenient ties are the fashion now, so Luke didn't think there was any problem at all.

“Then let’s go. I also want to know who dares to cause trouble in the city. You must know that things are different now.”

Jessica had no intention of stopping Luke, but she herself had no intention of fighting.

 Because she doesn’t want to be Luke, it’s okay if her clothes get a little damaged during the battle.

Although the backless dress makes Jessica very beautiful, it also prevents Jessica from joining the battle. She cannot fight shirtless...

I have to say that there is still a long way to go before gender equality.

“Isn’t Rorschach still outside? Maybe the battle will be over by the time we arrive.”

 Jessica tugged on Luke's sleeve and said:

“When you go back, try on the clothes I bought for you. If you don’t know how to tie a tie, I can tie it for you every day.”

 Jessica's words were full of love, and she was not worried at all about the battle outside.

These barbarian recruits know very well how strong Rorschach is.

Even Thor was firmly suppressed in the sparring match with Rorschach. Perhaps if Thor wanted to turn around, he would have to suddenly awaken the power of Odin one day.

 Jessica and Luke walked a little faster, heading outside the gate.

 They were very curious about the guy who dared to cause trouble in the city.

 And Tony felt a little full.

 You have to know that no one will help him tie his tie.

 Tony will still do the tie-tying thing himself.

 Tony turned his attention to Pepo. A metal face seemed to have something to say to Pepo.

The face facing Peppo looked a little funny -

- is the image of Iron Man's original face armor, but after obtaining the remains of the Cybermen, he successfully turned the Cybermen's heads into his own armor.

  So it became like ·_·.

But this is kind of cute.

“If you are willing to put a ring on me, I can do that too.”

Peppo's voice was very weak, but it was enough for Tony to hear clearly.

 But he just walked away as if he didn’t hear anything.

 He does not dare to make any promises now because he has discovered the current problems with himself.

 That Ark energy source is constantly eroding his life. Although he has found a direction, it has not yet been achieved.

 At least he must wait until he successfully escapes from the life-and-death crisis situation before he can give Pepo a promise.

As for why he didn't fly out, it was because he was still in the Broadway auditorium and the door was only a little high. He didn't want his flying energy to hurt ordinary people.

 As for the Rorschach that Luke and Jessica talked about, Tony was not that surprised.

 He had already met Rorschach in London.

That violent fighting style made him completely unable to think of fighting Rorschach right now.

 The Cybermen had their heads smashed one by one by Rorschach's hammer. He didn't feel that his armor had completely surpassed the Cybermen's technology.

 And Rorschach was looking at the hatred in front of him, trying to smash the pickup truck made by Bulcaisel, with a listless look on his face.

 When Abomination appeared, he was not far away and planned to intervene directly. However, as a hero of the Secret Sect, he could not find a suitable opportunity to join the battle for a while.

 He ​​put the magical mask in the car and did not take it with him. Moreover, it was too hard to open the car door. He did not want to fight in a weak state, which would not be comfortable.

 Besides, from his initial feeling, hating the smell on his body was not a sin at all. At best, he was a soldier who had killed too much.

 The good and evil in the soldier's aura have been greatly reduced, and the sin or goodwill has been shared by a large number of ordinary people, so Bronski has not reached the point where he would feel uncomfortable without being killed.

 So Rorschach observed it for a while.

Moreover, this big guy kept shouting for Hulk to come over, looking like he was seeking revenge.

Rorschach just attracted this big guy for a moment before his hatred was about to shift the target of attack from soldiers to ordinary people.

Under Rorschach's protection, there were no casualties, so Abomination has done nothing but scream.

Then the Hate Crazy Hammer Car situation happened.

The continuous "ding-dong-ding" made Rorschach feel sleepy.

But this is better than hating this guy who is almost irrational and outputting madly at humans.

The pickup truck forged by Bulcaisel has the legendary power of Sakala's Pauldrons. Although its indestructibility has its limits, it is not something that an abomination can touch.

 So Rorschach met a naughty kid at that time, and he just got involved when his hatred was about to change the target of his attack.

 Lest this guy really cause any evil.

 As for defeating the Abomination, Rorschach has not yet made plans to show his true colors.

 That means endless trouble.

 It's like Rorschach sees news like "What did Iron Man do today" in the newspaper every day.

Rorschach doesn’t want all his actions to be exposed to the spotlight.

Praise is not what he hopes for. Justice should be everywhere until it fills the world.

Moreover, the power of hatred is definitely not weak from Rorschach's point of view. Even if he can defeat hatred, it will have a considerable impact on everything around him.

 It's better to let your hatred be vented by smashing the car, at least there won't be any danger.

 “Blonsky! What are you doing!”

The roar of helicopters finally came from the sky, and General Ross's voice came through like a big trumpet.

Then General Ross jumped directly from the sky.

 Rorschach was a little shocked at first. For someone who didn't respect his own life, Rorschach still couldn't help watching that person die in front of him.

 Just when Rorschach was about to save the man, the old man's body began to expand crazily.

