Chapter 2432: A verbal battle with Tao Gongzhi

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Liu Yu's eyes were bright and he looked directly at Tao Yuanming: "The real threat to Jiangbei is the Nanyan you mentioned. I don't think that I can sit back and relax because I have an agreement with Murongde, but I don't think that because of the north

If there is a threat from Nan Yan, we will permanently give up the management of the six counties in Jiangbei."

"Perhaps in Tao Gong's eyes, Jiangbei is just a battlefield for Hulu to move south at any time, but in my eyes, Jiangbei can also be a base for the Northern Expedition. If Nanyan doesn't attack me, I will abide by the covenant.

Everyone defends his own territory, but if he really dares to send troops to attack our Jin Dynasty, then I can just raise the army from Jiangbei and destroy Yan in one fell swoop, thus fulfilling my long-term ambition of the Northern Expedition!"

Tan Daoji laughed: "The commander-in-chief said it well."

Zhu Lingshi said loudly: "It is our lifelong ambition to expedition to the Central Plains and expel the Huru!" The other generals were also excited, fisting their chests in unison, and responded repeatedly. Suddenly, the tent was full of people.

The sound of nails and leaves colliding together makes people feel like they are in a battle formation.

Amidst the applause of the generals, Tao Yuanming sneered. His voice was full of disdain. It was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly: "Perhaps the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains is the responsibility of all the generals."

It’s my life’s ambition, but will it belong to the common people?”

All the voices suddenly stopped, and countless eyes were cast at Tao Yuanming with surprise, which then turned into anger. Wang Zhene said in a deep voice: "Tao Gong's words are totally wrong! Loyalty and righteousness are the foundation of a person's life. The great Jin Dynasty

Every common person should bear in mind the shame of the destruction of the country and the fall of China. Our ancestors all came from the north to the south after the Yongjia Rebellion. Everyone wants to fight back to their hometown, how can it be said that it has nothing to do with the people?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "This is the grandson of Wang Meng, the prime minister of the former Qin Dynasty. He is the magistrate of Wangzhen Evil King who has made great achievements in Jianyi. Have you not gone to Jingzhou to take up your post as magistrate?"

Wang Zhen'e said coldly: "I will go to my post in a few days. There is no need for Tao Gong to change the subject. Everyone in this account is thinking about regaining the lost territory. As long as they are the people of the Jin Dynasty, they should do the same!"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Then why did Wang County Magistrate's grandfather and his grandfather's ancestors not return to the Jin Dynasty in the past hundred years, but stayed in the country of Fan and Hulu, and even served as prime ministers?"

Wang Zhene's face turned slightly red and he said solemnly: "That's because my ancestors didn't have a refugee commander to lead them. They were stopped by the barbarians on the way and were even taken captive to Guanzhong. It's not that they didn't want to go to the Jin Dynasty."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Oh, when Huan Wen's army entered Guanzhong, his eldest father, Prince Wang, and Prime Minister, also visited Huan Wen's camp in person. Huan Wen admired his talent very much and wanted to take him south back to Dajin.

Ren Guan, why didn't he follow me? There must be no barbarians to kidnap him this time."

Wang Zhen'e said coldly: "Huan Wen wanted to usurp power and was so ambitious. My late father knew at a glance that he would not return to Jiangzuo and become an accomplice of his usurpation, so he did not follow him.

Even though he was a barbarian, he had a heart of benevolence and righteousness and was willing to abide by Chinese etiquette. Therefore, the late father decided to go out to assist him and teach him the benevolence, righteousness and etiquette of the Han family, hoping that one day he could influence Fu Jian and let him surrender his imperial title.

, submitted to the Jin Dynasty, and throughout his life, he has always prevented the Qin army from going south to invade the Jin Dynasty. I think the late great father has done everything a Han man should do. At least, compared to Tao Gong, who is now a minister of the Jin Dynasty, he has said nothing about the people of the Jin Dynasty.

If you don't care about your homeland, you don't want to be strong when the Northern Expedition comes."

Although Wang Zhen'e spoke in a stern tone, his words could not wash away the past of Wang Meng being the Prime Minister of Qin State. So after he finished speaking, he turned around pretending to be angry and walked to the back row to avoid any confrontation with Tao Yuanming.

Further direct dialogue.

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly and ignored Wang Zhene. He looked around and said: "Most of you are from Jingkou. You are originally expatriates or descendants from the south. And because Jingkou has always been a recruiting ground for the Northern Expeditionary Army, you have fought with the Hulu for many years.

, almost every family has a sworn hatred against the Hu people, and some relatives died at the hands of the Hu people, so it is understandable to want to regain the Central Plains. However, you cannot represent all the people of the Jin Dynasty. As people, they just want to live a good life.

If you go down, there will be no difference between people from the Jin Dynasty, people from the north, people from the Han people, and people from the Hu people."

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "What Mr. Tao said is specious. Just because the people want peace and tranquility, can we abandon the land of our ancestors, the location of our ancestral tombs, and the old capital of the Jin Dynasty? At that time, the Jin Dynasty

There is peace in the world, and the people want to live well, but will these rebellious barbarians let them live? We want to take back the land that belongs to us, what's wrong with that?"

Tao Yuanming said in a deep voice: "The general trend of the world is to divide and reunify. Unless the tyrant is unjust and the whole world is jointly punishing him, then the people can be punished. If we can be like this time with the Later Qin Dynasty, we can fight without bloodshed and negotiate with each other.

It is the best way to return these places, but it is impossible for Nanyan to give up half an inch of rivers and mountains. The last time Nanyan attempted to conquer the south, the commander-in-chief knew very well that they could dispatch an army of 400,000 and more than 100,000 cavalry.

With such a powerful military force, if we launch the Northern Expedition, can we really succeed? Do we really have a chance of winning?"

Meng Longfu sneered: "Tao Gong, if there is a fight, you will know whether there is a chance of victory. No matter how strong Nan Yan is, how powerful is Fu Jian's Qin army? Millions of barbarians are still defeated by the commander's hand.

If Nanyan is destroyed, what is there to be afraid of?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "General Meng, it is a good thing to be confident, but if you are too confident, you are blindly arrogant, which is also a taboo for your military strategists. The last person who said this is probably General Xie Yanxie!"

Xie Hui said sternly: "Shut up, Tao Yuanming, you are not allowed to insult my ancestors of the Xie family!"

Tao Yuanming smiled and saluted Xie Hui: "Xie Hui joined the army. I'm sorry. I was so excited that I mentioned your elders. Please forgive me."

Xie Hui gritted his teeth, flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked away, not wanting to look at Tao Yuanming again.

Tao Yuanming looked at Liu Yu and said sternly: "Commander, you must also understand what I mean. Nan Yan is a powerful country. If you want to expedition to the north, and there is no civil strife on the other side and the army and the people are united, the chances of winning are really slim.

The best result at that time is that there will be continuous wars. Either the Jin Dynasty invades Qilu and sweeps away, or the Southern Yan Dynasty goes south to the north of the Yangtze River to plunder. The people of the two countries will suffer the loss of their lives. This time I was sent to the Later Qin Dynasty and saw with my own eyes the people who were fighting against the Northern Husbands.

I don’t want the common people of the Jin Dynasty to be like those poor and helpless military households in the northern part of the Later Qinling Mountains, suffering from missing arms and legs, but with nowhere to escape.

Hope is above the gods and Buddhas. Commander, now the people of the Jin Dynasty regard you as their savior, please don’t let them down and follow Huan Xuan’s old path!"

This chapter has been completed!
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