Chapter 356: I can still save him

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Wu Wenyue and Xu Maning deliberately sang along in the group and told Zhao Qingge and Huang Tianxuan in a roundabout way that they were going to do bad things with Li Peifeng. The purpose was naturally to demonstrate their sovereignty and make Zhao and Huang jealous and displeased, so as to stay away from Li Peifeng.

This trick is also an old trick. Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying have used it before, but it worked best this time because Li Peifeng was very cooperative.

Conspiracy, a clear conspiracy.

Li Peifeng, a lustful ghost, knew it was a trick and fell for it willingly.

This was what Wu Wenyue and Xu Maning had expected in advance. They knew Li very well. Once they dressed up beautifully and acted proactively, Li Peifeng would definitely fall into the trap.

And this will definitely trigger some subsequent reactions. For example, Zhao Qingge was so angry that he couldn't help but go from home to AllBright City to catch the traitor.

Needless to say, if Lao Zhao were to see the scene of the three-man battle, the consequences would be a situation that Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying were very willing to see. As long as Zhao Qingge came, the two men's plan to "eliminate dissidents" would have been mostly successful.

But they mainly targeted Zhao Qingge with this trick, and had no hope that Huang Tianxuan would be effective, because Huang was more generous and less possessive, or had a lower moral limit for such things. Before, she

More than once, I witnessed three people messing around, and I also eavesdropped on the cracks in the door, but nothing happened.

In fact, as Wu and Xu expected, when Huang Tianxuan learned about it, she was deliberately provoked by Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying. Apart from being a little angry at first, her mood quickly calmed down and she didn't bother to respond at all.

Therefore, Huang Tianxuan was not interested in Zhao Qingge's proposal to 'catch an adulterer'. Instead, she advised: "There is no need to go to the scene to trouble yourself. What can you do if you see the three of them rolling around on the bed?"

Zhao Qingge was speechless for a moment and asked: "Have you returned to the capital? Can you go?"

"I came back the day before yesterday, one day earlier than you. I can go, but I don't want to."

Huang Tianxuan paused and reminded: "And don't forget his special function. As long as Peifeng wants to, he can understand our movements in real time, so even if we go, he will probably know in advance and avoid us."

"Go there too!"

Zhao Qingge said word for word: "If you don't go, you are condoning their crimes! Connivance in crimes is also a crime!


Huang Tianxuan's tone was calm: "What if Li Peifeng becomes so animalistic that he wants to commit a crime on you? I can't stop him. The four of us together can't even hold one of his hands."

Zhao Qingge categorically said: "He doesn't dare!"

Dare not? Is there anything he doesn’t dare to do?

Huang Tianxuan laughed: "It's spicy, it's spicy. If you want to go, I won't go. Besides, Peifeng and I have also committed crimes. We plan to commit another perfect crime tomorrow. It is best to achieve certain results. You

If you can't bear it, I suggest you stay away from this criminal in the future."

"You, you really want to have a baby with him?!"


After being teased by Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying, and now being 'provoked' by Huang Tianxuan, Zhao Qingge couldn't stand it anymore: "No, I can't have a baby. I... you are not even married, how can you have a baby?"

"Who said you can't have children without getting married?"

“It just can’t be done!


Huang Tianxuan smiled mischievously: "Then you call the police and arrest your students."


Zhao Qingge was silent, and Huang Tianxuan didn't want to continue teasing her. She sighed: "The matter is over. If you don't accept it, break it off with him. If you accept it, talk to him again, negotiate terms, and come up with a charter.

...Okay, I still have work to do, let’s talk when we have time?”


Zhao Qingge was so distraught that he just hung up the phone when he heard someone's voice ringing in his heart again.

[Director, I’m chatting with them about work, I’ll be back soon, don’t worry. 】

Zhao Qingge was heartbroken: "Then you can make a video call and let me take a look?"

[We are chatting now, we will call when we get home!]

[Go away! Don’t talk to me on the phone while sleeping with them!]

[No, we are not in bed, and I miss you so much...]

【Shut up, cut off the connection, don’t think about me!】

Li Peifeng didn't listen, and the emotions that came through him became more intense and hot, so much so that Zhao Qingge wondered whether he was doing that with the two girls Wu and Xu...

[I'm sorry, I can't miss you. My damn head can only think of you, and it has no other purpose. My love will not disappear, and my longing will not stop. I think of you all over the winter snow, and I can't stop thinking about you.

Spring cherry. Fortunately, you and I miss each other loudly, and the distance between fish and birds cannot stop the intersection of your heart and mine. I want you to hear my longing loudly, just like the Tang Dynasty with ten thousand poems, or the trees full of spring.

Scratching the window, the breeze teases the golden wheat. But if you are afraid of noise, I will think more lightly...]

Zhao Qingge narrowed his eyes: "If you miss me so much, then I will go directly to AllBright City to find you."

[No need! I will finish the chat right away, and I will take the initiative to find you after the chat.]

[You are not allowed to come to my house. If you peep into my thoughts again, I will immediately go to AllBright City to find you!]

