Chapter 1858: Turn against each other and defeat each other

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Longcheng, Languo, Shanyuting.

The former imperial palace of Dayan of the Murong family has been changed into the Khan's court of Dayan. Except for the change of the internal architectural style to the dome style, everything remains the same as before. But even this difference reminds everyone standing here.

Among the civil and military officials here, the great Yan Dynasty no longer exists. The Central Plains dynasty has turned back into a grassland Khan tent, just like Lan Khan sitting on the bed with a feather crown and scepter.

The current Great Chanyu's face was extremely ugly. Just in front of him, there was a wooden box on the hall, which contained Lan Quan's unyielding head, and Lan Ti's wailing and roaring sounds were mixed together.

, echoed in the entire sweat tent: "Little thief Murong actually killed my son. This hatred is irreconcilable. I will not be a human being until I skin you with my own hands!"

Lan Han sighed: "My condolences, Lieutenant, we underestimated Murong Qi's strength. We thought he was vulnerable, but we didn't expect that thousands of horse thieves could actually destroy our Dragon City Flying Cavalry. It seems we need

Only by using a large army to defeat them can we defeat the thieves!"

Lang Jianan said in a buzzing voice: "The person Murong Qi sent back to deliver the message was a captured junior high school student. This person said that after Murong Qi's victory, he threatened to borrow troops from the Northern Wei Dynasty to attack me. After all, Murong Bao's daughter is now

Queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, we must rush to eliminate this group of rebels before the Northern Wei Dynasty sends troops, otherwise they are familiar with our internal situation and lead these barbarians to attack, then our country of Dalan is in danger of overthrowing."

Lan Han gritted his teeth: "The only solution now is to ask two brothers to make a hard trip. Taiwei Lanti and General Langa Nan of Chariot and Cavalry will immediately select 30,000 elite horse and infantry troops and set off tomorrow. The target is Murong

Qi's head. Also, although the guilty girl Lan Ying is my daughter, she protected Murong Qi's escape and caused a catastrophe. This Shanyu has ordered her to commit suicide in order to uphold the law of the country."

Tears shone in Lan Ti's old eyes, and she saluted: "Thank you so much, Shanyu. I must avenge this in person!"

He didn't wait for Lan Han's reply, turned around and walked out, saying sternly: "Those who want revenge, those who want wealth, come with me!"

Langanan was the first to follow him out, followed by dozens of muscular and rough military men, some of whom were civil servants. They simply took off their court uniforms, revealing the armor underneath, and sang war songs as they walked.

, there was chaos. It was not until these people walked out of the door that things gradually became quiet, but half of the people in the tent were already missing.

The corners of Lan Han's mouth were twitching, and he held the armrests of the bed tightly with his hands, trying his best to control his anger so as not to lose his composure. Lan Mu in the tent frowned, waved his hand, and everyone else retreated.

, only Murong Sheng and Lan Mu remained.

Murong Sheng sighed: "The Taiwei is too arrogant. He lost a son, but didn't the Great Chanyu also give the death of his beloved daughter as compensation? He just pulled people out in the palace. This is not treating the Great Chanyu.

Shanyu takes it seriously."

Lan Han's teeth chattered, and Lan Mu also said: "Father Khan, if we hand over all 30,000 troops to the Taiwei and the General, it will be equivalent to handing over our wealth and lives to them. If they

If there is any rebellious intention, whether it is to start a rebellion directly or to return to the army after suppressing the rebellion, we will not be able to resist it."

Lan Han slammed the bed and said bitterly: "Don't forget, I haven't given the order yet. I just said a polite word, and the captain actually pulled the person out directly. What do you think we should do now?"

Murong Sheng curled up his lips: "Father, there is something I don't know whether my son-in-law should say or not."

Lan Mu said dissatisfiedly: "Brother-in-law, why are you so polite at this time? If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

Murong Sheng's eyes flashed coldly: "This time Murong Qi made a rebellion, I always feel that it is very strange. First he tried to recruit me to join the gang in the ancestral hall, but after I refused, he immediately started to kill me. After failing to kill me, he fled to Jian'an and immediately formed a gang.

After the death of the Taiwei's son, he took the opportunity to seize the command of the army. If all this is planned by someone, then you, father, will be in danger. We all know what Murong Qi is capable of, and he will definitely

It is impossible to stir up such a movement, it is very likely that someone is helping him from behind, so that he can have a reason to take charge of the army!"

Lan Han opened his eyes wide: "You mean, the Taiwei and the General Chariot..."

Lan Mu followed up and said: "Yes, Father Khan, they have been eyeing your position for a long time. Do you remember last month, there was a drought in Longcheng. The wizard said that he had offended the gods. In order to appease people's hearts, you went to the Murong family

They also said that it was not you who killed Murong Bao, but the Taiwei and General Cheqi. At that time, they were so angry that they left directly. After that, they tried several times to take the opportunity to take over the military power, but you never agreed.

, and then the Murong Qi incident happened very quickly, so we really have to be on guard against it."

Lan Han gritted his teeth: "Immediately send an order, hold my tiger talisman, and ask General Qiu Nimu of the Fu army to obey the order, close the military camp, and not allow anyone to mobilize the army. He just said that the situation at Murong Qi needs to be investigated first, and then any action can be taken."

During a conquest, don’t fall for the enemy’s tricks and send troops without permission!”

Lan Mu nodded: "No, I'll do it now!"

Lan Han turned to look at Murong Sheng: "A Sheng, the Taiwei and the General have been telling me that they want to kill you, but I have stopped them. If they cannot take charge of the army this time, they will probably turn their anger on you. They are

General, I cannot have an open conflict with them at this time. You should go back now and stay behind closed doors. Don’t give them a chance to kill you outside. If your life is gone, I will not be able to revive you. Do you understand?


Murong Sheng pretended to be filled with gratitude and bowed her arms to her waist: "My son-in-law, thank you father-in-law for saving your life!"

One day later, Changle Palace, an underground secret room.

The dim candlelight was beating. Murong Sheng was sitting at a round table. Li Han, Zhang Zhen and other guards were sitting around. Li Han said excitedly: "My lord, everything is going according to your plan. Listen to Nalanti."

After saying that the military power was taken back, he was so angry that he directly summoned his party members and wanted to threaten Qiu Nimu. However, we revealed this news to Qiu Nimu in advance to make him prepared.

The enemy escaped from the military camp, and most of his soldiers dispersed. Lanti and Langa were unable to control the remaining more than 10,000 troops and went directly to attack Murong Qi."

Murong Sheng said expressionlessly: "Did Lan Mu take the Imperial Army troops to quell the rebellion?"

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "Yes, an hour ago, Lan Mu took 20,000 imperial troops from Dragon City to chase Lan Ti and Lang Jia Di. These were the elites of Dayan in the past, not the newly recruited ones under Lan Ti.

The stragglers can fight, and the heads of the two old thieves will be sacrificed in the palace within two days. Should we attack Lan Han now?"

Murong Sheng's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "No, let him live for two more days. When Lan Mu comes back, it is the most relaxing time after the victory, and I will give them a happy reunion for everyone in the Lan clan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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