851 Brand new suit! Inarius' unfilial son!

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 The first generation ancestors had feelings for their fathers.

And the relationship between them is actually not bad at all.

If he had no choice back then, the first generation ancestor would not have chosen to challenge his father.

"We need him and we need destiny.

If he hadn't been unable to leave the higher heaven before, we would have taken him away at that time.

You won’t let him cause trouble for you again after you free up your time.”

Rasma shook her head, seeming to express her regret for the current situation.

"So there has been a connection between you and the Archangel for a long time?

Let me guess, it’s the Prius?”

Bulkesso said casually.

Among the archangels, Israel has been taken away...

Tyrael simply disappeared.

There are only three archangels that still exist.

Courage due to Prius, Hope Auriel, Wisdom Malthael.

Although Malthael transformed himself into two entities: wisdom and death.

But the practices and ideas on many things are exactly the same.

Among these guys, only Imprius is the kind of guy who likes to meddle in other people's business.

As long as it is a brave person that he truly recognizes, Prius will never begrudge his help.

And the two guys standing in front of Bulqueso at this time, no matter what they had done.

But they are all well-deserved brave men.

These two guys are brave men who dare to stand in front of fate in its prime and swear to resist.

This performance was enough for Impris to give them a little preferential treatment.

"Just chatting for a while.

That guy only admires us, but his feelings for you are friendship.

I have to say that this made us all feel envious, even a little bit jealous."

Rasma stopped what she was doing.

A face full of kindness.

If it weren't for that pale face, he might easily gain the trust and favor of others.

"Friendship, you must have misunderstood something.

Imprius and I are friends, but not Courage.

Although I don't understand why you haven't figured out for so long that the Archangels and the rules they represent cannot be confused.

But I want to remind you that what they do is not necessarily what those authorities want."

Bulkesso narrowed his eyes.

It seems that he wants to hide his inner thoughts in this way.

By the way, I can take a look at the performance of Rasma and the first ancestors.

"This is really a big surprise.

What I was trying to tell you was exactly the opposite of what you knew.

The actions of archangels should be in no conflict with their own authority.

Or you can think that everything they do is what the authorities want them to do.”

Rasma was a little surprised.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Both sides have completely different opinions on the issue of archangels.

This must mean that one party is wrong.

"Anyone with self-will must be complicated.

Why do you think archangels have fixed personalities?

Humans can change their minds, but can’t archangels do the same?”

The first generation ancestor said with insufficient confidence.

He himself didn't really agree with his brother's ideas.

This will finally be the opportunity to express your feelings.

"If the archangel were a human being, I would recognize you.

But an archangel is an archangel. Have you forgotten how Tyrael did it as a human?

He has not violated his justice.

Of course, you can say that he has not become a real person."

Bulcasio bared his teeth.

This expression is a bit ugly, like the threat of a stray dog.

Although it is not very decent, even a little embarrassing.

But this was enough to shut up the first ancestors.

"one person?

I have actually thought about it a long time ago, whether we Nephalem can still be considered one person.

Our lifespan is long, far longer than that of humans who have not awakened the power.

Our power is strong enough to rival angels and demons.

The most important thing is that we ourselves don’t know when our life span will end.

Sometimes I feel that only when I die and complete a complete reincarnation of life can I be sure that I am a human being.

So Bulcaisel, what do you think is a real human being?"

Rasma suddenly became interested.

A series of words spewed out of his mouth like a barrage of words.

"It's none of my business?

A mammal with one head, one body, two hands and two legs that can walk upright.

They have their own language and society, and they know how to use tools.

I generally call this kind of existence a human being.

If you have to argue with me, chimpanzees and the like can also meet this condition.

Then I can call you chimpanzee.

Anyway, I have no objection."

Bulcaisel clenched his fists.

A series of bone rubbing sounds were made from the fist.

In fact, this kind of joint snapping is not a good thing.

The relaxation you feel after it happens actually promotes the blood circulation of capillaries...

