Chapter 2412 Returning to Jiangling to discuss the country

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 Jiangling City, formerly the Governor's Office, is now the Commander-in-Chief's Office for the Western Expedition.

Liu Yi was wearing a general robe and a large armor, with a relaxed look on his face. He was sitting on the commander's seat. Several personal guards were hurriedly moving the "Huan" flag behind him. He Wuji and Liu Daogui laughed and sat down at the bottom.

On the left and right of the hall, dozens of dejected Huanchu officials were escorted by dozens of Beifu sergeants. As they passed by the hall, Zhao Yi waved his sword and said in a deep voice: "Come here, kill all these rebels."

Tie him up and take him to the dungeon!"

Liu Yi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Da Fei (Zhao Yi's nickname), don't be rude."

Zhao Yi gritted his teeth, turned to Liu Yi and said: "Brother Xile, these guys are Huan Chu's best friends. They are smelly and tough. There is no need to treat them with the courtesy of a scholar."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Being loyal to one's lord is a good virtue. We should not attack it. This is how you should be as a subordinate, rather than relying on both sides. They are scholars from Jingzhou and have managed this place for many years.

Officials, as for the crime of following the rebellion, it is up to the court to deal with it, so why should we be such evil people?"

Zhao Yi sighed: "Then don't drive away, will General Wang and the others die in vain?"

Liu Yi shook his head: "They sacrificed their lives for the country, and the court should be kind to them, but it has nothing to do with these officials. Da Fei, now we are the army that conquers the world. The generals of the court must look like generals. Otherwise, how can we do it in the future?"

Let the world's noble families and scholars value it."

Zhao Yi grinned: "Brother Xile is wise. Come, I will send you to the side hall for dinner. Don't neglect it."

Amidst the thanks from the Jingzhou officials, the audience returned to calm. Liu Yi smiled and said to He Wuji: "Wuji, I didn't expect that we would fight back to Jiangling so quickly. It seems that Huan Zhen's strength has declined a lot.

Ah, even Jiangling has abandoned its defense."

He Wuji smiled slightly: "This is Huan Zhen's desperate counterattack. If you stay in Jichuan, your troops will only be dispersed. If you take back Jiangling, you may also summon the old troops again. But this time, everyone in Jingzhou can see clearly. The Huan family

There was no chance of a comeback, so His Majesty drove back to Beijing. He wanted to kidnap Your Majesty, thinking that the hostage plan had also failed. Although he now had more than 20,000 troops, he had no food and grass, so he sent them to the north to retreat to Xiangyang to connect with the Later Qin Dynasty.

Huan Wei's troops were also defeated by Lu Zongzhi. It can be said that he is now surrounded on all sides and is in a trap. No matter whether it is Qiao Shu or the demon thieves from Lingnan, they will not come to save him. As for the military, it is already a certain death situation."

Liu Daogui nodded: "Now even the demon thieves are honest. Zhu Chaoshi, who was guarding Baling, came to report that when they captured Guangzhou, they captured Guangzhou Governor Wu Yinzhi, Shixing Prime Minister Ruan Fangzhi, and Wang Dan who was exiled in Guangzhou.

We have all sent people to escort them to Baling and hand them over to our army. They said they were hunting down thieves for the country and captured Huan Chu’s puppet governor of Guangzhou and other officials and handed them over to the imperial court.”

Liu Yi curled his lips disdainfully: "These monster thieves are just sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and taking the opportunity to run Guangzhou. I thought I didn't know their thoughts. But now that the country has experienced war, Jingzhou and Wu

The whole land needs to be pacified, we can't continue to fight here. After Huan Zhen is eliminated, let's fight back."

Speaking of this, Liu Yi looked at Liu Daogui: "I heard that recently, the slave slaves are planning to immigrate to Jiangbei and run six counties. I'm afraid there will be a conflict with the noble family. That damn fat guy has been trying to instigate conflicts between our Beijing Eighth Party and the noble family all day long.

The relationship between us, I'm afraid it's him who has brought up another evil trick this time. Taoist regulations, you should try to persuade your elder brother when you have time. We are brothers who have been fighting for a lifetime. He, Fatty Liu, is a scholar, so he is not on the same page as us.


Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Brother Xile, you also know that Fatty is the eldest brother's brother since childhood, and they also joined the army together. Although they are civil servants, they are not the kind of children from aristocratic families who are separated from us by one layer. Moreover, eldest brother has already

I have the idea of ​​​​running Jiangbei and entering the Northern Expedition. I think this is not something that the fat man can control with just one word."

Liu Yi frowned: "I'm confused. The land of Jiangbei has always been a place where Hu cavalry can go south to plunder at any time. For hundreds of years, the wealthy families have been trying their best to run Wu because they couldn't hold on here. Now they want to immigrate to Jiangbei."

, and we have to get people from the Jiangnan Manor of the aristocratic family, which will inevitably lead to conflict with the aristocratic family. Alas, even if sending slaves is a bit idealistic, doesn't the fat man know this? He won't dissuade him."

Liu Daogui said with a smile: "Perhaps, the eldest brother will intend to go north to the Central Plains and regain the lost territory. This time he sent Tao Yuanming as an envoy to Later Qin to directly ask for the land of Nanyang. If Later Qin gave it, the target might turn to the Northern Wei Dynasty

Or Nanyan, if Later Qin doesn't give it, then the troops will definitely attack Luoyang."

Liu Yi shook his head: "The country has just experienced war, and now Western Shu and Lingnan have been occupied by rebels. At this time, instead of rectifying the internal situation and pacifying the rebels, we think of starting a war with the barbarians from the north. The idea of ​​sending slaves is too radical.

Now, after this class, I still have to have a good chat with him, Wuji, what do you think?"

He Wuji smiled slightly: "I have nothing to say. I just want to eliminate Huan Zhen as soon as possible and stabilize Jingzhou. Once the last soldiers of the Huan family are wiped out, Jingzhou will be completely stable. As for other things, we have to

After this, whether it is sending slaves to immigrate to the north of the Yangtze River or the Northern Expedition, it will not happen overnight, and it is not too late to take a long-term plan."

Liu Yi sighed: "You are always in trouble, that's all. Let's eliminate Huan Zhen first. Now he still has 20,000 soldiers and horses, and the army's rations are only ten days. Send an order to the whole army to hold on to Jiangling without fighting, and let Jiangxia's

Wei Shunzhi and Zhu Chaoshi of Baling cheered me up and guarded the granary to prevent Huan Zhen from launching a surprise attack. I asked Lu Zongzhi to return to Dangyang and set up camp on the long board to block Huan Zhen's northward retreat. Huan Zhen finally had no choice but to retreat to the north.

If we can come back and counterattack Jiangling, huh, then we will wait for work and completely annihilate them under the city!"

He Wuji smiled and said: "Well, that's a good idea. However, there are only three thousand soldiers and horses in Jiangxia. If Huan Zhen jumps over the wall and the whole army presses on him, won't it be a bit difficult? How about letting Liyang's Ah


Liu Yi's expression changed and he said in a deep voice: "Wuji, how can you think like this? Throughout the entire Western Expedition, Ah Shou stayed behind to guard Jiangzhou. Now that he is allowed to go out to participate in the war, who gets the credit for wiping out Huan Zhen?

? You let him make great achievements this time, then your..."

Having said this, he stopped talking and gave Liu Daogui a meaningful look.

He Wuji immediately changed his words and said: "Xile is right. Ashou guards Jiangzhou and is the general rear area of ​​the army. He has a great responsibility. It is really inappropriate to ask him to send troops at this time. I think..."

This chapter has been completed!
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