Chapter 192 is clear

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"Haha! Brother Zhicai, do you think you are a snake and a rat?"

Su Fan smiled and continued: "It's not that I don't want to send troops earlier, but I don't dare and can't."

"Brother Zhicai, you have never met Zhang Jiao, so you don't know how powerful this person is. His cultivation level is so high that it is really scary. I guess his cultivation level is at least in the realm of Yin God, and even reaches the peak of Yin God.


"Until this person dies, I cannot attack the Yellow Turbans in the name of government."

"Once that happens, I'm worried that he will take action. I can't gamble with my Gao family's tens of thousands of people."

"I see, I understand." Xi Zhicai is also a smart person, and he immediately understood Su Fan's current situation.

"Zhang Jiao actually has such a high level of cultivation."

His face was also very ugly.

"Yes, it is rare for this person to have such a high level of cultivation. If the imperial court does not suppress or kill this person, the chaos of the Yellow Turban Army in Taiping Road will never be resolved. It is impossible for the imperial court to kill all the tens of millions of Yellow Turban soldiers and civilians.


Su Fan's words made Xi Zhicai fall silent.

He knew that the biggest source of the Yellow Turban chaos was Taiping Dao and its great teacher.

"Everyone underestimates him"

After a long silence, Xi Zhicai let out a long sigh.

Before, he had communicated with many students in Yingchuan. They all thought that the chaos of the Yellow Turbans was not very harmful and that as long as the imperial army arrived, it would definitely be wiped out.

However, until now, the imperial guards are unable to deal with Qu Shuai, who is all the way to the Yellow Turbans?

What's more, with such a super master in charge, the Taiping Dao Yellow Turban Army may become extremely difficult.

"The imperial court should know about Zhang Jiao's cultivation, right?"

"I didn't know it before, but I'm afraid I should know something now. After all, Zhang Jiao is in Jizhou, and the imperial court has sent General Lu Zhonglang to suppress him. He will definitely fight with him. I'm afraid I'll be able to feel something about it by then."

Su Fan said uncertainly.

If it were him, he wouldn't reveal all his strength. He could show off his strength bit by bit.

But I don’t know what Zhang Jiao thinks.

After Su Fan finished speaking, Xi Zhi fell silent again. He could imagine that it would be even more difficult in Jizhou.

With a master with Yin Shen Zhenren's cultivation standing in charge, even if General Lu Zhonglang had millions of forbidden troops, it would be difficult to threaten them.

What's more, there are probably more Yellow Turban troops under Zhang Jiao's command, especially the Yellow Turban warriors, whom he has already seen.

If it weren't for the Yellow Turban warriors, his father-in-law's fortress would have been difficult to break through even with the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban troops.


After a long time, Xi Zhi let out a long sigh.

"Brother Zhicai, why are you so worried? These things should be considered by the imperial court. The imperial court's foundation is still there. No matter how powerful Zhang Jiao is, is it possible that he can really overthrow the imperial court?"

Su Fan's words actually cheered up Xi Zhicai a little.

In the 4,000-year history of the Shenhan Dynasty, it’s not like Zhenren Yinshen has never appeared before. Even Zhenren Yangshen has appeared in countless people.

"Now Brother Zhicai, you should consider settling down your family first, and then avenge your father-in-law. As for the future, let's talk about it later."

"Yes! Brother Ning'an reminded me"

Xi Zhicai nodded slowly, "Then I will ask Brother Ning'an to take care of you in the future."

"Haha! No problem"

When Su Fan heard this, he immediately laughed. Although Xi Zhicai did not say that he wanted to follow him, since he was willing to go to his side, it showed that the other party had this intention.

The reason why I haven't surrendered to him now is probably because he is also a white body now. How can I make the other party call him lord?

But isn't this a good thing?

Su Fan was still somewhat certain about whether he could seek the position of governor. After all, the imperial court of the Divine Han Dynasty was not much different from the imperial court of the Han Dynasty in historical novels.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was controlling the fight between the Qingliu scholars, the aristocratic families and the eunuchs from behind.

Among the three parties, the Qingliu scholars are the weakest. Many of them have no real power, while the aristocratic families may have the greatest power over the court.

For this reason, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty had to push out the eunuchs to fight against him.

Things like buying and selling officials and titles still occur in this world. What the eunuchs did was actually controlled remotely by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty.

Otherwise, you, a eunuch, have this ability.

Su Fan did not comment on the matter of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty buying and selling officials, because he knew that there must be deep meaning in it.

First of all, in this period, although the Shenhan Dynasty still has majesty, its control over local areas has become too weak.

The emperor was able to control the Sili territory because he had absolute military power, while other places were too far away.

Second, most local officials are elected by aristocratic families. Many people, even disciples from poor families, have taken refuge in those aristocratic families before becoming officials.

If you don't take refuge, you won't be able to be an official at all, and there will be no channels for promotion.

Promotion channels are the biggest problem for the imperial court now, and even Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty cannot change it.

That's why there is a channel for buying and selling official titles.

Of course, buying and selling official titles is not something that everyone can buy. You need a certain amount of credit, at least you can show it.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty's move was actually to place people in local areas. The idea was good, but in fact, this method was not very famous.

A wealthy family has given you the title of a foolish king.

In addition, aristocratic families can also profit from it. In terms of money, are these aristocratic families any worse?

Of course, these have nothing to do with Su Fan. The struggle between the nobles and the imperial power has always existed and will never end.

From the beginning to the end of the feudal dynasty, this struggle has been running through.

During the founding period of the People's Republic of China, imperial power was paramount, because the emperors on horseback had supreme military power.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty wanted to fight back.

Su Fan is not optimistic about him, because although he is somewhat smart, his political methods are not very good and he plays tricks. Have you ever been able to play with those old foxes?

Throughout history, those who tried to use eunuchs to fight against noble ministers never had good results.

If you want to achieve balance, you need superb methods, otherwise, you will only lose yourself.

What's more, a true emperor will always display hegemony, not kingliness. The concept of inner sage and outer king is advocated by Confucianism.

The emperor is only domineering.

Because only in this way can power be completely centralized and centralization truly achieved.

In history, the only people who could do this were the First Emperor Ying Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang.

Of course, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Zhu Di also used domineering methods. If you dare not listen, I will kill your whole family.

As for Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, he actually wanted to be domineering when he was in power. Unfortunately, because he was not in the right position and the influence of the aristocratic families at that time was too strong, many times he was unable to be domineering at all.

Zhu Di, who had the same experience as Li Shimin, was different. He was also the emperor immediately, but in the society at that time, there were no aristocratic families anymore. As for the landlord group, the threat to him was not great.

So he can be domineering, but Li Shimin cannot.

These emperors can decide life and death with a single word, and they have absolute and supreme rights.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty had nothing, so he could only rely on buying and selling officials and titles to make money, thereby maintaining the military power he possessed.

Of course, if the Yellow Turban Uprising had not broken out, perhaps he could have taken back some of his rights, and after two or three generations of virtuous kings had governed him, the divine Han might have another chance to revive.

It's a pity that the outbreak of the Yellow Turbans will eventually break the roots of the divine men.

This chapter has been completed!
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