But to say there are any disadvantages, although there are disadvantages, they are not particularly obvious.

"Okay, as expected, it's better not to do anything complicated when dealing with barbarians.

Although you are smarter than my brother, you don't seem to have any extra thoughts about wisdom."

Rasma said with a hint of regret.

"Then what do you think wisdom is?"

Bulkesso tilted his head and looked at Rasma and asked.

"It is a way to solve problems, a plan to deal with problems, and an optimal solution."

Rasma seemed to give an answer without much thought.

"Then my fist can also be called wisdom.

So you will show respect and worship to my fist?

Okay, this is not a good example because you have to respect my fist.

But you should understand what I mean, right?"

The corners of Bulqueso's mouth twitched upward.

That expression was like seeing something valuable prey.

This was the expression Bulkeso had when he saw the big guy when he went hunting with his three ancestors.

"Your fist is not the optimal solution."

The corners of Rasma's mouth twitched twice.

He finally found that the rhythm of the conversation had fallen into the atmosphere Bulqueso was accustomed to.

I just couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

"When facing a guy who wants to kill you, fists are the best solution.

Wisdom is choosing the right method in the right situation.

As complicated as you think, it's more like knowledge.

So Rasma, have you always wanted to be closer to your mother after you left her?"

As soon as Bulcasso's words came out, the first generation ancestor immediately looked at his younger brother with a serious face.

Compared to Inarius, Lilith is more dangerous...

Inarius is relatively safe until it reaches its most extreme state.

But not Lilith!

No matter what time it is, Lilith is still in danger!

Including the love of Lilith!

Lilith's love for children is also dangerous!

Knowledge just tells her what to do to get the results she needs.

But he will not tell Lilith what this approach will lead to during the implementation process.

The first generation ancestors would become cautious and wary when facing their father.

But when facing Lilith, it's just simple hostility and defensiveness!

"Rasma, I didn't ask before.

Is it true that the only thing you want to ask your mother for help is what you told me?"

The first generation ancestor began to question his younger brother again.

It looked like if he couldn't get the answer through words, he would resort to violence just like Bulkeso.

Should he be said to be the ancestor of barbarians?

The choices are all so similar...

"You are really not smart.

But it doesn't matter, I can tell you my brother.

I did ask my mother for help in other aspects.

But if you ask me this question at this time, that is the stupidest thing.

You don’t think that Bulcasso over there will join you in attacking me because of this result, do you?

He should be very willing to watch a drama where brothers have to fight because of different ideas.

If you were smarter, you would leave this question until we rescued father.

Then the two of us can fight under the witness of my father.

And no one will die, isn’t that bad?”

After speaking, Rasma let out a long sigh.

Then he freed his hands from his sleeves.

He already held a sickle in his hand.


With the sound of someone hitting the ground, Inaris was thrown directly to the floor in front of Rasma.

"Here, your dad.

You can now fight in his presence.

It won’t die anyway, so I’m willing to spend some time to see it.

Let's start. I've got black bread and wine.

I have prepared snacks for watching the battle.

You don’t have to worry about me jumping on the stage to beat you two actors because I’m so happy.”

Bulkesso pushed his palm, urging Rasma to hurry up and start what he called a brotherly war.

It is human nature to watch the excitement...

There's really nothing to say about it.

"You, is there something wrong here?"

The first-generation ancestor looked at Inaris struggling to get up on the ground, and cautiously pointed his finger at his head and asked Bulcasso.

"I don't know, I don't know what is wrong with a person with an incomplete soul.

But don't worry, these are not things you need to worry about.

To put it harshly, it’s useless for you to worry.”

While Bulcasso was speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground.

That means he has made up his mind to watch the fun.

"I take back my comment about your intelligence.

But I reserve my own opinion, I still don’t think your fists can solve everything.”

The head of the scythe in Rasma's hand hung down at her feet, and her eyes looked at Bulkesso with a little more caution.

Everything from the moment they met Bulcaisel didn't go the way they hoped.