Zhao Qingge took the trouble to issue an ultimatum, and this warning was indeed effective. He could no longer hear Li Peifeng's voice in his heart, and his mood returned to calm. However, as Zhao Qingge couldn't help but think about this, this calm was broken again.

What emerged in her mind was the latest scene of five people having a dream together. It was fragmented and had nothing but porn...

"Absurd, scum!"

Zhao Qingge cursed secretly, picked up the phone again, and wanted to call Li Peifeng, but stopped thinking and hesitated for a long time. He opened the drawer under the desk, took out the kraft paper diary, picked up the pen and started writing.

At this moment, Zhao Qingge had too many unspeakable words and unspeakable feelings...

"Violating the sect and breaking the law, apostasy and deviation from the scriptures."

"After a cold winter filled with snow, spring is coming, but my heart still seems to be frozen."

"I originally thought that as people get older, their gains will increase, but as I count these years, it seems that I have lost more things. They were removed from my body layer by layer, and they were removed when I only knew how to live a busy life.

Peel it off, leaving behind some heavy, rotten garbage-like memories. Not only are those memories despised, they also always smell bad. They are fishy and astringent, and they take up unnecessary space."

"After this winter, I am one year older. I still don't know what I can do to truly find myself again. This is my first time in this world, and it may also be my last."

"The truth is, I have nothing to rely on. When I am tired, I can only stand there, with thousands of people coming and going, but no one is willing and able to hold me up, so I am not only tired, but also lonely..."

[You are not alone, you have me, I will help you find yourself together!]

Li Peifeng's voice sounded again, and the tip of Zhao Qingge's pen scratched the paper. There was a cold light in her eyes: "Do you still remember what I just told you?"


"Just wait for me!"

Zhao Qingge was as cold as ice, put on a coat, picked up the car keys, and quickly went downstairs, his destination - AllBright Apartment.

Facts have proved that holding a Y party without Lao Zhao really made her very angry!

"Yueyue, are you okay? Don't take up space all the time."

At the same time, Xu Maning was also very angry at Wu Wenyue's exclusive favor, so she lightly slapped the latter's buttocks as a slight punishment.

"It's coming, right away." Wu Wenyue's face was flushed, her tone was rare and soft, and her eyes showed a trace of desire: "Man Ning, come here, lie on me, I want to hold you."

"…Oh well."

Xu Manning thought for a while and reluctantly agreed. When he stood up, he accidentally glanced at Li Peifeng and saw that his eyes were unfocused. He thought that the other party had not spoken much since the beginning. He couldn't help but think of a guess and frowned: "Bullshit."

Wake up, who do you still have a heart to heart with at this time? Can you please respect us?!"

"Ah? How dare he... hit him!"

Wu Wenyue screamed miserably. Li Peifeng gradually came back to his senses and temporarily put aside his attention to Zhao Qingge. He was thinking about the time when the other party would arrive here and how to deal with it when he and Lao Zhao arrived. He said Tai Chi: "I'm just distracting

Pay attention, so as not to be sucked in by you prematurely...Okay, you monster, don't say any more! You'll be here soon!"

Time waits for no one. Since Li Peifeng knew that Zhao Duoduo was coming this way, he accelerated his intensity and rhythm, using half of his strength to make the two black and white impermanence surrender after ten minutes...

"You guys rest, I'll go take a shower."

Li Peifeng simply cleaned up and started to put on clothes. When Wu Wenyue and Xu Manning saw his behavior, they understood that Old Zhao must have rushed over, and they all offered words to persuade him to stay.

"You left so soon? What are you doing? I still want to fight again!" Wu Wenyue used the provocation method. Although there was a lingering blush on her cheeks, she was very arrogant.

"Honey, please hold me for a while longer." Xu Maning started a gentle offensive, pulling Li Peifeng to hug and kiss her, and using small movements to try to remove Li Peifeng's pants.

"That's it for now. It would be rude to hug you any more. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking."

Faced with the two girls' attempts to stay, Li Peifeng was determined and showed no regrets. He put on his pants and left. Before leaving, he muttered: "Director, please drive slowly and pay attention to your safety!"


When the door closed, Xu Manying's charming and tender eyes instantly became expectant: "Is she here? Call Zhao Qingge to confirm and ask her to drive quickly!"

"The call is in progress." Wu Wenyue also eagerly took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhao Qingge's number.

In the plan of the two, if Zhao Qingge rushes to AllBright City to catch something, it would be best to see Li Peifeng himself doing bad things with them; but if Li Peifeng predicts Zhao Qingge's arrival and leaves early, that would not be bad, or even better.


Because after Lao Zhao arrives at AllBright City, no matter what, he has to go into the house and take a look to confirm whether Li Peifeng is there or not.

The two girls Wu and Xu will not clean up the traces of the scene. They will continue to wear short skirts and silk stockings that were damaged by Li Peifeng to the point of drawing and exposing holes. They meet Zhao Qingge with ragged clothes and a springy look on their faces.

Based on the other party's temper and IQ, seeing the two girls in such a posture, and not seeing anyone from Li Peifeng, they would definitely understand that her dear eldest disciple had finished his work and ran away early. Xu Maning and Wu Wenyue teased her with a little more jealousy.

