793 The Legend of Li Min! The most important thing in experiments is reproducibility!

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"Then what are we waiting for?

Please open the portal you mentioned!"

Doctor Strange made his decision almost immediately.

He had already understood that Constantine wanted him to go to Canduras from the beginning.

As for the savages, although Dr. Strange still has some hope.

But now he still prefers to go to Canduras, who Constantine said can definitely heal his injury.

"I thought you would think about it for a while.

After all, SHIELD has not completely given up on you, they just don't have the ability to treat your injuries for the time being.

These are all temporary..."

“But I’m not sure how long this will last for now.

Do you know what that means to a doctor who has stayed away from the operating table for ten years?

That means that this doctor has created a gap with the most cutting-edge medical technology!

This means I will never be the neurosurgeon I once was!

I cannot accept such a result!"

Doctor Strange seemed a little impatient.

Fortunately, no one present was dissatisfied with his impatience.

Melinda has seen too many impatient people.

And Constantine... almost everyone who interacts with him eventually becomes irritable.

If one day the people around him stop being impatient, he might not be used to it.

"Well, as much as I want to say that you will be very different after you arrive in Khanduras.

But let’s wait until you’ve healed your injury.

Maybe after your injury is treated, you won't be so dedicated to the profession of doctor?"

While Constantine was talking, he waved his hand and opened the portal!

On the opposite side of the portal, you can see Leoric sitting in front of the computer and pressing the keyboard hard...

That action is a bit strange, but it is quite normal for a computer beginner.

That’s right!

It’s the legendary two-finger Zen input method!

Who would have thought that Leoric, the famous skeleton king in Sanctuary, would one day poke and prod at the keyboard with two fingers?

But this kind of action wouldn't look cute at all on Leoric's body.

"Your Majesty, I have brought you a good seedling.

Didn't you just get Rasma's admission request?

I think this Dr. Strange will definitely become a very good necromancer~"

Constantine said this before the portal was closed.

That’s right!

He did it on purpose!

Let Melinda, who represents SHIELD, know that Rathma and Leoric are connected!

As for whether he wants to tell the barbarian through SHIELD or simply wants SHIELD to know about it, only he can know.

Melinda watched with a blank expression as Constantine led Strange through the portal.

Then he took a long breath and picked up his mobile phone.

Then I called Nick Fury’s number…

At this time, no matter how much Melinda disliked Nick Fury, she would still pass on the news.

There is no necessary connection between hating Nick Fury and trusting his abilities.

Melinda is a mature agent, and she can certainly distinguish between personal matters and official matters.

"Not so good news, Khanduras and Rasma are in contact.

As for how you want to deal with it, that's your business. I'm going on vacation.

Don’t assign me any work for at least a week!”

Melinda said a lot of words the moment the call was connected.

Then he quickly hung up the phone and pulled out the phone card...

Then he used the power of his blue light ring to completely smash the phone card, taking his cell phone with him...

These things can prevent Nick Fury from immediately giving her an offer he can't refuse to the greatest extent.

As for how to contact SHIELD after a week?

It’s not like SHIELD will move...

Even if the command headquarters is placed on the aerospace aircraft carrier, this Trident Building still exists.

Unless within this short period of one week, SHIELD was completely destroyed by some enemy from beginning to end.

If that's the case and Nick Fury hasn't found her yet, it can only mean that Melinda's resignation has been approved.

As for whether she will receive salary from SHIELD's financial system in the future, it depends on whether SHIELD provides her with retirement benefits.

In a short period of time, Melinda had already thought about these things clearly.

Her plan to change jobs was not just a matter of whim.

"Leorric, long time no see~"

When Constantine and Dr. Strange came to Leoric and closed their own portal, another portal was also opened.

A nice female voice came from over there, which made the two people who just came here a little confused.

However, what made them even more confused was that the moment Leorick heard this voice, he was as horrified as if he saw flesh and blood growing on his Skeleton King form...

This is certainly enough to make people confused.

Is it a woman who can frighten Leoric?

Lilith's name flashed in Constantine's mind for the first time.

