Chapter 767: The Consequences of Fooling the Paper (Part 2)

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In order to allow Bruce to write his thesis well, Schiller came to Wayne Tower carrying an umbrella that night.

However, he didn't plan to catch a villain and beat him up like Superman, because that would make too much noise and be very labor-intensive.

He had some guesses about the identity of the villain. After all, various previous scenes had provided a lot of clues. Schiller knew that tonight's opponent was not suitable to be solved with brute force, so he did not

Moonlight Schiller called out, but planned to do it himself.

After leaving school, he turned into a cloud of gray mist, like a gust of wind passing through the streets without causing any ripples.

At this time, there was no one in Wayne Tower, and the light in the windows was extinguished one after another. Until finally, the building that was supposed to be the most brilliantly lit building in Gotham completely fell into darkness and merged into the rainy night.

As the breeze passed through the streets and alleys one after another, before arriving at the gate of Wayne Tower, a notice was blown up by the wind. It clearly read: "Today, the entire building's circuits will be inspected. All circuits will be inspected after 6 p.m.

Power outage."

Without electricity, it is naturally impossible to work. The employees went home early, but an uninvited guest visited here earlier.

In the corridor on the 13th floor of Wayne Tower, a figure was walking slowly forward. It was easy to see from his steps that he was also a little hesitant. Today's situation seemed a little different from the past.

Normally, the lights in Wayne Tower would not be turned off so early. Many rooms here are lit up all night long. Even if there is less traffic at night, there are still people there.

But today, there was nothing here. The only company he had was the cold wind howling outside the window and the growing sound of rain.

The sense of oppression brought by the typhoon is completely different from the sea breeze in the past. After the storm swept from the sea, it did not weaken at all, but moved forward indomitably, as if the steel jungle built by humans was still vulnerable to it.


The fierce wind blew through the steel building, bringing a strange sound like a howl. When the first lightning struck, the sneaky figure was startled.

The white light lit up the night sky in an instant, also illuminating the figure.

It was a young man, wearing a tight-fitting uniform. There was nothing special about his appearance, but he was holding a strange-shaped gun in his hand.

When the thunder fell, he instinctively fired a shot into the void. In an instant, a shining fragment appeared in the room. He took three steps at a time and rushed directly into the fragment.

After a while, he seemed to realize that there was no danger, and the figure reappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and continued to rummage among the offices in Wayne Tower.

If anyone has read the Flash comic series, you must have recognized his identity by now. This villain who sneaked into Wayne Tower and gave Batman a headache is called Mirror Master.

The ability of the Mirror Master, as the name suggests, is that he can travel between mirrors, or all reflective objects. He also has a mirror gun that can create mirrors for traveling through space.

At the same time, he can also create many mirror clones to confuse his opponents. In early comics, he could also create strong flashes of light to catch The Flash off guard.

At this time, Mirror Master was rummaging through the office in Wayne Tower. This was because he had already focused on rummaging through the data rooms he thought were possible, but there was no important information in them. In order not to miss possible clues,

He is conducting a carpet search.

He has no intention of a quick victory at all, because he can leave at any time and no one can stop him. So what about Bruce Wayne? He is just a rich man. The Mirror Master can even trap him in the mirror space at any time.

, as long as he breaks the mirror, he will die.

Just when Mirror Master was very focused on checking the information, suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a dark figure out of the corner of his eye.

Mirror Master turned his head, but saw nothing. He thought maybe it was an illusion caused by the wind blowing the curtains.

But this made him a little nervous, because at this time, the environment in Wayne Tower was indeed very scary.

The whole building is without power, which means there is no

There is no light. Under normal circumstances, even if the lights are not turned on in a glass-walled building, moonlight can still shine in, and the scene inside can barely be seen clearly, but this is not the case in Gotham.

Gotham is a city where you can rarely see the moon and the sun. The sky above this city is mostly dark clouds, which can block all light, not to mention it is still raining.

The 13th floor where Mirror Master is located is a very awkward floor. It is far from the ground. It is difficult for the light of street lights to shine up. However, the floor is not high enough that you can overlook the lighthouse. And it is very unlucky that the Mirror Master is located on this floor.

The room faced east, and there was another building not far away, which almost completely blocked the light.

In an environment of almost complete darkness, people's minds will be highly concentrated and their sensitivity will be enhanced, making it easy to amplify certain disturbances and cause negative effects.

Mirror Master's eyes were no longer so focused. He picked up a document and when he glanced at it, he glanced aside, as if he was observing the state of the curtains.

Suddenly, there was another sound on his left side, which was very clear in the dark room. Mirror Master immediately put down the document and made a defensive posture. He looked closely and saw that a paper cup on the table fell to the ground.

He walked over, picked up the paper cup, and held it in front of him. He couldn't see clearly until it was close to his eyes. There seemed to be some stains on the paper cup.

