061 The Arrival of Frank Custer

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 "I'm not sure if the contact information they left can still be used, but I still need to think about it."

Peggy Carter's hands were tapping gently on the edge of the bed, her eyes closed as if she were concentrating.

Dugan quietly looked at Peggy Carter in front of him and said nothing.

"Okay, Dugan, it's time for you to go."

Peggy Carter stopped all movements and lay quietly on the bed as if she was asleep.

Although Dugan had already interfered with the house in his own way when he entered the house, Peggy Carter still chose a more subtle way to tell him the news he wanted.

Damn Dugan slowly left the room without saying a word.

After he came out, he called Rumlow and left together, and everything returned to the way it was before, as if he had never been here.

"Instructor, what are we going to do now?"

Rumlow asked Dugan as he drove.

He didn't know what Dugan wanted to come here specifically to get, but he could probably think of it.

Just like most children today are well aware of Captain America's deeds, he is also very familiar with Damn's past playing Dugan.

Since he came to Peggy Carter, he must have come for the Roaring Assault.

As for the specific contact information, he was not interested. After all, even if he obtained those contact information, he would not be able to command those non-human beings.

"Go back to the tavern now."

Dugan glanced at Rumlow and didn't care.

After all, he also knew what Rumlow knew. If those guys didn't have some camaraderie, he wouldn't be able to communicate with those guys.

"Next, you first go to the Continental Hotel to post a mission. It doesn't matter what the content is, but the reward is an 'expired' peach."

Dugan, who was sitting at the counter, said to Rumlow in front of him.

Killer Monkey is now a killer. His home was destroyed by the killer and he is determined to take revenge on all killers. So is there any place with more killers than the Continental Hotel and the high table behind it?

As a killer, his way of survival is to accept public bounty missions and then kill the target together with other killers.

Dugan couldn't figure out how Killer Monkey told Peggy this contact information.

"OK, then your partner will find me who posted the mission?"

Rumlow was still a little curious about this kind of contact method and couldn't help but ask.

Dugan didn't care, he would have continued talking.

"Yes, it will find you, and then you need to give him an 'expired' peach, and I will only give this peach to you after you release the task."

Dugan looked at Rumlow in front of him, and then took a deep puff of his cigar.

"Any task can be issued? What if I ask it to kill Night Demon?"

"Although it will successfully complete the task you posted, you'd better not do unnecessary things. John Witness is not necessarily weaker than you."

Dugan looked at Rumlow and spoke in a threatening tone.

Controlling these killers is not SHIELD's main business.

In Dugan's view, there is no difference between SHIELD taking care of everything and not taking care of anything at all.

If he were made the chief, he would definitely eliminate these killer organizations one by one.

In his opinion, these guys are definitely an important factor hindering security and peace.

"Besides, if you want that night devil to find you, I don't care."

S.H.I.E.L.D. has information on each of those killers with some reputation. In order to prevent their agents from getting into trouble when performing tasks, they will give information about these killers to all agents.

These bastards are not important people anyway, so there is no need to keep their privacy confidential.

So the information about these guys has never been a secret to SHIELD agents.

As for the high-top table behind the Continental Hotel, Dugan thought it was even more disgusting.

The crimes committed by those guys are obviously much lighter than those of Hydra back then, but SHIELD doesn't have the ability to find them and seek justice.

Those guys are inextricably linked to this country, which is full of beautiful scenery.

Rumlow could only wave his hands to express his understanding of Dugan's words, and then drove to the Continental Hotel.

Anyway, judging from this situation, Dugan is planning to summon his old friends, and then leave Rumlow behind before taking action.

Who told him to be a Hydra? This identity is not trustworthy for Dugan at all.

Dugan was obviously planning to investigate even if it was a trap, so throwing him away just suited Rumlow's wishes.

After all, he still had plans to carry out, but he didn't have the time to follow this veteran around every day.

Jill got off the school bus and walked towards the blacksmith shop.

He seemed to see a familiar figure standing at the door of the blacksmith shop from a distance, and he couldn't believe it.

Bulcaisuo was carrying milk and opened a portal, and at the other end of the portal was his blacksmith shop.

He used a hammer to smash out a teleportation array on the ground in the basement of the blacksmith shop, and then planted his battle flag there.

So he got a brand new return point.

After he passed through the portal, a middle-aged man was about to point a gun at him, while Jill on the other side was grabbing the man's arm, trying to stop him.

Bulcasso knew the identity of the man in front of him just by taking a glance.

The aura on his body is very similar to the aura on Gil's body. Needless to say, this is the master tactician, the most powerful punisher in human combat.

Bulcasso didn't even have the intention to take a closer look at the guy. He just gave him a hasty glance and turned around to find the refrigerator.

"Jill, you can go out with your father today. Remember to bring your ring. I will boil the milk and put it on the table. You can drink it when you come back in the evening."

Now Bulcasso doesn't have to worry about what happened to Jill because he can't sense it. After all, with the existence of the unity ring, Bulcasso can clearly perceive Jill's situation.

As long as the two of them were too far apart for him to arrive in time, Bulcaisel didn't mind if Gil spent some quality time with his father.

What's there to refuse about this kind of thing?

After all, Frank Custer is not the kind of guy who ignores family ties.

Now he is afraid that he would rather die to protect Jill's safety.

As long as you don't meet those powerful monster-like guys, the Punisher is still trustworthy.

Since they have already met, why should he separate the poor father and son?

This chapter has been completed!
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