Chapter 354 Three Quarters

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Regarding Zhao Qingge's sudden visit, Li Peifeng's first reaction was panic and anxiety, because there was He Yimeng in the house. Originally, Old Zhao had doubts about their relationship. Now if he entered the house and found him with this white hair,

When we were in the same room late at night, no matter how much Li Peifeng tried to quibble, he couldn't turn white into black. The consequences would be disastrous.

Even if they are neatly dressed now and look like they are just "talking about the script", it is not enough. To put it bluntly, there is no such thing as a man and a woman alone in a room talking about a script in the middle of the night. That kind of twists and turns can be enough for a child.

See it through. So if Lao Zhao catches this scene, her attitude towards Li Peifeng will definitely be even worse, and she may give up completely. And if she knows about it, it means that the other three girls also know about it.

If He Yimeng in the room were replaced by any of Huang Tianxuan, Xu Maning, and Wu Wenyue, Li Peifeng would not be so panicked, and would even dare to fight with them in front of Zhao Duoduo. After all, he has the foundation to understand dreams, but

He Yi's dream is absolutely unacceptable and will definitely arouse strong collective resistance from the four girls...

"What do you want?"

Faced with He Yimeng's question, Li Peifeng began to look around the room furnishings... Very good, there is no wardrobe, but there is a window sill. People can stand on it and pull the curtains, which seems to be able to hide people!

But is the key point meaningful?

Is it necessary to let He Yimeng hide?

After a brief period of anxiety, Li Peifeng suddenly calmed down and realized a problem.

Even if Zhao Qingge didn't bump into him and He Yimeng being in the same room, so what?

Anyway, neither the left nor the right would agree with the five-in-one. Zhao Duoduo probably came here this time to have an in-depth chat and persuade him to make a choice. However, it is impossible for Li Peifeng to make a single choice. This is painful and often entangled.


Avoiding, dodging, tossing and turning are of no use, since what comes will always come. Going up against the blade is probably the best choice. At least it saves time, and it can also show off my spirit of Li Peifeng!!

Mr. Li was also tortured so much by this emotional entanglement that he actually had some self-destructive tendencies and wanted to commit suicide...


Just then, the mobile phone in my hand rang the WeChat notification again, and it was from Zhao Qingge outside the door: 'Not in the room?'

Open, open now!

"I'll open the door."

Li Peifeng made up his mind and was just about to get up and open the door, telling He Yimeng not to let her hide. However, he found that the white-haired man took two steps on his own to stand on the inside of the window sill and tried to close the curtains.

"What are you doing? No need to hide!"


He Yi Meng did not reply, but moved very gently and without losing speed, closing both curtains, hiding his figure tightly.

They are all sick! They all like to hide and eavesdrop on people’s conversations!

Li Peifeng cursed secretly and didn't care. Since He Yimeng took the initiative to hide, just hide it. He walked directly to the door and opened the door.

"I was typing just now and didn't notice my phone."

Zhao Qingge knocked on the door very softly, and it was too late for Li Peifeng to change his mind. In fact, it only took more than ten seconds between the knock on the door and him opening the door, so Lao Zhao didn't say anything more.

"Where did you write it?"

Zhao Qingge subconsciously glanced around and saw that the room was simply furnished and the bed was clean and tidy, then he turned his attention to the laptop screen.

"Would you like to read the part about the invasion of the void demon?"


Li Peifeng mentioned it so casually, Zhao Qingge really started reading the novel.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes...

"Is it over yet?"

He Yimeng opened the curtains a small gap, rolled his eyes at Li Peifeng, and gestured: "Go, let her go!"

Li Peifeng was a little puzzled. He felt as if Meng was more afraid of being discovered by Zhao Qingge than he was. Then he understood after thinking about it carefully.

You know, He Yimeng is still a contracted actor of Trinity. If the relationship between the two is leaked from Zhao Qingge, and the two bosses Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying find out about it, she will definitely not suffer the consequences!