"You're back!?"

Leoric didn't pay attention to Constantine and the others who were already in front of him.

Instead, he was so excited that he smashed the computer in front of him.

This was not intentional on his part, it was just an accident caused by the uncontrolled dispersion of energy in his body.


The female voice was full of pride when it came.

This lady is clearly a top notch powerhouse.

It was not that Constantine had never seen Leoric's attitude towards ordinary people.

You must know that this guy has never been so serious even when facing the ancestor spirits of barbarians.

Obviously there are many among those ancestor spirits who can directly break Leoric's bones.

But he has never shown any fear, let alone the emotion he is showing now is called panic!

"I would like to interrupt you, this lady who did not show up, you should know the principle of first come, first served.

I appeared in front of His Majesty Leoric earlier than you.

It should be my turn to discuss a deal with His Majesty at this time.

The probability of finding a mage who can meet Rathma's requirements in this world is very low.

And the person next to me is definitely the best choice!"

Constantine said to the portal that was blocked by a blue light curtain.

But his words were undoubtedly meant for Leoric.

A mage seedling that can meet Rathma's requirements?

This requirement sounds general enough.

Who knows what kind of person Rasma would like?

A guy like Zul who is full of justice but can easily scare ordinary people with his methods?

Or those mages who should be called "Priests of Rathma"?

If I have to say it, the appearance of the necromancer Zul should be considered relatively ugly.

You must know that all of the Rathma priests that Bulkesso met during his adventures were handsome men and beautiful women.

Although the temperament of handsome men is a bit sinister... yes "sinister" rather than feminine...

The temperament of those beautiful girls can only be described as cold.①

"A mage talent that Rathma can recognize?

Are you serious?

You, a demon hunter, can know what Rathma wants from his apprentice? Are you kidding me?"

Questioning voices came from the other end of the portal.

Constantine was certain that he had never heard this sound.

I have definitely never seen the owner of this voice.

But the other party can actually see his professional identity as a demon hunter through a portal... This is a bit strange.

Coupled with the panic displayed by Leoric, Constantine was basically certain that the person opposite him was a top Nephalem strongman.

"Li Min! Let me ask you again! Are you back!?"

Leoric finally called out the other party's name.

And this name can only be said to be not unfamiliar to Constantine.

During his days on the holy mountain of Harrogas, he heard this name more than once.

Although most of the barbarian ancestors were reluctant to talk about this mage in detail.

But it is indeed a consensus that the other party is very strong.

Being able to give Azmodan a plasma perm when the energy rays collide with each other.

Can release hydras of various attributes at the door of Andariel's lair to clean the opponent's body...

It can even make Diavolo tremble when he hears her voice...

Who among the magicians can be more powerful than Li Min?

Even Li Min may have surpassed Ys, the ancestor of the mage, a long time ago!

If the talent among the Nephalem group could be quantified.

So of course the original ancestors had a perfect score of 100 points.

And Bulcaisuo, who has now become the undisputed strongest person, is probably only around one hundred and ten points.

As for Li Min... her talent is about 200%, which can barely be described?

In the final battle in Sanctuary, Li Min did not lose to the Archangel of Wisdom, Malthael.

It’s just that as a human being, we cannot fight against death!

If Malthael was just the Archangel of Wisdom, Li Min could probably make Malthael throw his hood to the ground and stamp his feet...

This is an existence that transcends authority with its own talents!

It can even be said that Li Min himself is shaping his own authority!

"I want to see how you, the witcher, look.

Anyway, Bulcasso doesn’t need me by his side now.”

Li Min's voice appeared in this office together with her figure!

How to describe Li Min's image?

A staff and a magic ball are the standard configuration of a magician.

This does not show Li Min's uniqueness.

Her hairstyle is somewhat messy, but this does not affect her charm.

The ponytail seems to be tied up casually just because it is more convenient?

The slightly purple lips make it hard to tell whether Li Min used lipstick or whether the endless arcane energy was manifested on her body.

But that charming and naughty face makes it hard to feel bad...unless you are standing opposite her magic...