Mirror Master thought it might be coffee stains left by drinking coffee, but when the paper cup came closer, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

With a "pop" sound, the paper cup he threw hit the glass. Mirror Master swallowed his saliva, took two steps back, turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a strange "squeaking" sound came, and a gust of wind blew up from the open window. The cold wind made Mirror Image Master feel a chill on his back. Only then did he realize that he had been exposed.

Cold sweat.

Investigating in the dark requires not only superpowers, but also strong willpower and the courage to be unafraid of various emergencies.

Not everyone is Batman and only appears in the lightless nights of Gotham. Mirror Master comes from Central City, where the sun is shining and the climate is very good. Therefore, he has never been alone in a place without any light on such a terrifying typhoon night.

in the room.

Once people start to feel scared, they will become uneasy and confused, and the same is true for Mirror Master. He just wanted to leave the room quickly, turning back and walking forward without noticing that there was a ballpoint pen at his feet.

He stepped on it with one foot, moved his body weight forward, and the ballpoint pen slid backwards like a ball. With a "bang", the Mirror Master fell to the ground.

He hurriedly got up, took out his pistol, waved it in the air, and said: "Get out! I saw you! Get out! Don't let me shoot!!"

The only answer to him was the howl of the night wind outside the window.

The mirror master's lips trembled. After a while, he fired again and entered the mirror world.

After calming down for a while, he felt that he might have made a fuss, but the window was not closed tightly, allowing the wind to blow in. The smell on the paper cup might just be his illusion. It would be a bit embarrassing if he ran away like this.

People who are in a safe environment will always overestimate their courage, such as every player who swears in front of the haunted house.

The Mirror Master stuck his head out again and found that everything had returned to calm. He walked out of the mirror and was about to leave the office, but at this time, he heard two "swish" sounds.

Turning around suddenly, Mirror Master saw that the curtains had closed by themselves, covering all the glass.

In his field of vision, a breeze moved from far to near, carrying thin mist, passing through the center of the office.

Suddenly, on a desk farthest from Mirror Master, a stack of A4 paper was blown up and fluttered into the air.

Mirror Master looked up and saw that all the papers were drawing strange arcs and then flying towards the target.

The glass partitions between desks were all covered with paper, and all reflective stainless steel water glasses were wrapped.

Like strange footsteps, the A4 paper did not stop moving forward, flying towards the glass walls and doors of the entire office, and then one after another

, covering all the glass to make it airtight.

As soon as the mirror master raised his hand, he felt a sharp pain in his hand, and with a "pop", the mirror gun in his hand was knocked away.

He became even more panicked and turned around to run away, but suddenly a piece of A4 paper hit his face. He hurriedly took the A4 paper off.

But soon, he saw that strange smiling faces began to appear on the A4 papers that were pasted on the glass.

In the almost completely dark office, Mirror Master could only see weird smiling faces one after another, spreading towards him, and the strong smell of blood was coming. At this time, he found that he had no way to escape.


He ran to the door, but it was locked, and the mirror gun fell to the other end of the office, but there were all papers with smiling faces on them.

All reflective objects were covered, so he couldn't use his abilities, and fear had prevented him from making correct judgments.

He leaned against the door and fell to the ground. The moment the fluttering papers flew towards him, he put his arms in front of him and let out a scream.

Then, he saw the tip of a knife appearing in the center of his forehead, a man holding an umbrella standing in front of him, and the Mirror Master slowly raised his hands.

He kept breathing heavily and stared at the man in front of him. He asked: "You...who are you? Why are you here?"

"This is a question I want to ask you." Schiller said, "Here, you are the uninvited guest."

"Are you Wayne? Oh, no, you can't be Wayne, who on earth are you?! Aren't you an uninvited guest too?!" Mirror Master raised his voice and said in a stern tone.

Schiller kept his eyes closed because he knew that the Mirror Master could enter a person's eyes through the reflection of the pupil, causing temporary blindness.

"You shouldn't be here." Schiller approached the Mirror Master with the tip of his knife and deliberately waved it in front of his eyes.

Feeling that death was approaching, Mirror Master desperately wanted to escape from here. However, there were no reflective objects in this room, except for the knife in front of him.

The knife fixed on the front end of the umbrella has a smooth and flat metal surface, which can reflect people's silhouettes even in low-light environments, just like a mirror.

In an instant, Mirror Master activated his ability, stepped forward, and invaded the umbrella knife.

The next second, he screamed and fell to the ground, surrounded by a cursed black mist.

While in pain, he saw a knife inserted into a gap in the ground less than three centimeters from his ear.

A cold voice exploded in his ears like thunder, completely breaking the mirror master's psychological defense.

"This is a curse. If it is not lifted, you will definitely die within twenty-four hours."

This chapter has been completed!
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