No wonder why Meng took the initiative to hide.

"I'll send you the latest archive soon, otherwise you might not be able to finish it in less than two hours."

Zhao Qingge stared at the screen and hummed: "The words are almost meaningless. After a while, I found two mistakes in the sentences, which are far less sophisticated than the previous tens of thousands of words."

After a while, he turned to look at Li Peifeng and said with a hint of criticism: "Please polish it carefully. There are already so many manuscripts saved. There is no need to rush."

Li Peifeng did not agree, but said: "I will proofread and revise the wrong sentences before uploading, but the text can only be like this. If I want to improve and polish it, it is a waste of time. I don't think it's okay to trade these flaws for update speed."


This is the case for online articles. The update requirement of 8,000 words a day is good if it can be written smoothly without any glitches. It is normal to have wrong sentences and typos. If you still want to pursue the simple appreciation of words, you are in trouble.


In short, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Zhao Qingge thought for a moment and nodded as if in agreement: "There is no perfection in anything. It is the main reason for failure. You are right."

Li Peifeng felt that there was something in her words, so he decisively stopped and changed his tone: "But if I wait until the second part of "Sword and Law", I believe that my writing skills will be improved by then, and my writing and updating speed will also be improved."

"Whatever doesn't exist, there has to be a choice."


The gap in the curtains was opened a little further, and He Yimeng was so brave that he dared to reveal one eye and stare at the two of them. Fortunately, Zhao Qingge turned his back to her and did not notice.

"What are your trade-offs?"

Zhao Qingge talked about the topic. Li Peifeng stared at it for a long time, took half a step back, and lay down directly on the bed: "I can't let go."

"you sure?"


He Yimeng silently gave a thumbs up behind the curtain, and then the two people outside the curtain were silent for at least two minutes without saying a word. The room was extremely quiet.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! I heard movement again, like Zhao Qingge getting up to leave, and the door opened and closed with two "click~click" sounds...

Leaving now?

He Yimeng raised a small crack in the curtains, took a look, and after confirming that Zhao Qingge was not in the room, he opened the curtains wide, looked at Li Peifeng who was still lying on the bed, and said with a smile: "I don't think you can survive this winter.


Li Peifeng opened his eyes and frowned: "It's been two days since the beginning of spring, and everything is recovering. I've survived it!"

The moon shadow was shattered and the green pine trees were sunk.

Li Peifeng came out of the cold winter, but despite being on the plateau, he failed to encounter the warm spring breeze.

After two days of filming in Moshi Park, everyone returned to the capital at noon on February 9th and devoted themselves to work.

During this period, Li Peifeng called editor Xia Sheng and postponed the release of "Sword and Law" for a week.

Although the filming of the trailer is over and Wu Wenyue has finished recording the song, morevfx studio still needs to produce post-production special effects, which will take at least four days.

Li Peifeng took this time to publish a single chapter in the book to promote the trailer, and posted makeup test photos of several protagonists.

Book friends responded enthusiastically, with few negative comments. Most of them were very satisfied with several characters. They kept saying that the degree of restoration is high, they look like, they really look like... Can they be like each other? The characters come first and then the others.

s story.

At the same time, Li Peifeng also teamed up with Wu Wenyue and He Yimeng to jointly release several videos on Douyin as a warm-up. In just seven or eight seconds, they were all clips of the protagonists' cross-dressing that they edited during the filming.

Set as a common topic; 'Chronicles of Sword and Sorcery'.

The studio invested some money from it for operations. The quality of the several videos itself is excellent enough. Handsome guys and beauties who stand out from ordinary Internet celebrities appear on the scene. The exotic scenery and the background music are matched with a passionate melody from Wu Wenyue's latest recording of "All Souls".

It is very eye-catching, both visual and auditory enjoyment, making people linger and want to watch it twice after watching it once.

