483 Clown (Follow up)

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 In Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs, Rorschach's face was also very ugly at this time.

 The reason why we need to use "ye" is because there are too many people with ugly faces at this time.

Rorschach met his old buddy as he wished, but saw his old buddy die in front of him. This was a complete provocation to him.

 It is also an obvious bad joke that cannot be more obvious.

 He locked onto the person who was joking without hesitation, of course there was some wishful thinking.

But it doesn't matter, he always does this when he does things. When facing a former criminal, he doesn't think that the other person will one day become a normal person.

 Yes, "normal person" rather than "good person".

Rorschach is very stubborn, and there will be no retroactive period for his trial.

 People who love to laugh usually don’t have bad luck, but now a person who loves to laugh is going to be unlucky!

 If you offend Batman, the best he can do is have his limbs broken and sent to a mental hospital, but Rorschach will not abide by his belief in not killing!

Rorschach doesn't care if he becomes a murderer, just like he never cares if he is a hero!

“When the clown brings smiles, he also brings fear. This guy is really too dangerous.”

Rorschach stood outside the nightclub that was burned into a sea of ​​flames, holding a nut hammer in his hand, his eyes hidden under the mask a little gloomy.

 The fear caused by the guy dressed as a clown comes from the fact that the thoughts behind the mask are not understood. It is almost inevitable for ordinary people to be frightened by that kind of dress.

 Like Rorschach’s own mask, the fear of mystery and the unknown.

 If there is any difference between a masked hero and a clown in terms of hiding their faces, there is probably not much difference.

It's just that he felt a more dangerous and ominous atmosphere. What did a chaotic and disordered soul want from this world?

 Because he didn’t understand what that bastard wanted, all his actions were very strange.

“Would Diavolo like a guy like this? Maybe not, but Diavolo would definitely welcome his existence!”

Rorschach gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, and the siren of the police car could already be heard in the distance.

 An explosion and an arson, someone has to come to this place and check it out.

 It's just that this time these guys came a little quickly, far exceeding the normal time limit they need.

Although I came here only after the incident was over, I have already won a lot more than before. It was like someone had called the police in advance.

Diablo certainly wouldn't like a guy like the Joker.

Although he can bring endless fear, fear itself is dissatisfied with, even fearful of, such a guy.

 Because the clown himself lacks fear!

If there is anyone who is truly Diavolo’s innate nemesis, that clown is definitely one of them!

Unlike Bulcasso and Constantine who lost their fear because they lost part of their souls, the clown himself regarded everything as a laughing stock.

 How can there be fear in such a thing? Fear of loss? Or fear of others dying because of his joke?

Rorschach put away the weapon in his hand. He wanted to see someone now.

 A barbarian that Diavolo will definitely love!

 Bruce Wayne!

 A hero who intends to merge himself with fear and has a bottom line and justice.

To be honest, Korik has been worried about when Wayne will be corrupted by fear, and even handed over the legendary Fear Iron to the other party, just to be able to remind Wayne at any time that fear should be used to forge his will.


 But will this really work? Rorschach doubts it.

Just after Rorschach tightened his windbreaker and left the scene, a clown figure slowly walked out of the sea of ​​fire. He just looked at Rorschach's back.

 Yes, the Joker himself is here, always has been!

Although Rorschach broke one of his mechanical doubles before, the Joker has been watching Rorschach's performance.

Even when I watched that guy, the Comedian, die in front of Rorschach, and when I saw the patterns on Rorschach’s face, they froze and stopped changing.

 There is nothing that makes him happier than watching other people's jokes. If so, it is watching his own jokes.

 My own jokes are happening all the time, and the world is trying to make this guy laugh all the time.

“Why didn’t you smile? Or were you already smiling, and the pattern on the mask was what it looked like when you were smiling?”

 The clown tilted his head and grinned, the flames approaching him little by little.

 He muttered as if he didn't realize it, and his tone seemed to be telling a joke.

