Chapter 2864: Its hard to settle the idea of surrendering the title

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Liu Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "That's not the case. We are not those high-ranking families. On the first day I seized power, I held a meeting of the eight brothers in Beijing to clarify our system. Meritorious service will reward you.

We use a title as an official, but this title is not hereditary and replaceable. We will not establish an inspection system like that of aristocratic families, let alone restore the previous nine-level Zhongzheng system. We have had enough of others riding on our heads in the past.

, relying on family background and background to bully people, we will never allow this system to continue!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I believe you think so, but can you guarantee that all brothers think so too? You know, the vast majority of people are not against unfairness and inequality, but because they are not

Under a fair system, one belongs to the party being bullied, but if one can become the party to bully under an unfair system, then one would wish that this unfair system would last forever and that one's own children and grandchildren would always take advantage of it. Back then,

Isn't this how those aristocratic families came to be? They were born in humble beginnings, relied on their ability to make achievements and get ahead, and finally became the new bullies after taking power. The so-called dynasty change, the change of ownership of the country, isn't this repeated over and over again?


Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "That's right, because human nature is greedy, and everyone wants to take advantage of themselves. Therefore, we can only use a relatively fair system to restrict this kind of human greed. When we were in Beijing, the Eight Brothers and the Imperial Court

It is stipulated in the law that the title must be reduced by generation, and the three giants of Jingba must be replaced every five years, and the candidates for the giants must be publicly recommended by all Jingba brothers. This is not to prevent such monopolization of power, or even hereditary inheritance, and become a new

Did the situation of the aristocratic family appear? At that time, the brothers and officials in the court also agreed. Now this is the national law of the Jin Dynasty."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "This is a national law that only a noble brother like you adheres to. When the brothers agreed, it was because they had not tasted the benefits of power at that time, and few of them had even truly enjoyed wealth. Now after a few years

Now, they have all become generals supporting the army or officials of the state and county. Even if they are not good enough, they can get a title and go back to be rich men and live a life without worries about food and clothing. Compared with the poverty before, they have to fight for their lives.

The days of fighting for wealth are a world of difference. Do you think they will still act like they did when Jianyi was in the past, impulsively accepting you as their eldest brother and giving up everything they own so that their children and grandchildren cannot enjoy wealth?"

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "I have explained this to my brothers many times. We want to overthrow this unfair world, not to let ourselves become the next unfair world. If people have no way out,

If you leave, your descendants will have no way to go in the end. There will be people like us who started from poverty and humble beginnings. They will overthrow our descendants like today's high-ranking families. If you want to gain wealth and honor for a long time,

Respect, only by giving others a chance to get ahead. There is a fair system. We have power and titles, which determines that our descendants have more opportunities than others. If we cannot keep them, it is because our descendants are incompetent, not us.

Sorry for them!"

Liu Muzhi curled up his lips: "That's very good. Everyone accepted it at the time, but after enjoying wealth for a long time, will they still agree? If I think of the title, land, wealth, and slaves I have earned through hard work in this life, when it comes

How many people can bear it when their son's title is reduced by one rank and reduced by half? Junnu, you are noble and public-minded, but it does not mean that everyone is like you. In other words, can I be like you?

, very few!”

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "Then you can earn a title based on your own ability. When dad is still alive, he will give his children and grandchildren enough opportunities. Whether it is military quota or official connections, they will be far better than ordinary people."

, this time we went to conquer Nanyan, didn’t it mean that many old brothers brought their nephews to join the army to join the war? Aren’t they just thinking about making new achievements, keeping the titles of their children and grandchildren, and even earning more?!”

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, many people came with their nephews, but many nephews also died in the battle. Not to mention, Sun Chu's son and nephew, Yu Qiujin's two nephews,

The fierce dragon himself, two sons of Zhuge Limin, and more than a dozen nephews of the Shen family all died heroically. The war was fierce and dangerous, and going to the battlefield was inherently high-risk. If you had the opportunity to stay at home, you could keep your wealth.

, why risk your life like this?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "They don't have to come. If they don't come, there are many people who want to come. Wealth and honor are always sought in danger. Didn't my life hang by a thread on the battlefield? Didn't you and Miaoyin almost die too? You want to ask?

Being rich and not willing to take risks, how can there be such a good thing in the world?!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "These great principles are difficult to defeat people's selfish desires. If you want to maintain your public conscience and the ideal of equality for everyone, you have to suppress your brothers' desire to get promoted and get rich. In front of you,

By banning the plundering of Guanggu, isn't it already against them? I'm afraid there will be more and more conflicts like this in the future, and what I'm worried about is that our opponents may do the opposite. Here

You should try to find a way to stir up the selfish desires of the Jingba brothers and make them become the new kind of high-ranking family. Once they have power, they will no longer want to lose it. Human nature is inherently selfish!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I know what you mean, and I also know that many people, even brothers in life and death, cannot resist such temptation, but I must not open this head. All I can do now is to pass

In the Northern Expedition, exterminate the Hu, recover the lost territory, and get more benefits in the war, not only merit and title, but also new land, which can allow my brothers in the Northern Expedition to not only gain merit, but also get a lot of money. Could it be that

Isn’t the thirty-fold military pay this time a huge benefit?”

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "But this kind of war and expansion will always stop one day. Even if you succeed in expelling the Hulu, regaining the entire Central Plains, and restoring the realm of the Qin, Han, Wei, and Jin Dynasties, how will you satisfy the Jingba people on that day?"

Where are the brothers? There is no battle to fight. We can only watch the title slowly decline and our descendants become ordinary people. No one can accept this."

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi and said calmly: "In your opinion, what can be done to resolve this contradiction?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I just can't think of a solution, so I'm most worried about this. Jinu, if you can't solve it, maybe this policy will need to be adjusted in the future."

Liu Yu took a deep breath: "I have an idea, that is, those who have made great contributions can be awarded the founding title. They can only protect one son and cannot transfer titles. This title can only be awarded to dozens of people and will never be granted indiscriminately. What do you think?"

This chapter has been completed!
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