Chapter 1088: Suzakus Shadow Appears on the Second Shu

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When Liu Yu walked out of the tent, he saw Kuai En, who was wearing leather armor and carrying a big bow. He stepped forward and punched him gently on the chest, and said with a smile: "Brother Kuai, why do you want to do it this time?"


Quin shook his head: "I don't know. After I came back, I received a summons and said I had something to do. Brother Canglang, do you know what mission you are performing this time? Are you going to fight and kill people?"

Liu Yu frowned and thought to himself that the pursuit of Tuoba Si would not be publicized. In addition to Liu Xian's own bodyguards, it was only reasonable to find warriors from the Dugu tribe. Kuai En's

His bravery and strength are outstanding among the Han people, but if he is called upon this time, he may be under surveillance.

However, judging from this unscrupulous boss, it is unlikely that he would accept such a task and still appear to be the same as usual. Ever since he came to the Dugu tribe, this Kuai En has been the best member of his clan to him. This time Liu

Yu had a vague feeling that Tuoba Si would never sit still and wait for death. He was afraid that he would set up a powerful ambush. Liu Xian might not be able to take advantage of it. He would have to adapt to the situation when the time came to decide. But no matter what, he had to think

There is a way to protect Quin, at least not to let Tao Hua lose her husband just like that.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm not too sure. Anyway, we can just act according to the big-headed man's wishes. This time the big-headed man will take us there in person. There will be no danger. We will rely on him when the time comes."

Let’s stay together and don’t break up.”

Kuai En looked happy and nodded vigorously: "Okay, this time I have the opportunity to be with Brother Canglang and see it with my own eyes. I'm not going anywhere, I'll just follow you!"

Liu Yu patted Kuai En on the shoulder and walked directly outside. The sound of their footsteps gradually became farther and farther away.

Inside the tent, Murong Lan stood up from the ground, her expression became complicated. Her eyes lingered and fell on the long whip hanging on the tent wall, and her bare hands gradually clenched into fists.

He Lanmin's voice came from underground: "Why, you want to follow Liu Yu again? Let me remind you, there are few people this time, and the people in the Dugu Department don't wear their faces very much, so it won't be so easy for you to get through.


Murong Lan sighed: "I don't trust him. Tuoba Si is obviously prepared." As she said this, she moved away the brazier and lifted up the carpet. He Lanmin's face was still pale, and she sat up from the cellar and got out of her arms.

He took out a small bag, poured out a few red pills, raised his head and swallowed it. His face became slightly prettier, and his skin regained some luster. Together with the red charcoal fire in the brazier in the tent, it reflected the

Her stunning face makes people feel pity for her.

Murong Lan frowned: "Sometimes I really don't know if you are pretending or if you are serious. It looks scary, but it also makes me pity you."

He Lanmin said angrily: "If you are just pretending, have all of those previous predictions not come true? I have spent my energy to help you, and you still say that, I will never help you again in the future."

Murong Lan quickly picked up He Lanmin's hand and shook it gently: "Oh, I just made a slip of the tongue. If I didn't believe you, why would I keep asking you all these years? Good sister, don't be angry."

He Lanmin sighed quietly: "I also know that these things seem scary, and it is normal for you to have doubts. When I first learned these prophecy techniques, I fainted several times. But believe me, these things

It’s what God lets us see, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Murong Lan frowned slightly: "If it is really a god, that would be great, but the problem is that I know that the person who asked you to learn these things is..."

Suzaku's voice sounded sinister: "Why, I taught you, so you are suspicious?"

Murong Lan's expression changed, and she saw a small tent door on the other side. In a flash of light, Suzaku's slender figure flashed into the tent. He wore a bronze mask in the shape of a Suzaku on his face, but his whole body was covered in a

Dressed as a deputy herdsman, it is obvious that the hero in the shadow has always been disguised as a member of the Dugu tribe, lurking among them.

Murong Lan stood up and asked in surprise: "Why are you here? Why don't any of my people respond?"

Suzaku said coldly: "If your men can detect my movements, then I don't have to mess around. Murong, last time I helped you and Liu Yu achieve good things, you haven't thanked me yet, why are you behind your back?"

Talk bad about me?"

Murong Lan sighed, pressed her hand on her chest, and bowed deeply to Suzaku: "Thanks to my benefactor for taking care of me over the years, he has been a great matchmaker for me and Liu Yu. Murong must thank me for this."

Zhuque looked at Murong Lan calmly: "Just say no."

Murong Lan straightened up and gritted his teeth: "But I know that you have been close to me all these years, not for my own good. In the past, you said that you were from a noble family in Jin Dynasty, and you were close to me because you wanted to join forces with my elder brother, but now Jin Yan

The two countries have become enemies, and I have arrived on this grassland, but you are still following me like a shadow, what is your purpose?"

Zhuque smiled slightly and looked at Helanmin: "Helan, what do you think I am for?"

He Lanmin said respectfully: "We are all servants of the God of Heaven, carrying out human missions for him. Your actions and my actions are all in accordance with his wishes."

Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "I don't believe that a Han man can be a servant of the grassland god. So far, I don't even know your identity. I only know that when Helan got married ten years ago, you guided me to take her.

After going to that mysterious cave, Helan suddenly became capable of prophecy, who are you?!"

Suzaku smiled slightly: "Murong, these doubts have been in your mind for a long time. Today you are finally willing to speak out. Are you ready to turn against me? Are you really so devoted to Liu Yu now?

Are you even willing to betray your elder brother?"

Murong Lan said in a deep voice: "I have already repaid my love for my eldest brother. This time I came to the grassland to help him for the last time. From now on, we will not be owed anything. I am Liu Yu's wife now. Of course, I will be loyal to my husband and yours."

There are endless conspiracies and darkness in me, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, don’t force me.”

Zhuque's eyes gradually moved downward from Murong Lan's face, and finally stopped on her lower abdomen. He was slightly startled at first, then nodded with a smile and said: "I see, our Princess Murong is actually pregnant."

Murong Lan's expression changed, and she said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, how did I get pregnant?"

Zhuque sneered and said: "I have met countless people in my life, can't I even tell that you are pregnant? Murong, even though you girdle your waist specially, the pregnancy cannot be stopped. In half a month, don't even say it's me."

Liu Yu can also see it. I'm afraid this is the fundamental reason why you don't dare or don't want to have contact with us anymore."



This chapter has been completed!
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