Chapter 1,469 The scorching sun and lightning overlord burst out

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Huan Zhen took the lead and emerged from the smoke. A burst of exclamations erupted from the stands. In just three or four steps, his dark cloud horse accelerated from a slow walk to a full gallop, almost running at full speed.

In just one leap, the war horse galloped forward. The muscles on its legs and shoulders were swollen and trembling with the force of its four hooves. Even the vest on its body could not conceal this strength.

The violent muscle lines are extremely beautiful.

But what is even more beautiful than these muscular lines is the lightning speed, with four hooves flying, spinning like a windmill, and the smoke and dust brought up by this can't even rise enough to cover up this magical horse, giving it to the war horse.

Accelerating, it was far behind, and a column of smoke rose up from the ground almost behind Wu Yunju, as if a new building was built.

The knight standing on the horse is like a god descending to earth. His right arm is tightly holding a riding pole more than four feet long. On the pole, there are seven scorching suns tattooed on it. A bolt of lightning passes through from below, shining brightly.

Under the sunlight, the body is like a shining treasure, blinding people's eyes, and the rider on the horse has now lifted off the outer robe, wearing fine armor and shining sun.

A, is like the god of death in hell, with his evil ghost face, if the enemy on the battlefield sees him, he will instantly feel despair and lose all courage.

Before everyone in the stands could scream in surprise, this man and horse had already rushed more than twenty steps away, leaving the smoke and dust behind them far away. Huan Zhen had already become one, standing on the horse.

On the pedal, holding the scorching sun and lightning tightly, he rushed towards Liu Yu who was less than twenty steps away, and his whistling sound made the whole audience of more than 20,000 people listen.

It must be clear: "Liu Yu, take your life!"

In the mafia shed, the four Sifang guards, who had always remained calm even before the collapse, could not help but stand up like all the spectators in the stands. Bai Hu opened his eyes wide: "This assault, this

Equestrian, the Jin Dynasty actually has such a knight!"

Xuanwu bit his lips tightly: "It is said that the riding skills of the northern Hu cavalry are unparalleled. Unexpectedly, there are such powerful characters in the Jingzhou army. Maybe, maybe we have underestimated Huan Zhen!"

Zhuque's eyes stopped moving: "Huan Zhen's martial arts skills have actually surpassed his father who shocked the world with his bravery. This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Qinglong breathed a long sigh of relief: "Remember that during Huan Wen's Northern Expedition, Huan Shiqian had fought against Murong Chui, and earlier in the Battle of Guanzhong, Huan Shiqian had also fought against the former Qin tyrant Fu Sheng, who was known to be brave and invincible.

After more than a hundred rounds, he must have seen the peerless martial arts of the two great masters in the north, combined with the ancestral skills passed down from his family, and used them all to cultivate his son. We have only heard that Huan Zhen was domineering, bullying men and taking advantage of women, and he was a bad boy.

, but little does he know that his martial arts has been cultivated to the point where he is almost invincible in the world."

"All Huan Zhen's previous attempts to lure the enemy, stealth, and sneak attacks were all to deceive the generals of Beifu, making them think that they did not dare to confront him head-on. However, they never thought that this sudden scorching sun and lightning would be his fatal move. Liu Yu

Ah Liu Yu, can you dodge in the face of such a powerful thrust?"

Liu Yu slowly turned around amid the exclamations and screams of the audience. The moment Huan Zhen started, he felt the strong murderous intent and the power and speed of a volcanic eruption, but

After experiencing countless battles and fights, and experiencing repeated confrontations with the strongest cavalry in the north, especially the shocking duel with Murong Feng during the Battle of Wuqiaoze, Huan Zhen's sudden attack could no longer be repeated.

It made him feel confused for a long time. It was easy to predict the enemy. From the beginning, he regarded Huan Zhen as a peerless master on the same level as Murong Feng, and all the plans were designed with Murong Feng as the imaginary enemy.

Liu Yu turned around, Huan Zhen's men and horses were all black, like the god of death. On the helmet, there were two antlers extending diagonally upward, like the devil's horns, and the fierce light was already revealed in his eyes, with murderous intent shining.

With his impact speed, even the Jinyong city wall in Luoyang could punch a big hole for him to come out. Even if he was an indestructible body, he would definitely break into millions of pieces at this sudden blow.

The screams of many spectators in the stands reached his ears: "Liu Yu, run away, jump, run, don't get stabbed by him!"

But Liu Yu was convinced. If the four-meter-long scorching sun lightning spear turned into a thorn, then within ten meters of it would be within its attack range. Whether it was a side jump or an upward jump, there would only be one ending.

He had lost all his attacks and center of gravity, and was at the mercy of others. Judging from Huan Zhen's riding skills and shooting skills, within ten meters, he would definitely be able to stab even a small hole in a copper plate without any suspense, let alone

He said that as a living person, if he makes a move and loses the opportunity, he will die!

Liu Yu gently raised the weapons in both hands. The wrist shield of his left hand was placed across his face for protection, while the short wooden sword was hidden under his wrist, looming. The broadsword of his right hand was raised high and placed on the

On his head, the head of the knife was facing Huan Zhen, his feet were like old trees with entangled roots, firmly rooted in the ground, and his whole body was like standing still in the Yuan Yuan, motionless, but it was also like a volcano before it erupted.

The power that rises upon contact is like that of a ten thousand-year-old rock in a raging sea, which cannot move at all even after tens of thousands of impacts.

A trace of surprise flashed in Huan Zhen's eyes. He did not expect that there would be someone in this world who could still avoid dodging such a domineering thrust like his. He shouted: "Go to hell, Liu Yu!"

Tan Pingzhi's voice shouted from the side: "Look at the arrow!"

There was a sound of the bow string vibrating. Huan Zhen didn't even move his head. This time, he didn't look to the side at all, but he knew clearly in his heart. If a top archer really fired an arrow, he would never call it out. This arrow,

It must have been Xu La who distracted himself, and Tan Pingzhi's last arrow could never have been fired with such a loud shout!

Sure enough, hearing only the sound of the bowstring and not the sound of breaking through the air, Huan Zhen's Black Cloud Horse rushed out five steps again, and was already less than fifteen steps away from Liu Yu. His buttocks were completely out of the saddle, and he stood tall.

On top of the stirrups, he even held the spear pole with his left hand. This time, even if five thunders hit him, he could not stop his thrust!

The strong air current was vibrating, and the sound of breaking through the air came almost instantly. At this time, Tan Pingzhi finally took action, and the last arrow, accompanied by his roar, went straight towards Huan Zhen, "Bah".

With a sound, Huan Zhen's right arm armor was shattered into pieces. The fine steel armor pieces were flying in the air, and an arrow shaft with a length of feet was buried in his arm flesh. However, his figure remained motionless, as if he was not affected at all.

The impact of this arrow was less than ten steps away from Liu Yu. His roar made the entire fighting field tremble: "Take your life, Liu Yu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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