Naturally, these videos have received a lot of views and likes. The topic "Sword and Law" has entered the top 20 hot lists in three days, and has also gained some traffic on other social platforms.

Thanks to this, the data of "Chronicles of Sword and Law" gradually increased before the trailer was aired.

As of 4 p.m. on February 10, "Sword and Law" has been published for 44 days, with 210,000 words updated, more than 800,000 collected, and 1.5 million recommendation votes. And it has not yet been put on the shelves.

It aggressively entered the second place in the male channel monthly vote list. You can be sure that when the trailer is actually aired, the data of this book will reach a new level.

And even the current upward trend is enough to surprise the editors of the terminal.

(Editor-in-Chief of Group 9) yy: "The growth rate of sword and magic data has broken the record, right?"

(Chief Editor of Team 2) Baodao: "It's not broken even if it's broken. Some great masters in the early days improved their data very well, and there are still 500,000 collected in six days."

(Editor-in-chief of Group 6) Peanut: "(Qiameng) brushing data is too low-level compared to this kind of operation method. The latter is the real benefit. The fame is directly out of the circle. After three days, I gained two more golds."


(Editor-in-Chief of Group 1) Lemon: "Who is messing with me? Spit it out!"

(Chief Editor of Group 7) December: "(Cha Lemon) is sour, so sour. I just asked the backend, and they said that there were 60,000 new paid users yesterday alone, all of whom registered for "Sword and Law"


(Editor-in-Chief of Group 2) Baodao: "@夏胜, I feel like the first order will definitely break the record. How many tables are you going to set up on the day it goes on sale?"

Xia Sheng: "This is too much to rip off!!"

(Editor-in-Chief of Group 2) Baodao: "You female channel leader, stop talking nonsense. If you want to stay in this group, show your sincerity quickly!"

Out of complex reasons such as envy, jealousy, hatred, and being robbed of their jobs, the editors at the terminal wanted Xia Sheng to have a meal. At the same time, Li Peifeng also got into Xu Manying's Audi car, preparing to go to her house for dinner, and meet Miss Xu's

Families meet.

"Who else besides uncle and aunt?"

"My grandparents, grandparents, uncle and aunt's family, aunt and uncle's family... there are about fourteen or five people."

Li Peifeng hummed and took out his cell phone to fiddle with it. Xu Manying didn't say anything and just drove the car intently.

After returning to Beijing after the filming, he had an in-depth exchange with the two daughters Xu and Wu. Miss Xu agreed to "receive the certificates one by one", but she also put forward a condition.

That is; Li Peifeng must be the first to marry her.

As long as the first marriage is hers, Xu Maning can even help Li Peifeng pay for the 100 million gift Wu Wenyue wants in the form of real estate, equity, etc.

But Wu Wenyue expressed opposition to this. She was very ambitious and principled. She insisted that Li Peifeng must make money by herself and give her cash. She did not want what others gave her. Finally, she wanted to take the first bite of Xu Manying.

'Yin and Yang were very angry.

On the other hand, Li Peifeng also tactfully expressed his disapproval of Xu Maning's plan to be the first to get the certificate with him, which made Miss Xu very angry and was one of the reasons why the atmosphere in the car was so silent at this time.

In any case, this was a good thing for Li Peifeng. In the final analysis, Xu Maning relented. Although he had some disputes about the order of receiving the certificates, he at least generally agreed.

Three of the four girls agreed, and the completion of the five-in-one project has reached three-quarters, which is gratifying! But the most important thing is that his beloved Zhao Qingge did not agree with the 'first bride' that Li Peifeng envisioned, and this matter was inevitable.

reached a deadlock.

He who travels a hundred miles has half a mile, and the final hurdle is always so difficult!

Wu Wenyue and Xu Maning repeatedly encouraged Li Peifeng to give up on Zhao Qingge and give up the idea of ​​obtaining the certificate from Zhao Qingge, but Li Peifeng did not agree and only said to find an opportunity to finally talk to Zhao Qingge before making a decision.

