Chapter 129: Family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs

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Fu Jian frowned slightly. This inadvertent action was noticed by Wang Meng. He closed his eyes and sighed faintly: "The king still doesn't believe me. I don't have any personal grudge against them.

To say this, it is really the Xianbei and Yao Qiang clans of the Murong clan who are naturally rebellious."

"Murong's Yan Kingdom was wiped out by our own hands, and Yao Chang's brother, Yao Xiang, the former leader of the Qiang people, was killed by Fu Huangmei, the cousin of the King of Heaven. These people are enemies of the country and the family, and they themselves are wolf ambitions.

, the ungrateful people, the King of Heaven must not take it lightly just because they are respectful now!"

Fu Jian curled up his lips: "The Tuoba clan's Xianbei kingdom was also wiped out by me. Why did you never mention the eradication of the Tuoba clan?"

Wang Meng sighed: "The Tuoba clan is different. They have lived outside the Great Wall and have never entered the Central Plains. Moreover, they know how to be grateful. The Jin State was kind to them back then. During the Yongjia Rebellion, those ethnic groups living in the Central Plains

Almost all the Hu people rebelled, but Xianbei of the Tuoba clan spared no effort to rescue the Jin state time and time again, helping Liu Kun to persist in the north for many years."

"The most important thing is that they have not seen the colorful world of the Central Plains. In essence, they are still barbarians outside the Great Wall. They only focus on the products of the Central Plains and do not seek thousands of miles of land. Now the country of Dai has been destroyed due to civil strife between father and son.

Liu Kuren and Liu Weichen, whose hometown has been given to the Xiongnu tribe, are not like the Xianbei of the Murong clan who can still rule their people. As long as the king of heaven can keep Tuoba Si, the prince of the Tuoba clan, firmly in Chang'an,

If he is not allowed to return to his hometown and reassemble his old troops, there is no need to worry about Tuoba Xianbei."

Fu Jian nodded: "I've written it down. I won't let Tuoba Si go back to the grassland. So how should the Murong family and the Yao family deal with it?"

Wang Meng closed his eyes and said: "This is a God-given opportunity to get rid of Murong Chui. He and Yao Chang are both heroes in the world, and they are forbearing. It is not easy to catch them. If you miss it this time, you will be in trouble in the future.

It will be difficult to do it. Your Majesty must not let these two people escape your control. You only need to let the Murong family and the Yao family live in Chang'an City, isolate and separate them from their clansmen, and then slowly bring these two clansmen together.

Only by relocating to various parts of the Qin Dynasty, integrating the people into households, and living together with the Han people can we slowly melt them away."

Fu Jian frowned: "Then why can't we do this now?"

Wang Meng shook his head: "The number of Di people is too small now, and the Han people are not completely convinced. The King of Heaven still needs another twenty or thirty years to appease the country. Not to mention relocating them, the King of Heaven moved his own people a while ago and separated them.

When the people of Guanzhong were in various parts of Guanzhong, there was a cry of mourning. If even your own tribe is not willing to separate the tribe and scatter in various places, how can these foreign tribes be willing? If someone incites it at that time, it is likely to directly ignite

If war breaks out and internal strife breaks out, Jin will take the opportunity to make an expedition to the north, and Great Qin will be in danger!"

Fu Jian nodded, but he was quite disapproving of it. He looked at Wang Meng and said, "Jing Lue, I have written down these two things. Is there anything else?"

Wang Meng slowly opened his eyes: "I hope that the King of Heaven can exercise some control over the sexual intercourse between women and men. The reason why I am now like this is because I was quite indulgent and sensual when I was young, and I also took Five Stone Powder. The King of Heaven will

My body is strong, but medicine and stones are harmful to people. After I leave, no one will be able to advise the King of Heaven again."

Fu Jian gritted his teeth and said sternly: "What happened this time was caused by my inability to control the work below. I swear that I will never do anything lascivious again. From now on, I will not be responsible for any of the men or women in the Murong family."

Do not stay!"

Wang Meng sighed: "The scholars of the Jin Kingdom have some secret techniques for maintaining health and cultivating nature. In the future, the King of Heaven may buy them with a lot of money. Jikang, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, had a copy. I have a copy here. I hope the King of Heaven can buy more.


"In addition, the King of Heaven needs to keep in mind that the Di clan is your kinsman and the closest and most reliable force. The rebellion of the Eight Kings of Jin was a clan rebellion, but in your case, Yangping Gong Fu Rong, your eldest son Fu Pi

, Prince Fu Hong, are all loyal and reliable people, especially Duke Yangping, who is talented in literature and military strategy, and is the pillar of the country. After my death, I hope that I can discuss with Duke Yangping more about the military and state affairs of the king before making decisions!"

Fu Jian nodded: "But I can't just discuss it with people like them from the clan. Are people like Murong Chui and Yao Chang really abandoned?"

Wang Meng shook his head: "King of Heaven, I just said that these are the most dangerous enemies. What good words can be said from the mouths of the enemies? They will definitely encourage you to conquer the Jin Kingdom in the south and dominate the sky."

A trace of displeasure flashed across Fu Jian's face: "I just promised you that I would not conquer the Jin Kingdom southward."

Wang Meng said seriously: "I have been with the King of Heaven for more than twenty years, and I know you very well. Now you agree to me, but you are not happy in your heart. Even if you can bear it for one year, two years, three years or five years, but ten years

, twenty years, thirty years, can you still bear it? You are a very ambitious person and want to unify the world. Even if you try your best to restrain yourself, as long as someone makes suggestions, you still can't stand it!"

Fu Jian gritted his teeth: "Gu said that if I promise you something, I will do it. I will never break my promise!"

Wang Meng shook his head: "Murong Chui and Yao Chang will definitely find ways to create friction and stir up trouble between the two countries. The King of Heaven must stay in the court for these two people. They will not be given actual posts and will be left vacant with empty titles.

Their tribes must also withdraw to the north, and do not stay in the south bordering the Jin Kingdom. Murong Chui is more than ten years older than you, and Yao Chang is also older than you. As long as you can abstain from sexual intercourse and maintain good health, you can live longer than them.

, there is nothing going on in the country, so naturally they can’t make trouble!”

Fu Jian nodded: "Write it down. Thank you Jinglue for teaching me such a good strategy!"

After Wang Meng said so many words, the red color on his face gradually faded, and the look in his eyes gradually disappeared. He lay back on the bed and murmured to himself: "King of Heaven, I still want to explain to my family.

A few words, please..."

Fu Jian's eyes sparkled with tears, and he shook Wang Meng's hand tightly: "Jing Lue, Zhen Zhong, go find the imperial doctor now, and you will definitely get better!" After he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and turned his head,

He turned around and left, but two lines of clear tears hung directly on his face, strung together in a line, blown by the wind, and fell with the wind.

When Fu Jian's footsteps disappeared far outside the courtyard, only Wang Meng's sons, Wang Pi, Wang Yong, Wang Xiu, Wang Yao and others were left in the house, as well as a few younger grandsons who were more than ten years old.

, then knelt down behind the adult, sobbing endlessly.

Wang Meng's eyes swept across the faces of these descendants, and his expression suddenly changed: "Where is the suppression of evil?"

This chapter has been completed!
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