Chapter 1 Have a grudge against Fan?

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"North China Normal University Campus Prince, Non-famous Female Internet Literature Writer, Li Peifeng's Diary"

The snow is half gone when I come to Chiguan, and the plum blossoms and I are bored.

Dadong March 1, 2120.

Remembered in the small forest beside the lake of North China Normal University.

——Respectable people also keep diaries.

【Dadong, March 1, 2121, cloudy.】

The new semester has started, and I am one year older. At the age of 23, I wanted to rewrite my diary on a whim, so as to leave some traces of my last year as a graduate student. I wrote about it here and there, writing about it in bits and pieces, and writing about it that was groundbreaking.

(Plum Blossom Watercolor Painting), I am ashamed that I cannot paint one-tenth of the beauty of the real thing, just as the camera cannot capture one-ten thousandth of my handsomeness. Thinking of this, I feel sympathy for this flower.

【Dadong March 3, 2121.】

Coding, working out with Brother Yue, dating girls, sleeping... I just didn't leave time for studying, but I'm not ashamed.

【Dadong March 8, 2121.】

The school girls are getting bolder and bolder. When I went from the liberal arts college to the supermarket to buy a bottle of water, I was accosted six times within a distance of only 500 meters. I had to wear a mask. From this perspective, girls

It's like a virus.

【Dadong, March 10, 2121, light rain.】

At a literary club party, I was very drunk. Someone banged his head against the wall and cried for his father and mother; "It's meaningless." What's the point of studying hard for more than ten years in a cold window? "I was admitted to the school, and the tutor assigned me to study.

"I'm like a duck with a belly full of feed. After graduation, I will be slaughtered by society for meat."

"As expected of a philosophy major, he loves to talk nonsense."

We commented coldly, and then thought: "Although this fart is meaningless, it smells bad." As a literature major, I feel the same way.

Life is meaningless? Studying is meaningless? What a stinking fart in the world!

【Dadong, March 9, 2121, overcast.】

After coding for a day, my new book "The Queen" became a hit after it was released, but I felt like vomiting when I wrote it. I comforted myself with nonsense words such as "life, life," and then looked at the 50,000 yuan royalties last month.

, I swallowed the surging thing in my throat again.

Very good, I saved a breakfast.

【Dadong, March 10, 2121, sunny.】

Sure enough, spring is coming, the grass is growing, orioles are flying, and the sun is heart-shaped.

In less than two weeks since the new semester started, more than a dozen schoolgirls and female classmates have expressed their love to me in various ways, including many with long legs and big breasts. This is the good thing about Beihua Normal University, there are many beauties, and

The ratio of men to women is particularly gratifying, so I am very brave.

Graduation is getting closer and closer, and some second-year graduate students have already started internships. In their final student careers, they are all venting their long-hidden emotions, wild and unrestrained, and I am the same.

【Dadong March 15, 2121.】

Another school girl expressed her feelings tactfully and made insinuations, wanting to know if those rumors about me were true. I said it was true, the great green tea harvester in the capital, the scumbag stamp collector, and the human cannon always prepared, said

It's all me. I'm just an emotionless pile driver. My heart is as cold as my balls. I'm not interested in good girls like you. I just want to play with those bad women.

The school girl looked quite puzzled and wanted to ask more questions, so I left first. Feng's life is so carefree and unrestrained, and I don't belong to anyone.

【Dadong April 1, 2121.】

I sleep in the spring without waking up, and I can hear birds singing everywhere. Xiaofeng, this bird, sings so beautifully.

【Dadong April 16, 2121.】

On the moonlit night of the Twenty-Fourth Bridge, where can the beauty teach me how to play the flute? Today is A Meng, blow and blow, my pride is indulged, let’s dream more...

【Dadong, May 2, 2121.】

Degenerate, depraved, delayed in coding, I’m really ashamed.

【Dadong June 6, 2121.】

When the sequelae come, take rest and exercise to cure them. Squat your legs, squat your legs!

【Dadong June 15, 2121.】

I have low back pain, soft knees and tinnitus, but it is not getting better. I casually mentioned to my old friends that someone sent me a lot of zinc tablets and wolfberry. I felt very relieved and planned to try to eat them.

【July 2, Dadong 2121, rain.】

I stopped updating the novel for a day, and the more I wrote, the more disgusting it became. I was so nauseated that I couldn't eat, and my stomach felt a little uncomfortable.

Just nest in the corner, watching the drizzle outside, the raindrops sliding from the window, the rustling sound is constant, letting the lonely bacteria grow in the damp heart, it is comfortable. At this moment, let me be a waste.

【Dadong July 4, 2121.】

When I was working out, Wen Yue had a gloomy face, and I found out after I asked. She and Man Ning had a fight again. I comforted her a few times, and Yue's mood improved.

So I still can't talk about feelings. The two sides can only hurt each other, even if they are girls. The love poems written for reproduction, although they are somewhat different from real love, are not harmful. I like them.

【Dadong July 6, 2121.】

It's summer vacation, but I didn't go home because my parents also had summer vacation, and they came to Beijing for a trip on the pretext of visiting me. I spent the holidays, and they treated me as a holiday. The profession of college teachers is really good, and I also want to be a teacher. !

