545 The Conflict of Two Demon Gods

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 Just as Matthew and his team were walking towards SHIELD, the two demons in the Burning Hell met again.

how to say?

Diavolo seemed a little embarrassed when he met Baal, as if he didn't know where to start talking at this time.

However, this kind of atmosphere is not so unfamiliar to them. In the long time they have been together in the past, this kind of situation has not only happened a few times.

"Are you done?"

Diablo opened his mouth and broke the silence first. He showed his fine and sharp teeth. It seemed that these dangerous little things were eager to breathe.

Diavolo didn't come back just to see his brother, he had other things to do.

"You can't say that. I still have some unfinished business here."

Barr let out a long sigh and looked up at his brother in front of him.

He is the younger brother. Diavolo is the youngest of the three demon gods, and Baal is the second eldest, so Diavolo is a younger brother to Baal.

But now, it is only measured from the years of birth.

In terms of power, before Mephisto created Lilith, the Demon God of Hatred was the most powerful one.

A hateful demon who knows almost everything, those years can be regarded as one of the few times when the Burning Hell took advantage of the eternal war.

"Huh, it's really unforgettable. We have never had a Nephalem weigh down on our heads to this extent before."

Diavolo pretended to be careless as he spoke. He walked step by step to his throne, but did not sit down.

His words were full of dissatisfaction with Baal for handing over a share of the destruction to the barbarians. That kind of complaint did not sound like something coming from the mouth of a gloomy demon god.

"It sounds like Uldyssian didn't leave a deep impression on you back then, but before him, weren't we beaten by the first-generation Nephalem?

Don’t say that you and I have never failed, that’s worthless.”

Baal spewed "venom" at his brother. Although he was not simple-minded, he was not as gloomy as Diavolo.

Destruction is, after all, a simpler existence than fear.

At least the destruction doesn't need to be complicated. If it weren't for Mephisto, Baal would be the most powerful among the three demons.

After all, he is the benchmark for justice among the Hell Demon King group!

Justice has the most powerful power to maintain its authority, and destruction should do the same.

"The first generation Nephalem? Oh, although Lilith's children can no longer see any of them except Rathma, who knows whether those guys really chose to die obediently?"

Diavolo casually grabbed a ball of scorched earth that was still burning from the Burning Hell, and the spikes on his back began to emit demonic fire as if in response to the Burning Hell.

Diablo's heart was not as indifferent as he showed now.

The first-generation Nephalem were difficult to deal with no matter who they were, which gave Diavolo a headache. In order to deal with them back then, there was no cooperation between the Burning Hell and the High Heaven.

Those guys were so powerful that he would feel uncomfortable.

Even now, he has not let go of his wariness against those first-generation Nephalem.

It's impossible to say which of the things those guys left behind were tools made to become the God of Creation.

They had already realized this in the first generation of Bulcasso.

The only good news is probably that the last surviving first-generation Nephalem is the Rathma who became powerful through learning.

It takes time to learn and become strong. Even if Rasma is Lilith's favorite child and is blessed by knowledge, this will not allow Rasma to master the complicated things in an instant.

Knowledge is increasing!

The power of knowledge cannot be underestimated, but it is a pity that Lilith still looks like she cannot make any decisions.

This made Diavolo feel a little bit regretful.

This may be because their eldest brother is still too superficial in his exploration and creation, and Lilith's personality is not very complete.

"I don't believe that Malthael is eyeing Rathma, but he definitely has reason to eye Lilith. The power of wisdom and knowledge combined is no worse than fate and knowledge.

The only difference between the two is probably that the decision made by Inaris is not necessarily the best, but it is the one that best suits their demands.

And Malthael, what do you think he will choose?"

Baal looked at his brother with contempt. This contempt was simply inexplicable to Diavolo.

He is obviously the most powerful among the three demon gods, but both the "pure" second brother and the eldest brother who has turned into an idiot look down on him intentionally or unintentionally.

This feeling is very strange.

Diavolo is afraid. Even his two brothers cannot escape the emotion of fear when facing him, but he can't figure out why his two brothers are afraid of him while also facing him.

He was full of contempt.

