Chapter 249 Choice is very important

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 "Lord, there is a situation ahead"

"It smells like blood!"

After leaving Hefei City, Su Fan and his party continued to go north. This time he left the East China Sea Territory. The first thing he wanted to do was come to Hefei to observe Sun Jian's strength.

Observed with one's own eyes, Sun Jian's strength cannot be underestimated. He has only a small number of soldiers and horses, only half a million, but the proportion of elites is quite high.

Especially after experiencing this war, although the loss was a small one hundred thousand, the original recruits left behind gradually became stronger, so it can be said that Sun Jian's strength has not decreased much.

After capturing the city of Hefei, at least part of the supplies were collected. There was some shortage of food and grass, but the weapons and equipment were increased, and some elites could be added.

It's just that the gap with Donghai Territory is still quite big. Donghai Territory now has half a million regular troops, which doesn't seem like a lot.

But these five hundred thousand are comparable to elite soldiers, which is different. Coupled with the advantages of equipment, they can be compared to veterans of hundreds of battles in the frontier army.

In terms of the number of elite soldiers and horses alone, Donghai Territory is definitely in the first rank. Even Luoyang City at this time cannot compare with him.

Once Dong Zhuo died in Luoyang City, the whole of Luoyang fell into a struggle for power. The Xiliang Army, the Bingzhou Army, and the Forbidden Army became the means for these people to seize power.

Continuous fighting.

Because in this era of divine manifestation, the generals of Xiliang were obviously unable to bully the ministers in the court as they had in history.

Of the hundreds of thousands of Xiliang troops, except for Niu Fu and Dong Min who brought half of their troops back to Liangzhou, the remaining one or two hundred thousand troops became under the command of those ministers.

When it comes to politics, these generals in Xiliang are no match for these ministers. They only offered some trivial interests and were deceived into nowhere.

Even Lu Bu was like this. He seemed to be named Marquis Wen and General Anbei, but in fact, he became a thug of the Yang family.

Of course, with his considerable strength, Lu Bu still has a lot of autonomy, and the status of a warrior in this world, especially a strong one, will not be discriminated against by too many people.

At least the wealthy family would not be too discriminatory about Lu Bu's origin.

This can be seen from the fact that in order to gain Lu Bu's support, the Yang family directly used the Yang family's influence to offer Lu Bu the position of General Anbei.

Historically, when Wang Yun tried to appease Lü Bu, he only gave him General Fenwei, a miscellaneous general. He could not be compared with General Anbei.

This General Anbei was only a senior officer in the army under the Four Towns. The reason for this was Lu Bu's world-dominating combat power.

Even if Lu Bu wants to become an independent prince in the future, as long as he has territory, there will definitely be people willing to join him, whether civil or military.

Because in this world, a combat power like Lu Bu's can indeed change the direction of many wars, which is different from history.

With the help of Lu Bu as a foreign aid, the Hongnong Yang Family has become the largest force in Luoyang City. Even the Yuan Family cannot compare.

In addition, when Dong Zhuo was here, the blow to the Yuan family was not small, and the power of the court was gradually controlled by the Yang family.

Originally, in the Central Court, the Yang family was stronger than the Yuan family. As the top aristocratic families in the world, the Yuan family and the Yang family had always been considered equally matched.

It's just that when troubled times come, the choices of both sides are different.

In the historical plane, the Yuan family chose to fight for hegemony in the world. The two brothers, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, participated in the fight for hegemony. They won and might have gone one step further, but unfortunately they failed.

Of course, the Yuan family could not be exterminated, but in history, after the Three Kingdoms returned to the Jin Dynasty, although the Yuan family was still among the aristocratic families, it was at the end of the line.

And the Yang family still has at least some power.

The Yang family did not choose to fight for hegemony, so they retained their power. Even if they were not as influential as the Han Dynasty, they were at least much better than the Yuan family.

In this world, the Yuan family and the Yang family are just like history. The Yuan family chose to fight for hegemony, but the Yang family did not choose. Instead, they always kept pace with the Shenhan in the center.

Nowadays, the Yang family has gained the greatest benefit from the Luoyang mutiny, winning over Lu Bu and the Bingzhou Army, and gaining support from some of the Forbidden Army. It can be said that the Yang family has now become Dong Zhuo's second best.

Of course, as a top aristocratic family, the Yang family will not receive the same treatment as Dong Zhuo. At least the Yang family controls Luoyang, and the major aristocratic families will not resist the Yang family. Of course, there will still be competition for power between them.

But the Yang family will not be like Dong Zhuo, who directly and bloody suppresses any family at every turn. After all, the Yang family is a family, and naturally understands the bottom line of the family.

However, the Yang family took control of Luoyang. Unlike Dong Zhuo, Luoyang recovered quickly.

With the foundation of Luoyang, it is not impossible for the Liu family to get back on its feet again. It is not that there are no aristocratic families loyal to the divine man. It does not mean that many aristocratic families will be loyal to the divine man. They protect the divine man in order to protect the interests of their own family.

The Yang family is an obvious example. If the world is to be taken over by others, then it is absolutely impossible for the Yang family to become the top family in the world.

Especially if the Yuan family takes over the world, the Yang family will definitely become a thorn in the side.

An Xiao had already reported the changes in Luoyang City to the East China Sea Territory immediately, and the East China Sea Territory also had very clear changes to Luoyang.

However, what happened in Luoyang, and the impact on Su Fan was actually not that big. The Central Plains and the North were really affected.

Especially the Yuan family, they are definitely not willing to revitalize the Liu family. Once the Shenhan is revived again, the consequences for the Yuan family will go without saying.

Therefore, the two Yuan brothers are the most anxious. Yuan Shao from the north has integrated the forces of Jizhou and sent troops to Youzhou.

With the Yuan family's heritage and Jizhou's abundant wealth, Yuan Shao was able to raise a million-strong army in less than a year.

The war in the north was even more intense than the war in the south.

Su Fan left the East China Sea Territory and traveled from south to north, also wanting to experience it. The first way he went to Jiujiang in the south and saw the power of Yuan Shu and Sun Jian, he felt a lot more relieved.

Sun Jian and Yuan Shu did not have very strong generals under their command. The strongest ones were the generals at the sixth level of Gang Refining and the scribes at the seventh level of Soul Refining.

Of course, Yuan Shu must have stronger soul refiners under his command, but he is not afraid. He has two god-level bodyguards, Xu Chu and Dian Wei. Once they go to the battlefield in the future, these two will also be peerless warriors.

They don't need to direct the battle, they just need to be the vanguard and brave generals.

In addition, there is only a slight difference between Xu Chu Dianwei and other powerful generals like Tai Shi Ci and Chen Dao.

In the future, they will definitely not lose to these people.

It can be said that in terms of fierce generals, Su Fan is definitely the best in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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