711 Jotun Kuhler's Probe into Bourkessel's Possible Holes

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 Bulcaisel sat cross-legged on top of the crystal dome alone.

He was sitting in the middle of the venue, surrounded by the corpses of those legendary demons.

However, such a bloody scene was also created by Bulcasso, so it cannot be said to be a shock.

Although I was a little surprised at first when I learned that this place was full of legendary demons.

But with a battle that can only be regarded as venting, perhaps killing is a more appropriate adjective.

After this massacre of the legendary demons, Bulcasso calmed down for the first time in a long time.

A lot of things that happened before made him feel a little anxious.

No matter how powerful he is, Bulcaisuo is still alone.

At least now, Bulcaisel has no intention of giving up his identity as a human being.

"Jordon Kule, how much longer do you think I need to wait?"

Bulcasso asked silently in his heart.

The only one who can still talk to him in this place is Zortun Kule, the super Nephalem.

Although Bulcaisel is one of the few patient barbarians, why not do this if it can relieve boredom?

"How long to wait?

You mean the time that existed as Bulcaisel?

Or are you simply talking about waiting on the Crystal Dome?

If it's the former, then I don't know.

But you won't be sitting in the crystal dome for long.

Could it be that you don’t trust Leiko’s strength?

Everything in that world is not unshakable to you.

The only factor that determines how long you need to wait is when Leiko and the others will be able to calm down.

This is not something that can be done without causing harm to others.

No matter what, your behavior is robbery, although it will allow those guys to get something they want."

Jordan Kuhler's voice is as annoying as ever.

It's just that Bulkesso listened to Jordan Kule's statement without any room for refutation.

Is it natural to plunder when there is no harm to others?

This kind of question seems to have little value, because the answer to this question will not change Bulqueso's behavior.

Time is so great that even most beings cannot observe whether it exists or not.

The length of time can only be measured through one's own feelings and some reference objects.

But what is the true face of time?

Nobody knows.

So, there is no need to care!

"I'm a little worried.

Although my fear is blocked, along with the self that knows my past.

But I was still not prepared for this part of Uldyssian's memory.

At first I thought I would be able to regain my memories of being Uldyssian when my soul became whole.

But now, I'm starting to hesitate."

Bulcaisel did not use the word fear when describing his feelings.

Until his soul is complete, Bulcasso cannot feel the taste of fear.

But worries, emotions that are inextricably linked to fear, still exist.

This feeling once made Bulcaisel wonder if his sealed fear had already broken through the blockade.

This feeling is actually not good at all.

"If you hesitate, you will stop?

The best executioner like you will never stop his actions even if he hesitates.

You're Bulcasso, not Uldyssian.

He will be merciful, but you will not.

This is the reason why Kanai and I finally made the decision.

Okay, it's useless to say more.

If you have the spare time to think about those intangible things, why not think about how to use the power of the higher heavens for your own use.

Don't say that you won't gain anything from something like Shadow Fang passing through your hands.

Maybe those archangels thought Leoric’s Shadow Fang was all there was.”

When Jotun Kule said this, he laughed strangely.

As a person, Jotun Kule also hates archangels very much.

Although I don't want to eat its meat raw yet, I definitely don't have any good feelings about it.

Even when faced with Tyrael, the one who has devoted the most to mankind, Zordon Kuller will still be full of hostile ridicule.

Perhaps Jotun Kule is the one who is most hostile to everything except humans.

“The power of the Crystal Dome?

We had already mastered some of this stuff when we defeated the Great Demon God.

Only Tyrael knows this.

Who allowed Tyrell to be the only one nearby when we were fighting the Great Demon?

It's a pity that the archangels seem to have no chance to know about this matter.

Even Johanna, who has the best relationship with them, would not tell such news."

While Bulcasso spoke, he reached into his backpack.

I washed the blood on my hands with the wine I took out.

Although devil's blood is actually very clean and even has the function of disinfection and sterilization.

But after the blood dries, it becomes very sticky.

This feeling is actually not very pleasant.

Even barbarians who don't care much about their own image will find opportunities to clean up these things.

"So what are you going to do with the power of the Crystal Dome?

You used the Shadow Fang to resuscitate Leoric. I don't think it was just a simple call back to a friend.

The power of the Shadowfang would give Leoric greater power, but you said nothing about it.

Or is there some agreement between you and Leoric that I don’t know about?”

Jotun Kule's voice was full of curiosity, and this guy's words had strange magic power.

Although it may make people disgusted, it will also make people remember what he said.

Maybe this is just an illusion because Jordan Kule's voice is so unpleasant.

"I know I can't hide this from you, but I never thought about hiding this kind of thing.

As long as someone asks, I will tell you. It’s not a big deal anyway.”

Bulcasso poured half of the liquor left in his hand into his mouth.

He let out a long breath of alcohol before continuing.

"Leoric needs strength, and I promise to give him it.

In fact, everything is just that simple.

Before he turned into the completely crazy Skeleton King, I just promised him that I would give him the power to defeat madness.

What better way to do this than with Shadowfang?

Then there is only the crystal dome beneath us.

If you were asked to do this, what would you choose?"

The answer given by Bulkesso was simply beyond Jordan Kule's expectations.

Just a promise?

Jordan Kule didn't ask whether it was worth it.

There is no question of whether it is worth it or not, it just depends on whether you want it or not.

Jotun Kule suddenly felt envious of Bulkesso's life.

A life where you make choices based on whether you want to or not is freer than a life where you make choices based on whether it is worth it or not.

Jotun Kule chose the latter, so he would continue to question himself every lonely night.

"Is everything I have paid worth it?"

When this thought occurs, the answer is already self-evident.

Just like flipping a coin to make a decision, there is no need to look at the two sides of the coin.