This is not normal.

"The choices made by the Archangel of Wisdom will be almost the same as those made by the Angel of Destiny, but the choices made by the Angel of Death will only be more cruel. Which one do you think Malthael is more like now?"

Diavolo chose to answer the question with a new question, his expression twisted to a weird level.

But the corners of his ugly mouth were still raised.

Just like Mephisto and Baal looked at him with contempt, he also looked at his two brothers in the same way.

"Malthael will only make the 'right' decision, and more importantly, no one over there can stop him from being right."

Barr spoke slowly and leisurely, and dense cracks appeared on the ground of the Burning Hell.

New demons crawled out from inside.

Two demon gods are sitting in the Burning Hell, and the speed at which demons are spawned here has begun to increase.

"This method of accumulating strength is not very wise. At least I don't think these guys can play a decisive role in the final battlefield."

Diablo looked at the demon cubs that had just crawled out of the ground and said calmly.

Quantity can be effective against nephalem, but there is another prerequisite, that is, the quality cannot be too far behind.

The devils are the group with the largest number, almost endless.

But without Azmodan, the commander of the demon army, these guys are almost unable to play a role in high-end battles.

Even if a guy like the Plague King is recreated, it doesn't seem like there will be any big changes.

The high-end combat power of the Burning Hell is still somewhat inadequate when facing the Nephalem. Times have finally changed.

"When do we need to rely on these little things? Haven't we always relied on ourselves?"

Barr turned the ring on his hand boredly, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

He had a little clue about Diavolo's arrival, and the next step was to test it.

"I know that no amount of quantity can change anything, but have you really never thought about why the Nephalem are so powerful today?"

Diavolo rubbed his eyes with his paws. The scar left by Odin seemed to be aching. Although Diavolo knew very well that this was probably caused by psychological factors, he still couldn't help but care.

How can fear itself be indifferent to fear?

Especially since Diavolo did not choose the path that Baal took, he could not give up his humanity!

"Quantity, and the change of life. It has always been like this. There will never be any existence in this world that always enjoys care. But humans are an exception. The blessings of fate and knowledge have allowed them to have what they have today and have survived their weakest period.

Those years.

Why, would the 'great' Fear Demon feel jealous because of this kind of treatment? Stop making trouble, jealousy has never been your authority, and I can't even feel anything but fear from you."

Barr noticed the scars on Diavolo's eyes and just lowered his head and sneered.

Just like Diavolo didn't care much about scars, he also didn't care about the marks on his brother.

The Demon Lords of Hell never had any affection for each other in the first place, and they never had the emotions necessary for this kind of affection.

Personalized rules are not people after all.

"Bloodline! I mean bloodline!"

Diavolo's high-pitched voice made the Burning Hell begin to shake. The demons in the underground who had not had time to crawl out were directly turned into rotten flesh and buried in the ground during the vibration, becoming the next batch of demons.

The food from which demons are born.

"Huh? Do you want to become a Nephalem? Or do you want me to stuff you into the belly of some angel and be born again? Don't say that you plan to adopt Auriel as your mother. Saying that will only make me laugh.


Barr sneered at Diavolo mercilessly. His expression became more contemptuous, and even that ridicule was revealed along with the aftermath of the destruction around him!

The strongest Hell Demon God is not necessarily the one with the most status.

The gloomiest doesn't mean he is the smartest.

Diavolo is just that in Baal's eyes. Strength does not necessarily bring respect.

"If I kill an archangel and then let our flesh and blood reshape a new body, then I will have unlimited possibilities, instead of facing a being stronger than you and me like I am now.

There is nothing to do but create more pure fear."

Diablo's words were filled with reluctance.

This sentiment is obvious. How could the one who was once at the top of the list of the strongest in time be willing to do so?

Barr looked at his brother and lowered his head silently.

"I know you hate existences like the Nephalem, but you have to know that it is a choice of fate."

"But knowledge can change destiny. If that idiot Mephisto hadn't given knowledge to Lilith, we would have the power to defeat them."

Diablo's eyes flickered, and even Baal couldn't tell what Diavolo was thinking at this time.

Did he say what he really thought?

