Chapter 2039 Comrades Twenty-seven of the Big Three

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Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said loudly: "I admit that I was jealous of the slave before, and I did something sorry for him. I was even obsessed with him. Under the instigation of outsiders, I even wanted to kill the slave!"

Everyone's expressions changed, but Liu Yi waved his hand, indicating that everyone should continue to listen to him: "Later, Jinu let me go and continued to treat me as a brother, which made me feel ashamed, so when he proposed to establish the Beijing Eighth Party

After that, I was the first to agree. In addition to the above two conditions, our Beijing Eighth Party has one principle: all party members are brothers and brothers cannot be bullied! If a comrade in the party attempts to murder other party members, then the whole party will fight together.

In this way, both humans and gods have been abandoned, and they have died without a burial place!"

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, that's it. Our Jingba Party will not talk about allegiance to the emperor. If the emperor is like Sima Dezong now, he won't even say anything and will only become those

We are puppets of aristocratic families. We are soldiers. What soldiers protect is the country and the people. We are not just one family. We, the Beijing Eighth Party, are all brothers in the party. We protect the country and the people! If there is any disagreement, the whole party will work together.

Kill him!"

Everyone shouted loudly: "We are all brothers in the party, protect the country and the people! If there is any dissent, the whole party will punish him together!"

He Wuji laughed: "Everyone, even if our Jingba Party has been officially established today, a snake cannot move without a head and an army cannot become an army without generals. Our Jingba Party also needs a leader. Who will be the leader?"

Everyone almost said in unison: "Send slaves, send slaves, send slaves!"

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "There is only one commander in the army, but we, the Jingba Party of the Wufu Group, cannot have the final say. Just like last time, all of us could see that the commander wanted to surrender.

Huan Xuan will have no good results in the end, but he is so determined to have his own way, and in the end we can only obey orders. I, Liu Yu, am not a god, and I will make mistakes. I don't want such a tragedy to happen again, so I don't want this Beijing Eighth Party Party.

I hope one person has the final say.”

Wei Yongzhi's expression changed: "Jinu, what do you mean?"

Liu Yu nodded and said sternly: "Although the mafia has brought disaster to the country, their concept of making decisions through consultation and consultation is worth learning from. The army needs a commander, who wants to enforce orders and prohibitions, but national affairs, brothers' futures, etc.

One person cannot have the final say. Three people become giants, and the highest decision-making is made collectively by three people. I think everyone is more acceptable. What do you think?!"

Meng Chang smiled and said: "Jinu's words are right. We have been brothers in Beifu for so many years, and you, Xile and Wuji are the standouts. Originally, Ah Shou should be one of them, but it's a pity..."

At this point, he shook his head and sighed.

Liu Yu said seriously: "Ah Shou is also our brother. Although he is not here today, one day in the future, we will let him return to us and become a Jingba. From now on, our colleagues in the party will all use the Jingba

Comrades deserve to be called comrades. The abbreviation is Jingba. Because we share the same goals and work together, we can also be called comrades. As long as we unite together, no one in this world can defeat us! Not even God."

Liu Yi smiled and said: "The twenty-seven martyrs here today are our first batch of comrades from the Beijing Eighth Party. Just now, Ji Nu proposed the organizational form of the discussion of the three giants. Do you have any objections?"

Zhuge Changmin raised his eyebrows and said, "Generals have terms of office, ministers have appointments to serve. Are these three giants unchanged?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "We are all brothers in the party, and everyone has the right to be a giant. Except for those who betray brothers and commit fratricide, they will automatically be removed from the position of giants. In principle, the three giants of our party will be elected every five years."

The Jingba Comrade Association will discuss collectively and elect the new Big Three. Oh, by the way, in the future our fraternity will have more and more people. I am afraid there will be 300, 3,000, 30,000 people with the power.

The number of people who select the Big Three should not be too large. Headed by today’s twenty-seven people, as an organization that has the power to select the Big Three and discuss major issues, let’s call it the Comrades Association. If new people are to be added to the Comrades Association in the future, the Big Three will

How about deciding again?"

Zhuge Changmin smiled slightly: "Very good, the Big Three, the Twenty-Seven Comrades Association. This is where the power of our Beijing Eighth Party lies. But, where is Fatty Liu?"

Liu Yu curled up his lips and said seriously: "The fat man is a scholar after all. He married a daughter of the Jiang family, so he can be regarded as a son of a noble family. Considering his current status, he cannot join our Beijing Eighth Party."

, Since everyone thinks highly of me, Liu Yu, I must be fair in my dealings. If he is not a pure Qiu Ba, who can fight hard, even if he is my father and my son, I will not let him join the organization."

Liu Yi smiled and said: "It's true that you are a slave, and even the fat people are not the first to come in, so what objections do you have?"

He Wuji said: "Then if Ah Shou comes back in the future, can he still join our Jingba Comrade Association?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "It is impossible to join the first batch. The rules of Jingba are that there is an election every three years. If there is no urgent matter, no one can break this rule. However, after three years, he can apply to join. Before that,

We have to start with the outer party members."

He Wuji smiled and nodded. Liu Yu looked at the other people. Everywhere he looked, everyone's eyes were full of hope and expectation. He walked towards these heroes one by one and high-fived them one by one: "

He Wuji, Wei Yongzhi, Yong's younger brother Wei Xinzhi, Wei Shunzhi, Tan Pingzhi, Pingzhi's followers Tan Shao, Tan Zhi, Tan Long and Tan Daoji, Tan Fanzhi, Liu Daogui, Liu Yi, Liu Fan, Meng Chang, Meng Huaiyu, Xiang

Jing, Guan Yizhi, Chen Liu, Zhou Anmu, Linhuai Liu Wei, younger brother Liu Guizhi, Dongguan Zang Xi, younger brother Zang Baofu, nephew Zang Musheng, Tong Maozong, Chenjun Zhou Daomin, Yuyang Tianyan, Langya Zhuge Changmin!"

After high-fiving everyone present, he returned to the center and smiled slightly: "Then, I will wait for Jingpachi to formally form a party, and the Wu family will be in the world starting from tonight! The emperor is generous, bless me Jingpachi!"

Everyone read the slogan again, and Liu Yu smiled and took out a bunch of wooden signs: "Now, let's start choosing the first Big Three!"

After a while, all the wooden signs were put on the ground, with all kinds of crooked words written on them that people couldn't bear to look at. Xiang Jing, who was illiterate, even drew three heads on them. Although everyone looked at them at a glance

Everyone could tell which three people they were, but they still couldn't stop the crowd from laughing at Xiang Jing. In this relaxed atmosphere of laughter, Liu Yu, Liu Yi and He Wuji officially became the first three people.


Meng Chang looked at Liu Yu and said: "Jinu, what are you going to do next? Let's be honest. When will we start the army?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I think we should not be too hasty for the time being. After everyone goes back, make preparations to contact their respective nephews' old subordinates secretly. They should avoid walking around each other. At this time, Huan Xuan cannot be suspicious. Wait until he

The real usurpation of power is when our actions begin!"


This chapter has been completed!
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