But the clown himself seemed to be stuck in some kind of thought, standing there with a smile on his face.

 Then the smile that always expressed tension gradually faded away.

“Laugh! You should laugh! How funny this world is! Heroes and villains are intertwined, so at the end of a play in which the villain is the hero, will anyone laugh out loud?”

 The clown’s inner expression is completely invisible from his appearance.

With his fair complexion and torn corners of his mouth, he never showed a normal expression, except for a smile.

 The clown's soliloquy seems very neurotic.

 Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and you will get cash and coins!

“Ha! Haha! Hahaha! xia! Drink! Haha... What a lovable group! They even smile when fighting.

 Even when they were fighting, they laughed, and even when they killed others and were killed by others, they laughed.

I really like you more and more, savages."

 The clown continued to talk to himself, and then casually put out the fire that had just ignited his trousers.

The exaggerated movements have the physical expressiveness of a stage play.

  The front end of his brown leather shoes poked the ground. His walking posture was a bit hunched and his shoulders were hunched, making him look much thinner than his true figure.

 After extinguishing the flames on his feet, his cuffs were also set on fire.

 The clown waved his arms randomly, as if to stay away from his own hand.

  It's like the hands and the body have completely different brains.

 But at a certain moment, the hand that was on fire stopped, as if the hand was locked in that position by space.

His whole body trembled except for the burning hand, as if he was enduring burning pain. The hand that should have been experiencing severe pain remained motionless!

He trembled and used his good hand to take out a crumpled cigar from his chest pocket and put it into his mouth. Then he carefully controlled his head and slowly approached the frozen, burning hand.


 Take a deep breath!

 A clown performance that was excellent even in a circus. The paint on his face was dripping with sweat due to the high temperature.

 It is unclear whether his sweating is due to pain or high temperature.

However, after the white paint disappeared, his complexion was still as pale as ever!

The police car was already parked outside the nightclub, and the fire truck was also in place. But no one got out of the car, and they were all afraid!

Afraid of the unassuming guy in front of me!

 They saw that figure from so far away! From so far away, they began to be afraid!

That guy is so recognisable, everyone living in Gotham City knows this guy exists!

That kind of fear from the heart made everyone start to tremble involuntarily.

 In the police car sat a very famous police chief, Gordon.

 The moment Commissioner Gordon saw the Joker, his heart skipped a beat.

Then he forced himself to get out of the police car and planned to face the underground king of Gotham City head-on!

  Also the king of the underground, the Kingpin of New York is completely different from the clown in front of me.

 It’s not the difference between means and territory, but the feeling of fear!

Everyone will stay safe by avoiding Kingpin, because Kingpin is not so bored that he kills people for fun like a low-life pervert.

But no one knows if they will be part of one of the Joker's jokes.

 “Joker, you’re under arrest!”

 Director Gordon himself didn't even notice that his voice was trembling when he said this again.

He didn’t care that after he got out of the car, none of the police officers or firefighters got out of the car with him.

Gordon was insisting on facing the guy in front of him, because it looked like the clown was just standing there alone.

It shouldn’t be that scary no matter how you look at it, but when you look at the clown in the sea of ​​fire, you feel an even greater sense of fear, like dense army ants gnawing at his flesh!

It’s as if it’s not the Joker who’s in the fire, but Gordon!

“What? Why are you so serious? Aren’t my performances and jokes funny?”

 The clown tried to extinguish the flames on his cuffs, but the flames became difficult to control due to his actions of lighting the cigar.

 The clown's movements are a bit hectic, just like a real clown.

His calm and questioning tone combined with his frantic ear movements revealed a strong sense of humor.

 But still no one laughed.

“Well, I really hate you humorless guys! But, firemen! Are you blind! Can’t you see that I’m on fire!?”

 The clown gave up making fun of those boring guys and shouted loudly.

Like a normal person caught in a sea of ​​fire.

He only had to complain loudly while receiving rescue, saying that the taxes he paid did not allow these guys to treat him like this.