Such an attitude made Wu and Xu very angry. According to Xu Maning's temper, she didn't want to bring Li Peifeng to her parents. However, she had agreed with her parents before that she would bring her boyfriend to meet her after the new year. Now that the time is up, her parents Xue Ya

Xu Hongfei and Xu Hongfei urged her repeatedly, but Xu Maning could not shirk it, so she took Li Peifeng to the family dinner as agreed.

Xu Manying suddenly said: "When will you talk to Lao Zhao?"

"...Let's wait until school starts. She doesn't want to see me now and can't make an appointment."

Li Peifeng sighed lightly, but Xu Manying continued to ask: "If she still disagrees, what are you going to do?"

Li Peifeng was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Then I will give up."

Xu Maning tilted her head, the corners of her mouth raised slightly and then softened again, her eyes moved, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Linyunshu Community, three kilometers away from Senmeng Garment Factory and built on the Riverside Forest Park, is a pure villa community based on the Elysée Palace in Farahi, consisting of more than 100 townhouses, stacked villas, and single-family villas.

Each household has its own front and rear gardens of 100 square meters, with a green area of ​​35%. The single-family villa in the corner is the Xu family.

Li Peifeng was baptized by the Chinese-style courtyard villa with its own artificial lake and rockery in the Huang Mansion. He actually felt that Xu's father and Xu's mother's home was a bit stingy and not elegant enough...

"Pei Feng is here?"

"Oh, bring so many things."

"Sister, brother-in-law, give it to me and I will help you."

As soon as they entered the door, Xue Ya, Xu Hongfei and other relatives of Xu Maning came to greet them. Among them was a little girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, who enthusiastically took the object from Li Peifeng's hand.

"That's my cousin, Xu Aomei." After Xu Manying introduced the girl, she introduced others to Li Peifeng.

This is the uncle and the second uncle, that is the aunt and uncle, this is the grandma, that grandpa...

Li Peifeng called around and managed to get to know the big family through his super memory. Then he sat with Xue Ya and Xu Hongfei and chatted for a while. After dinner was ready, they served it to the table.

Counting this time, he has met the parents of all four girls. Li Peifeng can be said to be experienced in meeting his girlfriend's parents and can handle it very comfortably.

Moreover, Xu Maning's parents are more accessible than Zhao and Huang's parents. The love relationship between Li Peifeng and Xu Maning is very normal in their eyes. They naturally do not resist Li Peifeng, but are very welcoming. The enthusiasm in their attitude makes Li a little bit nervous.

Not used to it anymore, he even wanted to turn off the two haloes of [Social Expert] and [Image Spokesperson] to see if they were doing something weird. But what Xu Maning and her old uncle said unintentionally made Li Peifeng

I understand the underlying reason why I am so popular.

"The Internet celebrity company you and Man Ning created is quite good. Recently, my sales have increased a lot."

Xue Ya nodded and added: "Actually, I suggest that you'd better create a 'Senmeng' or 'True Me' brand account, and then sign a few anchors who specialize in selling goods and clothing, just for selling goods, so that the conversion

The rate is higher, and the benefits can be maximized. But Man Ning has been busy, focusing on clothing design and management, and has no time to worry about these things. Peifeng, you can do some research and see if what I said is feasible.


Li Peifeng hesitated for a moment: "Yes, I will discuss it with Wenyue later and try my best to help President Xu make more money."

"What does it mean to be a gang? You will all be a family soon, and one family will not speak the same language as the other."

"That's right."

Xue Ya and others laughed, and Xu Manying also rolled her eyes at Li.

Li Peifeng came closer and whispered: "Your mother not only regards me as your boyfriend, but also as your business partner."

In Xue Ya's view, the strongest marital relationship is when the couple has a deep emotional foundation and common practical interests.

In this way, both of them will prosper and suffer. Even if the relationship between husband and wife fades one day, due to the bound of interests between the two, neither of them will know how to do anything similar to cheating, and they will not dare to do anything similar to cheating.

