Chapter eight hundred and eighty first cause and effect

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 But now the old mother of Lishan is very curious about what happened to that Zhenyuanzi who suddenly came to Nanzhanbuzhou? That Zhenyuanzi is from the same generation as his teacher, and he is born sacred.

, he is extraordinary, even his teacher has praised him many times. If the other party has Hongmeng Purple Qi, he must be a saint. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the browser directly.\nCOM website to watch the fastest chapter updates


Therefore, I also respect this person, Mother Lishan, very much, but that person is an ascetic and rarely goes out.

They all stayed in his Wuzhuang Temple.

Now I suddenly come to Nanzhanbuzhou. There are not many people with great supernatural powers in Nanzhanbuzhou. Even if they come to visit fellow Taoists, they usually go to those small worlds.

Is it possible that the other party was also attracted by this calamity?

But it's impossible. The other party didn't participate in the Battle of the Gods back then, let alone the current calamity.

She could clearly see the calamity this time. In fact, it was not that big. It could only be regarded as the calamity of heaven.

Da Qin wanted to defy heaven, but in fact it only took back the offerings from heaven and about 10% of the human race's luck.

Heavenly Court will not be hurt if it loses this fate of an adult race. After all, Heavenly Court is now the co-owner of the Three Realms. In fact, there are almost no resisters in the four major divine states.

The sudden appearance of Da Qin only made Heavenly Court look bad.

Heaven is not very cautious either.

The calamity is not big, and naturally there are not many benefits. Even she doesn't care much about it, let alone this innate saint.

However, in the past few years, she had some feelings and doubts about the changes in the fate of the human race.

When the human race's various schools of thought were prosperous, the fate of the human race changed most drastically, and the fortune of the human race skyrocketed, which was really shocking.

Of course, during this period, several quasi-sages and many Daluo Golden Immortals also emerged.

It is comparable to the prosperous age of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

This change in human luck is not as good as that of hundreds of other schools of thought. However, as a quasi-sage and very familiar with human luck, he can sense that this increase in human luck may be able to elevate a Daluo Golden Immortal.


A Daluo Golden Immortal, the Miao Miao Holy Land he founded has only given birth to three Golden Immortals so far, and this is the result of her careful teaching.

Of course, one of them is of demon clan blood. He has a very high bloodline and possesses the bloodline of the ancient Nine Heavens Spirit Snake.

But this disciple has now passed away.

In today's world, the Golden Immortal has almost reached its peak. It is very difficult to reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Her disciple, after rebirth, firstly wanted to accumulate merit, and secondly, he wanted to experience a few more lives and improve his realm.

Isn't that disciple of Tathagata in the West the one who transformed into a Buddhist scripture seeker after ten kalpas?

Mother Lishan naturally hopes that her disciples can break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal and even the Daluo Golden Immortal.

In today's Earth Immortal World, it is almost difficult to give birth to a strong person from the Great Luo Realm. After all, the Earth Immortal World is just a fragmented plane, lacking many of the origins of laws.

Although relying on heaven to conquer other worlds and plunder the original laws.

But it is still not as good as the great world of the past.

There is no shortage of laws. It is almost impossible for Taiyi Golden Immortal to cultivate, understand the origin of the laws, condense the three flowers, and gather the Tao fruits. Unless he has the kind of understanding that defies heaven.

Of course, there is also a kind of merit that is sent down from heaven and earth. Merit contains the power of heaven, which can naturally easily improve a person's cultivation level.

She is naturally a little envious of the human race. As the co-owners of heaven and earth, the human race has such an improvement that only the human race can achieve.

As for other races or innate heels, they can only do so unless they are reincarnated into an adult race.

Among hundreds of scholars, there are several who are born with a foot. They were reincarnated into the human race, and then with the help of the human race, they became the sages of the various disciples, and finally broke through to become Daluo Jinxian or even quasi-sage.

Their original realm is not low. Even if their merits increase, their foundation will be unstable, but as long as they retreat for a period of time, they will become true Daluo Jinxian.

Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there have been almost no breakthrough Daluo Jinxian other than the human race.

Even the leader of the three religions, Chanjiao, has half-human blood, half-human and half-god, which makes his talent even more powerful.

Of course, the stronger the human race is, it will naturally be beneficial to her and Piaomiao Holy Land. Over the years, she has relied on

His realm has improved rapidly over the years, comparable to that of a mid- to late-stage quasi-sage.

After beheading the good corpses, you can rush to the quasi-sage stage in no time.

In the late Quasi-Saint period, there are really not many people in this world today. Only a few Zixiao guests from those years can reach this level.

When Daozu preached in Zixiao Palace, the people who were able to go to Zixiao Palace were extraordinary. However, after experiencing many calamities, not many of those people actually survived.

So now, in the late stage of the Quasi-Sage, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. What's more, he is still a disciple of the Tongtian Saint, far beyond the comparison of ordinary Quasi-Sages.

Especially with the blessing of several innate spiritual treasures in his hand, his combat power is even more powerful.

Of course, after reaching Daluo Jinxian, the competition is not only about spiritual treasures, but also the level of understanding of multiple laws.

Some monks with powerful talents have understood the laws of Daluo Jinxian and used them to display some magical powers, which are even more powerful than those innate spiritual treasures.

After all, the innate divine prohibition contained in the innate spiritual treasure is actually the solidification of laws.

This is also an acquired spiritual treasure refined by many strong men, and its power is no less powerful than an innate spiritual treasure, just like the Immortal-killing Sword Formation, which was trained by Luo Hu.

The power is even more terrifying than the innate treasure Pangu Banner.

At the same time, Guangchengzi's Fantian Seal is also an acquired spiritual treasure, but its power is as powerful as a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Only seventy-two top-grade innate spiritual treasures were born in the entire prehistoric era.

Some even disappeared.

Even she only has one, which was given to him by his teacher after he broke through to Da Luo Jinxian.

Because of this innate spiritual treasure, she later became a quasi-sage.

As for the next step, if you want to reach the quasi-sage stage and kill the good corpses, you also need to look at opportunities.

It is really difficult to find an innate spiritual treasure in the vast world, unless it is snatched from other people's hands.

But this is even more difficult. Anyone with an innate spiritual treasure is either a strong person or someone with a backer.

Therefore, it is already very difficult to snatch the innate spiritual treasure for no reason.

After all, when cause and effect occurs, it will definitely be repaid.

Back then, the Two Saints of the West owed Karma to the Hongyun Great Divine Power, and it was almost impossible to repay the Karma. As a result, the two of them had no choice but to plot him to death.

But even so, the two of them didn't feel comfortable.

Because that good friend of Hongyun has now become an obstacle to the progress of Western Buddhism.

In Hezhou, Xiniu, Buddhists have always been able to cower in Lingshan, precisely because Wuzhuang Temple is stuck in their throats.


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