Chapter 2619: The Governor of Yangzhou is proud of himself

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Xi Sengshi was still a little confused: "But if I ask Liu Yu about this, what would happen if he refused to delegate power and let his stupid brother Liu Daolian, or simply keep Liu Muzhi as the governor of Yangzhou?

Okay? Wouldn't it be better if we let the emperor directly issue an edict and make you the governor of Yangzhou?"

Liu Yi sighed: "According to the rules of the Beijing Eighth Party, important matters cannot be decided without authorization. The three giants must discuss it together. Wuji should be on Liu Yu's side now. If I decide on my own, it will arouse Wuji's strong dissatisfaction."

, maybe they will unite and support Liu Jingxuan to replace me as the giant. But if I take the initiative to seek Liu Yu's opinion and force him to express his position, then Wuji will not be able to find any fault and can only stand on the side.

I support this."

"If Liu Yu retains Liu Muzhi as governor, then the Northern Expedition will lose its right and left hand, and the chance of winning will be greatly reduced. If Liu Daolian is retained, then we can secretly do some tricks, such as letting rations, ordnance, and reinforcements arrive late on the road.

Two or three days later, I blamed Liu Daolian for these things, and this idiot couldn't defend himself."

"In this way, no matter what the outcome is, it will be beneficial to us. If the slave is smart, he should take the initiative to make a deal with me, give up the governor of Yangzhou and the chief minister of the court, let me move to Yangzhou, and let Meng Chang be the minister.

Ling, at this point, I have 10,000 ways to help our Jinu brother stay at the border forever and make great achievements, so that he no longer has to go back to Jiankang."

Xie Hun gave a high-five: "High, really high. Xi Le, your knowledge is now much higher than that of Huitu and I. I admire you, I admire you!"

Xi Sengshi also said in admiration: "It is indeed impeccable. The positions of Yangzhou Governor and Recorder of the Secretariat, which we have been fighting for for many years, can actually be obtained in this way. But, does Liu Yu really have no other choice?"

Liu Yi's eyes flashed coldly: "The power in the DPRK can be temporarily replaced by Meng Chang, but the governor of Yangzhou is related to the two major logistic support areas of Jiangbei and Wudi. He can either leave Liu Muzhi to take care of it, or he can only give it to Liu Muzhi.

I asked Meng Chang's chief, Pi Chen, to mention this matter to Liu Yu. Didn't he want us all to mobilize and do our best for the Northern Expedition and perform our duties? Then let's say that now we need to adjust the food supply and recruit soldiers.

It needs to be justified. The government cannot live without its first assistant, and Yangzhou cannot live without its governor. I will not return to Yuzhou until I get the post of governor of Yangzhou."

Xie Hun nodded: "Then if everything goes well, after you get the governor of Yangzhou, the governor of Yuzhou..."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "When the time comes, the governor of Yuzhou will be left to you, Xie Shuyuan. When you take office in Yuzhou in the future, make good preparations. When the new king of the Northern Wei Dynasty has just been established and the situation in the court is unstable, you can take advantage of the Northern Wei Dynasty in Yanzhou, Henan.

We have taken over all the places. With this contribution, it will be justifiable for me to return to the DPRK and serve as Prime Minister one day."

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xie Hun's face: "Do you have to have military achievements abroad to be the first assistant? This was not the case before."

Liu Yi sighed: "After Jianyi, the rules changed. Meng Chang was able to occupy this position because he served in the army during Jianyi. If you want to take over his position in the future, you must also make corresponding contributions. Don't worry, you guys They are all my allies, and everyone takes turns sitting in this position of chief and assistant, and they all have a share."

Xi Sengshi laughed and said, "Then let's take advantage of Duke Xi Le's good advice. By the way, when will Pi Chen go find Liu Yu?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "I had already discussed this matter with Meng Chang before I came here. At this moment, he must have already arrived at Liu Yu's general's house in Jingkou."

As he was speaking, a rush of footsteps came from outside, accompanied by the steward's respectful voice to thank him: "Oh, Meng Pushe, why are you..."

Liu Yi's expression changed, and he saw Meng Chang, dressed in official uniform and sweating profusely, rushing in. Even the two guards behind him trotted along, and rushed into the main room all the way, facing everyone in a hurry. After bowing to Liu Yi, he said in a deep voice: "Xile, I'm afraid we won't be able to get what we want."

Xie Hun suddenly stood up: "What's going on? Is Liu Yu unwilling to delegate power?"

Meng Chang's mouth was dry and he went straight forward to grab a cup of tea soup placed on the small table in front of the couch where Liu Yi was sitting, and drank it down. He didn't even care about the tea soup scalding his mouth until a large cup of tea soup entered his stomach. , he wiped his mouth and said: "Pi Chen went to Liu Yu's place in the morning. At that time, Liu Yu was discussing matters with Liu Muzhi and some military officials. Then Pi Chen asked Liu Yu according to our wishes. According to Yu's opinion, at this time Liu Muzhi left first on the pretext that he was in a hurry and wanted to show his respect. Liu Yu was also the king who talked about him and did not answer directly. He only asked about some official affairs of the court, the condition of His Majesty's dragon body, etc. After a while, Liu Yu also left, saying that he had military affairs to deal with first."

Xie Hun said bitterly: "This must be Liu Muzhi's excuse to take Liu Yu away to discuss countermeasures."

Liu Yi said coldly: "Yanda, please continue talking about what happened next."

Meng Chang nodded: "When Liu Yu comes back, he will say that the affairs of the DPRK and Central Government have been clearly stated at the last DPRK meeting, and I will be the agent for the time being. However, the post of Shangshu Ling involves a lot of work, and I need to take care of all the matters in the DPRK and Central Government." Especially the opinions of the high-ranking family. After all, I am not from a top family, and I have not achieved great military success as a commander. According to the current rules, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the public if I directly become the minister. If during the Northern Expedition this time, I will temporarily take charge of the government, mobilize troops and transport food for the front line, and make great achievements. When the time comes, I will be promoted to a full-time official, and it will be justified."

Xi Sengshi touched his beard disdainfully: "This is just an excuse to delay. Yanda, you have been fooled. If you really want to come back this time, I'm afraid that Fatty Liu, who has made great achievements in the army all the way, will become the minister." I'm afraid you, Meng Yanda, will stay in this position of Minister Zuopushe for the rest of your life."

Meng Chang said calmly: "The position of chief minister in the dynasty is not the most important. The most important thing is the position of governor of Yangzhou. When I discussed it with Xile yesterday, I thought Liu Yu had no other choice but to surrender.

To Xile, I did not expect that when Liu Yu mentioned this matter later, he said that this Northern Expedition required the manpower and material resources of the six counties in Jiangbei and Wudi. Whatever the front line needed, the rear would provide it. If the governor of Yangzhou did not join the army, who knows?

It may not be possible to collect materials according to the needs of the soldiers on the front line. If too much is collected, it will cause unnecessary burden on the people. If the supply is insufficient, the front line soldiers will starve, or there will be a lack of ordnance, which will affect the great cause."

Xie Hun said angrily: "These are just excuses. Could it be that he himself becomes the governor of Yangzhou?"

Meng Chang sighed: "Yes, that's what he said. He completely gave up the original governor of Xu and Yanzhou to Liu Fan, and changed his position to the governor of Yang and Xu, making Liu Muzhi the governor of Yangzhou.

Chang Shi, is solely responsible for recruiting troops and regulating food supplies. Xile, all our plans have come to nothing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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