Or is this just the groundwork for a conspiracy?

If it's the former, then Barr will just think that his brother is crazy. If it's the latter, then Barr's name will definitely be on the list of targets in this conspiracy!

"When have we ever been defeated in the face of high-level heaven? Or do you need that unfathomable big brother who was cruel to you and me to come back?

Diavolo, are you the most powerful among the three demon gods? When did this kind of news spread? Don’t say you don’t know.

If Mephisto hadn't made this decision, how dare you say this in front of me?"

Barr started talking more, and cracks appeared in the space around him, and then disappeared.

Diavolo is the strongest demon god, so there is no problem for now.

But it would be a lie to say that Diavolo could defeat Barna easily!

Pure destruction is about to embark on that pure path. Neither human nature nor desire has ever been what this guy is pursuing!

Destruction should be destruction, not Baal!

He embarked on the path of tit-for-tat confrontation with Imprius!

Become a human? No no! In Baal’s mind, this is not the idea that a demon god should have!

He is destruction, becomes destruction, becomes pure destruction, and then stands above the world like the complete death back then!

"I don't want to share 'fear' with you. 'The Strongest of the Three Demon Gods' is just the beginning. What I want is that all existences will have fear when they hear the word demon, and all fears will be directed towards

Me! Diavolo!"

Diavolo looked at Baal. Flames rose up on the spikes behind him, and waves of fear began to spread.

The Burning Hell began to shake slightly during the confrontation between the two demon gods.

"I don't care at all! I don't need others to fear me, nor do I need others to believe in me. Everything you want has no conflict with me, but during the time when you mastered the power of the Great Demon God, did you realize

Doesn’t the Great Demon God use fear as the source of his power?”

Barr still couldn't help but mention his brother more.

The Great Demon God is the unity of the powers of the Hell Demon King, so naturally he needs a source of power that can activate these powers.

Using fear to spur all this? What Diavolo did was too shallow!

When Diavolo heard these words, he turned his head and looked at the broken throne next to him!

That belongs to Mephisto. Mephisto who once sat on the throne is truly powerful!

If you want to say who among the three demons is most like a human being, it is Mephisto, the King of Hatred!

Until, he divided the knowledge and allowed Lilith to be born!


Diavolo muttered this word, recalling his short time as the Great Demon God.

"Knowledge is not only a power, but also a burden! Otherwise, why do you think Malthael has never thought of taking away knowledge from Lilith?

We all know that the unity of wisdom and knowledge can make the archangel become the most powerful one. But why didn't he do this?

Diavolo, you have always been arrogant, but I always thought it was because you were too young. But when I saw how mature those guys whose combined lives are less than a fraction of yours are, I knew that you were worthless.


Baal finally stood up from his throne and put his face close to his brother's face.

He looked directly at Diavolo's eyes with nothing but fire, and the destructive power gradually climbed up Diavolo's body!

"Do you think destruction can completely destroy fear? My ~brother~"

The strong sense of threat in Barr's words almost overflowed.

"Then do you think I can fill your heart with fear, and then leave you with nothing but trembling and screaming in fear?"

Diavolo pressed Barr's forehead and stood up firmly.

His rough skin rubbed a wound on Barna's head, which was almost the same as a human!

Black blood flowed from the wound, leaving similar marks on the faces of the two brothers!

"I knew you wanted to do this from the moment you used fear to bring out the humanity in me.


You dare!?"

When Baal said these words, his many arms and sharp claws locked Diavolo's body in place.

Even though Baal wasn't sure whether he would think like what Diavolo said, he would only tremble after being filled with fear.

But one thing he was sure of was that this was the last thing Mephisto told him.

The end of fear is destruction, and the process is madness! Courage may not necessarily defeat fear, just as fear may not extinguish the brilliance of courage!

These were the words that the elder brother of the Three Demon Gods muttered casually during the last moments when he had the power of knowledge.

Diavolo thought this was telling him the direction he was going, but for Barr, this sentence was telling him how to face his rebellious and arrogant brother!

When the destruction is filled with fear, the madness before death is enough to make Diablo take action!

This chapter has been completed!
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