 A red giant fell heavily on Abomination, and pressed Bulcasso's car into the ground.

 “Hulk! No! Hulk is green!”

Hate is almost losing its mind.

 Blonsky's transformation was the result of various accidents. As a spy lurking in the U.S. Air Force's Hulk Research Center, he was only injected with Bruce Banner's blood and withstood a gamma ray exposure.

 After the accident, Blonsky's physical condition was very stable, so he was unable to transform back and forth between the human state and hatred.

However, he has obtained the power he has always wanted, so it seems that it is not something he cannot take over at the cost of some reason.

 As for the red giant transformed by General Ross, that is thanks to Bruce's research work.

With the help of Murdoc, who disappeared in the Battle of London, and Dr. Stern, who also had a big head, General Ross got the power he wanted.

 Controllable Hulk’s power!

Although General Ross's intuition told him that Murdoc was a huge threat, General Ross would sincerely feel fear every time he thought of the markings on his hands and feet that were a bit short compared to his huge head, but that was not important.

 General Ross, who got the power of the Hulk, didn’t care at all!

 He only has "super soldiers" in his heart, and he even does not hesitate to make himself the first experimental subject!

 After Bruce Banner was studied, the Hulk in Dr. Banner's body has subsided a lot.

 She shrank into Banner's body like a child who was afraid of the unknown.

 That's why General Ross's dissatisfaction turned into a sense of disappointment that his cabbage was being eaten by pigs.

 But he no longer resists the feelings between Betty and Banner, after all, now he understands what Banner has been fighting against.

 “Thank you science!”

  General Ross wanted to roar like this.

 With the help of science he suppressed the anger in his body, now he wants to solve the problem of hatred!

After Blonsky conspired to seize the power of the Hulk, the identity of the spy has also been exposed!

 Then it’s time to correct the mistake!

“Blonsky, surrendering now is your best choice! I am not the Hulk idiot who only uses brute force!”

General Ross roared at Abomination with a face that was only a different color from Hulk, and then punched Abomination's throat hard with his fist!

 As Ross, who became a general in battle, battle itself is not a strange thing!

This old general has superb combat skills!

 At least he won’t be any worse than Bronsky, a soldier!

 “Hulk! You don’t deserve the power!”

The hateful IQ has completely disappeared. Maybe he will have to wait until his feet are off the ground before the smart IQ can occupy the high ground again.

 So Abomination planned to use a set of military fists to fight the Hulk, but unfortunately he recognized the wrong person.

The red giant's huge fist bypassed Abomination's counterattack and hit Abomination's throat impartially.

Then a beautiful flip hit the Abomination directly to the ground.

The huge body immediately occupied the riding position, and his fists hit the back of Abomination's head like a drum.

Each blow will cause the abomination's head to violently collide with the ground, and then bounce up again.

If there was a referee in this indiscriminate fight, the referee would probably have rushed to protect the contestants.

 But it’s a pity that this is not a competition.

Hate finally thought of a way to stand up after being hit hard continuously!

The elbow with bone spurs stabbed backwards heavily!

 The sharp bone spurs penetrated the red giant's side, and also knocked the red giant off his body!

 Now the second round begins!

 “Hulk, you don’t deserve to have great power! Only warriors can control power!”

Hateful mind has completely lost its clarity.

 At this moment, Tony and Luke Jessica finally arrived at the scene!

“What’s going on? Those two guys don’t smell like thugs.”

 Luke walked to Rorschach and asked quietly.

 He thought the battle should have ended long ago due to Rorschach's intervention.

Roschach twitched his lips, not knowing what to say.

“Who is this red guy? I’ve only seen green ones on the news, but I’ve never heard of shit yellow and red ones.”

Tony's metal arms knocked together, making a crisp sound.

 “It seems like there’s nothing wrong with us.”

 Jessica shook her head, let down her long hair, and then looked at the pickup truck that had sunk into the ground and said.

“I think you guys can help me lift the pickup truck out in a moment. Who knows when Bulcaisso will remember his car.”

Rorschach felt a little headache looking at the two giants who were constantly competing with each other and the reporters and people watching from a distance.

 He thought it would be troublesome to take the pickup truck out.

At this moment, a meteor appeared again in the sky! There was Jessica's familiar aura on it!

 That's what she felt during the Kingpin scene!

Heavenly Hammer!

The Red Giant General Ross is also very familiar, it is very similar to what Murdoc showed!

With a sudden shock, General Ross, the red giant, was directly overthrown by hatred!

And the sky hammer hit Abomination with its tail flame!

 In the smoke, everyone present could feel the fear that came from their souls.

 And Rorschach frowned.

Tyrell's power of justice fluctuated slightly, which made Rorschach feel a little strange.

As Abomination appeared in everyone's sight, the strange markings on his body made General Ross suspicious!

Venerable Sky Hammer!

 Borderbreaker hates Blonsky!

Mordoc the Seabreaker!

This chapter has been completed!
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