Chapter 1870: Father and son reunite and talk about troubled times

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Murong Chao turned his head and looked around, looking at the people in the surrounding hall, he hesitated to speak.

A general in his fifties with a long beard reaching to his chest was the North Sea King Murong Zhong. He was also one of the best generals in Xiyan. After the fall of Xiyan, he surrendered to his cousin Murong Beide and became his right-hand man, accompanying him all the way.

After the establishment of Southern Yan, he was also named the King of the North. Han Fan, who was vaguely related to the civil servant leader, became the pillar of the country. He smiled and said: "The king and his nephew are finally reunited. I am happy to congratulate you. We should retreat first to avoid disturbing you."

Let them talk about their family affairs."

Murong Fa snorted heavily, turned around and left. Feng Fu on the side quickly followed and whispered: "King of Nanhai, this is a bit rude."

Murong Fa didn't even look back and said loudly: "In the past when Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, there was a folk liar who falsely claimed that he was the Crown Prince of Wei, and almost defrauded him of the throne. With only a golden sword, he claimed that he was the long-lost nephew of the king.

This is too childish, Feng Shangshu, you are in charge of prison matters, I think you need to investigate the origin of this person!"

Murong Beide's face was gloomy. He looked at the officials in the hall, following Murong Fa and gradually leaving. Almost everyone was whispering. After everyone left, Murong Chao sneered and said: "It seems

My nephew's return has made many people dissatisfied."

Murong Beide sighed: "You all should also step back."

The attendants around him, including Duan Hong, the leader of the Imperial Guard, all looked surprised. For a young man they had never met before, all the guards were removed, which made them a little unbelievable. Duan Hong curled up his lips and said: "Your Majesty,

According to etiquette, we should..."

Murong Beide smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, we uncles and nephews are not outsiders. Some family matters are still a bit private. You can step back and don't worry."

Duan Hong waved his hand and retreated with all the guards. Only the uncle and nephew (father and son) were left in the hall.

When everyone left, Murong Chao suddenly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times: "Ah Da! My greetings to you, my dear!"

Murong Beide stroked the top of his head, tears welling up in his eyes: "So, you know all these things."

Murong Chao cried and said: "My grandma told me when the child was twelve years old before she passed away. It's a pity that grandma didn't live to see our father and son reunited. Although the child is young, he also knows about this.

Never speak to outsiders, outside, I will always be your nephew."

Murong Beide sighed: "How has your mother been doing these past few years?"

Murong Chao shook his head: "Our family has been displaced over the years. It used to be that we relied on Uncle Huyan's charity, but later Uncle Huyan was conquered by the Western Qin Dynasty and died on the battlefield. Our family was cut off [Lingling Reading Network.]

My livelihood depended on my mother and grandma doing sewing work for others. Later, Xi Qin was defeated by Houliang, and our family followed the refugees and moved into Guzang City. We thought that our life would be stable, but it didn’t happen.

Anticipating that Hou Liang would be in civil strife again, even I was drafted into the army and almost died on the battlefield. If Lu Long hadn't realized the current situation and surrendered to Hou Qin in time, maybe, maybe, our father and son would never have seen each other again.


At this point, he could no longer hold back his sadness, and two lines of clear tears flowed down, soaking Murong Beide's dragon robe.

Murong Beide sighed: "You have suffered in these years. In this troubled world, no one knows whether you will be alive tomorrow, from the emperors and generals to the common people. Fortunately, you will be alive this time."

We, father and son, can finally meet each other. It's a pity that you have to come back in a hurry. It would be better if you could bring your mother and your wife with you."

Murong Chao shook his head: "This is also a helpless move. The man in black robe said that there is no way to take our family away because Yao Xing sent sentries to watch our family day and night. If we go together, the target will be too big. Last year

The Western Qin Prince Qifu Chipan who was a hostage in Nanliang was captured because he wanted to escape with his wife and children, so when he escaped for the second time, he was alone and succeeded. This happened in Chang'an

Everyone knows that if the black robe hadn't found someone who looked exactly like me and replaced me, and my friend Gongsun Wulou had some connections in Chang'an and escaped from the waterway, I'm afraid that the child at this moment would

, still in Chang’an.”

Murong Beide nodded: "Your friend's surname is Gongsun? Is that your grandma's tribe?"

Murong Chao smiled and said: "Exactly, the grandfather of Gongsun Wulou is my grandma's clan brother. I originally thought that grandma had two sons who were officials in the former Qin Dynasty, so he came to join him. But he didn't expect that he would be unlucky. Later,

Uncle Huyan, oh, I should call him father-in-law, took advantage of the war in the former Qin Dynasty to escape from death row with our family. Gongsun also went with him. He and I were born almost in the same month, so we grew up playing together.

A life-and-death acquaintance, he went to Chang'an two years before me and had some friends there, so he was able to help me escape. This time, he left his wife and children behind in order to go on the road with me. We are truly close friends."

Murong Beide said sternly: "Since you have come to Guanggu and Nanyan, why didn't you identify yourself earlier and come to see my father? Did you take the initiative to show the golden sword in the square today to announce to everyone that you

It’s the Golden Sword Prince, so you can prevent anyone from attacking you secretly?”

Murong Chao nodded: "Yes, this is the strategy discussed with me on the fifth floor. The fact that my father has no heirs is known to the world. Nan Yan is thinking of who can take your place. If I just ask him

If the government or a general reports my identity, then if this person takes a fancy to your throne, he may secretly murder the child. Only by revealing his identity in front of everyone can the child be safe."

Murong Beide said with satisfaction: "Yes, this is indeed the best way to protect you. This Gongsun Wulou is quite clever, but he is very greedy. My subordinates reported that there are all kinds of gold and silver in his package."

, when fleeing, life is the most important thing, throw away other things if you can, but he is not willing to give up with so many things. If such a person has power, he will be extremely greedy, so,

I cannot give this friend of yours an official position that is too high, otherwise it will harm the country."

Murong Chao shook his head: "Father, where are you thinking? Publicly speaking, I am just your nephew, just like Murong Zhen, Murong Zhong, Murong Fa and other clan princes, nothing special. Your throne, I

I have no interest at all. It is enough for me to be able to see my father in this life and to perform my filial duty in front of you as my nephew. In this troubled world, there are too many joys and sorrows, power and wealth, but they are just passing by. Only the separation is constant.

Blood and family ties are the basis of our conduct in the world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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