This situation is already very illustrative of the problem.

If Rasma still thinks he can control everything, then he is the stupidest idiot.

"It's true that fists can't make someone fall in love with you.

But you can definitely make someone hate you.

But maybe fists can sometimes make onlookers fall in love with you?

The fist is my wisdom.

It solves most of the problems I encountered in Sanctuary.

Even now, he can still solve most of the problems I encounter."

For the sake of Rasma's previous words, Bulkesso said one more thing.

"Barbarians are just a little rough and have no problem with their intelligence."

The first generation ancestor said something as if to emphasize.

Then came Bulcasso's dissatisfied look.

After all, there is a saying that goes like this:

"The more emphasis is placed on something, the more emphasis is placed on it."

The words of the first generation ancestor always make people feel that he seems to be lacking in wisdom.

"Well, father, we meet again.

Although your body has been worn on my body, you should also know my love for you.

But do you still remember everything fate has done to us?"

Rathma put the edge of the scythe under Inaris' neck.

Using the gentlest force that could not cut Inaris' skin, he forced Inaris to raise his head high!

"Rasma, I'm sorry.

You were meant to be as naturally strong as your brothers and sisters.

But I don't think I did anything wrong.

You've accomplished more than I've ever seen."

Inaris's posture was uncomfortable to watch.

But when he spoke, his tone was full of fatherly love.

There is nothing false about this kind of care.

"Brother, now that father is back.

Then let’s take him and leave?”

There was a slight tremor in the voice of the first generation ancestor.

He seemed to know something, but he wasn't sure.

"Brother, you know.

You always knew what I was going to do.

But why are you never willing to stop me?

Just like when we first challenged our father,

You can obviously prevent this from happening.

Barbarians are a people favored by their father and destiny.

And you are the ancestor of barbarians.

To say that you cannot be like a prophet among the barbarians is the biggest joke.

Brother, why do you think I will stop when things get to this point?"

Rasma spoke with compassion on her face!

The next moment, the sickle crossed the sky!

A drop of blood fell on the ground!

Inaris' life is ended!

"Yes, when a weak destiny stands in front of us.

We will definitely seize the opportunity to try to challenge destiny!

This is not only your choice, we do the same.

Bulcaisel, I am willing to trade the legendary suit that I have long been accustomed to wearing in exchange for my father's life.

That's because I also want a chance to challenge the weakest fate.

Although all this is not much of a challenge.

But now, I have received the seeds of my father's power.

The last war we fought with my father was over the seeds of destiny.

The final result is the legendary set called 'The Grace of Inaris'.

The war that cost several of my brothers and sisters.

Under the forging of big brother, I turned into this legendary suit that belongs to me.

Only now is it truly complete!

To thank you, I invite you to name this reborn suit."

Following Rasma's voice, the flesh and blood of Inaris' corpse began to dry up!

Then it gradually transformed into the legendary suit.

Only this time, this legend is no longer pure white.

Instead, it was dyed with a somewhat blood-red halo.

"In this case, I have nothing to be polite about.

Then call it 'The Unfilial Son of Inaris'.

It tells people in the future directly what story this suit represents.”

Bulcasso glanced at the crystal dome behind him, his voice full of disdain!


The first generation ancestor finally let out an angry roar!

The uncontrollable anger in his body finally burst out of his body!

In just an instant, the high-level heaven was dyed red with anger!

"Brother, my father's soul is being reborn in the higher heaven.

It's just that he has lost the seed of destiny and will no longer become the archangel of fate that strangles your throat.

You should feel happy.

It just takes a while to wait.

You've been waiting for such a long time, there's nothing wrong with waiting a little longer."

The sickle in Rathma's hand flashed with blood, and then merged with the "Unfilial Son of Inarius" suit!

The scythe's name was originally Tag'o's Fang.

It is Rathma’s teacher, the founder of the Necromancer, and the seventh legend left by Tageo!

This chapter has been completed!
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