562 Infinite Ending (More to come)

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 In the Dark Soul Stone, Jotun Kule and the Dream God were looking at the infinity in front of them.

That kind of look is quite innocent, full of appreciation.

Although the infinite will is separated from the authority and power she once controlled, the soul born in it carries traces of countless rules.

That feeling is full of beauty, especially for Jotun Kule and the dream god who has been known as "Merlin" for a long time. There may not be anything more magnificent in the world than an infinite soul.

Although the infinite power and authority have all become Bulcaisso's possession, and although this soul still exists and is incredibly beautiful, her condition is not good.

In other words, very weak!

"Infinite? Maybe I would rather call you 'ma'am."

Jotun Kule had a smile on his face, and his smile looked almost the same as Rasma's.

Maybe these Nephalem who have embarked on the path of using knowledge to strengthen themselves will look like this?

Pale skin and bald head?

"It seems that this powerful existence has not mastered the power of destruction yet? Otherwise, I should not retain this consciousness."

Infinitely weak, he opened his eyes and looked at Jotun Kule in front of him.

She knew her body with power and rules very well, and she was also sure that she had nothing left from the previous battle.

But she was still able to retain her thinking state, which immediately made her understand everything she was suffering.

"Of course, destruction is just an ordinary force to you, but to us, destruction represents something more than a simple thing.

But you are no longer far away from your end, especially now that that guy is about to appear here."

Jotun Kule said politely, and the Kanai's Box in his hand began to emit a faint light.

The dream god on the side just stood there blankly, seemingly having no idea about the arrival of infinity.

Of course, he would not be as calm as he appeared at this moment. Infinite was the murderer who destroyed his world! He was also the one who played the biggest role among them!

It's just that there seems to be no difference between him and Infinity at this moment. If anything, their existence depends on that bastard with the evil smile!

Jordan Kule!

"Although I don't mind explaining to you how we saw the destruction of this powerful force, I don't have that much time. If I continue to stay, there will probably be some trouble in this whole world.

Even though Bulcaisel no longer needs to fear anything, it would be better to have less trouble."

Jotun Kule said as if to say hello, and the Kanai's Box in his hand began to glow with a powerful light.

The will of time captured inside was released at this time.

Such an approach is very dangerous in the eyes of the Dream God, especially after knowing the consequences of reversing Bulcaisel's time.

He simply could not accept the direct encounter with the unstoppable Uldyssian in this place!

"What are you doing!"

Mengshen shouted nervously, and you could even see bursts of cold sweat on his body.

Maybe after experiencing this feeling, he would feel that he was still alive, but the Dream God would rather not have this experience.

"Releasing a guy who can be used as fuel, otherwise why would I grind Lady Infinity's will into powder?

Don't be so nervous, the level of power that Kanai's Box can touch is not just Kanai's."

Jordan Kule said with a smile, but he obviously did not elaborate on the past meaning of this magic box.

Meng Shen had a gloomy face. He was now meat on the chopping board and could only watch Jotun Kule do what he wanted to do. As for stopping him? Meng Shen did not have the ability and would not have such an idea.

"Isn't this man's goal to become a god?"

Infinite seemed to have understood something, and spoke with a strange smile, not even paying attention to the figure walking towards her.

Becoming a god like her is actually not difficult at all. Even if there is a difference in strength, the process of achieving this essence cannot be said to be that difficult.

Just like Dormammu who was easily crushed, everything about himself and the rules themselves became one.

As long as the will of the controller of this rule can be made to die, then it can be replaced.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is not difficult to do.

"Ha, whether it's the one who chops your body into pieces or the one who is about to appear, they never want to become gods, which is why I am willing to do these dirty jobs for them.

How can a being who stands above gods and demons be a new god? He will only be a human being, and he can only live longer at most.

Maybe he can find the end of the Nephalem?"

Jotun Kule was still smiling. At this time, Infinite could ask such a question, which made him a little bit impressed.

Jotun Kule has seen too many losers, and most of them will be resentful.

Of course, there is nothing to criticize, but can a regretful loser get the victory he missed by trying again?

Obviously not. Life is precious because it cannot be reversed. This is how Jordan Kuller has always viewed it.

Maybe he will have more in common with Doctor Who?

"Now, prepare to die, Ms. Infinity. If we could have known each other a long, long time ago, we might have been able to spend a good time together."

Jotun Kule bowed slightly in greeting, while Infinite opened her arms just like the moment she was killed by Bulkeso.

And then let the stunned will of time flow into her body!

The mutual destruction of the two wills begins!

"I understand, this is probably what I am in your eyes, right? It's just that if I had better luck, I would be able to maintain my will for a longer time.

So I am also such a fuel? When you need to 'heat', I can only perish."

Dream God said with a wry smile.

The matter has come to this, and regret has no effect at all.

Although the beginning of everything cannot be entirely attributed to him, he opened the path to this world, and the idea of ​​revenge also came from his will.

Then there is nothing to complain about.

Bearing the consequences of one's own actions is an ordinary truth in the world.

"That depends on whether your luck is good enough."

Jotun Kule didn't mean to hide anything at this time, he just smiled simply.

Just like accepting failure and death with infinite calmness, if one day Jotun Kule needs to bear such a consequence, he will only disappear with a smile.

In the burning hell, Barr looked at the guys in front of him and twitched the corner of his mouth.

This confrontation has lasted for some time, but neither side launched a decent attack.