 Because the firefighters neither put out the fire nor saved him.

“I’m reminded of a joke. If your wife and daughter were caught in a fire together, would you save your wife or your daughter first? It’s not funny at all, Commissioner Gordon.”

 The clown's voice was teasing, but his body movements became more and more intense.

 The attempt to extinguish the flames on his cuffs was still unsuccessful, but instead the hem of his clothes was ignited.

 But he was still telling jokes.

 Director Gordon felt something click in his heart, and the feeling of fear escalated again.

"Huh? It seems you don't understand at all. But it doesn't matter, I will tell you all. Ahem!" The clown cleared his throat, his voice was still calm, and his movements were as panicked as before.

“Put out the fire first! You idiots! Do you really want to hear me complain about the taxes I pay? Assholes!”

 The clown roared loudly.

The firefighters finally stepped off the fire truck as if they had woken up from a dream.

 Started to operate tools such as water pipes.

 The clown froze on the spot again.

“This joke seems pretty good? Should I applaud?”

 The clown muttered to himself, raising his hands and clapping them in front of him.

 There was a series of solitary applause.

The water column also fell from the sky at this time and poured on the clown.

 A clown performance came to an end. The clown walked out of the fire scene that was being controlled with a smile and walked to Director Gordon's side.

 Then he stretched out his hands.

 He nodded and bowed, looking a little flattering and disgusting.

 Director Gordon's heart skipped a beat and he was a little dazed.

Then the Joker naturally took off the handcuffs from Director Gordon's waist and put them on his hands.

Then, as if she had gotten a pair of expensive silver bracelets, she raised her hands in front of her and looked at them. Her movements were very exaggerated. Even if a vain girl got her beloved precious bracelets, she would not behave like the clown in front of her.

Exaggerated and full of comical artistic sense.

 Director Gordon felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Today, the clown was taken into custody by ordinary police officers.

This seems to be the first time they've caught the Joker without any superhero help, even though it looked like the Joker chose to surrender.

  Commissioner Gordon was very uneasy sitting in the same police car with the clown, and was ready to resist at any time.

Although he has long known that the clown's physical fitness is not much different from that of ordinary people, he is still afraid.

 “Don’t be so serious, Commissioner Gordon. Smile.”

 The clown said this to Director Gordon while sitting in the car. Although Director Gordon felt that he should not smile at this time, he still smiled reluctantly.

 Then the clown straightened up his face.

At this moment, Commissioner Gordon felt as if his heart had stopped for a moment!

"I have a serious question to ask you. What do you think I was guilty of in order to be detained by you? Is it the crime of selfless performance in the fire? Or is it because I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Commissioner Gordon?


 Or maybe I didn’t call the police in time, which caused my property to be burned down, so I’m guilty?”

The Joker's series of questions sounded a little funny, but they made Director Gordon break into a cold sweat in an instant.

The police call was not made to the police station by Rorschach!

  It was the clown in front of me who called the police himself!

 The clown introduced himself on the phone and said that his nightclub was on fire.

 Out of his nervousness about the clown, Director Gordon came to this place in person.

 And then caught the victim who called the police?

 Damn it!

At this time, Commissioner Gordon just wants to turn on the Batlight and ask Batman to come over!

 What should he do in this situation? No one has taught him before!

 shoot the clown thirteen times in the back, and then tell the public that the clown committed suicide?

 This method seems inappropriate.

 Because he was not sure whether it was the clown or himself who fell to the ground and was announced to have committed suicide.


Commissioner Gordon was alarmed. He lowered his head following the sound and saw that his wrist was clasped by the clown and his.

 He never thought about how the clown opened the handcuffs, nor did he think about why the clown did this.

This look looks like the wise and powerful Commissioner Gordon has caught a clown with a low eyebrow and a flattering posture.

At this moment, Director Gordon actually felt a false sense of satisfaction in his heart, as if he had really become a hero.

This chapter has been completed!
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