Chapter 129: Enemy with Confucianism?

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 "My little friend, do you really want this academy?"

"Once you do this, Confucianism will put you under great pressure." Lu Miaozi looked at Su Fan with a solemn expression.

He is an all-rounder and covers a wide range of subjects, whether it is Confucian learning, Taoist classics, Mohist craftsmanship, or Legalist law, he is proficient in all of them.

This is his hobby, and he is also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but this is just him.

But if someone wants to establish hundreds of colleges, that's different.

Since Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, Confucianism has become the dominant one. Taoism has left its temples. Mohism and other hundreds of schools of thought have been beaten into demonic ways by Confucianism.

Legalism almost merged with Confucianism.

Except for a few schools of thought since the Han Dynasty, almost all of them have disappeared in the long river of history.

Nowadays, some people want to restore hundreds of schools of thought. Can Confucians be willing?

Confucianism is not a sect, it is a union of all Confucian students, from aristocratic families to poor families, etc. The power of this group is very strong, so strong that even Guangwu does not dare to confront it.

Therefore, Lu Miaozi was very worried that Su Fan was taking too big a step and could easily injure himself.

"Haha! Don't worry, Mr. Lu, of course I know the dangers here, but my college is not called Baijia College, and the college is still based on Confucian classics. After all, in the future, these people will go to


"But Mr. Lu should know that the Confucian approach is not completely applicable to my current territory. I don't need them all to become all-rounders like Mr. Lu, but at least they can adapt to the place as quickly as possible after they come out."

Su Fan was also forced. Talents are rare. How many talents can be found under Yuwen's boss is just a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, he did not trust the nobles very much. After all, some of the things he did often harmed the interests of some local wealthy families.

As a result, ordinary nobles were not willing to come to him.

Only some underprivileged children with no talent would come to him to try their luck.

His current territory is already very large, covering six counties and more than 40 county towns.

Leaving some of the original officials behind, hundreds of officials are still needed.

In the past, most of the officials, especially local officials, county magistrates, county magistrates, etc., were just inactive. They would be more active except when they harmed the people at the bottom.

For others, when something happens, they will just drag it out or pass the blame.

Of course he doesn't need such a person.

He needs people who can work hard and help him carry out various orders, especially now that his place needs major construction and he needs people with more abilities.

To be honest, Su Fan didn't like Confucianism. Of course, he would not reject Confucianism. After all, it had existed for thousands of years and there must be some truth to it.

But for his territory, various constructions, and the talents he needs, Confucianism alone is not enough.

"Since you have made a decision, I will fully support it."

"Haha! Of course, you, sir, are indispensable. You are the director of the college I chose."

Su Fan chose Lu Miaozi naturally because of his all-round talents.

"The address of the college is on the mountain southeast of Wu County. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is only more than thirty miles away from Wuxian. The college will be completed in a few days, and then Mr. Lu will be in trouble."

"Then student, what are your plans?"

It is not difficult to open an academy. There were many academies in the Sui Dynasty, some of which were founded by great Confucian scholars. However, generally those who could enter the academies were the children of noble families.

But Lu Miaozi believed that Su Fan would definitely not only have this.

It has been half a year since he came to Wujun. He has visited the entire Wujun, even the countryside.

In Wujun, he saw a vitality that was not found in other places.

Most of the people at the bottom in other places live in numbness, but it is different in Wu County. Even the people at the bottom are still very poor, but they always have a smile of vitality on their faces.

That is hope for life, hope for the future. They can see the future and their lives will become better.

This shocked Lu Miaozi. Later, when he talked about this matter with Su Fan, Su Fan's answer to him was even simpler, "That means you really treat these people as human beings."

"As a real person?"

When Lu Miaozi heard this sentence, his whole body was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. It turned out to be that simple.

At this point, he no longer had much doubt about Su Fan's ability to unify the world. In terms of family background, Su Fan was from the Yuwen Clan, which ranked among the top among many princes.

In terms of ability, it goes without saying that it took several years to build the originally barren Wu County to a state that is comparable to Jiangdu. If there is no ability, then what is ability?

When it comes to martial arts, the great master’s fighting prowess and the battle at Jing Nian Chan Monastery shocked the world.

Lu Miaozi also gained confidence in Su Fan.

He didn't have much power, just because Su Fan was kind to him for saving the people, and if Su Fan could win the world, Pegasus Ranch would be able to survive at least.

Now, the former wants to build a college. Even though he knows the "danger" involved, he agrees without hesitation.

As for whether it would offend the Confucian people, Lu Miaozi didn't care. He was already old and didn't care about his posthumous reputation.

As for the danger, he is even less afraid of whether the Confucianists will send people to kill him.

Confucianism became the first in the world, not by force. Even if Confucianism has some masters, it is unlikely that it can have a great master.

After all, most orthodox Confucian disciples practice martial arts just to strengthen their bodies, just like some Taoists who practice martial arts to maintain their health.

Fighting and killing is not a Confucian character, that is a military strategist.

There is a great master here in Wu County, and there are no unscrupulous people who dare to come here and act recklessly.

Therefore, the academy can be opened. As the mountain leader, the danger is there but not great, but his reputation may not be good.

The Confucian pen is very scary.

Of course, Lu Miaozi knew that Su Fan would probably have more difficulties in the future. He could sense that some of Su Fan's actions were against the entire family.

He did not express the worries in his heart because he believed that Su Fan should know that the other party still did this and had already made this determination.

It's just that Lu Miaozi still hopes that Su Fan will walk slower, which will be more stable.

"The first batch of students will be selected from among my private soldiers. Those people have been studying in the military camp for several years. They all know how to read and have read several years of books."

"Then we are collecting some disciples from poor families. As for the nobles, they can let them in if they are willing."

"The sea is open to all rivers, and it is a great place. Whether you are a noble family or a commoner from a poor family, as long as you are willing to study in the academy, you can be included."

"From now on, the college will have to worry about you all the time."

Su Fan knew that the college would never be peaceful in the future. After all, with so many classes of people mixed together, it would be a powder keg that would need to be calmed down by Lu Miaozi.


Lu Miaozi also smiled bitterly when he heard this, and naturally understood that this was not a good job.

This chapter has been completed!
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