Chapter 236: A series of clever tricks to change clothes and escape

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Half an hour later, the captain surnamed Ma who had left earlier came back with more than 200 cavalry. In the forest just now, there were more than a dozen remaining sergeants, including Deputy Song and below, all tied up.

On the tree, everyone was wearing single clothes and shivering from the cold, but they couldn't make a sound because the cloth was stuffed in their mouths.

Captain Ma stepped forward angrily and tore off the sealing tape of Vice Captain Song, loudly shouting: "What's going on!"

Vice Captain Song's voice sounded a bit crying: "Then Liu Yu pretended to be a dead body, took our horses, and ran away!"

The horse captain was so angry that he stamped his feet and shouted: "Mount your horse and pursue us!"

A cold voice sounded from behind the bronze face: "It's too late. They have been running for two hours and should have gone far. Vice Captain Song, did you really see clearly that it was Liu Yu?"

Captain Song was helping several sergeants to untie them from the tree. He was almost frozen and shivering all over. His voice was trembling, but he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, it's Liu."

Yu, there are more than a dozen people in their group, going to, to, to the southwest."

The bronze mask was taken off, and Murong Nan's expressionless face was revealed: "Liu Yu and the others rode our horses and wore our armors in order to get through and pass the signal to Jiangbian.

The people at each ferry strictly inspected the small groups of cavalry on horseback and wearing our military uniforms. If they don't have passwords or tokens, they are just pretending!"

Having said this, he waved his hand and pointed to the southeast: "Let's go and continue chasing."

The cavalry team was slightly startled: "Building owner (Murong Nan temporarily assumed the identity of the building owner), where are they going?"

Murong Nan put on his mask coldly: "Liu Yu is very cunning. If he wants us to deliberately see where he is going, he will definitely turn somewhere else on the way. Going southeast is to Jingkou Suanshan Ferry, which is his hometown.

The most familiar one. I think he will definitely cross the river there!"

At night, in the middle of the night, in a small valley fifteen miles southwest of the woods, Liu Yu and more than ten people were taking off their clothes and armor, revealing their single clothes underneath. The snow had stopped, but the weather was still very cold. Liu Yu and others

Yu and others took off their armor while smearing thick grease on their bodies. This allowed their bodies to still maintain the necessary heat and prevent them from quickly losing strength due to the cold.

Liu Jingxuan smeared oil on his body and muttered: "Slave slave, I really don't know what you are thinking. You have gone through so much effort to seize their armor and horses, just so you can cross the river in a big way.

You can even break into the enemy's camp, so why do you need to change your clothes?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "Because we still left those people in the forest, even if they kept silent, once they saw that their armor and horses were gone, everyone would know that they were taken for us. This time General Liu set up a

With such a layout, the purpose of the icefield ambush is to break us up and break us into small groups to escape. We cannot gather together. The rest is to be dispersed and captured. As long as we guard the various crossings along the river to prevent us from getting through in a fool's errand, then


He Wuji frowned: "Are you going to be so cruel? If so, how can there be a hundred places?"

Liu Yu sighed: "General Liu may not want anyone to enter the Tiger Army at all. This selection is more like declaring to the entire army that the Tiger Army is the most elite ace unit. Even elite soldiers from other units will not be selected."

It doesn’t meet this standard.”

Tan Pingzhi shook his head: "How could this be? Since we don't need people, why do we need to conduct this selection?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "We still need people, but this time the selection must destroy the arrogance of all the elite soldiers participating in the competition. In the future, if he is transferred into the army one by one, he will definitely obey his orders."


Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Jinu said it well, this is my father's character. It seems that this time in order to establish his authority, he even ignored me, his son. But this is fine, I like this. Jinu, let's

Can you really get across the river with all the clothes on?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "The reason why I tried so hard to defraud the horses and armor is to let them know that we want to cross the river. They must have notified the defenders along the river now and must keep an eye on our team.

People, so, in our dress, although we are also players, we look like panicked stragglers from other teams, not the Liu Yu team they want to catch."

Wei Yongzhi's three hare lips grinned and he said with a smile: "It's already the second watch, are we really going to cross the river like this? This is a snowy night, can we get through with just this body of oil?"

Liu Yu's expression became determined: "Each of us only has one day's worth of dry food. Now, let's eat all of it. Whether we can win or not depends on this."

Liu Jingxuan scratched his head: "You didn't tell me earlier, I just ate it all. I'm hungry after the fight."

Liu Yu sighed, took out two steamed buns from his arms, and gave one to Liu Jingxuan: "Here, you kid, eat more slowly in the future."

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "No, this is your steamed bun. You haven't eaten it since morning. I know you just want to maintain your strength for this last fight. I can't eat your food." But his words still remain.

Before I finished speaking, my stomach made a growl.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "We're already here, why are you so polite? We'll have to swim across the river at night soon. If you don't have enough energy, you can't do it. Eat, Ah Shou. I know you're big and use up a lot of energy."

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth, took the steamed bun, and wolfed it down: "Jinnu, I have convinced you today. I won't argue with you in the future. Let's cross the river together!"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked around at his companions: "Let's cross the river together!"

Half an hour later, in the same valley, more than thirty people came in a hurry, one after another. The clothes and armor on each person's body had gradually condensed from sweat into a layer of white salt frost, which mixed with the frost and snow.

One color.

The first two people were Liu Yi and Mao Qiu. Ever since the ambush on the ice field, these two teams had gotten together, running around here and there, through the woods and ridges, and after a long circle, they also ran here.

Liu Yi's cousin Liu Cui, a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, suddenly sat down on the ground to one side and refused to get up again. Liu Yi frowned and stepped forward to pull up his cousin: "Ah

"Cui, can't stop, get up, get up for me."

Liu Cui gasped: "Brother, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it won't work. You go ahead. I, I'll take a rest."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "It's freezing cold. If you don't get up, you might die if you fall asleep. Get up, get up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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