Chapter 1965: Guns and seas are unstoppable

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 All this happened too fast and too suddenly. From the time when the Tianshi Dao army pulled down the fence, to the Jin army's ambush, throwing axes and halberds, to the rain of arrows from the archers, it only took about twenty seconds.

Before Tao's disciples even had time to figure out what was going on, they saw the row of companions who had just rushed out in front of them fell to the ground and died almost instantly, and there was an additional steel square in front of them, full of energy.

Zhai, refers directly to oneself.

The leading senior brothers of Tianshi Dao, after all, had far more battlefield experience than other ordinary members. After getting over the initial shock, they quickly reacted and faced the bewildered sergeant behind them.

They shouted sternly: "Quick, release arrows, shoot, shoot them to death!"

But before they finished speaking, there was a sound of bowstrings ringing, followed by a whistling sound after the bow and arrow shot through the air, like the scream of death. The sky suddenly became dark, and the sunshine that was bright just now was covered by dense clouds.

, the arrows were blocked by dark clouds, making a large number of sergeants who were sweating on their cheeks and feeling unbearably hot, suddenly feel extra cool. Some even had difficulty breathing due to the heat and after running with all their strength, and their whole bodies were sultry.

The ground breathed a long sigh of relief and was about to say: "It feels so comfortable!" Before these words, there was a burst of pain from all over the body. For example, a fallen arrow penetrated the leather helmet and caused severe pain.

The terrible feeling when it was stabbed hard into the head was the first and last time in my life!

These highly penetrating bows and arrows are unable to withstand the light armor and leather armor of the Tianshi Taoists at a distance of less than fifty steps. Because the formation is too dense, many people instinctively want to swing their swords.

When they swung their swords above their heads to block, they just made one or two swings. Either their elbows hit their comrades and were stopped, or some people directly swung their swords into the surrounding comrades and screamed.

With the sound coming and going, the Tianshi Dao disciples who crowded together were no longer shot down one by one, but fell down in rows and pieces. The distance from the twenty steps in front of the gate to Haogou was almost

The Tianshi Dao disciples who were all thrown to the ground, plus the first batch of more than 300 disciples who were knocked down by hand axes, nearly a thousand Tianshi Dao soldiers fell into a pool of blood in almost one minute.

Round after round of arrow rain poured forward mercilessly, while the Beifu soldiers' long-armored phalanx began to move forward in a uniform pace. More than a thousand soldiers, carrying

Long branches, shoulder to shoulder, people touching each other, occupy almost the entire frontage of two to three miles wide, forming an insurmountable steel forest, advancing steadily forward with a terrifying murderous aura.

Many swordsmen of Tianshi Dao reacted and were not shot down. The sergeants on the front line roared crazily, waved their weapons, and rushed forward. They thought they could let go after entering the stronghold.

They were killed, but they never expected that in front of them was an iron wall composed of heavy armored infantry. The blades were every inch longer and every inch stronger. In this place, it was perfectly explained and proved that dozens of skilled soldiers

The leading swordsman either wanted to get in through the gap between the poles, or wanted to use the ground sword technique to roll in. There were even more than ten people with superb light skills who simply rose into the air and wanted to stab in mid-air, but failed.

There was no chance at all. These soldiers of the Beifu Army practiced this kind of long-distance push after forming up day and night. The iron cavalry could not be trampled, the chariots could not be overwhelmed, and the light soldiers could not get close. If the formation was not disrupted by a large number of bows and arrows,

There is no warrior in the entire world who can break through such a steel killing formation head-on!

Blood splattered everywhere and screams continued. None of the dozens of swordsman masters who charged head-on could get within three feet of the soldiers of the Beifu Army. They rushed forward and were attacked by long spears from the front. They were stabbed to death in the distance like a candied haws.

Before the thugs get even two feet forward, they will be hit by three or four long branches, which will first block the way and then stab them from left to right, impaling them to the ground. As for those who are flying in the air, they are the most miserable.

, there is no room to dodge in the air, and there is still more than ten feet away from the people, so the second row of long spears placed on the shoulders of the front row soldiers stab the air diagonally, and they are skewered into meat skewers in the air.

Then several long poles were pulled horizontally and vertically, and the corpses were divided one after another in the air. The internal organs and severed limbs were like rain, pouring down, spreading to the place three or four feet in front, and it was bloody.

I feel like vomiting when I hear it.

Zhang Meng opened his eyes wide. Such a cruel and tragic scene made him, who had experienced hundreds of battles, lose his bearings for a moment, until the dozens of swordsmen who were the first to attack were killed on the spot using various methods of piercing and dismembering.

The large number of swordsmen behind were frustrated. Under the double blow of fear and the rain of arrows from the opponent, the two groups fought and did not dare to move forward. They even started to retreat backwards. Only when he realized that the front army had

Seeing the danger of collapse, he quickly shouted: "Archers, release arrows, release arrows, shoot the Jin soldiers to death!"

The more than a thousand archers who had been standing in front of the trench, facing the opposite fence with bows and arrows, suddenly woke up from a dream. They all nocked their arrows, set the angle, and pointed at the Jin army's formation about forty or fifty steps away.

, began a large-arc lob shot. The arrows from both sides shot up into the sky almost at the same time. They met in the air and were smashed into pieces. Then the remaining arrows flew towards the enemy formation in front.

, falling hard towards his target.

The sound of "pop" was heard endlessly, and the Jin army's heavy-armored square formation also experienced a wave of arrow rain. The round of arrows that hit them numbered about a thousand. Many sergeants' helmets, arrow armor, and chests were

They were all shot, but thanks to the cover of the double-layered heavy armor and the sophisticated protective gear made of stainless steel, these heavy-armored shooters could still maintain their fighting formation and posture despite the lack of shield protection.

In addition to the more than twenty casualties who were shot in vital parts and fell to the ground unable to hold on, the other sergeants continued to move forward in uniform steps, shouting slogans.

In turn, the arrow rain from the Jin army's archers caused huge damage to the Tianshi Dao swordsmen who had no armor or shields. After a round of arrow rain, at least a hundred swordsmen fell to the ground.

Half of them died immediately, and the rest were rolling on the ground in pain and wailing.

As the soldiers of the Beifu Army moved forward, the archers who followed also shot arrows while moving forward. Soon, the Jin army all left the camp and attacked the place in front of the trench where a large number of Tianshi Dao sergeants were standing.

, but now, the place is full of corpses, rivers of blood, soaking the original trench in blood, and there are less than 1,500 swordsmen of Tianshi Dao's front army in front of them.

More than half of the casualties were still retreating, forcing the archers to retreat while shooting. Some of them even stood too far forward and could be directly hit by the arrows of the Beifu Army.

This chapter has been completed!
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