Chapter 2282: Mei returned to the continent but never came back

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Huan Shikang frowned: "Your Majesty, do you really believe in this little Colonel Mao?"

Huan Xuan smiled and said: "Xiu Zhi still never abandons me when I am in this situation, which shows his loyalty. There is nothing to be trusted. Besides, the last time we negotiated, we relied on him to thread the needle between us. Now we are just one ship of people, even

We can't even deal with the water bandits and thieves when they attack us. If the Mao family's soul-guarding fleet can help escort us, we can get to Huan Zhen safely as soon as possible. Shi Kang, don't be too suspicious."

Having said this, he was in a good mood and turned to look at Huan Sheng: "Sheng'er, my father was busy with state affairs and neglected you just now. How about it? Are you feeling better now? Are you hungry?"

Meihuizhou west, fifteen miles, Meihui ferry.

A fleet of more than twenty medium-sized Huanglong ships was parked here quietly. The people on board were all wearing leather armor and black and white mourning clothes, and one side was flying high in the night sky, the largest in the middle.

The big flag on the main ship clearly has the word "Mao" written on it, and it is also only in black and white. Obviously, this is a fleet transporting the coffins of the noble deceased, and the owner of the fleet is clearly named Mao.


Mao Xiuzhi was sitting in the cabin of the big ship, with an excited look on his face, and said to the other three fully armed generals: "Fei Canjun, Youzhi, Feng Duhu, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Huan Xuan is now

There is only one boat, with only more than twenty people in total, and there is not even a guard on the boat. And behind the boat is dragging his small boat with calligraphy and paintings, which can be recognized at a glance. Counting the time, it will be at 10 o'clock tomorrow.

If he passes by here again and again, he will never come back!"

The one who was called Youzhi was Mao Youzhi, son of Mao Fan. This time, as a filial son, he helped his father's coffin back for burial. After all, the ancestral tombs of the Mao family were all built in Jiankang. He hesitated: "But,

We are clearly allied with Huan Xuan secretly, and if we start like this, I'm afraid..."

Mao Xiuzhi sighed and looked at Fei Tian, ​​who was sitting on the left and was in his forties. He was a shrewd and capable soldier. He was also Mao Fan's number one assistant during his lifetime. He had fought under Mao Qiu for many years and was even regarded as Mao's.

The chief steward of the family, this time, this heavyweight man personally escorted the ship. Obviously, it was not as simple as helping Ling return home. In this fleet, it was this man who really had the decision-making power.

Fei Tian said slowly: "The last alliance was just a temporary measure. The Mao family has always been loyal to the Jin Dynasty and has been loyal for generations. How could they associate with the usurper Huan Xuan? It was just Liu Yue, the governor of Badong.

Defeat, Baidi City is unstable, and there is a risk that the door to Bashu will be opened. Now the main force of the Mao family's army is far away in Liangzhou, and there is no time to return to the defense. If Huan Zhen takes advantage of the situation to attack, Yizhou and Chengdu will be in danger, so Duke Xu (Mao

Cu, now the head of the Mao family and the governor of Yizhou, pretended to negotiate peace with Huan Xuan, just to hold off the traitor. When the Western Expeditionary Army arrived, the Liangzhou troops returned, and then attacked from both sides to eliminate the country.

Thief! And our mission this time is also to spy on the Chu army's deployment and intelligence along the way, and to explore the path for the army."

Mao Youzhi's eyes widened: "Why don't I know about such an important thing?"

Fei Tian said sternly: "This is your uncle's secret order, and it was only given to me. Before we came out this time, your uncle once told you that at critical times, I can act easily. Now you understand what it means."


Mao Youzhi nodded: "I understand, but my late father's coffin is here. I'm afraid..."

Feng Qian laughed and said, "Don't worry, Master You. We have thirty boats out this time, and twenty of them are enough to deal with Huan Xuan. Master, you only need to stay at the ferry when the time comes. The ten boats will protect you, and we will kill the thieves."

After success, you can continue to move forward. If we are not successful in the battle and do not come back within half a day, you can quickly return to Yizhou. However, please remember to go ashore and take the land route, because it is 500 miles west of here and the Xiling area

This is Huan Zhen’s camp, and if we take the water route, we will intercept and kill this bandit.”

Mao Youzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "Then it will be free to join the army and protect Feng Du. Youzhi really wants to participate in this battle, but protecting the soul is more important. I will pray for you here and help you get rid of the thieves smoothly."

Feng Qian looked at Mao Xiuzhi: "Master Xiu, in the past few years in Jiankang, have you ever been familiar with Brother Liu Yu and Liu?"

Mao Xiuzhi laughed: "Brother Jinu was our eldest brother when he stayed in the Wei Palace. He talked to us all day long. He was really a hero. By the way, he told me about the Mao family brothers and the heroes in Shu.

, and also specifically mentioned you, Feng Duhu, saying that the past events of being with Uncle Qiu and you in the blacksmith camp are still fresh in my memory, and you want me to see you and say hello."

A look of pride flashed in Feng Qian's eyes: "It's hard to be a slave. Many years later, he has become a world-famous hero. He still remembers me, a poor brother back then. For this, I have to give him a gift."

The last great gift, Huan Xuan’s head, I must take it off with my own hands and dedicate it to him!”

Fei Tian smiled and patted Feng Qian on the shoulder: "Feng Duhu, you are our number one warrior in Shu. This time let the world see how powerful our Bashu men are!"

Mao Xiuzhi nodded: "However, we still have to be careful about Huan Zhen. This person is really powerful. If Huan Xuan escapes and joins forces with this person, then we in Bashu will be in danger."

Fei Tian said sternly: "As soon as Huan Xuan dies, Huan Zhen will lose his status and his subordinates will inevitably be scattered. No matter how powerful he is, what fame can he achieve by himself? Therefore, in this battle, Huan Xuan's head must be taken.

Don’t let him run away!”

Mao Xiuzhi pointed to a lonely boat coming from the direction of Jiangling on the sand table in the cabin: "Huan Xuan has been sitting on the bow of the boat with his little son in his arms. You can tell at a glance that it can't be fake. Before the fight starts tomorrow,

I'll go shout first and confirm for the last time that he is on the ship. If Huan Xuan doesn't come out, you must not take action."

Fei Tian nodded: "Do as you say!"

The next day, it's time.

On the river in Meihuizhou, twenty yellow dragon boats all raised the banner of the Jin Dynasty. The war drums were beating loudly, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the river. However, the bows and arrows fired by all the yellow dragon boats had only one target, and that was

There was a small boat in the middle of the river, which was Huan Xuan's ship. The small boat was already covered with arrows. The bodies of Huan Shikang and Yu Yizhi were shot like hedgehogs. They fell on the front and rear decks.

On board, more than twenty guards fell dead beside them, with blood flowing everywhere. In the cabin, a child's childish cry was heard: "Father, wake up, wake up."

This chapter has been completed!
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