This is a principled error. Because for them, divorce is not just divorce, it will also cause damage to their own interests.

As for Li Peifeng, the prospective son-in-law, the Xu family was naturally very satisfied, and they started talking about marriage...

"During the Chinese New Year, you took Man Ning to meet your parents. What did they mean? Have you set a date?"

What they meant was to sever the parent-child relationship with me and have a second child as soon as possible!

Li Peifeng pursed his lips: "...They think it will be after graduation, and we will discuss the specific time. Moreover, both of us are currently in a critical period of career development, and we are not fully prepared for marriage."

Xu Manying chuckled: "Yes, during the critical period of career development, I am not ready for marriage."

When Xu Hongfei and Xue Ya saw that the young lovers were talking like this, they didn't say anything more. They just suggested that after they graduated, it would be best for their parents to meet and ended the topic.

After the dinner, everyone returned to the living room. Several elders of Xu Manying's grandparents were preparing to chat with Li Peifeng again. Xu Aomei came over, glanced at her cousin Xu Manying, and whispered in her ear...

"Sister, can I take a photo with my brother-in-law?"


Xu Manning glared at her angrily: "Say it again?"

Xu Aomei pouted: "If it doesn't work, forget it, it's just a group photo. You are so stingy!"

"Am I stingy?" Xu Manying gritted her teeth. In the end, she was helpless and showed her sister's demeanor: "Go ahead, go ahead. Ask him yourself. If he agrees, I'll have no objection!"

"Sister, please... tell him."

"Speak for yourself!"

Xu Aomei walked in awkwardly, her face slightly red and said: "Brother-in-law, I am a fan of your books, can I take a photo with you?"

"My book lover?"

Li Peifeng was very interested: "Then which of my books is your favorite?"

"..." Xu Aomei's face turned redder and her expression was a little embarrassed. Obviously, being a book fan was just an excuse.

"Come, let's take a photo."

Li Peifeng smiled slightly and did not ask any further questions.

"Okay." Xu Aomei breathed a small sigh of relief and explained: "I made a mistake just now. I am not a book fan, but a fan of your Douyin. I will definitely read your works in the future!"

Li Peifeng could clearly hear the conversation between the two sisters just now through [Sharp Hearing], which was not surprising. Once his two auras were turned on, when walking on the street, in addition to encountering girls chatting up him, he would occasionally encounter sisters asking for photos.

Without him, he looks so handsome!

After taking a few photos, Xu Aomei was still a little dissatisfied. She held her cell phone and said carefully: "Brother-in-law, please add a WeChat account. I am a freshman at Communication University and I have a chance to play with you and my sister."


It was already 7:30 pm when she came out of Xu's house. Xu Manying drove Li Peifeng to AllBright Apartment. But as soon as she got in the car, Miss Xu suddenly said: "Delete."

"Delete what?"

"Are you pretending to be confused? My sister's WeChat!"

Li Peifeng was angry and laughed: "Are you worried? Are you afraid that I will treat her... She is your cousin, we are related by blood!"

Xu Manying sneered: "That's your mentor. In terms of seniority, he is the same as your mother!!"

Even though Xu Maning requested it, Li Peifeng did not delete it after arriving at the apartment because he felt that the request was a bit rude.

It happened that Wu Wenyue was also at home, and Xu Maning started to complain after she got home, adding fuel to the fire, saying that Li Peifeng was flirting with her sister, the two of them even took a photo together, and did not delete their WeChat messages...

"It's not necessary."

Wu Wenyue felt it was outrageous when she heard it. She was about to say a few words to Li Peifeng, but when she saw Xu Maning's eyes widening, she changed her tone: "Delete it, to avoid trouble."

Li Peifeng scratched his forehead: "It's okay to delete it, but you two... do you have any stockings? Put on your short skirts too, let me take a look."


This chapter has been completed!
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