Chapter 256: Not as good as catkins blowing in the wind

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Xie Xuan said sternly: "We will live up to your Majesty's trust. We will not only defeat the Qin captives, but also take the opportunity to restore the Central Plains and establish unparalleled achievements!"

Xie An nodded: "Youdu, we need such momentum, and even more careful planning and correct employment. The Beifu soldiers are the elite of the country, and the court spent a huge amount of manpower and materials to establish them. You must not let us down.


Xie Xuan looked serious and said loudly: "If we don't defeat the Qin captives, we will never see you again!"

Xie An suddenly showed a smile and looked at Liu Yu: "Okay, Xiao Yu, let's talk about something more relaxed. Today is the meeting of Wu Yi. What heroic and aspirational poems have you prepared to express your feelings?


Liu Yu's expression suddenly became very embarrassed. How could he, who was only proficient in writing, have any talent for reciting poems and writing poems? He did not expect that Xie An would actually ask him a question directly like this. He was at a loss for a moment.

His face was red, and he wished he could just find a crack in the ground and crawl under it.

Xie An smiled slightly and shook his head: "I am being rude. Today's meeting in black clothes is just a place for my nephews and nephews from the Xie family to write poems and discuss poems. Xiaoyu, you are a distinguished guest, so there is no need for this."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth, simply raised his head, and said loudly: "This junior has little talent and little knowledge. Poetry, poetry and poetry are not my strong point, which makes your husband laugh."

Xie An nodded and was about to speak when he heard a voice from the side: "In order to participate in the grand event, I have prepared a poem. I wonder if I can recite it?"

Liu Yu's expression changed. It was clearly Liu Yi's voice. He turned around and saw Liu Yi dressed as a military officer, following Liu Lao among the guards. He had just focused on Xie

An didn't notice that Liu Yi and He Wuji were also traveling with him.

Xie An's expression was calm, and he turned to look at Liu Yi behind him: "This is..."

Xie Xuan said quickly: "This man's name is Liu Yi, from Jingkou. He is currently a member of the army in our army. This time he comes as a guard of the prisoner."

At this point, his face darkened, and he said to Liu Yi in a deep voice: "Liu Canjun, please pay attention to the occasion, my husband has no..."

Liu Laozhi also held up his hands and said: "My subordinates have failed to control me well, please punish me." He turned to Liu Yi and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you retreat quickly!"

Xie An smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, Youdu, since today is the tour of Wuyi, everyone present has the right to recite poems. This Liu Canjun looks dignified and has both civil and military skills. Why do you want to brush people off?"

Where is the prosperity? Liu Canjun, if you have any heroic words or poems, please recite them."

A look of excitement flashed across Liu Yi's face, he coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "I wish I could meet Liu Xiang and compete with him for the Central Plains!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly. No one thought that this little soldier would be so loud and want to compete with a great man like Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. To speak so openly in this public place would be unreasonable.

His heart is even more obvious.

Wang Gong said coldly: "Liu Canjun, is this really what you have in mind?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If a man can't clarify the inner world, expel the barbarians, and recover the Central Plains, how can he stand between heaven and earth? Poems are used to express aspirations. This is the act of humble duty to show one's sincerity!"

Liu Yu was surprised at first, but when he thought about it, Liu Yi really came prepared. The Central Plains was now in the hands of the Hu people. Even if Liu Yi really fought for it, it would be an act of a righteous man in the Northern Expedition. It was impossible to talk about it.

His superiors committed crimes and made trouble, and his actions were revealed, which actually showed his bravery and heroic spirit.

Xie An smiled slightly: "The two lines of Liu Canjun's poem are really heroic. If all our officers and soldiers in the Northern Prefecture of Jin Dynasty have such heroic spirit, how difficult will it be to defeat the Qin captives and even restore the Central Plains?


Liu Yi looked pleased with himself and bowed, saying, "Thank you so much, Sir, for your kindness."

Xie An nodded: "However, I was a little negligent just now. Any poetry gathering like this should have some themes for everyone to play on. Otherwise, it will be difficult to distinguish between you who say the East and others who say the West.

Today, all the virtuous people have arrived, and my nephews and nephews of the Xie family also have the tradition of writing poems about their aspirations, so I will come up with a theme and ask all my nephews and nephews to recite a few lines to cheer everyone up."

All the nephews and nephews of the Xie family bowed in unison and saluted: "I obey your Lord's command."

Liu Yu sighed in his heart, this Xie An is really too powerful. Liu Yi obviously wanted to make shocking remarks to get ahead, and he also took the name of the Northern Expedition to make people speechless. If Xie An accepted him

If this matter is leaked today, it may give Wang Chen and others an opportunity to say that the Xie family has a disobedient heart. However, if they do not take up this matter, they are afraid that it will chill the morale of the soldiers in the Northern Expedition, so I would like to use this opportunity.

The designated topic asked the nephew to recite poems, and the topic was quietly changed. Liu Yi, who wanted to get ahead, was left alone like this. It was really high-spirited.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu glanced at Liu Yi, and saw that his disappointment was palpable, and he sighed and retreated. Liu Laozhi glared at him, and Liu Yi was so scared that he shrank back and did not dare to speak again.


Xie An looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the piles of snow on the roof and courtyard. In just a moment, the north wind roared again, and the goose-feather snow was once again swept by the strong wind, falling from the sky. A smile appeared on Xie An's face.

, pointing to the sky full of frost and snow, and said: "You might as well recite two lines of poetry with this heavy snow as the theme. I said the previous line, what do you think of the white snow!"

As Xie An spoke, he cast his eyes on a middle-aged scribe next to Xie Xuan. This man was dressed in purple robes and looked very energetic. He had a beautiful three-tufted long beard that almost reached his chest. It was not because of his literary talent that he flourished.

Is it Xie Lang, the eldest son of Xie Zhi, the famous eldest brother of Xie An, who was the governor of Dongyang at that time?

Xie Lang smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly in the corridor while looking at the flying snow in the sky. After walking back and forth like this for two times, he stopped and twirled his beard, pondered for a while, and then said: "Sprinkle salt in the sky.

The difference can be compared.”

The guests present nodded in agreement. The frost and snow in the sky were like the salt that can clean the earth. Jin Shiqing said that in many cases, the seats must be cleaned with salt first to show nobility. Thank you.

Langhe's poetry has noble aspirations and noble interests, and must be written by famous people.

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xie An's face, but it disappeared for a moment, and he nodded: "Ahu (Xie Lang's nickname, Hu'er), this pairing is also a good sentence, not bad, not bad."

Thank you for your kindness, and you were about to return the gift, but you heard a clear and melodious voice, softly speaking: "My niece has a message of peace, but I don't know if your husband will allow it."

Xie An turned his head and saw that it was Xie Daoyun saluting him. He nodded: "Daoyun is also my nephew. Of course he can share the poem with you. You can tell me."

Xie Daoyun smiled slightly, moved lightly, and walked into the courtyard. The frost and snow in the sky sprinkled on her body, giving off a crystal light, and she opened her red lips lightly, so that everyone could hear clearly: "Weiruo

Catkins are blown by the wind."

This chapter has been completed!
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