Chapter 3182: Hearing the sound and knowing the plans of famous generals

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Liu Yu sighed softly and said: "Your Highness the Queen, you don't know something. This experienced general, or even a veteran, doesn't need to look at the battlefield situation. As long as he hears the killing sounds and drums, he will know the situation of the battle."


Wang Miaoyin's eyes widened, and her beautiful face was full of doubts: "This is really the first time I heard that, can the commander teach me how to judge?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said: "This fighting spirit can be judged from the sound of drums, the sound of killing, and the sound of gold and iron intersecting. If the energy is insufficient but the sound is loud, it means that the person is fierce and internal.

Its momentum is short and unsustainable, because the warrior who fights with all his strength and risks his life has a sudden burst of breath that can sustain the entire battle. Once the breath is relaxed and vented, there will be no more

The power of war!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the front. Those on the ladders braved the enemy's arrows and attacked upward again and again. Those who were defeated by the defenders at the top of the city overturned the siege ladders again and again, and quickly got up from the ground.

The sergeants who changed to another ladder and continued the attack said, "Listen to the screams of these soldiers to kill?!"

Wang Miaoyin held her breath and stared, listening carefully. After a moment, she nodded: "Yes, the killing sound of our soldiers attacking the city is very short, but extremely loud. It sounds like it, even though it is so far away, my heart here is still there."

It would vibrate violently, although it was just a moment, but it was enough to make my heart beat fast. You can imagine how the enemy soldiers at close range were shocked when they heard this short and explosive killing cry."

At this point, she curled up her lips: "It's really hard for these Yan troops. They can still hold on firmly on such a terrible battlefield. Even though they are enemies, you have to admire them."

Liu Zhong smiled and said: "Your Highness the Queen, these Yan troops are also the last elite of Nan Yan. They have been able to hold on until now without risking life and death. Therefore, they can still resist the rain of arrows in the stone forest again and again.

If we could withstand our attack, the army would have collapsed long ago. Look at the shouts of our four-wheeled sergeants who are retreating."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes turned to the dozens of four-wheeled carts that were more than 300 steps away from the city wall. Under the cover of the shield bearers, they were unloading the eight-stone bull crossbows and then retreating quickly. The sergeant pushing the carts had written on his face.

Full of unwillingness and grief, while retreating, they howled like wild wolves. The voice was full of anger and shock. In addition, there were still more than a dozen soldiers who were unwilling to retreat and wanted to pick up their swords and rush forward.

During the siege of the city, he was dragged back by his companions and his legs were still kicking wildly in the air. The scene was so consistent and revealed a sense of tragedy and dissatisfaction.

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "I heard that these soldiers who were forced to withdraw still want to continue fighting, but they can't disobey the commander's orders, so their roars are a kind of vent, similar to wolves that are unable to attack their prey.

The last howl and lamentation were long-lasting and tragic."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Her Royal Highness the Queen is indeed able to integrate the art of music and the sounds of killing. In just a short while, you can hear the emotions contained in these war cries. It's amazing, it's amazing."


Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Liu Changshi is too modest. This way of music is actually a way of venting people's emotions. It is just expressed through various musical instruments. When you hear the sound and know the music, you will understand the musician's state of mind at that time.

And this cry of death is the most natural and pure music. Listening to it, you can know what the thousands of soldiers in front are thinking in their hearts and what they see in their eyes."

At this point, she nodded: "Although the killing sounds in Dongcheng were high-pitched, they were not lasting. As Marshal Liu said, they lacked such a spirit, or in other words, lacked the kind of indomitable and unafraid of sacrifice.

The fighting spirit and courage to take down the city wall.”

Liu Yu nodded: "This is because he heard the battle and knew the situation. Changmin was obviously fighting to preserve his strength in Dongcheng. He only sounded the drums and did not use his full strength. Especially his Beiqingzhou soldiers and horses must be just bluffing.

He set up a formation behind the formation to monitor the newly attached troops of the former Southern Yan-Han army attacking the city. As a general, in normal times, he fights like this to preserve his strength. I can tolerate him, but this time, he is desperate, and the soldiers on all sides

We must try our best. If he bluffs like this, the enemy will withdraw the soldiers and horses in Dongcheng in other directions. Our soldiers in other places will pay several times or more than ten times the price, and they may not be able to attack the city. So.

, I will never tolerate his behavior."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "Commander, after all, Zhuge Changmin is a famous general, a veteran general, and the chief general in the direction of Dongcheng. If you really change your general at the last moment..."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "When you are desperate, you can't be humane, and I will not use my old friendship to let thousands of soldiers die in vain. This time I will ask the ordering soldiers to go back and pass on my command. If

Within an hour, if the generals do not attack the city with all their strength, then the one I send is not the messenger, but Liu Zhong!"

Liu Zhong was stunned for a moment, then he said continuously: "No, Marshal, I absolutely cannot do it. My status is still far behind that of Brother Changmin. I absolutely cannot..."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "This has nothing to do with status, only with the war. The chief citizen is a smart man. If he gives me such an order, he should know how to do it. I have the authorization from Her Majesty the Queen here. All officers and soldiers in the army will be killed and killed. I

Everything can be done in wartime, not to mention changing generals before the battle, even killing the generals before the battle, Xiao Zhong, you have to execute it!"

Without saying a word, Liu Zhong saluted and said: "I obey the commander's military order, but I am only the commander of the siege. I'm afraid you should consider sending someone else, such as to suppress him..."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "We have to wait until we get to that point. How is the situation in the west city direction?"

Liu Muzhi stood up and looked towards Xicheng. He saw a few puffs of smoke, constantly changing colors and swaying back and forth with the direction of the wind. As he looked, he nodded slightly and said: "It seems that the first wave

The attack has been effective. The dead soldiers of the Shen family are currently attacking, leading the Northern Navy to attack the city. I'm afraid..."

At this moment, a thunderous cheer suddenly sounded in Xicheng, like a huge bomb exploding in the sky. Hundreds of drums roared rapidly, almost at the same time, and thousands of drum horns,

The sound was also propagated at the maximum decibel level. It was really like the sound of drums and horns. Even the loud shouts of killing just now were drowned out!

The fat on Liu Muzhi's fat face jumped, and his eyes, which had been narrowed into slits, quickly widened. He stood up, walked quickly to the handsome stage, looked in the direction of Xicheng, and smiled.

: "Congratulations, Commander, our soldiers have captured the top of the West City!"

This chapter has been completed!
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