Even the yelling and cursing that always accompanies the barbarians when they fight did not appear. Maybe delaying time is their plan?

Barr had this idea, but quickly rejected his conjecture.

Setting foot in the Burning Hell is a price to pay for the Nephalem. Just standing here doing nothing, just looking at Baal?

No one could look at Baal for long without being affected.

The feeling of his eyes breaking apart little by little around Baal is absolutely uncomfortable, and the scorching hot ground of the Burning Hell is already a kind of torture.

"What are you planning to do? Or is it your conspiracy from the moment that bastard Joe Rizzi first appeared in front of me?"

Barr asked casually, not even intending to get a decent answer.

It's not impossible for those guys on the opposite side to kill him, but it's just pointless.

At this time, the barbarians will not have another Dark Soul Stone in their hands, and it is not worthwhile to do so.

Maybe the Kanai's Box can do such a thing, but the Kanai's Box will only appear in the hands of the mage Zoldun Kule, of which Barr is very sure.

No matter where Kanai's Box appears, Zortun Kule will be nearby.

Maybe there will also be some traces of the first-generation Bulcaisel?

"Conspiracy, of course it is a conspiracy. Even if this does not do us any good, it is the best news if you have no way to become stronger!"

cried Canuck, with contempt on his face.

His body kept jumping on the ground of the Burning Hell, as if he was doing warm-up exercises before charging.

But this "warm-up exercise" lasted a little too long, and even Kanuk's feet began to have blisters when they stepped on the ground alternately.

"Burning" in the Burning Hell has always been an adjective. Even if the demonic fire here is not as terrifying as those explosive molten fires, it is still enough to kill people if it continues.

"I'm not the one who will gradually weaken if I stay here. If you want to delay it, that's up to you.

But everyone please keep quiet!"

Barr said this with an expressionless expression on his face.

A helllord and a small band of barbarians strike an eerie balance.

Barr no longer intends to waste his energy on this. He is trying to connect everything in the entire incident from his brain, trying to find the reason for the barbarian's behavior.

Even if all the beings in the High Heaven and the Burning Hell are counted, Baal may be the only being who hopes that Uldyssian will appear in this world.

Perhaps his once wise and powerful brother had similar thoughts, but from a practical point of view, Mephisto may have chosen to give up earlier.

Is there any far-reaching plan to turn myself into a retarded person?

Unless the name of Lilith, the embodiment of knowledge, is not Lilith, but Mephisto.

But Mephisto would choose to use his own will to have sex with Inaris, and then give birth to a child himself? Or give birth to more than one child?

This thought may make Baal feel more fear than Diavolo standing in front of him.

Thinking of this, Barr had a headache.

He found that the humanity he had finally worn away came back as he thought more deeply.

It's really not that easy to abandon humanity. Barr is tired.

Leiko, who was standing next to her, had a strange smile on her face, and that smile also contained some mockery of the devil and anger towards Joriz.

"You bastard, it would have been the best ending for you to disappear in my hands!"

Leiko said stiffly.

Joriz could only nod when he heard this.

"That's not the case. No one's death has the best ending. Even if there is, it shouldn't be Joe Ritz!"

Leiko and Leiko are in tit-for-tat confrontation.

Joriz nodded again after hearing this.

His spine, which was only a vertebrae, made a frictional sound, which sounded a bit like Leoric's preparations for the Black King's advance.

"I just said that I can't remember your childhood. I always thought that it was caused by the memory fragments I lost due to the damage caused by Barr!

Even because of the aura in you that is very similar to mine, I really treat you as my descendant!

And you are the part of me that I lost?”

Leiko acted a little bit like a shrew at this time. Choriz, who was caught in the middle, wanted to nod, but was paused in Kanuk's eyes full of anger.

The hatred in Kanuk's eyes was much stronger than that in Leiko's eyes.

Reiko's hatred for Jorretz comes from the damage he caused to Bulcaisso's foundation, and although Kanuk also resents Jorrez for this, there may be something in this hatred that "receives the love of Reko."

"Xin Yun'er" is such a comment.

But when Leiko's eyes turned to Kanuk, Kanuk could no longer see anything about this part of hatred.

In Leiko's eyes, Kanuk simply hates Joriz because of what he did. Or perhaps Leiko knows it, but it's hard to tell this kind of thing.

It is really not an easy thing to accept the love of others. The existence of love itself is not equal to giving and receiving. Love is not something that can be given away!

"My feelings for you are no different from those of one of your descendants! Leiko! I really regard you as my ancestor and am proud of your existence!

I am proud of the blood of the bull tribe in my body!"

Leiko's words seemed to be a defense, but also seemed to completely separate himself from Leiko.

Perhaps for the two of them, no one wants to become one again.

Joriz wanted to smile bitterly, but his mandible, which was only a bone, could only open a little, and it was impossible to tell what his expression was.

Maybe it was never Barr who prevented Leiko from becoming complete, but Leiko and Leco each other?

If this is really the reason, then what Joe Ruiz did in the first place was wrong.

But this does not mean that there is no problem with Barr!

If Barr hadn't been tampering with Leiko's soul at that time, this result wouldn't have happened!

It’s his fault if Joe Ritz doesn’t intend to get rid of it, but Barr is definitely not an outsider!

Joriz turned his attention to Barr, who, like Canuck, was a little eager to try!

This chapter has been completed!
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