At least Azmodan will not have any compliments except the most vicious curses when facing Li Min...

Even though Li Min is indeed a rare beauty.

"You're talking about this guy with a donkey face?

His hands are shaking~

Would Rasma like a guy like this as his apprentice?

I remember when he was protecting his apprentices, even the ugliest one among them was much prettier than this guy, right?

Maybe it’s because Rasma is ugly and living among a group of handsome guys will make him think that he is also handsome?”

Li Min pointed at Dr. Strange's appearance very impolitely.

By the way, I also maliciously speculated on the top of Rathma, the necromancer...

Li Min would not call Rathma the ancestor of the Necromancer.

Because she knew very well that the original creator of the Necromancer profession should be Tageo who was made into equipment by Rasma...

But this doesn't seem to be something unacceptable.

Anyway, the Necromancer likes this tune.

Let’s take a look at what the Necromancer’s sets are called.

"The Bone Armor of Rathma", "The Grace of Inaris", "The Incarnation of Tageo"...

The only relatively normal one is called the "Burning Carnival Ball Costume"...

Well, this name is not as good as the previous three sets.

It sounds like Rasma attended some weird party wearing this outfit.

As for what kind of dance Rasma is going to attend...this scene makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Dr. Strange's face became a little ugly after being pointed at.

He really didn't expect that he would be the first to suffer a round of humiliation after arriving in Canduras...

"Master Li Min, does your appearance here mean that things over at Bulkesso are almost over?"

Constantine said very respectfully.

Being able to bend and stretch is probably his greatest advantage. He is able to bend and stretch in every sense...

"Huh? I know that guy Bulquesso won't keep secrets at all.

But I just like what he does!

Since you are a strong person, why should you do things secretly?

But it’s too outrageous that a weak demon hunter like you can actually know what he’s doing.”

Li Min looked at Constantine with scrutiny in his eyes.

This look is a little weird, like a woman looking at her husband's bad friend...

Constantine was keenly aware that something was wrong, but he had never heard that Bulcasso had a real partner...

"Well, although I'm pretty weak, I think I'm pretty good at intelligence.

At least I have a lot of friends..."

Constantine explained a little guiltily.

"Okay, I accept that.

I can also tell you that the matter over at Bulkesso is over.

We still need that guy Karasim, but didn’t he already come here before?

At least I saw this scene before I lost consciousness."

When Li Min said this, his eyes were focused on Leoric who had finally calmed down over there.

As for the story between Li Min and Leoric...it's actually very simple.

Li Min doesn't quite believe in the legend of Skeleton King's immortality.

So she decided to try it herself, and she really did.

So the Skeleton King bathed in the radiance of arcane magic in the disintegration ray.

Li Min got the conclusion he wanted, but as we all know, the most important point of the experiment is to be able to replicate it.

The result of an experiment is likely to be considered an accident.

What he saw in his eyes violated Li Min's principles of pursuing wisdom and knowledge.

In the end, Li Min really verified that the Skeleton King's immortality could not be broken by any authority other than destruction.

As for this process, I can only say "thank you Mr. Leoric for his selfless contribution."

In fact, Leoric objected, but his objection was ineffective...

Li Min dismissed Leoric's objections in the name of "truth".

And strength itself is a kind of "truth", and it is also the most versatile one...

As for disintegrating rays... this is a relatively common method used by magicians.

And Li Min's disintegration ray... it was a product of her using her own wisdom and knowledge to imitate the power of destruction.

Li Min himself is a certain kind of authority... If you have to give this kind of authority a name, you can imitate or create it.

Because that’s what Li Min did!

"Vera and Nazebo have something to say to Bulqueso, and I can't stand that kind of staid conversation.

I just happened to hear Bulcasso say that you died completely and were resurrected, so I came over.

How do you manage to crawl back after your existence itself was destroyed?

I just want to do experiments now."

When Li Min spoke, he looked at the slightly twisted crown on Leoric's head.

It was this look that made "Leorric" feel a little off.

This chapter has been completed!
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