Chapter 29 The Invincible Heavy Cavalry

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Boom! Boom! The war horses are galloping, and there are more than a hundred war riders, but the momentum is like a thousand troops.

The dark battle armor looked terrifying in the afterglow of dusk.

Jianzhou Guards Camp.

"what sound?"

Some people in the Jiannu Camp heard rumblings in the distance and were filled with doubts. The main camp Xibao Qipiangu suddenly changed his expression and stood up suddenly. When he came to the outside of the camp, he saw the sky filled with yellow sand not far away.

His face changed even more: "Damn it! It's a cavalry."

"There are enemies, mount your horse quickly"

Xibao Qipiangu roared crazily, and at the same time quickly picked up his weapon and mounted his horse. The guards around him also put on their armor and got ready to go. However, others were not so fast.

They had been running for several hours and only rested for half an hour. It was the most tiring moment, even though their leader was roaring.

They are still undisciplined.


"Damn it, hurry up"

Xi Baoqi Piangu kept flogging the surrounding slaves, but the effect was not great. The military discipline of the slaves themselves was not very good. In addition, they were attacked last night and marched for such a long time today.

No matter how furious Xibao Qipiangu was, the army could not gather.

Boom, boom, boom!

"what is that?"

Finally, someone discovered Liu Tong's cavalry, but it was already too late, and it was already less than 800 meters away from them.

When the heavy armored cavalry charged, it could be said that it was unstoppable. Jiannu's military camp did not even have a fence, so it could be said that it was completely undefended.

Obviously, these slaves did not take Su Fan and the others seriously at all.

They thought that it would be easy for their five hundred cavalry to take down a hundred households. They did not even consider that the night attack last night came from Su Fan and his companions.

"Cavalry, heavy cavalry"

Xibao Qipiangu looked at the hundreds of cavalry with extremely ugly expressions. The dark armor and the armor on the horses made him feel extremely shaken.


"Hurry up and get on your horse"

Xibao Qipiangu screamed at the top of his lungs. Although he was not a famous general, he had been a cavalry commander for so many years. How could he not know the power of this heavy armored cavalry?

Even in their heyday, I'm afraid they might not be able to stop them. The advantages of their equipment are simply too great.


The heavy armored cavalry led by Liu Tong began to sprint when they were 500 meters away from Jiannu. Each of the hundreds of cavalry held a three-meter-long spear, and the sharp spear tips projected endless cold light.

The heavy armored cavalry was the last afterglow of this era. When more than a hundred cavalry rushed into Jiannu's military camp, only the first wave of impact crushed Jiannu to pieces.

Anyone who stood in front of the heavy armored cavalry flew away.

Heavy armor, high horse, strong man.

In order to build one hundred heavy armored cavalry, tens of thousands of taels of silver were spent, not counting the cost of hundreds of people practicing martial arts.

Those one hundred war horses cost almost more than ten thousand taels of silver.

For an ordinary war horse, twenty taels is enough, but the horses Liu Tong and his companions sat on were all high-quality Mongolian war horses, each costing hundreds of taels of silver.

The same goes for iron armor. After all, only high-ranking military officials can afford to wear chain armor.

Of course, Liu Tong lived up to Su Fan's expense. These more than a hundred cavalry were truly unrivaled when they charged into battle.

Su Fan watched from behind, listening to the miserable screams in front, his expression unchanged.

When he arrived outside the slave camp, the battle was almost over.

One wave of impact dispersed more than 400 Buddhist slaves. No less than a hundred people died in this wave of impact. The rest were almost terrified. Except for those who ran away, they dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground.

The smell of blood filled the air, and body parts were everywhere.


When Liu Tong saw Su Fan coming, he opened his iron mask and walked over covered in blood.

"How about it?"

Su Fan asked.

"Twenty cavalry ran away early. I asked Liu Zi to lead people to chase them, but I guess they won't be able to catch up. After all, heavy cavalry can't travel long distances." Liu Tong blamed himself.

"If you escape, you will escape. It should be Xibao Qipenggu and the others, but they can escape the monk, but they cannot escape the temple."

Su Fan didn't care. He looked at the people lying on the ground. There were still more than a hundred people left. As for the injured, they were all killed by Liu Tong and the others.

This time, Xibao Qipiangu and the others were almost completely wiped out.

More than 500 soldiers were lost in the first battle, which was a huge loss for the Jianzhou Guards.

According to Su Fan's investigation, the entire Jianzhou Guard only has one thousand households and less than ten thousand people.

The strength is only three thousand.

Losing one-fifth of it all at once will definitely hurt your body.

They will definitely not live well after losing so many people, and they may be attacked by others. Here in Liaodong, there is a lot of internal strife among the Jurchens, and the Jurchens are also divided into tribes.

The Jurchens in Jianzhouwei surrendered to the Ming Dynasty and lived under the Ming Dynasty. However, in Liaodong, the Jurchens were divided into three parts, the Jianzhou Jurchens, the Haixi Jurchens, and the wild Jurchens.

They often fight with each other.

"Clean the battlefield, let's go back"

The two hundred people behind them also entered the battlefield, especially the hundred chicks. Seeing the cruelty of war for the first time, every one of them frowned, and some even vomited. The smell of blood was obviously unpleasant.

Su Fan took them to let them see this bloody battlefield, so that they would not go to the battlefield in the future and cause commotion out of fear.

Three hundred enemies were wiped out and more than one hundred and twenty people were captured. Liu Tong and his group almost lost every time and the battle was over after a wave of attacks.

It can be said that it is too easy.

And the fighting ability of the Jianzhou Jurchens during this period was really not as good as that of Nurhachi Huang Taiji.

After all, during that period, relying on the eight major Shanxi merchants to smuggle iron, the equipment of the slaves was better than that of the Ming army.

Nowadays, the only good thing about these Jurchens is leather.

Facing Liu Tong and the others, who were all covered in chainmail, there was no comparison at all. Moreover, Liu Tong and his group of one hundred people were not an ordinary army. In terms of individual martial arts, they could be defeated. One against five would be no problem.

These one hundred cavalry are the foundation of Su Fan. With the protection of these one hundred people, even if you meet a few first-class martial arts masters, it will be difficult to threaten Su Fan.

One day later, Su Fan's 300 men, together with more than 100 Jurchen prisoners, returned to the defense fort.

Naturally, Su Fan would not let go of these Jurchen prisoners. There were not enough manpower. In the future, he would build a treasure ship, which would require a lot of rootstocks. If he bought them alone, it would definitely cost a lot. There are a lot of giant trees in Liaodong, so it was just in time.

, go cut down a batch. The keel of the treasure ship is very demanding and needs to be manufactured in advance.

A keel is estimated to take two to three years to complete.

He plans to build a shipyard in Liaodong, and there happens to be a bay mouth in Jinzhouwei, which is very suitable.

As for the Jinzhou Guard, Su Fan has already begun to contact him.

These days, as long as the guards officers are given money, they are willing to do anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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