The enemy behind the 223rd chapter

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A powerful burst of energy knocked off Xu Rong's weapon, and knocked his whole body away. He fell to the ground ten feet away. The next second, the blade of the spear was pressed against Xu Rong's throat.


"Tie them up!"

The Lord said in advance that he would capture this person alive. It is said that this person has a strong ability to lead troops, so Chen Dao will naturally not make a heavy move.

The battle ended when Xu Rong was captured alive. Only half of the 3,000 infantry and 500 cavalry brought out by Xu Rong were left, and the others had been killed.

Then everyone quickly walked towards the water village.

When they arrived at the water village, most of Niu Fu's army had already boarded boats and sailed on the Yellow River. There was only a small part left, only more than 10,000 people. They were not Niu Fu's direct descendants. They were just local troops and had no fighting ability.


"It's a pity that Niu Fu ran away."

Tao Qian also came over and was a little disappointed to see this.

"Not always"

Su Fan looked into the distance with a special smile on his face.

"What? Ning An, do you have any backup plans?"

Tao Qian, Kong Paiyajun, and even Zhang Yang, who came over shamelessly, looked at Su Fan. Su Fan smiled when he saw this.

"Gentlemen, let's wait and see after we cross the river. I can't say for sure now."

"You want to board a boat and cross the river?"

Tao Qian said in shock: "Ning'an, this is not possible, it is too dangerous. Niu Fu and the others are already in the river. After you get on the boat, they will almost reach the other side. By then, they will just wait for you on the shore...


Tao Qian didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

"Master Tao, of course I know, but I don't plan to actually go ashore. I just give them some counterattacks on the river. It just so happens that these ships are not small, and they are enough for us to board five thousand soldiers and horses."

Although the shipbuilding technology in this world is not as good as that of later generations, it is still much more powerful than in ancient times. Even the ships sailing in Hanoi are about three to five hundred tons, and some are larger than thousands of tons.

Of course, at this moment, the ships here are only about 200 tons, but it is enough.

Although the army under Su Fan is infantry, part of it can be said to be a naval force, or a navy. They will train at sea for a period of time.

Driving these Hanoi boats is no problem.

"Tao Shijun, don't worry about us, we are just using bows and crossbows on the ship to harass Niu Fu's army from a distance."

Of course, it was also to provide cover for Zang Ba's five thousand troops.


"General, the scout team has discovered that there is movement at the dock on the shore."

"Really? It's exactly what the Lord said."

"Haha! Our opportunity to make a difference has arrived, and the whole army is ready."

When Zang Ba heard this, his face was full of excitement. The generals under his command were also gearing up. For this raid, they traveled over mountains and ridges, climbed mountains and waded in rivers, and finally reached the other side, waiting for this opportunity.

At the riverside pier, large boats docked one after another, and then batches of soldiers quickly jumped off the boats.

Some even jumped directly into the river impatiently, and then swam to the river bank, as if there were tigers chasing behind them.

In fact, there were indeed more than thirty large ships chasing behind them, constantly firing various crossbows.

"Damn it, the archers come ashore immediately and give me a reflex"

When Niu Fu saw the pursuers behind him, his face turned livid.

Since there are pursuers behind them, Xu Rong's troops are likely to fail.

He no longer cared about what Xu Rong was eating, but he was broken through so quickly.

Now he needs to prepare a defensive position immediately. Of course, all his troops will be ashore soon, so that he will have the advantage.

Whoosh whoosh!

In this dark night, the two armies continued to let the archers and crossbowmen of both sides shoot at each other. Unfortunately, although the range of Niu Fu's archers was similar to that of the Xuzhou soldiers, the power of the bows and arrows was much worse than the crossbows.

In addition, the arrows lost by the Xuzhou soldiers were all heavy arrows, which were more lethal.

After the two sides exchanged fire, Niu Fu's side suffered even more losses, especially as the Xuzhou soldiers were scattered on the river while sitting and passing, while his army was more concentrated in the dock.

He kept shooting, and he was getting more and more casualties.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this situation made Niu Fu's eyes wide open.


However, what happened next made him even more horrified and frightened.

This sound was quite familiar to him. It was the sound of cavalry running.

"Could it be reinforcements? But if my father-in-law sends reinforcements, he should say something."

There was doubt in his heart, but before long, his doubts were gone.

"Enemy attack!"

The sound coming from behind the dock made him feel cold in his heart. The enemy was attacking. Where did the enemy come from?

The opposite side of the river bank was their territory, and the enemy had already arrived behind them at any time.

However, without giving Niu Fu much time to think, the cavalry rolling in, carrying a terrifying evil aura, directly led to the general.

They didn't organize any resistance formation at all, and were scattered by the cavalry.

"It's over!"

Niu Fu almost blacked out. He knew exactly what the final result would be if he was attacked by cavalry. He himself had commanded Xiliang's cavalry before, and he was the uncrowned king, irresistible.

Under attack from the front and back, they didn't have much morale to begin with. Now even the Xiliang army has no fighting spirit and they are running away frantically.

"General, leave quickly!"

Niu Fu was stunned there, but his bodyguard, seeing his general in a daze, quickly grabbed Niu Fu's horse reins, then pulled him and fled in the other direction.

At the moment, the army was roaring like a camp on the pier. Countless soldiers were running around like headless flies. Those with weapons in their hands were attacking their companions who were blocking them.

"Ha ha!"

"Happy! Kill me!"

The sounds of killing, crying, and begging for mercy floated to the surface of the river in the dark night.

"It seems that Xuan Gao succeeded, I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Su Fan stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the flames on the dock in the distance and the shouts coming from inside, with a smile on his face.

"My lord, this time, I captured Niu Fu's army, and my reputation was greatly shaken."

Chen Dao stood beside Su Fan and congratulated with a smile.

"Haha! He is far from famous. Niu Fu is only a school captain. Let him command the three armies. This is harming him."

Su Fan shook his head. If this army was commanded by Xu Ronglai, it would not be like this at all, and the other party would not choose to cross the river.

The best countermeasure is to sit directly on the other side of the river and wait for their coalition forces to arrive. If your coalition forces dare to cross the river, they will continue to attack on the river bank, making it difficult for you to cross easily.

The Yellow River is steep and there are only a few places where one can cross the river.

The ferry that Su Fan chose could only allow people to cross the river on a small scale, and even then it took three days.

It's a pity that Niu Fu didn't understand. When he crossed the river to Hanoi to stop the coalition forces, he gave up the advantage of geographical location.

It can be said that his failure was his own fault.

This chapter has been completed!
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