Chapter 2678: The detour formation rear armor cavalry attack

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The white-faced and slightly bearded scholar just now was none other than Zhang Gang, the master of the art of the Tianshi Tao who was rescued by Murong Lan during the Battle of Yuzhou. In these years, he had been in Nanyan, ignoring what was going on outside the window and studying with all his heart.

Those wooden armor machine skills have finally succeeded, and this time, the secret weapons covered by thick curtains that Wang Miaoyin and Liu Muzhi scouted were also his latest research and development war machines.

Hearing this, Zhang Gang laughed, his eyes shining with excitement: "My family was killed by the Beifu army during the war, and only my mother survived. Since the divine religion cannot protect my family, then this Dayan,

This is my home and my country. I have been waiting for ten years for this opportunity to take revenge, and today, the opportunity has come. Imperial Master, I will never let you down!"

The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then go into battle according to the prior plan. Remember, the entire Dayan, as well as these 100,000 soldiers, are your strong backing. No matter how strong the Beifu army is, they will not be able to defeat you."

Flesh and blood, use your killing machine to avenge the tragic deaths of the soldiers just now!"

Zhang Gang saluted Murong Chao and Heipao, and then went down the tower without looking back.

Duan Hui frowned: "National Master, it's not that I can't trust you, but the Beifu army is really fierce. Even if Liu Jingxuan's forward troops don't have large vehicles, compared with the mutual fire of this war machine, I'm afraid they won't lose to anyone."

Man, this Zhang Gang has never been in a battle. He is just a scholar, and he just relies on some fragments of pictures and sketches to do some strange and cunning things all day long. Is it really that good?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "Let him try it. I have raised him for so many years just for this day. Liu Yu can block the impact of our army's cavalry only by relying on those carts and shields that we usually look down on.

It can be so powerful with modifications, not to mention Zhang Gang's inventions, they are not rigid things."

Speaking of this, the black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "During the Battle of Yuzhou ten years ago, his wooden armor mechanism was of great use. If it weren't for Liu Yu's tricks, how would the battle have been won?

I'm afraid it's hard to say, but this time, I believe Zhang Gang will give us a bigger surprise. Even if he fails, he will only lose some wooden things, and what will he lose to our army?"

Murong Chao sneered and said: "These Han people only have this ability. They can't fight face to face. They can only rely on these gadgets to think wrong. However, Zhang Gang designed the flying crossbows and trebuchets for city defense in Guanggu.

I have seen it, and there is indeed something. I hope he will not disappoint me this time. Imperial Master, please withdraw the cavalry on both wings first. Since you have already tried out the enemy's formation, there is no need..."

The black robe said coldly: "No, the two wings cannot be withdrawn. We must continue to put pressure on the Jin army, especially the left wing. We cannot let them just transfer these eight-oxen crossbows to the forward. Even if they use human lives to fill them, they will still have to drag them up."

An hour later, my command was sent to Han Zhuo, an infantryman of the left army, to bring his 20,000 Linzi troops to reinforce Helan Lu and tell him that he is not allowed to retreat now and continue to attack the Jin army's vehicle formation."

Duan Hui's expression changed: "The state commander, we were beaten like that just now, and all the soldiers in the army can see it, I'm afraid General Han..."

The black robe pointed at the big flag, Gongsun Gui's head with eyes still open, and said coldly: "The entire army can see him and know the consequences of disobeying the commander's orders!"

Having said this, he smiled slightly: "General Han's brother Han Fan is from the Qilu family and an important minister in the court. When His Majesty came to the throne, the Feng family, who was also from the Qilu family, rebelled and wanted to make Murong Zhong the emperor. It was Han.

Zhuo led his troops and personally went to eradicate the remnants of the Feng clan in Beihai. He knew very well that if Dayan was defeated in this battle, all the glory and wealth of his Han family and the lives of their brothers would be at stake. Why did he act so harshly in the first place?

Anyone who kills others with his hands will be punished in the same way in the future."

Murong Chao nodded with satisfaction: "What the National Preceptor said is absolutely true. Han Shangshu and General Han have always been loyal to the country. Now is the time to fight. They will not back down. It's just this strategy of attacking the car formation...


The black robe said in a deep voice: "Don't attack the cart by force. Try to use a lasso to tie up the shaft of the cart, or tie up the shields on the cart. Just now I saw that when the cavalry charged, some cavalrymen with lassoes used this move to pull away some shields."

, the effect is quite good. When attacking, spread out a little and don't crowd into a ball. In this way, the Jin army's crossbows, especially the Eight Ox Crossbows, may not be able to cause too much damage. It is not easy for us to attack the car formation. They want to attack it.

It's equally difficult, just keep in a stalemate like this. By the way, send the shield bearers in front, mainly shoot at each other, and find opportunities to pull down the carts and shields. In this battle, I don't expect them to break the Jin army's cart formation.

, just drag the soldiers and horses on the left wing of the Jin army, especially the Eight Ox Crossbows, in place and prevent them from supporting the forward."

Duan Hui nodded: "Understood, I will personally deliver the order." He said, gave Murong Chao a military salute, and left quickly.

There was a sneer at the corner of the black robe's mouth, and he whispered to Murong Chao: "Your Majesty, in this battle, we must first use up the soldiers and horses of these foreign tribes and Han people. We, Murong's own armored cavalry, still have to stay at the most critical point.

If you use it again, Zhang Gang should be able to make a difference, but now, I need to leave secretly for a while."

Murong Chao's expression changed: "National Preceptor, what are you..."

A cold light flashed in the black robe's eyes, and he pointed to the Jin formation in front: "Liu Yu is very good at using troops. His forward deliberately did not leave a car formation. Obviously he hopes that our army will invest heavy troops and main force here. I will use Zhang Gang's

The wooden armor troops storm here, firstly, they can save troops, and secondly, by taking them by surprise, I believe it will cause heavy losses to the enemy, forcing them to use the reserve troops in the center to reinforce the forward, and even mobilize troops from the two wings."

Murong Chao's eyes lit up: "What the national teacher means is that the enemy's weakness is..."

Heipao sneered: "Yes, I have been staring at it for a long time. I believe that the weak point of the Jin formation is undoubtedly the rear army!"

"Liu Yu is cunning. His troops are less than half of our army, so he voluntarily abandoned the main camp, retreated in order to advance, and pretended to attack Linqu by force. He just wanted to win a quick victory and take advantage of the high morale of the new arrival.

Defeated our army in one fell swoop. However, because he had few troops, he could not divide his troops to defend the main camp, so he simply set up a vehicle formation and advanced as a group. His wings are indeed strong, and I believe it is not easy for the forward to break through, but his rear is still possible.

Are you leaving a lot of troops behind? I don’t believe it!”

Murong Chao laughed and clapped his hands: "Wonderful, the Imperial Master can really guess Liu Yu's thoughts at once, what do you mean..."

This chapter has been completed!
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