Chapter 2551 The black robe enters the prophecy and slaughters Qinghe

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 Northern Wei Dynasty, capital, Pingcheng.

This fortress, known as Datong in later generations, was the seat of the eastern governor of Yanmen County during the Han Dynasty. The Great Wall meandered across the mountains in the north, and a huge fortress with a radius of dozens of miles and three layers of walls

The city is located at the foot of the Great Wall, straddling the nomadic civilization on the northern grasslands and the farming civilization of the Central Plains in the south. Isn't it the most realistic portrayal of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a nomadic power that newly entered the Central Plains?

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, there was great chaos in the north. Liu Kun lived in Bingzhou and sought help from the then king Tuoba Yilu. Tuoba Yilu led his troops south to rescue Liu Kun and built the southern capital in Pingcheng, leaving soldiers and horses for long-term use. From then on, Pingcheng became a

The small county town during the Han and Jin Dynasties became the southern capital of the Dai Kingdom. Both its status and the construction of the city were greatly strengthened.

After the Tuoba Gui Ju clan entered the Central Plains, they considered that Hebei's lack of favor and destructed production was not enough to support a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands as the capital, especially the inability to continuously supply the fodder needed by hundreds of thousands of cavalry all year round. So Tuobagui decided to

Ba Gui moved the capital to Pingcheng. On the one hand, he expressed that his Wei Dynasty was a power in the Central Plains, not a nomadic khanate that just grabbed a handful and then retreated to the grasslands. On the other hand, he also made compromises with the leaders of various ministries.

The city of Pingcheng can be inhabited by tribal leaders who serve as officials and generals at all levels in the Wei State, and their tribes can be placed on the Monan grassland in the north of the city, and the areas can be divided into nomadic areas, so that the cavalry can be summoned at a moment's notice.

Being able to fight without occupying the farming resources of the Central Plains. This unique one country, two systems approach also became the beginning of the Pingcheng era of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It provided an excellent balance for the choice between the grasslands and the Central Plains when the Northern Wei Dynasty first entered the Central Plains.


The muddy water in the north of Pingcheng and the Wuchuan water in the west of the city were diverted by canals dug by more than 100,000 people and poured into the city, so that there were gurgling water in the ditches on both sides of the Capital Avenue, and the palaces and even the palaces of dignitaries in the city

In the courtyard of the house, there are countless swimming fish playing back and forth. On both sides of the avenue and ditch, there are willow trees and silk poplars. The wind blows gently and the willow leaves fly, filling the city with a natural and fresh smell.

Cover up the odor of cattle and sheep that can be seen everywhere in the city.

The outermost ring of Pingcheng is the outer perimeter of thirty-four miles. More than 200,000 Han and Hu civilians live here. Looking down from a high place, you can find the Central Plains-style houses of the Han people and the houses of the Hu people.

The tent area is clearly divided between the left and right sides of the city. There are several avenues running from east to west, north to south, and just right to separate the residential areas of Han and Hu people in the city. The voices on both sides are also half Chinese and half Hu. Probably

Only a few large markets within the city gate are a mixture of Hu and Han people.

Within the outer wall is the capital city, which is twenty miles away. Most of the people living here are officials or businessmen of the Wei State. They can be said to be either rich or noble. They are different from the ordinary Hu people who still live in tents outside the city.

, the Hu people’s high-ranking officials and dignitaries here also live in luxurious and elegant Han-style courtyards. It seems that the yearning and desire for a high-end and beautiful life does not distinguish between races and regions.

In the center of the capital, with a radius of ten miles, is the Imperial City of the Northern Wei Dynasty, with more than a dozen large palaces standing in it. These are the millions of civilians who conquered Bingzhou and Monan grasslands during Tuobagui's years. It took several years to build the Lingtai.

It stands on a mountain, has a wall of pools and gardens, has two branches and ten thousand ridges, nine thoroughfares extending to four sides, a forest of feathers and flags, and entangled palaces. Countless soldiers in armor are on duty on the walls of the imperial city, or patrolling the palace with spears.

On the square, horse and cow flags are flying in all directions, representing the totem of the Tuoba clan and announcing to the world that this is the royal seat of the Tuoba clan.

In a side hall, Tuoba Gui looked gloomy, looking at the cracked tortoise shell in front of a brazier. The lines showed some strange words. In the brazier, the charcoal fire was still crackling, and from time to time

The rising flames illuminated his face, which was deformed by the muscles on his face. He murmured: "Turn Qinghe, kill ten thousand people, kill Qinghe, kill ten thousand people!"

The black robe stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the other side of the brazier. He said calmly: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, God has sent you an edict, just like the previous divination. As long as you abide by this edict, no matter you or the

Great Wei, everyone will be safe."

Standing on one side of the hall, Babasong, who was wearing a gorgeous leather robe and Hu official uniform, said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, this wizard is talking nonsense. Qinghe is a large county. If you want to kill thousands of people in Qinghe County, you will lose the hearts of the people."

, please think twice!”

The black robe said coldly: "Master Baba, during the last battle of Baisi, it was only because of the oracle I brought that your majesty escaped Murong Bao's sneak attack and turned the corner. Two months ago, Mu Chong and Tuo

Ba Yi wanted to commit rebellion, but he relied on God's instructions to be discovered and executed. Why do you call it nonsense this time?"

Ba Ba Song gritted his teeth: "Although I am a barbarian, I also know that God has the virtue of good life. Qinghe County is a large county with a population of more than 100,000. For no reason, just based on a divination, he will massacre the city and kill people.

, how ridiculous? Only the tyrants of your Central Plains, such as Jie and Zhou, would do such a thing. Do you want your majesty to become such a cowardly tyrant?"

Speaking of this, Babasong looked at a man standing aside, wearing a silk and satin Han official uniform. He was Cui Hong, an important minister of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Baima Gong, and the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. "Cui Shangshu, your Cui family is from Qinghe County, Your Majesty," he said.

Now that your hometown is going to be slaughtered, do you think it doesn’t matter?”

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The muscles on Cui Hong's face twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If, if this is the price God has to pay to avoid the country's disaster and ensure His Majesty's peace, let alone massacre Qinghe County, even if it means killing me Cui

Hong family, I have no regrets!"

As soon as these words came out, Babasong's face changed greatly, but he was speechless, but Tuoba Gui smiled with a smile on his face, looked at Cui Hong, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Cui Shangshu is indeed loyal.

Jia. However, what you gentlemen just said makes sense. Will killing someone like this without any reason trigger a civil uprising? Will it make me lose the support of my people?"

Cui Hong smiled slightly: "To govern troubled times, it is necessary to use heavy codes. The Hebei generation was ruled by the puppet Yan and the rebel Zhao for decades. Most of the local tyrants were self-defeating and did not obey the king. Qinghe County, although it was the former minister

My hometown is also where the rich families of Hebei live, and it has always been difficult to govern. Many rich families have taken in gangsters, secretly raised dead soldiers, and even openly sheltered rebel thieves as their wings. If Your Majesty sends troops to Qinghe to search for these lawless families,

By destroying it, we can not only fulfill the instructions of this prophecy, but also establish our prestige in Hebei. Presumably those aristocratic families with ulterior motives will not dare to cause chaos again."

This chapter has been completed!
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