But for countless years, Jordan Kule kept saying to himself "it's all worth it" to strengthen his belief.

In fact, he also knew that the moment this problem arose, he had already begun to think that it was not worth it.

“People always have to give themselves some goals so that they can continue on this path, right?

Then let’s start work now!

In other words, you can start working now!

It is better for you to master the power of the Crystal Dome than for the Archangel to use this power to create demons."

Jordan Kule's business is as frivolous as ever.

"I'm waiting for Rorschach.

After the righteous authority comes into contact with judgment, he will definitely come back here.

Here is the answer he wants, and also a brand new me.

At that time, the archangels will not be able to resist the return of the other part of me."

While Bulcasso was speaking, he took out a bottle of wine and continued to drink it.

Barbarians are a little rough when drinking, but no one would drink wine up to their chin.

If this kind of drinking style of drinking half a sip occurs in any barbarian tribe, the person who does this will be properly repaired.

Drinks are food!

The living environment of barbarians is very harsh, and they are lucky to have enough to eat.

Waste food?

That's asking for a beating! Or even asking for death!

"Waiting for Rorschach?

I still reserve my own opinion on whether that guy can truly become the Immortal King.

But I won't object anymore. Anyway, my objection is of no use at all.

I am no longer your great elder.

Perhaps it was when the news of Kanai’s death was returned to the Holy Mountain of Arreat?”

When Jordan Kule said this, he was actually expressing his disapproval of the possibility of Rorschach becoming the Immortal King.

This kind of opening statement, which is similar to "excuse me" and "I speak frankly", is very fucked.

Even if this kind of opening statement was placed on a list of "most annoying opening statements", this kind of statement would definitely be at the top.

To say this is to say, "I'm going to offend you next, but you can't be angry because I'm doing it for your own good."

This is simply a crime!

"Jotun Kule, do you know when was the time when you made the best impression on me?"

Bulquesso's words were not polite at all.

"I think that's when you finally found out that the advice I gave was useful."

The expression on Jotun Kule's face at this moment made Burqaso not interested in focusing on the Dark Soul Stone.

But I can also imagine that there should be a somewhat twisted smile on that face.

"No! The best time you impressed me was when I resurrected you in the Library of Destiny and then hacked you to death and quartered you.

Your pale face makes me think that you can actually bring a long-lost sense of security to others."

Bulquesso's words were already considered a very serious offense.

But this is all what Jordan Kule brought upon himself.

"In this case, I feel somewhat honored. How can a guy like you feel at ease one day?

This really exceeded my expectations.

Don't you think about those heavy things every day, and then look for those perfect demon targets to vent your emotions with a blank face?

The appearance of my death can make you feel at ease. Does this mean that you realize that death is the destination of life?"

At first glance, Jordan Kule's words seemed to be correct.

But if you think about it carefully, you can see the malice contained in it.

Is death the destination of life?

Doesn’t this mean that you must submit to Malthael’s judgment?

This is a very vicious curse for those Nephalem who resist!

Is there any Nephalem who didn't watch the miserable plight of those harmed by angels and demons along the way?

Complying with the will of archangels and demons? There is no more vicious curse in Sanctuary than this.

If Rathma hears this, a battle will break out between the strongest mages in existence.

Rasma loves her father and mother, but she also hates fate and knowledge.

Such complex emotions made many of the first-generation Nephalem's behaviors difficult to understand.

Human beings are beings full of longing and longing for beautiful feelings.

But when the love of parents overlaps with those cruel authorities and rules, the pain of contradiction arises spontaneously!

"If you are free now, I can find you a companion.

Remember Barnard?

If I want, I can revive him directly next to you!

Believe me, Banal will be very happy with this result!"

Bulquesso made a threat, and even did not hesitate to expose some of his trump cards.

All the ancestors on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas know one thing, that is, the Holy Mountain of Harrogath belongs to Burqessor!

This means that everything on the Holy Mountain is under Bulkesso's control!

This was already shown at the beginning when Bulkesso and Volusk were fighting in the Temple of the Elders.

Volusk, who is also the Immortal King, wants to use the power of the Holy Mountain to fight against Bulcaisu on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas, but he will be rejected by the Holy Mountain.

As long as the ancestral spirits fulfill their long-cherished wishes, they will be able to dissipate without regrets. This is the tenderness and promise of Bulcasso!

But this doesn't mean that Bulkatho can't force those ancestor spirits to fight for him!

It's just that Bulcasso didn't intend to do this from the beginning.

If life could be repeated, it would be very similar to being able to turn back time.

Could it be that all the decisions we have made and everything we have experienced are a boring joke?

It is precisely because there is no second chance to exist that life and will appear precious and beautiful!

"You don't need to stress to me that you are waiting for Banal's own will to awaken.

As long as they are willing to return, they will definitely be able to return.

I understood this after I discovered natural authority in you.

What is nature?

All things that exist by themselves and do not require recognition by others are natural.

If you want, you can call yourself a god on earth without any problem.

You are a natural.

Everything that exists naturally will be affected and controlled by you.

To be honest, when you and Malthael fought on Harrogath, did you really use all your strength?

Of course, I mean all the power that belongs only to the barbarian Bulcaisel.

It would be unfair to include Uldyssian."

There was a hint of excitement in Jotun Kule's voice.

As for the natural authority held by Bulkesso, Jotun Kule could only analyze it through the insights and knowledge brought by his long life.

This was the first time he had spoken out this question, and he was naturally full of expectations for the answer.

According to Jotun Kule's estimation, there should be no difference in level between Bulkesso, who has mastered natural authority, and Uldyssian back then.

If this is answered in the affirmative, Jordan Kuller may become more cooperative.

This chapter has been completed!
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