【Dadong July 9, 2121.】

There is a sister who is greedy for my beauty and wants to support me for a long time. I can only say that she has misjudged the person. The education I received since childhood does not allow me to do such a thing.

【Dadong July 10, 2121.】

Zinc tablets and wolfberry are very useful.

【Dadong July 13, 2121.】

Lao Zhao asked me to post a blog, and I was guaranteed to be able to stay in Beijing after graduation and make green peppers in a college. I was a little tempted even though I knew it would be a big cake. I will probably be very busy after school starts. Not only do I have to write articles, but I also have to code. Words, but for the sake of the future, I can only calm down temporarily.

【Dadong July 16, 2121.】

Damn it, I don’t have to start school at all. I’m already busy during the summer vacation. What kind of bullshit paper is so important? You want me to write it during the holiday? It will delay my earning a lot. Please remember, my guide, if you don’t fulfill your original promise, then from now on From now on, the names of the female villains in my books will all be named "Zhao Qingge"!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Dadong July 25, 2121]

Lao Zhao said that I was 'not attentive' and wrote it down in my notebook. If I don't get a piece of cake after graduation, I'll do it to her!!

【Dadong July 21, 2121】

Studying, coding, exercising, sleeping, and holding remote group meetings... Summer vacation is boring. Li is very tired from graduate school and is too lazy to write a diary.

【Dadong September 1, 2121】

School has started, and our disciples have two new junior sisters. They look pretty good, but they don't know how to do anything except receive express delivery, which makes them miserable.

【Dadong September 2, 2121】

Going to class, studying, coding, working out, sleeping, holding group meetings, writing papers, there really is nothing to write about, it’s just life day after day.

【Dadong September 3, 2121】

Wenyue and Maning broke up. Their love and hatred caused a storm in the campus. Why bother? Alas.

【Dadong September 5, 2121】

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel like there’s something wrong with the way Man Ning looks at me?

【Dadong September 8, 2121】

I’m sure, Man Ning has a crush on me and has been flirting with me. I have to hide a little bit. After all, she is my good brother’s ex-girlfriend. This is a matter of principle. I can’t make a mistake!

【Dadong September 10, 2121】

Brother Yue, I'm sorry! I controlled it, but I didn't! She poured too much into me. Wow, this woman is so bad...

【Dadong September 15, 2121】

I went to exercise alone, not daring to go with Brother Yue. I passed by the woods by the lake and found that the plum blossoms had been defeated.

【Dadong September 16, 2121】

If life is just like the first time we met, what's the matter with the autumn wind and the painted fan? God, if you give me another chance, I will definitely stay away from Xu Maning.

【October 1, Dadong 2121】

I'm on vacation, and I rejected many travel invitations from girls because I want to code, and women are all stumbling blocks on my road to success!

[Dadong, October 3, 2121, Lei.]

It thunders all the time at night, and I seem to be hallucinating something strange when I wake up early. No matter what, code words!

【October 4, Dadong 2121.】

Damn it, it’s true! After writing online articles for so many years, the author has a system, but he is not happy at all.

Because the sense of taste has disappeared, no matter what I eat or drink, I can't taste it on my tongue, and it can't fill my stomach after swallowing. My stomach is like a black hole. Yesterday, I endured four meals and still felt hungry. I didn't even poop when I woke up early.

come out.

But I still don’t believe it! This system is dead, there may be loopholes in the rules, and there is so much food in the world, can’t I eat everything? There will always be something edible, and I want to find out...

【October 4th, Dadong 2121, evening.】

I tried countless foods today, but to no avail. I went to the hospital for a checkup, but there was no result. They only said it was hypoglycemia caused by fasting. This doctor is really good at farting. In order to test, I ate an unknown amount of things in the past two days.

Seeing that I was weak, the kind-hearted nurse brought me some bread and milk from the physical examination center. I ate a big gulp, but it was not enough, so I shamelessly asked for some more, which made me half full. I never felt that these two things were enough.

So delicious.

【October 5, Dadong 2121.】

I got up early to measure my weight and lost five pounds. And after many experiments, I have to believe it. Now, no matter whether I use my own money or borrow money from others (including borrowing money from women) to buy any food, I can’t eat it.

A little effect.

It has no taste, no feeling, no nutrition, and cannot maintain the normal operation of the body. Even medicines such as wolfberry and rehmannia pills have no effect, and condiments such as salt and MSG have no taste. Except for pure water, nothing can enter the stomach.

If I want to eat normally, I have to eat the food that women want to give me from the bottom of their hearts. It will not work if I change my concept and use tricks.

What a ridiculous thing! What does this mean? What does this mean! What's going on with this broken system? What the hell is a novice mission?

Although I am usually a bit dissolute, after all, I am an intellectual who has read the Spring and Autumn Period, and I have a bottom line!

How can a man, a true man, do something but not do anything, and then live on a soft diet? Even if you starve me to death, I won’t eat it!

"I wrote this?"

Li Peifeng looked at the diary, his eyes a little dull: "It's true, I wrote it in the morning."

I picked up the pen and crossed out the entire latest page. After crossing it out, I felt it was not enough, so I simply tore it off.


Group it, group it, throw it in the trash.

"Who the hell has a grudge against Fan?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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