Chapter 120: Various People--Wife Enters the Harem

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Duan Xiurong sighed softly and raised her head from Murong Chui's arms. She lowered her body to untie Murong Chui's belt: "Husband, after we say goodbye tonight, I don't know if I will see you again in this life, so I will let you serve me."

For the last time, please..."

Murong Chui suddenly roared like a furious lion. He threw Duan Xiurong to the ground and tore off her fine mink clothes. Her snow-white skin, following his violent movements, suddenly

The child appeared, and her breathing was mixed with vague moans: "Husband, love me, love me!"

Murong Chui's roar echoed in the secret room: "You are mine, you will always be mine! No one can take you away, not Fu Jian, not God!"

The two figures quickly became entangled together. With the swaying of the candles on the wall, the night was slightly cool outside and the spring scenery was boundless indoors. The moon in the sky was watching the Chang'an City in the darkness, all the conspiracy, love and love.

Qiu gradually disappeared into the thick night fog and diffuse smoke.

The next day, noon, Chang'an, Gongcheng.

In the lobby of the yamen in Shangshu Province, Wang Meng was dressed in purple official robes with a relaxed expression. He looked across at a young man in his thirties, forty-four or five years old, tall and bearded, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang Ping, this person is the one who records the affairs of Shangshu.

You have to suspend your position temporarily for a while. Huan Chong of Jin State is planning to raise troops to invade Nanyang, and he has the ambition to enter Luoyang. This time, he must give them a good lesson and let them know that Da Qin is not something they can take advantage of.


This young man's name is Fu Rong, the younger brother of Fu Jian. He has been smart and studious since he was a child, and he is a talented person in the Fu Qin clan.

In today's Qin State, the Minister of Secretariat can be said to be the third most important person after Fu Jian and Wang Meng. He also once worshiped Wang Meng as his teacher and studied Confucianism, Han code, etc., which can be said to be rare among the Hu people.

Great talent.

Fu Rong laughed loudly: "Teacher, please stop making fun of me. There are only you and me here. Disciples should still practice discipleship."

Wang Meng smiled and waved his hand: "This is a public house. You and I are wearing official robes, so it's better to be official. Jin State thinks that we can take advantage of the civil strife in Da Qin. This requires you, a famous general in Da Qin, to make them sober."

Fu Rong looked at Wang Meng, and the smile on his face gradually dissipated: "Gong Lu (Wang Meng once served as the Prime Minister of Lu Shangshu Shi for a long time, so everyone respectfully calls him Lu Gong), you have always advocated taking measures against the Han regime in Jin.

To peacefully coexist, why do you want to take the initiative to send troops this time? Besides, aren't you the one who always hated Murong Chui the most and wanted the King of Heaven to rule the universe?"

Wang Meng sighed: "Mr. Yang Ping, there are no outsiders here, and I will tell you something from my heart. Do you really think the civil strife in Da Qin is over?"

The corner of Fu Rong's mouth curled up: "I'm not so optimistic. Although the civil strife in the Di clan has subsided, the Xianbei and Qiang thieves are still there. The Jin country is not so easy to fight. If the army goes out, these conquered thieves in the country will

They will definitely take the opportunity to cause chaos. So I firmly oppose going to war with Jin!"

"Although Huan Chong attacked with a hundred thousand troops this time, he originally wanted to take advantage of the civil strife in our country. Now that the rebellion has subsided, his attack cannot be large-scale. It will be the harvest season soon. He will definitely

I will withdraw the troops and go back to collect food. I don’t think there is a need to send out a large army, just use the local troops in Luoyang."

Wang Meng nodded with satisfaction: "Mr. Yang Ping is indeed sober-minded and has superhuman insights. It's just that this time I want you to send troops to get rid of the traitors."

Fu Rong's expression became stern, he looked at a few copywriters who were busy writing, and said in a deep voice: "I have important matters to discuss with Mr. Lu. You don't need to record them. Please step aside."

Several clerks bowed and left, leaving only two people kneeling facing each other in the huge court hall. Fu Rong asked curiously: "How can we get rid of the Xianbei and Qiang thieves when we go to the Jin Kingdom?"

Wang Meng smiled and said: "I have already thought about it. After all, Da Qin is a country of the Di people. The core strength is the military force of the Di people and the army of the Han people. The Xianbei, Qiang, Xiongnu, Jie and other thieves must be eliminated.

, Only in this way can there be long-term peace and stability. The King of Heaven is kind and cannot bear to kill these thieves, so he has no choice but to kill them with a borrowed knife!"

Fu Rong understood somewhat, nodded and said with a smile: "Gong Lu is planning to let Murong Chui and Yao Chang lead their own troops to march south, so that they can fight against the Jin army?"

Wang Meng stroked his beard and smiled: "That's right. If they defect to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, then we have just reason to kill all their clansmen left in the Qin Dynasty. In addition, we also need you to lead a large army to monitor behind them to prevent them from interacting with the Jin army.

Collusion to lead the Jin army to attack Luoyang."

Fu Rong breathed a long sigh of relief: "I understand, Lu Gong's move is really good, I know what to do. But the king of heaven, can you agree?"

Wang Meng smiled slightly: "What's so difficult about this? Since it was Murong Chui who took the initiative and asked your Majesty to destroy the Jin State and unify the country, then naturally he should be allowed to go first. Jingzhou is an important town in the Jin State, and it has been run by the Huan family for decades.

This is the foundation of our country. You will never give up. There will definitely be a fight for it. When the time comes, you just have to stand still and watch them fight. If Murong Chui gains the upper hand, you will secretly withhold the rations. You are familiar with the art of war. If you want to

Let them finish, you don’t need me to teach you anymore.”

Fu Rong smiled "hehe": "Teacher, please rest assured, my disciple understands."

A gust of fragrant wind drifted by, and outside the Shangshu Province, a large group of noble ladies dressed in silk and satin and wearing floor-length veils passed by. They moved lightly, followed by one or two maids, either holding lamps or holding lanterns.

Fans, they passed by in groups, the fragrance was overflowing, and the guards guarding outside were so drunk that they couldn't even turn their eyes and stared at these beauties as they walked.

Wang Meng frowned: "What's going on? Why are so many women entering the palace?"

Fu Rong smiled slightly: "Oh, that's right. Yesterday, the King of Heaven had an order for all the officials of the third rank and above in the capital to order their wives to enter the palace, observe Murong Chong's initiation ceremony, and pray for the recently ill concubine Madam Zhang. These things

The woman must be the wife of each official."

Wang Meng sighed softly: "I have a bad feeling, the King of Heaven..."

Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly lit up, because among the walking women, he saw a woman wearing a leather robe and an animal skirt, carrying a big bow, with pigtails, and picturesque features.

He was riding a snow-white armored divine horse, walking slowly in the palace.

Wang Meng's expression suddenly became serious: "Isn't this horse the Zhaoye lion colt that your Majesty gave to Murong Chui when he came to pitch last time? Who is this woman?"

This chapter has been completed!
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