Now, Zhao Qingge is determined to be furious, maybe he can also make up his mind to break up with Li Peifeng!

Yang conspiracy, this is also Yang conspiracy.

Li Peifeng fell into the trap whether he walked or not!

The two girls Wu and Xu also tried all their clever little brains for this purpose. They believed that even if Li Peifeng had special powers and could predict their thoughts, they could only stare blankly and be helpless with this plan!

This is a crushing at the strategic level, and its power is comparable to the famous four conspiracy in the eyes of Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying!


"Why didn't you answer the call? You were driving and didn't hear you?"

More than ten seconds passed, and the call was still being answered. Xu Manying couldn't help but subconsciously muttered, but as soon as she finished speaking, the call was connected!


Wu Wenyue perked up and winked at Xu Maning. The latter also understood and moved half a meter away from the phone, whispering vaguely: "Ah, um~"

The volume was just right. Wu Wenyue gave a thumbs up, and then said with a slight breath: "Where are you?"

Zhao Qingge was silent for two seconds and said slowly: "What are you doing?"

"We didn't do anything..." After Wu Wenyue finished speaking, she quickly put the phone to Xu Manying's mouth. Miss Xu hummed again knowingly: "Well~ we didn't do anything."

Wu Wenyue held back her laughter and took back her phone, coughing dryly: "Are you coming to our house? Peifeng... Well, he's gone. If you are on the way, go back... Ah, don't come. If you come, you won't see me."

to others.”

While she was speaking, Xu Manying didn't stop humming until Wu Wenyue pushed her and hinted with her eyes, 'Don't overact'.

Zhao Qingge asked again in a deep voice: "Li Peifeng isn't in the apartment?"

Wu Wenyue pretended to hesitate: "Yes...ah, no, Xiaofeng just left."

"If I wasn't here, I would have left long ago!"

Then Xu Maning added that he actually deliberately contradicted what Wu Wenyue said, thereby selling out the flaws, in order to further make Zhao Qingge suspicious and think wildly, to arouse the other party's anger, and asked her to drive over quickly, otherwise, over time, the two of them would end up with each other.

The state has dissipated, and the effect may not be so ideal...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "I know...all~all~all~"

After Zhao Qingge finished speaking briefly, he hung up the phone and looked up at Li Peifeng who had just walked out of the elevator without saying a word.

When Wu Wenyue called, Zhao Qingge had already arrived downstairs and was about to take the elevator. When the phone rang, Li Peifeng also walked out of the descending elevator.

Just like that, the teacher and student bumped into each other as the phone rang. Li's control of time was so precise!

"I told you, they are just acting."

Mr. Li looked calm: "Now look at it, it's exposed, it's still pretending on the phone."

The two daughters of Xu and Wu believed that their plan was perfect, but there was never a perfect plan in the world, not to mention that their ideas were unilaterally transparent to Li Peifeng. After thinking for a while, he found a solution.

If you can’t leave, you can’t leave without leaving, then why don’t I just not let Old Zhao go upstairs to see you?

"Go back to your home or mine? I called you and sent you WeChat messages in the past two days after returning to Beijing, but you didn't reply. It just so happens that this time you... will you come to pick me up and have a good chat?"

Zhao Qingge ignored this and said bluntly with a stern expression: "I asked you to go home immediately half an hour ago, why didn't you come back?"

Li Peifeng blinked and curled his lips: "Although you are still my girlfriend, you don't want to marry me... If you are not my wife, why should I listen to you like that?"


Zhao Qingge's face turned gloomy. Just as he was about to say something, Li Peifeng interrupted with a smile: "Otherwise, as long as you agree to marry me, I will come home at whatever time you ask me to come home."


"Even if I go through the divorce procedures, I will listen to you... okay?"

It seemed to be a very sincere and romantic promise, but Zhao Qingge ignored it completely. His face turned red and there was some anger in his eyes, and he said sternly: "Listen to me? Have you heard a word from me before? I asked you to

Break up with them, you break up? If you couldn't do it before, will you listen after marriage? Who are you lying to? Do you think I will believe your lies? In fact, I don't believe a word of it. I feel uncomfortable when I see your face!


"It represents lies, deceit, obscenity, shamelessness, despicability, viciousness, insidiousness, perversion, hypocrisy... All the despicable qualities of human beings are present in you. It is my shame to have a student like you. Do you understand the shame?



Get scolded, get scolded.

Li Peifeng pursed his lips, pretending to be a student who was really being criticized by the teacher, lowered his eyebrows and said: "Anyway... I think I can still save a little bit. You are also my tutor now, please try your best to tolerate... Correction, education

, maybe I can change it in the future?"

"You can't change it!"

Zhao Qingge's voice increased, and then he spoke harshly: "I will call your parents over in a few days, and I will have a good talk with them then, so be mentally prepared."

Parents? Do I still have parents?

Li Peifeng sighed helplessly: "They don't care anymore. They are about to have a second child. Can you please stop calling them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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